Any gamers out there?



  • sandynas
    sandynas Posts: 89 Member
    Gamerrrrrr here, im also into pro wrestling (mainly wwe) and comic books! i added you ^.^
  • koridoobah
    koridoobah Posts: 38 Member
    Been a gamer for 16 years. :smile: Always love meeting new people who share the same passion for gaming!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Wow I'm suprised how many gamers there are on here, LOVE IT! Fav games right now are Hitman Absoution, and Skyrim.

    Let's knock out the stereotype that nerds/geeks/gamers are all sweaty, fat slobs who just sit on their *kitten* all day!

    That sounds like a plan.
  • Gamer here!!

    My fav games are wow, ff7, d2, LoZ:oot, cod: black ops 2, cod 4, and the elder scrolls (Oblivion mainly, Skyrim was ok), portal 1 & 2, TF2, half-life series. There's more but those are the main ones.

    Give me an add!
  • mckofo
    mckofo Posts: 28 Member
    Huge part time gamer, can find me on Steam, 3DS, Xbox or PS3! Though, I haven't touched my consoles in months!
  • emmymcq
    emmymcq Posts: 278 Member
    I'm a gamer. Mostly Xbox 360.
  • wolfelements
    wolfelements Posts: 117 Member
    I'm I guess what is now old school, PS2 being mainly. I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan! I'll add you.
  • styledsky
    styledsky Posts: 121 Member
    Let's knock out the stereotype that nerds/geeks/gamers are all sweaty, fat slobs who just sit on their *kitten* all day!

    That isn't fair, some of the games we play require us to stand up! :P I hear you though, working on it :)
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    Hello, my name is Dai and I am pretty new to the site. Like most people I am looking for a few friends. I feel like the more people you have watching you, the more you feel inspired! (Even if they don't really care haha) I am open to any one who wants to be friends. I am a female and am in my 20s but the most important thing is i'm a bit on the nerdy side. So if there are and video game fans out there I would love to meet you and have us kick some pounds in the butt together!:glasses:

    Friend request sent. Love your ticker pic. FFVIII intro is easily the best intro vid for any computer game ever!

    Has anyone got Ni No Kuni btw? I really want to get it as I love JRPG and Studio Ghibli.

    Yes, I have Ni No Kuni for PS3. I really like it, I think the art is amazing (as would be expected of Studio Ghibli), but the game is also good. Kind of reminds me of a mix of Pokemon and Gladius. The cut scenes almost make me feel like I'm watching one of the Studio films. Plus, if you have seen a lot/all of the films you will find some of the characters very familiar.

    As a note, I heard that the game actually plays better on the 360, not sure, I haven't tried it out yet. If you pick it up, you'll have to let me know how you like it.
  • SneakyBat
    SneakyBat Posts: 55 Member
    Yup! I'm a former WoW junkie, ex (for now at least) WAR player, tried Rift, GW, SWTOR . Now hobbiting around on LOTRO and Orc'ing it up on Skyrim :smile:
  • DaniH826
    DaniH826 Posts: 1,335 Member
    sorry didn't read all 5 pages but what is WOW? Me and my feoncee both enjoy playing video games, We both like older games she mostly into Mario. on reg nes and snes, I have a Snes,xbox ( not 360 ) and Wii I like older games myself Not a Halo guy and not really into the 3D type of games.

    WoW = World of Warcraft
  • nke88
    nke88 Posts: 5
    I'm 24 and love to game (probably too much haha). Feel free to add me, I would love some gamer friends.
  • I must admit I am kinda shocked at all the female gamers.......had no clue always thought of it as a boys club kinda bad!!
  • Hardcore gamer here. I mostly play NBA2k13..but also do Halo, Final Fantasy series, Megaman series, Borderlands 2..list goes on. Anyone feels like adding me, go for it!

    Also...Gears of War series, God of War series, Dead Space series

    Just got myself a PSP...been playing Final Fantasy Dissidia.

    I usually play PS2, PSP or 360. Hit me up!
  • MrsBobaFett
    MrsBobaFett Posts: 802 Member
    I used to be a pretty hardcore gamer until I had my son so now I only play when I have the time, or I backseat game for my Husband, feel free to add :)
  • I used to be, but then work got in the way - feel free to add me. I'm still a bit of a super-geek :)
  • PrinnyBomb
    PrinnyBomb Posts: 196 Member
    I love video games! Especially RPGs (& JRPG's) but I'll play most things. Feel free to add me. Currently playing the Mass Effect trilogy on PS3 and loving it!

    PS3 gamer :-)

    I tried Ni No Kuni but I personally didn't like it (no flaming!). It was pretty but that's about it.

    Looking forward to playing Atelier Ayesha when it comes out.
  • haha yeah I used to play wow. but had to go cold turkey - I was a paladin tank and always raiding. Priorities changed when my son came along, and I also realised I'd gained some extra fat that I need to get rid of!

    So now I'm just a casual PS3 gamer, bit of black ops from time to time and Streetfighter / gran turismo. and the occasional bit of counterstrike source on the aging PC!

    happy to add with any fellow gamer.
  • I LOVE Fallout 3, Dragon Age, The Elder Scrolls Oblivion / Skyrim , MASS EFFECT trilogy, yesss.........I'm trying to play the new Hitman, but I'm horrendous at stealth. :)) Left4Dead is fabulous if you have silly people to play with. I am not serious about much with Left4Dead, except that I must be Louis!

    feel free to add ! I'm trying to get fit, moreso than lose weight, but I am not horribly motivated some days! :))
  • Motirich
    Motirich Posts: 9 Member
    This sounds like my sort of crowd.

    I'll play everything and anything. I love RPGs and MMOs. I still play quite a bit of WoW but do also enjoy other PC games and console gaming on my PS3.

    One of my recent highlights have been FTL, I love that game so much.

    It'd be nice to have some gaming buddies here in MFP so send me a request if you like ^^