Changing lanes without signaling



  • msiamjan
    msiamjan Posts: 326 Member
    :tongue: I was told that in some places (Miami for example) using turn signals is dangerous--because it's a sign of weakness.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I also get annoyed with people who drive slowly in the fast lane.

    If you aren't going with the flow, move over.

    If there is no one ahead of you and someone behind you who wants to go faster, move over. And don't wait until they have to brake for you before you do. Move over before they reach you. Courtesy people!

    See now that depends... if I am already going faster than everyone in the right lanes and you fly up to me going 90+, I am going to take my sweet time.... usually at the same speed I was already going.
  • MizKittyB
    MizKittyB Posts: 47 Member
    People tailing me when I'm already going 10 miles over, especially during deer season, you can bet I'm gonna mess with you. I'm also one to block you out if I can tell you're trying to cut me off without signaling. I'm thinking of making a bumper sticker that says "We are not dogs. Get your nose out of my *kitten*."

    I saw a license plate frame once that made me laugh: "Pull my hair if you're going to ride my a**."
  • puppy1002
    puppy1002 Posts: 162 Member
    HA no one in the state of AZ uses turn signals ever!

    I know I sure don't use one unless there's a car right there.

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I also get annoyed with people who drive slowly in the fast lane.

    If you aren't going with the flow, move over.

    If there is no one ahead of you and someone behind you who wants to go faster, move over. And don't wait until they have to brake for you before you do. Move over before they reach you. Courtesy people!

    See now that depends... if I am already going faster than everyone in the right lanes and you fly up to me going 90+, I am going to take my sweet time.... usually at the same speed I was already going.

    And you'll get tailgated. That one's on you.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    :tongue: I was told that in some places (Miami for example) using turn signals is dangerous--because it's a sign of weakness.

    Hahaha! And that is exactly the reason I make my husband drive in places like Houston and Boston and even Dallas... because yeah, I'm just not that aggressive... speeding is one thing... but whipping around everyone is a totally different thing all together. But then I'm also the type that thinks about where I am going and moves over accordingly so as to not slow people down with indecision... so it takes a LONG time before I get comfortable with driving in larger cities where I don't know where I am going... GPS or not.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I also get annoyed with people who drive slowly in the fast lane.

    If you aren't going with the flow, move over.

    If there is no one ahead of you and someone behind you who wants to go faster, move over. And don't wait until they have to brake for you before you do. Move over before they reach you. Courtesy people!

    See now that depends... if I am already going faster than everyone in the right lanes and you fly up to me going 90+, I am going to take my sweet time.... usually at the same speed I was already going.

    And you'll get tailgated. That one's on you.

    As stated earlier... I will slow down.... because as I said in my reply, I would already be going faster than the flow... one car does not equal flow.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    I also get annoyed with people who drive slowly in the fast lane.

    If you aren't going with the flow, move over.

    If there is no one ahead of you and someone behind you who wants to go faster, move over. And don't wait until they have to brake for you before you do. Move over before they reach you. Courtesy people!

    See now that depends... if I am already going faster than everyone in the right lanes and you fly up to me going 90+, I am going to take my sweet time.... usually at the same speed I was already going.

    And you'll get tailgated. That one's on you.

    As stated earlier... I will slow down....

    Yes you did. So you actually create road confrontation. Not just respond to it.
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    As I said, I hate tailgaters. But if I get tailgated because I'm being an asshat, I get out of the way as quickly as i can.
  • joseph9
    joseph9 Posts: 328 Member
    My number one pet peeve is when I have the green light in stop and go traffic, but wait so that the intersection doesn't get blocked if the light changes, but then some bozo turns right on red. Dude, stop punishing me for being a human being - you get to go when YOUR light is green.

    Number two is when I am turning left, and the guy coming the other way turns left without signalling. Dude, if you had signaled, I could have gone too!

    Changing lanes without signalling is probably number three. It's sociopathy, plain and simple. I do try to make a point of letting people who signal into traffic, just so civilized behavior is rewarded.
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I just hate left lane cruisers
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    i just have my signal on all the time in case i feel like turning or switching lanes, or not.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    As I said, I hate tailgaters. But if I get tailgated because I'm being an asshat, I get out of the way as quickly as i can.

    It shouldn't be my responsibilty to move out of the way if I am in the correct lane and going with or faster than the flow of traffic. If the one tailgating me is wanting me out of the way, well then that is really on them because there is no reason to tailgate... none whatsoever. If someone is going to be the asshat and create a dangerous situation in the first place (which would be their fault in the case of an accident) then it is all on them. I will move out of the way when I can safely do so,regardless of what my speed is. I will do my best to not put someone else's life in danger because I am in a hurry... As I am not the only person on the road and I am likely not the only person anxious to get to my destination.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    :explode: seriously, I'm not a mindreader.


    never, ever, ever, ever drive in the middle east. Especially not Saudi Arabia

    changing lanes without signalling is nothing here, trust me, nothing. I've seen some bad driving, I've seen driving that goes so far beyond bad that there isn't even a word for it.
  • Game8
    Game8 Posts: 442
    It's ok only if you have a fully tinted, souped up car. That's one advantage we have over other car drivers. It's pretty much as good as having sirens on your roof, so just yield.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    People tailing me when I'm already going 10 miles over, especially during deer season, you can bet I'm gonna mess with you. I'm also one to block you out if I can tell you're trying to cut me off without signaling. I'm thinking of making a bumper sticker that says "We are not dogs. Get your nose out of my *kitten*."

    I saw a license plate frame once that made me laugh: "Pull my hair if you're going to ride my a**."

    I have a friend with a huge window cling on her back window that says basically the same thing!

    @k8blujay2 - I was driving to work, with what I was pretty sure was an unmarked police car behind me, so I was only going 9 miles over just in case. There was a guy riding his *kitten*, and at one point that guy passed both of us in a no-passing area. That's when I knew it was a cop, when he sped around me with his lights flashing and he pulled the dumbass over. When he was passing me was when I saw the government plates, which means that guy was an even bigger dumbass since he was obviously close enough to see them.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    People tailing me when I'm already going 10 miles over, especially during deer season, you can bet I'm gonna mess with you. I'm also one to block you out if I can tell you're trying to cut me off without signaling. I'm thinking of making a bumper sticker that says "We are not dogs. Get your nose out of my *kitten*."

    I saw a license plate frame once that made me laugh: "Pull my hair if you're going to ride my a**."

    I have a friend with a huge window cling on her back window that says basically the same thing!

    @k8blujay2 - I was driving to work, with what I was pretty sure was an unmarked police car behind me, so I was only going 9 miles over just in case. There was a guy riding his *kitten*, and at one point that guy passed both of us in a no-passing area. That's when I knew it was a cop, when he sped around me with his lights flashing and he pulled the dumbass over. When he was passing me was when I saw the government plates, which means that guy was an even bigger dumbass since he was obviously close enough to see them.

    Buahahaha!!!! I would have loved to see that... which brings me to my next driving pet peeve... people who use the middle double turn lane as their personal lane... They do it all the time in an area where the speed limit is 30 because of bike lanes and pedestrian (and horse even) traffic... and if people are going the speed limit or even 35, they will decide it isn't fast enough and pass multiple cars in the middle turn lane... I saw another guy do it on a busy 7 lane street where pedestrians commonly jaywalk and the street is 35 there (because of the peds) though people usually do 40. He couldn't get through on the 3 lanes of cars so he decided to use the middle double turn lane as his personal lane... I hope the cops got him for that one...
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    As I said, I hate tailgaters. But if I get tailgated because I'm being an asshat, I get out of the way as quickly as i can.

    It shouldn't be my responsibilty to move out of the way if I am in the correct lane and going with or faster than the flow of traffic. If the one tailgating me is wanting me out of the way, well then that is really on them because there is no reason to tailgate... none whatsoever. If someone is going to be the asshat and create a dangerous situation in the first place (which would be their fault in the case of an accident) then it is all on them. I will move out of the way when I can safely do so,regardless of what my speed is. I will do my best to not put someone else's life in danger because I am in a hurry... As I am not the only person on the road and I am likely not the only person anxious to get to my destination.

    There's a difference between having responsibility and showing common courtesy.

    There's also the idea of not creating problems when they are very easily avoided. All you have to do is slip over for a moment. But if you'd rather stay in the other driver's way because you feel you now own the lane, nobody is going to stop you.. (They'll just tailgate you).
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    Dont do it in the eastern sierras of California. Highway patrol will pull you over and you'll get a $230 ticket.
    There are quite a few speed trap towns in that area with 25 mph speed limits on the highway through town. Lone Pine being one of them :wink:
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I ride a motorcycle. Please signal. A bent fender in a car, could be the end of the road on a bike. Look first, make eye contact, signal. The life you save may be your own, cux I can go from zero to a ss hole in half a second when my adrenaline gets elevated.