biggest loser challenge week 1



  • pickles77
    pickles77 Posts: 47
    Im in on this one too!!! I have to say.... I have no upper body strength so i cannot do a "real" Push up! But I will work my way too it by the time our 18 weeks are up! Im hoping to lose 40 lbs by the end of this challenge.

    Good Luck to EVERYONE!!! :wink:

    Sw: 183
    Cw: 183
    Gw: 120

  • bajohnston
    bajohnston Posts: 2 Member
    I would like to try this too! No idea if I can do 1 push up let alone 50 a day, but love a challenge!
  • I know some of yall don't think yall can do the pushups I don't know why you feel this way it's hard for me because of my size and I have a bad knee. So I don't get on the ground and do them at least not right now. I do them against the wall still effective you can feel the burn in your arms. So if you don't feel like you can do the other ones try these.
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    I know some of yall don't think yall can do the pushups I don't know why you feel this way it's hard for me because of my size and I have a bad knee. So I don't get on the ground and do them at least not right now. I do them against the wall still effective you can feel the burn in your arms. So if you don't feel like you can do the other ones try these.

    Yes! You can stand away from the wall or from a dining room chair or dresser--and lean forward and do the arm motion while ON YOUR TOES with your legs straight in back of you. It is exactly the same exertion as being on the floor and for you ladies--if on the floor, you can be on your knees with your leg crossed behind you.

    I hope that helps!
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Challenge - 350 Push Ups in 1 Week

    Monday - Sick
    Tuesday - 50
    Wednesday - 50 :happy: My arms hurt - But it feels so good:smile:
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
  • charis2032
    charis2032 Posts: 64
    Ok....I'm in. I just started using MFP yesterday and we started the BL challenge at work today. I'm a 40 y/o female, 5'8", work a desk job and am totally committed to eating better and using Jillian's 30 Day Shred. My starting weight is 198.6, end of challenge goal is 165, final goal (by Christmas) is 145. Not sure how I'm gonna get in 50 pushups, but I'll give it a shot. Up against the wall seems a little less intimidating than on the floor.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Well I just got done doing the 50 pushups. My arms are not liking me anymore. They keep screaming at me. :laugh: :laugh:

    Challenge: 350 pushups

    Monday: 50
  • Well I just got done doing the 50 pushups. My arms are not liking me anymore. They keep screaming at me. :laugh: :laugh:

    Challenge: 350 pushups

    Monday: 50

    They may be screaming right now but they will thank you once they are nice and tone:bigsmile:
  • Another 100 down and 10 cups of water!!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    Challenge: 350 pushups

    Monday: 50

    One thing that I've found helps is that I do 10-12 at a something else in between and go back and do another 10-12.
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Wow - you guys are really killing this challenge

    Meanwhile I've been slacking... but slack no more!! I want toned arms!!

    50 push ups will be done by the end of the day - Its a PROMISE!!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    made myself do it right away!!

    Thanks for the advice jkohan.... 10 at a time works :)

    Got through the 50! And by the last set my arms were shaking lol
  • youndy10
    youndy10 Posts: 3 Member
    I would love to join this challenge!! I am a fan of BL too! I officially "re-started" my weight loss journey at the beg. of April and I am down 20 lbs! I am 24 years old and an elementary school teacher. I try to work out at least 4 - 5X / week and two of those workouts are with my personal trainer for 30 minutes. I am still working on my food situation :blushing:, trying to find healthy alternatives and still enjoy what I am eating. Here are my stats:

    SW: 272 (April 1, 2010)
    CW: 252 (As of Monday Morning)
    GW: 150

    4 years ago I was able to drop to 189 lbs (coming from 260) which was the lowest weight that I have ever been as an adult or teen for that matter. Therefore, I know that I can do this and would be great to have some support. By the end of this challenge I would love to be at 189 or lower!! I know it sounds like alot but I am about to be on summer break and have dedicated my summer to taking care of ME and getting healthy! :flowerforyou:

    I will start the push up challenge today (and make up for what I have missed :wink: to make the goal of 350).

    Thanks again for starting this and good luck to everyone! I know we can do this!
  • jkohan
    jkohan Posts: 184 Member
    made myself do it right away!!

    Thanks for the advice jkohan.... 10 at a time works :)

    Got through the 50! And by the last set my arms were shaking lol

    You go girl! Great job!
  • easy2lov3
    easy2lov3 Posts: 98 Member
    Hello Everyone, I just saw this challenge and I love it.I am a big fan of The Biggest Loser. If it's not to late to join I would love to. I am 22 years old and am very concerned about my health. I think it is time to start making some life time changes.

    CW: 252
    GW: 160

    By the end of this challenge I am hoping to weigh somewhere between 200-210lbs. I know it is possible with some hard work and dedication.
    Lets Do this:drinker:
  • I am so excited for all the hard work that we are putting in and committing to the 350 push ups everyone is doing a great job even those who said they may not be able to do a push up.

    Welcome to the newbies I am excited we have a really energized group all dedicated to living healthier lives Way to go everyone.

    I went to a end of the season party with my kids and didn't even have a slice of pizza or anything. I was so excited about that because the cake and pizza was smelling so good!!!
  • volliegrl
    volliegrl Posts: 16
    whats the 30 day shred program ??
  • charis2032
    charis2032 Posts: 64
    cn: Good job on passing up the cake and pizza! We had a going away party in the offie today, I managed to stay away from the cookies, cheesy dip, and pizza (it was my favorite too! Pepperoni,,,,mmmm) but caved on the cake. Only two bites though, but man that was costly. Jillian kicked my butt tonight! But for the first time I didn't stop on any of the cardio. stopping on the upper body stuff!
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    Challenge - 350 Push Ups in 1 Week

    Monday - Sick
    Tuesday - 50
    Wednesday - 50 My arms hurt - But it feels so good
    Thursday - 75 - My arms are soooo numb I can't even feel them :ohwell:
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -
  • momieof2
    momieof2 Posts: 98
    I am so excited for all the hard work that we are putting in and committing to the 350 push ups everyone is doing a great job even those who said they may not be able to do a push up.

    Welcome to the newbies I am excited we have a really energized group all dedicated to living healthier lives Way to go everyone.

    I went to a end of the season party with my kids and didn't even have a slice of pizza or anything. I was so excited about that because the cake and pizza was smelling so good!!!

    Good Job! You should be really PROUD of yourself :flowerforyou:
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