Date him or not - help please??



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Date the s&^t out of him. You obviously like him.
  • Eeyore_Chick
    Eeyore_Chick Posts: 38 Member
    Go for it - you already know that the two of you can talk & laugh together (and that's important). If there's no chemistry then you just stay great friends
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member

    First. Do you like him to be more than just a friend?

    Second. If your answer is Yes then what is there to worry about. He obviously finds you attractive and wants to date you. It sounds like you don't have a lot of confidence but sometimes our confidence comes in when we are relaxed and not trying too hard. You obviously have wowed him. One date isn't going to hurt. Have fun and remember:

  • mariabraceyrobinson
    Date him. You don't work of the same company, so there's ni issue there. You seem to get along great. He is obviously into you. Go ahead & take a chance.
  • BobbieLee1959
    BobbieLee1959 Posts: 605 Member
    Why is this even a question? He's blatantly interested, if you think he's cool, go out on the date. Geez.

    haha...^^That^^ don't make it out to be more than it is~friends who enjoy each other's company, hanging out...just have fun!
  • Bing30
    Bing30 Posts: 32 Member
    Go on the date. If it goes anywhere then great, if not it's only a night out! :)
  • LeeDahlen38
    LeeDahlen38 Posts: 119 Member
    "and why would he do this now??" Honey you opened the door (Read your post again). He walked thru. Now you wanmt to analyse it? Date him. cause now that you've opened the door you really can't slam it.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    He isnt joking so go out with him if you want to but be forewarned he could be using you for more business.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Go for it! he sounds interested, but may not want to cross any work/friendship boundaries. If you have a little crush on him as well, what do you have to lose?
  • fara180
    fara180 Posts: 1,260 Member
    I have been friendly with this guy on the phone and e-mail for about six years because his firm is one of my Customers and Suppliers, we've always had a huge laugh and can take the mickey out of each other without a second thought, he has always been a terrible flirt.

    We met for the first time at a conference before Christmas and carried on as normal, taking the mickey and chatting away. I didn't think anything of it, after all my confidence is non existent and why would someone like him be interested in me?? We have swapped e-mail's and phone calls since then, always in the same way.

    Anyway today I jokingly said so where are you taking me for Valentines and he said I thought you didn't do Valentines and anyway I never thought I stood a chance, you must have a whole line of dates lined up. Being me I just laughed as said yeah but I blew them all off hoping for someone better to come along. And then I changed the subject back to work.

    Half an hour ago I checked face-book and he has sent me a friend request and messaged me, saying he is serious about taking me out on Thursday Night and that he thought I wasn't interest in him.

    Since then been in total panic mode. Head is scrambled and really don't know what the hell is going on, I mean we have been virtual friends for years why would he do this now?? and how do I respond?
    What if it is just another joke? I mean I could laugh it off but what if he means it and I blow it?
    And if he is serious where do I put him in my life? Strictly speak he is work and therefore as appealing as a dead frog. Work is Work and Play is Play. But he is not one of my colleagues and therefore do the same rules apply. :huh: :frown:

    this is a little tricky. if you like him, i would say go for it. if you aren't sure, give yourself some time to evaluate the situation and then act from there. it sounds like you're more scared of him not liking you than anything else. trust me, a guy wouldn't bring up that he wanted to take you out unless he actually wanted to- joking or not. i'm not saying that he's in love with you, but i'll bet he's a least interested in seeing where things are headed. proceed with caution, be yourself and be open to any and all possibilities. after all, he could be your soulmate! ;)
  • yelliezx
    yelliezx Posts: 633 Member
    Go out with him! :D
  • Mermex84
    I met my man through work. We would just chit chat and then we decided to go out on a date. Fast forward a bit and now we live together and he is the love of my life. Go for it!
  • cynthiaj777
    cynthiaj777 Posts: 787 Member
    I have to ask, what does "taking the Mickey out" mean?

    Non American phrase. My English family uses it.

    And I say go for it as long as it isn't against company rules. I could see a potential conflict of interest there since he is one of your vendors. If you are in position to influence what vendors your company uses....specifically if they have to bid on contracts, as law dictates, I would be super careful. It could cost you your job.

    (P.S. I work for the government so this is drilled into us. HIGHLY UNETHICAL!)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Well, I can honestly say that if I was in the same position, I wouldn't be able to accept. My work place has a policy against dating other employees or sales reps or vendors... basically, anyone connected with my work place in any way. I accidentally accepted a date with someone who worked for a fencing company. Little did I know, his company installed a fence at one of our properties and I got my warning then. Just curious if the OP checked company policies. Most places aren't as strict as my work place, but I know better than to do that again.
  • michelleLynette
    michelleLynette Posts: 289 Member
    Nothing to it , But to do it!
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    It's a date, not a marriage proposal. Who knows? You might actually have fun. What have you got to lose? nothing. And if it is a joke, which I seriously doubt, then at least you'll know not to waste any more of your time. Don't over think it, just go and enjoy.
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I say go for it. Why not? You deserve to have one night (at least) to have fun. Go out and have fun see where the date takes you. Good luck.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    if rhianna and chris brown can go back to dating whats the worst that can happen here?
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    F*** his brains out
  • BrittKnee_Rae
    BrittKnee_Rae Posts: 111 Member
    Is there a company policy saying you cant? bc that's the only issue I see.. WAIT, unless hes married or your married?
    If the answer to all those questions is NO, then its a no brainer.. GO FOR IT! :) Let yourself have some fun!

    Us women tend to worry wayyy to much and think too far into things!
    Yall obviously have chemistry, go enjoy yourself ma'am!!!