Lose 5 Pounds A Month- May 2010 Challenge



  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    I decided to try something different today and really watch what I eat and not exercise hard. I can't say I did nothing because I have a toddler to chase all day. It was nice out so we spent a good deal of time outside. I planted my flowers that my brother gave me on Mother's Day. :smile: Hopefully, I can keep it alive! I did grow strawberries this year! I have already tasted 2 that ripened early. Yum! I LOVE fruit. Just about any kind.

    I hate it when I sabotage myself! I know I am gonna keep at this and eventually I want to be in the healthy weight range. My problem is changing my thinking and changing my habits. If I eat healthier and normal portions, get exercise and be more active then I will get to where I need to be. I'm starting to realize that it may take a long time but just imagine how good I'm going to feel when I'm within a normal weight range for myself. I'm almost half-way to my goal and I already feel different...good different! Why wouldn't I keep this up?

    Robin- I, too, have started to notice a waist here recently. I haven't seen mine in years and it feels great! Our stats are similar so we must be at that weight that you start to notice a difference. The exercise really helps, too. You are doing awesome!:flowerforyou:
  • JABehler
    JABehler Posts: 82 Member
    Hi all...Keep on truckin" all. Everyday is a new day with new challenges. Set your goal each day to stay true to the new you and not falter. I'll keep you all in my prayers.
    I finally gave the C25K a try today. Wow! I'm not a runner so that really shook my bod. Holy cow, :noway:
    Hubby and I are getting ready to go south to our grandaughter's graduation next week. I had the motorhome half way packed and the RV service center called to bring it in for some repairs. After a little set back this am (the coach wouldn't start), we finally got going down to the service center. They were only going to have it for the day. Great, I could finish packing tomorrow and we'd be on the road first thing Friday am. Well, service center got the wrong part and had to have the replacement part overnighted. Manufacturer won't send till tomorrow and we can't get the RV back now until Fri. am. So much for getting a good start. Hopefully we'll get off Fri pm and at least stop for the night somewhere decent. CA is our destination and NV can be so sparse for stops.:ohwell:
    Gonna be taking you all with me and keep logging in and tracking.

    Keeping you all in positive thoughts.:happy:
    Jacque :glasses:
  • Mariposa7
    Mariposa7 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm in! I'm excited!! I hope to hear encouraging and inspiring things from all!!
    Good Luck everyone!!
  • animechic23
    animechic23 Posts: 32
    Ok so I know its the middle of may but I'm in I've been trying to lose weight for the last 2.5 yrs and haven't really been successful I have been watching what I'm eating almost the whole month and exercising. I weigh in on saturdays (that way I won't cheat to bad over the weekend cuz I feel bad about myself) so last saturday when I weighed in I was at 233.6 and I will made my goal 231.1 since I'm starting this a little late. If I can get @ 228.6 that would be great. I wanna see a "1" in front of my weight! My GW is 140-150
  • Joey1982
    Joey1982 Posts: 25
    This group seems great!! It is so inspiring to hear all of notes so I'm going to take the plunge and try it out. Starting May 19th may be a challenge but I'm up for it.

    I actually just started my weight loss plan this past Monday and I weighed in at 187.8, I plan to weigh in on Sunday's. I've been doing great so far and would love the challenge of brining that down to 182.8 by the end of May! Great Idea!!!!
  • kalmf
    kalmf Posts: 351 Member
    Okay - my computer's gone whacky - it says we have 62 pages for May. I know we post a lot - but that would be crazy!!!

    My yoga teacher quoted someone today in class. I wish I could remember who - some yoga master who inspired her - but the quote was:

    Show up. Do your best. And let your best be good enough.

    We beat ourselves up so much, always thinking that we should have done more. Sometimes I think true self-acceptance is an admittance of my own mediocrity.

    So today I did my best, and I'm working on allowing it to be good enough. It's an interesting process.
  • RushinBruisette
    RushinBruisette Posts: 2,109 Member
    Ok so I know its the middle of may but I'm in I've been trying to lose weight for the last 2.5 yrs and haven't really been successful I have been watching what I'm eating almost the whole month and exercising. I weigh in on saturdays (that way I won't cheat to bad over the weekend cuz I feel bad about myself) so last saturday when I weighed in I was at 233.6 and I will made my goal 231.1 since I'm starting this a little late. If I can get @ 228.6 that would be great. I wanna see a "1" in front of my weight! My GW is 140-150

    I know the feeling! I always tried to lose in the past and would never follow through. When I weighed in on Sun, I was 237 and I too want to get towards 135-150ish, good luck on your journey, this site has really keep me on track and this is the longest I've ever stayed in the mind set that I truly can do this!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Shelli--- I have toned down the exercise as well, and I have been losing weight since. I am taking a break from lifting because I really need to focus on my running (have my first 5k on July 4!) and it seems that taking things down a notch broke my plateau. It's not the exercise holding me back obviously, but figuring out how to eat when I work out so hard. Though I was lifting heavy for a couple months and adjusted my calorie intake many times, I still think I never ate enough for it!

    Jacque--- Keep at it with c25k! I am on Week 4. Well... I had to move down to Week 3 because I just took my running outside and it is much harder than on the treadmill for me. I still think Week 1 is the absolute hardest because you run SO MANY intervals! Now at Week 3, you only run 4 (2- 90 seconds, 2- 3 minutes.) Yes, they are longer, but at this point you are used to 90 second runs. If you push to finish the first 3 minute run, you are halfway through!
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Good morning everyone! I may be taking a break from running today. I can feel the switch to outdoors in my calves and arches of my feet. :sad: It doesn't hurt THAT bad but I am concerned about hurting myself. I have pretty flat feet but cannot afford good running shoes right now.
  • kintegra
    kintegra Posts: 1,026 Member
    :bigsmile: I'm ecstatic as can be! I stepped on the scale this morning & I'm down 2.2 lbs since Monday! Plus its that TOM!

    Since I've been on MFP I haven't changed my diet at all, just added some healthy snacks in; I've increased my exercise & water that's it! WOW I'm impressed with myself! I love all the support & tips I get from this website, its truly motivating! Hope you all are having a great day as well!

    Take care!

  • BbNuke
    BbNuke Posts: 82 Member
    As of this morning, I am only 1/2 pound from my end of May goal!! Yay, me!!!:drinker:
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    Hi everyone. I have been gone awhile . . just struggling . . alot.

    3/1 was hanging at 180, got down to 177.8 in April but sabotaged myself hard and weighed in at 189 plus this week. Not sure what the problem is but just asking for your prayers. I eat crappy cuz I feel crappy cuz I eat crappy. Not sure what happened - I was so diligent for awhile there.

    The only good news is that I am still running. My diet suffers but at least I am still getting some exercise. No idea what my triathlon will be like 6/6.

    I read some of the previous entries and see that some of you are struggling too, some are hanging in there, some doing well! You are all encouraging thru your successes and struggles (that make me feel human).


    I hear ya girl! This thread is so great because like you said it really helps to know and feel everyone else has the same successes and struggles as I do. Weight, like life, has it's ups and downs. Just slowly move back into healthy eating and keep at it. I can't tell you how many times I have been so close to my mini goals just to fall off track and regain. But every pound gained can be lost again. And again and again if need be. I am glad to have you back and have missed your posts. :flowerforyou:

    I had a healthy day for most of yesterday but I did really bad last night! Went for a walk with my kiddos around the lake while my guy was fishing, that part was great. But it got really late fast and the kids got really hungry so we went for fast food. I didn't order anything for myself planning to eat healthy once we got home but by the time I got home I "helped" my son finish his happy meal. That, as always, triggered bad eating for the rest of the night. And I always have a hard next day after I eat badly. I see everything I should not eat and want it all. If I can stay good today I think I can stay on track for the rest of the week. I know next week will be a hard one for me also being the last week of school we have parties and food and more food plus my birthday is Thursday so I will be eating out a lot next week. Oh well, I do have the rest of my life to get this healthy eating thing down. :tongue:
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I love the sharing of this group! We seem to all know the joys and sorrows of stepping on the scale. So we can be there for support.

    I am having a moment right now so rather than do something I will regret I am sitting down here and quickly typing. I finally got all the kids to sleep at the same time. I thought I had at least an hour and a half before my mid afternoon arrival showed up. I get all ready jump and the exercise bike and the doorbell rings. Not only is he 1.5 hours early, the ringing doorbell woke up at least one of the sleeping kids. They were crazy this morning so I cannot imagine what the afternoon will be like. I need some down time and my husband does not return until after work Friday night. I do not know how single parents can do it! I did not get much sleep both boys were in my bed by 2:30 am. Gotta run the one who is awake is now starting to fuss

  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Confession #1: I didn't exercise for the last week or so again...
    Confession#2: I ate a lot of chocolate covered granola bars this week...
    Confession #3: I ate a reeses peanut butter chocolate bar this week...

    That confessed, I jumped back on the wagon on Tuesday, logged in all food, drank my water and have been staying within my calories ever since. Whewwwwww...I was afraid I wouldn't be able to jump back in. I thought I might be lost again!! On SUnday I kept saying to DH "I could really go for some cheese cake right now" I think I said it like 5 times!! I didn't, thank goodness!!
    Anyhoo... that said, I stepped timidly on the scale for my weekly weigh in this morning and I was down 2 pounds!!! I think TOM starts soon, so next week will be really tough! Not sure how to motivate myself to exercise.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Good evening to all!

    I have had a stressful few days. Have not even stopped to log eating so I know that is not a good sign for me. Stress is my enemy. Made TOLL HOUSE cookies with the kids and ate 4. Only good thing about that is once they cool off I absolutely hate them. So I will not eat anymore.

    Even with no time for exercise today my pedometer is reading 19, 114 steps taken already today. I need to get my eating under control. I am an extremely active person but my weight loss has been a struggle for over a year. I was down to 177 about this time last year and let it creep up to 185 during last summers vacations and now have it down to about 173 but am really struggling to get it to go any lower. I would love to see a number below 170 but it seems to evade me at every turn. Its like my body is revolting against this process. Just to give you some ideas....I am doing great and then I get a cold that leads to a sinus infection 2 weeks+ trying to recover....start walking/ running more tendonitis in my knee. Bladder infection, neck pain. I feel like my body is falling apart at age 46 and I have no control.

    Sorry for my rant I am feeling really inadequate right now and just needed to share that every time I think I am getting there my body seems to fight me.

    I think maybe I will pour a glass of wine, go fill the whirlpool, light some candles and sit back and relax. Hopefully the kids will let me do that.

    On a positive note, the 2 older kids are in the living room practicing their instruments. Even though they are playing 2 different instruments (cello and violin) and 2 different songs it is fun and relaxing to listen to. I am glad they like their instruments. My son who is 8 plays the cello. It surprised me a lot when he asked if he could join orchestra and take cello lessons. I find him on youtube listening to classical music to find out what certain songs sound like. I love classical music but do not listen to it like I used to because no one in the house used to find it interesting. Now I hear the kids listening to it on the internet. It is so cool.

    My stress levels have gone down just by typing all this. Thanks for letting me be a little crazy tonight.

    Have a great night!

    My official weigh-in is in the morning hoping to have not gained the way I have felt this week!

  • rthoward
    rthoward Posts: 2
    Im up for the challenge! starting in june...
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Welcome to everyone who has decided to join us. You can start the journey at anytime.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    January 1 weight 185.6

    May 1st weight 174
    May 7 weight 175grumble grumble
    May 14 weight 174.5 Not great but almost back to where I started the month!
    May 21 weight 175

    I seem to know how to maintain my weight! Now I have to figure out how to start losing again!

    I have a terrible back ache not sure why as I did not do any new exercises or stretching! It even woke me up last night!:yawn:

    Hope everyone has a great Friday! Stay healthy! Eat right and drink right! Don't let the weekend be your downfall!

  • circusmom
    circusmom Posts: 662 Member
    Friday morning again, and the scale STILL reads 139, Damn it! This is what...the third week with no change, frustrated!!!!! Finding the brighter side, I didn't gain anything.
    Anyway I have a vent, I won't take up much time with it....BP Sucks!!!!! They need to get their over paid arses out of their buts and stop the oil leak! Okay I'm done.
    Have a Great Week-end everyone!!!!
  • shelli1923
    shelli1923 Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Friday Morning to all!

    May 1: 165
    May 7: 164
    May 14: 161.6
    May 21: 162.2, :grumble:

    Well, I know what happened this week and it was all my fault. Oh well! I still have 10 days to drop 2 lbs. I can totally do this! Hope everyone has a GREAT and healthy weekend!
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