Who else isn't afraid of consuming fat?



  • Tootce01
    Tootce01 Posts: 184
    Thank you so much for starting this thread! I lost 8lbs when I first started MFP the first of this year, then I plateaued. I have stuck with my diet plan and have been working out daily but haven't lost anything for weeks and getting very frustrated. After reading this on Friday, I changed my macros and poof, 1.8 lbs gone over the weekend! I was so scared to weigh this morning after eating delicious steak the last 2 nights, I even had a few beers meeting up with friends - I was sure I gained! I was on a high protein, low carb diet years ago, felt my best, this was just the push I needed to get back to my old habits!! :wink:
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    I don't even trim it off my steak. I eat it, just as nature intended. And it's good. And my heart is still beating. And I'm losing weight like crazy.

    Must be nice and crispy though....Mmmm.
  • I agree I am not afraid of fat. I eat no lowfat foods. I drink full fat milk. If man has messed with it I don't eat it. Fat fills you up and keeps you full. Lowfat keeps you wanting. Ever since lowfat has been a craze Americans have been getting heavier. It's not working eating lowfat.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I was happily reading through and nodding..then I saw Bulletproof coffee, didn't know what it was then another post revealed the truth.. Way no!! As a lifetime black coffee drinker that sounds like an oil slick in a mug.:noway:
    Please someone help me out with why you would do that to good coffee. Doesn't the coconut oil taste??

    Bring on the cheese and the meat and the nuts and the yummy yoghurt!

    The oils are blended in, not just melted, so the final product is very similar to a latte.

    I wouldn't compare it to a latte, but it's not unpleasant.
  • jenny3073
    jenny3073 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm not. When I had a little bit more money I had a trainer/nutritionist. She said there is a major difference in types of fats and how they are digested. I eat eggs and I eat chicken thighs versus breasts because they taste better. I use butter versus margarine. As long as you keep track of the calories I don't see anything wrong with it. I would rather have good natural fat than some disgusting low calorie crap. IMO.

    I completely agree. I grew up in a house with I can't believe it's not butter, smart balance, etc... I was okay with that until I started reading more about what's actually in that stuff, now I enjoy my fats and don't feel bad about it unless I go overboard with fatty items like ice cream, cake, etc.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm going home to eat bacon. Excuse me...
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    I try to eat plenty of healthy fats -- coconut oil, almonds/cashews, nut butters, avocado, etc. my body responds very well to this. LOW FAT gets you pretty much nowhere but skinny fat. odd as it seems.
    THExNEKOxCHAN Posts: 134 Member
    I am not afraid of the good fats. I use plenty of grass-fed butter, home rendered lard, duck fat, coconut oil, and beef or lamb tallow for hot purposes. I use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings. I drink raw, whole milk, and eat cheese. I like meat with the fat on, chicken with the skin, fatty fish, whole eggs, organ meats, and I enjoy avocados, nuts and seeds.

    I DO NOT, however, have anything to do with margarine, blended butters, vegetable oils, hydrogenated/trans fats, or processed foods.
  • valeriewxy
    valeriewxy Posts: 418 Member
    BTW, the same thing applies for alcohol. I'd rather hang with my friends, have a good time, and consume a few adult beverages than to live my last day on earth wishing I'd enjoyed life a little more and wasn't so controlled about everything. I got that from my dad - you live once. Make wise choices, but enjoy your life!

    This, definitely!! :D
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    i dont care what food group it is or what its macros are. if its safe to eat, tastes good and fits into my caloric intake for the day i eat it.
  • Me either. I eat high-fat, mod protein, low carb. I love my healthy fats!!
  • SnicciFit
    SnicciFit Posts: 967 Member
    I am not afraid of the good fats. I use plenty of grass-fed butter, home rendered lard, duck fat, coconut oil, and beef or lamb tallow for hot purposes. I use extra virgin olive oil for salad dressings. I drink raw, whole milk, and eat cheese. I like meat with the fat on, chicken with the skin, fatty fish, whole eggs, organ meats, and I enjoy avocados, nuts and seeds.

    I DO NOT, however, have anything to do with margarine, blended butters, vegetable oils, hydrogenated/trans fats, or processed foods.

    My favorite is the "buttery spread". wth IS that??!!! LOL!
  • Heidi252
    Heidi252 Posts: 9 Member
    II used to be, before I got my gallbladder removed. :drinker:
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    I mostly eat the fats i've listed below.

    ❤ nuts & homemade nut butters: almond, walnut, & pecan

    ❤ olives

    ❤ organic cold-pressed & unrefined oils: grapeseed, coconut, & highest lignan liquid flax

    ❤ organic pasture butter

    ❤ organic raw full-fat cheese

    I went back to organic butter after i found out how margarines & "butter spreads" are really made :sick:

    Now i eat real organic butter, ice cream, fatty meats, & fried foods in moderation (about 2-3x a month).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Fat does not make the human body fat. Carbs/sugar makes us fat. The animal science community knows this well. When farmers want to fatten livestock, they increase carbs for a period of time.

    We have become fat because of 100 years of our western diet which is full of carbs/sugar.

    Learn to live without sugar and a reduced carbohydrate diet based on foods only available in nature and you will be feeding your body the fuel it was designed to consume. Feed it high carbs/sugar and you end up with new diseases for Big Pharma to make and sell drugs for.

    Too many calories for our lifestyle makes us fat, regardless of the source.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    My body seems built for high fat/moderate protein/low carb eating. It feels best that way, I lose no energy, and I lose weight even with much higher calorie consumption. I don't even have to calorie count while I'm on high fat. I am not only unafraid of fat, I indulge in good sources.

    It took me many years to accept this. I'd do well on high fat/low carb, feel great, but then reintroduce carbs back in so I could have a more "normal" diet. But high carbohydrate consumption, regardless of the source, isn't good for me. It causes me weight gain and I don't feel good on it. I can eat well below my BMR on a higher carb/low fat program and still stall, or even gain.

    I have a strong family history of people who ate low fat/high carb and it lead to weight gain and Type II diabetes. I maintain perfect blood sugars by using a lifestyle of high fat combined sometimes with IFing. I have only lost control of my weight whenever I decided to introduce sugars, breads, etc back into the mix as a regular staple. Occasional use is perfectly fine, but as a lifestyle it's horrendous on my body.

    High fat is the way for me. It allows me to each MUCH more food and I feel awesome doing it.

    Too many calories for our lifestyle makes us fat, regardless of the source.

    Simply not true for everyone.