

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    It`s 7 am already:noway: , where has all the time gone???? I`ve read all the posts, just don`t have time to respond today:cry: !

    Amanda:smile: I would say your hubby is a keeper:love::heart: :smooched: !!!! What a sweetheart!

    Joy:smile: Congrats to you and hubby too on the weight loss!!!!

    Have a beautiful day ladies!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    DeeDee in rainy/cold/maybe snowy NC where it was 60 degrees and sunny yesterday:huh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Heading out for a fun sewing day with daughters and friends. Have a wonderful Saturday!
    Mary from somewhere over the rainbow in Kansas
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good morning Ladies,

    So happy its Saturday!!!!!!! Doing my Happy Dance quietly the DH, and DD still asleep! I am so enjoying a quiet home right now.

    Last night was fun went out on a after valentine date. I let him choose seems like its always me or DD picking. He of course choose favorite Mexican food restuarant. Had a feeling that would be his pick. I don't think I did too bad . It was fun just being the 2 of us out.

    @Dixie welcome back you have been missed.:flowerforyou:
    @Dee -- wishing you a wonderful day too
    @Amanda wow what a good DH! He is a keeper.
    @Joy Congrats on your weight loss!

    Yesterday went to the gym did the circuit training plus the treadmill.
    Today going to the Y with family so enjoy that we can all go! Going to water jog -
    DH has his guys geek board game tonight he will be with his fellow geeks all.evening so my DD and I are going to the movies tonight her pick.

    I need to get off now and get some chores done. Wishing everyone a good Saturday!

    Liz from Caldwell, Idaho
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Had a sick grandson for the past four days so wasn't here but to log on my food. And I didn't read the five pages just doing the last page.

    Form 6 min. to 30 great improvement.

    They say we should have protein with fruit that's when I have my cheese.

    It's about time you see a doctor that has been dragging for a long long time.

    Any pill shouldn't be stopped cold turkey you should wean yourself off of them.
    Cut back a little every few days.

    How are you Doing? Looks like your moving a little more.

    Welcome back. I'm sorry to hear about your loss

    Love to have little children around me. I had grandson for four days he's four but was to sick to go to school.
    Grandmother hood is great.

    Do you find moving more helps with the hip pain. My dietician upped my calorie intake also.

    Like the way you give your baking away.
    Deep water anything over 3 feet is to deep for me.

    Do you ever stop other than going to bed lol

    That's a lot of baking. Guess you don't bother going to deep freeze downstairs lol.

    Maybe it's time to go on a no diet approach. Something you can do for life.
    Glad you found something that works. 6 lbs in a week is great.

    So what do I do today no little guy to care for. So first when off here is the wii going to go get my twenty minutes on there.
    Today will be a good day because I will make it so. Breakfast 1 cup of pomelo and 1 oz of cheese. Snack after the wii. Think I'll have my little bit of oatmeal left over from yesterday with blueberry and cranberry sauce.
    So it's off for my day.

    Linda from Northern Ontario.
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    I am so far behind that I will just have to go forward from here...my logging has been questionable of late but the scale stays status quo...which has been my story for the last 18 months...I am not where the doc wants me but I exercise 4 times a week (usually) and try to be mindful of what I eat...I guess I am not willing to give up all my treats....yet, this is a journey.

    I went downhill skiing for the first time in three years yesterday...not counting the hour on the bunny hill last year...I was a little nervous but had a great time. My quads were screaming from almost the first run...I guess I need to do more squats! Lol!!

    This week I finally had a day at work where I felt productive...it seems like a long six weeks to get there...but my sister the teacher and my cheerleader) thought my learning curve was quick...I'll go with that opinion! Lol!

    On the subject of Lent...I have a short stretch of four lane highway on my way to work...its a 45mph zone and I have a tendency to drive a little faster than that...so I turn off my radio take those 10 minutes to drive the speed limit and pray...I am always amazed at how that sets my day up on a calmer, kinder note...I have a tendency to get too caught up in the daily details and lose sight of a bigger picture.

    Ok...enough ramble..lovely to be back and chat with my cyberspace friends.

    Hugs and high fives...we really are faboulous at post fifty!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Meant to post this last night, but went to bed early before I remembered to do it. For those who wish to participate in the fruit/veggie 1 day challenge, here is the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/894487-fruit-veggie-1-day-challenge-saturday-feb-16-2013

    Have a great Saturday! I am off to my 10K training clinic.

    Vancouver Island, BC
  • nctgreene
    nctgreene Posts: 29 Member
    Jeannie, I did the same thing. To kick start my good eating habits I got off just those foods that were giving me acid reflux. Fried foods was one of them. Eventually everything else followed.

    I wish you much success.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    petalsandpaws: It is good to hear that you are beginning to enjoy life again. Sunshine helps a lot of things. I wasn’t here when you were a regular on this board before, so it will be good getting to know you.:flowerforyou:

    Kate from Alberta: Your ability to bake without consuming most of the cookies puts me in awe. I’m sure I couldn’t do that.:noway: :noway:

    jmkmomm: Welcome to the group. :bigsmile: DH also has MS, in addition to several other autoimmune conditions. He was diagnosed about two and a half years ago but we can look back and see symptoms from much farther back. He also has trouble with exercise because of balance issues. We bought him a recumbent trike and it was so much fun that we also bought one for me. You can go as slow as you want on a recumbent, and I couldn’t stay with him on my two-wheeler. The trikes make exercise fun. Right now, his is set up in the garage on a trainer, which isn’t as much fun because all you get to see is the tool bench. It is good exercise, though. I use it much more than he does.:ohwell:

    I felt good enough to get some exercise yesterday, and this morning the scales show that a half pound of the instant gain I had while sick is gone. :bigsmile: I hope to be back down to the ticker weight soon and then resume downward progress. :wink: This is a gray day, which isn't unusual in February in our part of the world, and it makes me doubly pleased I took the dog for two walks yesterday in the glorious sunshine. The good news is that it is dry again today, so my dog will be pleased to get in some more walking with me.:smile: Have a good day, and a good weekend.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    It's amazing how fast the old bad habits return when you aren't logging. I've been at this for 7 months now, and I do well when I log. The moment I don't write everything down, though, it seems like I'm right back where I started. I wonder how long it's going to take for healthier habits to kick in and become permanent???

    I'm having my author reception this afternoon (Laura80111 is coming!) and leaving for Mexico :glasses: early in the morning, so I'll be away from here for the next week. I hope you all have a wonderful week!

    I've discovered the my daughter's wedding will be in the May issue, and she'll have a 3 page full-color spread in the magazine. :heart: :heart:


    Jane in Colorado
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Gonna spend the day with my friend with the cancer.She got home yesterday.
    The drs think they got all the cancer as well as parts of her lung.No chemo or radiation.
    She is on oxygen tho,but they are gonna try wheening her of it.
    Have a good one
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I finally hit the 20 pound mark!!!!!!! I'm doing a happy dance. This has been 3 weeks.
  • nanasorchid52
    Hello to all!

    cooked a fab three course valentines meal last night and to top it all didn't go over my calorie goal.

    :smile: Jane - has the wedding taken place yet? How exciting. Not sure if we can get this magazine in the UK?

    :smile: Beth- welcome. I am also 5ft 3 ins, but my knees won't let me run!

    :smile: Michele - those plateaus where you don't lose are so frustrating aren't they? I stayed at one weight for six weeks on my journey and you are so right about not giving up!

    :smile: Joy- I had a wonderful cruise to Norway last year. Went to Bergen, Flam, Gerainger and Olden. The views were stunning

    :smile: Katia- I raise my hand - I have knee problems. My chiropractor says I must not run, which is just as well as I am not predisposed to it! I just do lots of squats to make them stronger and it is working. Losing the weight though has definitely helped and I am pain free now.

    :smile: Lisa - welcome. You can climb that wall. Find healthy recipes you like and they will serve you past the diet.

    :smile: Amanda -you are so right about your grandchildren weaving themselves around your heart! I have 5 and they are my world!, I took GD no 2 ( age 4) to the pictures on Thursday followed by lunch and the park. Whilst eating she said in a loud voice "nana - does that mean we are ladies that lunch" Classic!

    Meg- thanks for the suggestion to use a word doc. However don't have it on my ipad, so I have opened two browsers. If you get to read this - it worked!! But those chocolates would of been very dangerous to me - especially the Turkish delights, coconut, white truffles ....... Oops I am dribbling!

    Kate I know that feeling when you decorate! We are doing our dinning room! Dust everywhere and it always makes me hungry.

    Sorry I can not reply to all, but I do like reading your posts. It is making me log my food, drink my water and keep moving!

    Where ever you are in the world -

    Keep smiling!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hi all, I'm posting from the cloudy Netherlands. I've been posting each day but I suspect that I will show a start over because of the gap between the time differences. Logging food has been interesting as I slept through breakfast and lunch the day I got here.

    DD2 and I have not stopped walking since I got here. Thank heavens for the 1/2 train rides to and from Amsterdam or I'd never get to sit down. I wish I had a FitBit because I'm pretty sure I'm beating the 10,000 steps easily - lol. So far I've spent more than 5 hours each day walking (and talking and thoroughly loving it). Everything here is so neat and clean and tidy, no messy yards or unkempt houses that I've seen so far. And I love the canals everywhere and all the ducks and swans. Did you know the crows here are totally different, they are definitely crows in their behaviour but they have little grey caps and blue eyes, still cheeky though. And squirrels are acorns, don't ask me what acorns are though. I would become a total cheesehead if I lived here, it's everywhere and very very reasonable. And it's tulip season and I just bought 3 dozen beautiful tulips for !2 Euro ($16). The flower markets in each town are amazing, I'm in heaven......

    And my premonitions came true, I met my DDs boyfriend today and later was told that he is THE ONE. I'm going to lose her to Europe. Daniel is Danish but has lived in the Netherlands for 15 of his 30 years. Part of me is so happy she is happy, and so sad that the distance is going to be a reality I will have to learn to live with. Anyways, enough of my mommy blues.

    Tomorrow is DD2's birthday so we will celebrate appropriately.

    I just read 8 pages to catch up, my goodness, we are just getting more chatty as the time goes on. I'm not going to try to individually respond as I'm on my DDs laptop and can't figure out how to do the split screen with Word at the moment.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
    Lila (normally from the Kootenays in SE British Columbia but temporarily in Leiden, Netherlands).
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Lila...I loved your report. Of course that is because you are in my homeland. Whenever I go there for a vacation, I do not gain weight, because there is so much to do. I walk and bike almost everywhere. Yes, too bad you did not bring your fitbit. perhaps you can get your hands on a pedometer? they are cheap. A happy birthday to your DD2. Have a wonderful time. I hope you keep checking in on this forum and let us know how things are going. (btw squirrels are called "eekhoorns" in Dutch:wink: I suppose that just sounds like "acorns":bigsmile: )

    :drinker: I had my 10K training clinic this morning. We commonly first have a speaker, and today there was Naturopathic Doctor explaining about nutrition. She suggested that MFP is a good site to keep track. Yay for MFP :flowerforyou: . Then the walking group (that includes moi) did 50 minutes, this time with hills. Each week the walk goes longer with increasing intensity. I sure get a workout. During the week we are supposed to get in 2 more practice sessions on our own. I usually try to get these in at lunchtimes. I don't always log them, but perhaps I should start doing that.

    :smile: Today I am on my fruit and veggie challenge day. Currently downing a fruit smoothie (banana, blueberries, kiwi, orange); I would previously NEVER have been interested in a smoothie. So, I am learning. During the week it is easier for me to stick with good eating, weekends are harder.

    Okay, that's all she wrote for now. I hope to have some time later for individual responses.

    :heart: Renny
    Vancouver Island, BC
  • 50ishFoodie
    50ishFoodie Posts: 82 Member
    Do you find moving more helps with the hip pain. My dietician upped my calorie intake also.

    Yes! The more I sit, the stiffer I get. But I keep the impact exercises to a minimum. Elliptical, bike, swimming, walking, strength training and yoga.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I finally hit the 20 pound mark!!!!!!! I'm doing a happy dance. This has been 3 weeks.

    You lost 20 pounds it only three weeks??? That seems like a LOT. Am I understanding this right?
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi best fitness buddies! Hope you are all having a great Saturday. I have slept most of the day. :yawn: Went to the doctor early this morning and she thinks I have the same sinus infection that started in october and never went away. Good grief. So more antibiotics (already making me nauseated…bleh:sick: ) and nasal steroids (which are the best! I can breathe!) for me. So now it’s after 5 and I woke up from my latest nap all panicky about the chapters I have 2 weeks left to produce. YIKES. :ohwell:

    Our builder came over last night and will start on the latest project next week. He’s going to create an escape route through our closet into the garage, finish the garage with storage, work bench, etc, and do a few little projects in the basement. Then I think we will finally be totally done with the house.

    Lin: my question is why do you want to stop the Prilosec if it helps you? If you have that much heartburn, you’ll probably need something, but if you really want to get off it, I’d try weaning off it. Skip every 3rd day at first, then skip days 2 and 3, then stop. This will take about a month.

    Jane: sounds like you and DH had a nice day! At least at a buffet you have some choices.

    Dixie: what a great picture of you! Your old one was hard to see. :smile:

    Tammy: your day with first graders sounded like fun. What kind of restaurant is Moe’s?

    Jane: thanks for the explanation! That air sounds awful but hopefully it’s only a few days a year? I’m with you about food…I love everything about great food: cooking, taste, texture, presentation. I also could not live on twigs and cottage cheese LOL:bigsmile: I think your dietician is right…it’s not the weight per say but the health.

    Brooke: great news on the weight loss

    Michele: when do you leave on your trip?

    Barbie: those salmon burgers sound great. Do you use canned salmon for those?

    Kate: I had 13 robins in my yard yesterday…they were all over the place. First ones I’ve seen so far this year. I had not heard of the mom who drank so much pop her kids were born without enamel? OMG:noway:

    Jmkmomm: I too am an RN teaching at a small private college. Losing 20 pounds is no small accomplishment especially with limited mobility! Good job! You must be very motivated.

    Sunshine: so happy to hear your cancer has not returned.:flowerforyou: How scary that wait must have been. Good for you to decide you are all done with poor health! Great job on the weight loss!

    LindaSundance: hope you are having a great day!

    Amanda: you lost your diamond? I would be devastated! I’d go to Tiffany’s any day of the week! I’d keep the DH too!

    DeeDee: I was up early too! Hope you had a fun day!

    Liz: a movie night with DD sounds like so much fun! What did you see?

    Linda: so good for you to take charge and make it a good day! I’m sure you miss the little guy!

    Jen: I love your commuting idea. I get all wound up on the way to work (and I love my job) so I might try that too. That centering has got to be helpful! Thanks for sharing!:smile:

    Renny: I think I’ll use your challenge as a way to go totally veggie on the days we eat vegetarian dinners. I already get 25-30 grams of fiber most days and eat a lot of produce ( can always eat more!) but maybe DH will join me on a totally veg day! I had no idea you were from the Netherlands!

    Janehadji: enjoy your reception and have a great trip. I am the same way; if I don’t log, it’s a disaster!

    JaneMartin: your friend will be so glad you are there for her!

    Jo: what did you cook for your valentine’s day meal?

    Lila: I think I’d be a cheesehead there too! Your trip sounds grand so far and so good to hear the fiance is to your liking as well. It’s tough thinking about DD living at such a distance though!

    Well I think I better look at a chapter before panic sets in for real and makes me go find something to eat LOL> Have a good night ladies and take care. Meg from overcast Omaha:drinker:
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Happy Saturday!

    I've been having computer issues so haven't read the last few pages yet. Just wanted to check in and wish you all a great weekend. Tomorrow is my prep day for my Monday colonoscopy so wish me luck!!!
  • nonnicee
    ohiomomof2 - much luck with the colonoscopy (I know I spelled that wrong!!)

    I have scanned over the last page of posts...I think there are four pages from my last post. I have been taking home cooked food to my Uncle who is in the hospital recovering from a serious gall bladder problem that resulted in surgery. He told my DH a few days ago that hospital food was awful, so we have been taking breakfast for him and his DW. Please keep him in your prayers as he continues to recover.

    I didn't get any of my housework done today due to my hospital visits and going to my mom's house and my dad's house (they have been divorced for 30+ years). One day I will catch up, I promise myself!!!

    Do any of you follow a gluten free regiment? I would like some recipes if anyone has any to share...

    I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I will check back sometime tomorrow,

    Mary in TN javascript:add_smiley('ohwell','post_body')
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Meg, teaching was my pashion. I am a graduate of a diploma school of nursing so even though it gave me a great education it doesn't get you into a teaching or management position. But I loved bedside nursing and teaching new nurses. I was involved in the educational committee at the hospital. I worked cardiac nursing. One of my most terrifying times was when I had one of our cardiologists as a patient and he was going to have a cardiac cath. I sat there with the booklet and taught him and his family the exact same way I would any other patient!

    We are getting ready to go on a family vacation on spring break for the kids. My husband had a lot of issues when the girls were young and I think he has to make up for all of that now that they are adults. So we take the whole family on at least one trip a year and pay for the whole thing. I need to find a mobility scooter daily rental for 3 days and am only finding weekly. EEEEK. I am not paying $300 for 3 days of rental.