Beach Beauties

amillionmegs Posts: 59 Member
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys!

So here is our new message board to keep track of our progress.
OUR GOAL: Lose 10lbs by July 15th

Members include:
(and possibly more to come!)

First things first we should probably introduce ourselves and give a little background I suppose. I'll start :)

I'm amillionmegs but you can just call me meg! My goal is to lose the 10lbs by July 15th. Its when the summer heat is the hottest, a time when you want to feel comfortable wearing shorts and a tank! My biggest concern is NOT letting a bad snack turn into a bad meal, into a bad day, into a bad week etc. If you slip up, don't give up! exercise more! I've just started using my 5lbs weights and really like them. I'm toning my arms, and shoulders, running a few times a week, and doing crunches when I can. Not too much but a really great start. I plan on posting my personal progress, thoughts, and anything motivating/ inspiring I find on the internet for both myself and anyone else who would like to read it!

My goal weight: 130 by July 15th

Once everyone introduces themselves I was thinking we could make mini challenges for the week! Each week we can have a different challenge! Feel free to throw out some ideas! :)

***NEW MEMBERS*** : Leave your name and brief info (like the above) and I will add your name to the list!


  • sunshinestate
    sunshinestate Posts: 110 Member
    I want to join! I'm a Florida girl and will live in my bikini this summer.
  • lesserJess
    lesserJess Posts: 9
    add me to your list! I'm in
  • bballgrrl34
    bballgrrl34 Posts: 174 Member

    I have been on here for almost 3 months now. During that time I have lost 12 pounds. It is exciting I have recently hit a little bit of a plateau. I know some of it is muscle and I am fine with the number not going down as long as I look good for warm weather. I guess my goal weight for July 15th is 170. That would be 13 pounds, but I am up for the extra push. I guess that is it. Good Luck everyone. I look forward to hearing about everyone's progress.
  • roadchic18
    roadchic18 Posts: 128
    Hey Beach Beauties,

    Here's my scoop. I am 39 years old, married, have 2 daughters 21 and 17. I work as a medical transcriptionist from home. I recently gained some weight pretty fast due in a big part to stress, so now I'm trying to get those pounds back off. I'm currently doing my second round of P90X and I run. I've completed 2 half marathons and my goal is to finish my first whole marathon next spring. I've lost weight before, but this time I've really been struggling. I will get there though! I will be 40 in January and I want to hit that milestone in the best shape of my life! My husband and I will begin our half-marathon training in the middle of July so it would be so nice to be 10 pounds lighter by then. I look forward to achieving this goal alongside all of the great people here in this group.

    My goal weight by July 15: 144 lbs.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Bump -
  • cranky2003
    cranky2003 Posts: 72
    I had gain lots of weight in the last 4 months due to stress..busy...lack of motivation...the weather. Who's knows!
    I am so ready to put away my excuses and start to live a healthier life..a happier me. I'm ready to shed some pounds.
    I was never a very active person. But I will try to do as many walks as I can and hopefully able to run one day.
    I'm excited and looking forward to hear about your progress.
  • mom2Toby
    mom2Toby Posts: 12
    Hello all..... I am new to myfitnesspal and would love to join this thread!

    My name is Jennifer. I live in Washington State and almost done with a divorce. My husband and I were together for 5 yrs. So to make a long story short, I gained 55 lbs when I was pregnant with my son and now have the last 20lbs to go. My son is 2 1/2 and there is no excuse for me not getting rid of this weight. I am ready to start my new life and want to be fit and healthy!!
    I am doing WW and the 30 day slimdown by Jillian Michaels!! She is awesome!
    I can't wait to get to know you all!
  • mrsfloisand
    mrsfloisand Posts: 254 Member
    Count me in!

    My name is Samantha and I'm pretty new here. I'm married and no kids yet, hopefully we'll be able to wait a few more years before kids. Once I got married I settled down a lot more than I should have and gain a bunch of weight. I never really have been in that great of shape or ever been considered skinny. But now, I'm gonna kick it in the *kitten* and get in shape. So far its been a great motivation. I love all the support that everyone gives eachother, I think my poor husband needs a break from being my only support:). I'm ready to get in shape and work my butt off!
  • i would love to join this group! :]

    my name is liz and i would lovelovelove to lose 10 pounds! weight loss has always been something i've struggled with and my healthy habits never seem to stay in line for significant periods of time. sometimes i fall off the wagon for only a week or two, or last summer when it went to the extreme and lasted 7 months! in which i gained back all of the 15 pounds i had lost plus an extra 12 - yikes! summer is now here again and it's time to get back to where i was, and make the lifestyle change a permanent one! my exercise plan for the next month includes doing jillian michaels "no more trouble zones" dvd twice a week and cardio 4-5 times a week.

    current weight: 167 lbs
    07/15/10 goal: 157 lbs

    if i can actually reach this goal that would be amaaazing! especially considering my mini goal of reaching 160 i gave myself until the end of august to reach! :]
  • kenleighprendergast
    kenleighprendergast Posts: 13 Member
    i want to join!
    my name's kenleigh and losing 10 pounds for summer is exactly what i want to accomplish. i've never been very good at sticking to things but i think that a group of people for support would definitely help. i want to be 110 by july!!

  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello Beach Beauties!!

    I would really like to lose 10 pounds. I have really struggle and these pounds will not move... my goal weight is 125 current weight ranges on a daily bases from 130 to 135. So my goal is to get down to 125 and then maintain it. I am 46 years old and a pretty healthy eater (lots of clean eating) tend to keep my calorie intake around 1200 to 1400 with or without exercise calories. I have done the 30 day shred twice and like the results - tone and lean but still no weight loss. So I will probably step it up... maybe power 90 or start running regular and longer. So any and all support and motivation will help. Also I am getting married on 10-10-10 and want to look amazing in my dress and on my honeymoon. It will take hard work but I am willing to do it.
  • Hi everyone! well I too would really like to shift 10 pounds by july!! I try to exercise regularly but that continues for about 3 weeks till I end up having a weekend where I eat a lot and stop exercising and then it's hard for me to get back into the routine of exercising and eating well...So i'm hoping that joining this group for support and motivation will help me stay on track!

    Current Weight: 130

    Goal Weight: 120 by July 10th
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Add me to the list, my goal is 135lbs by July 15th..... which is 12lbs.... Im gina and i live in alabama, i started the p90x program 3weeks ago and will be starting my 4th week monday!!! Lets get started!!! :happy:
  • barty
    barty Posts: 729
    HI I'm at 132 pounds at the moment and my goal weight is 126 so 6 pounds to go...... but I would like to get just below it so I have a few pounds to play with:laugh: I have done the 30 day shred once and am on the last few days of doing it for a second time I also do Zumba classes 3 times a week, they are great fun!!!! I'm hoping that the last few pounds are not going to be too hard to shift :bigsmile:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Hi I would love to join... My name is Callie and if I could drop 10 lbs by July 15th I'd be thrilled!! I have not weighted for awhile but my last was ... 155.5. I am working on finishing my 1st round of Slim in 6.

    Woo- hooo barty... look at you fly!! :smile:
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I would like to join this group. I am a 36 year old female,married, with a 5 year old son. I have struggled with weight for years, since jr high. I joined WW in January and have lost 20+ lbs. I need all the motivation and support I can get. I am doing to my best to fill out my food diary every day and am exercising regularly. I walk on my 15 minute breaks at work and am using my treadmill again and am trying short durations of jogging 3 times a week. I am smaller now, than when I graduated from high school, but want to take this weight loss journey all the way and then maintain to keep the weight from coming back. No more of the yo-yoing!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning everyone,

    Just checking in with all the Beauties. I got up and ran/walked three miles. Now I am ready for a good day. I will also order power 90 sometime today to get started on that in the near future. Hope everyone has a great day!!!!
  • beesingh
    beesingh Posts: 13 Member
    HI everyone,

    My name is Bee, I live in Northern Ireland, I have 5 kids 24 - 10 years 3 girls 2 boys.

    i have struggled with my weight for about 15 years, I lost 39lbs 7 years ago and have managed more or less to maintain this but it is a constant battle! I still habr 10lbs to lose to get back to goal.

    I am up for this challenge so bring it on! xx
  • mrst0503
    mrst0503 Posts: 24
    Please add me! Im 22 yrs old I have been over weight since I was 12 yrs old. I've gotten very use to being over weight, shopping at " big girl" stores and paying no mind to jokes. But I am ready for a change!!! In October my family will be going on vacation to the beach I want to look better than ever! So 10 lbs b July would help so much!! Frankly I just need some support and

  • Ivylysse
    Ivylysse Posts: 5
    Please add me! My goal was to lose 25 pounds by July 4th. I have lost nine; sixteen more to go!

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