Stereotypes that DON'T fit you



  • allday2
    allday2 Posts: 413 Member
    Hate fried chicken and watermelon!! LMAO
  • Lavon_G
    Lavon_G Posts: 26 Member
    Hate fried chicken and watermelon!! LMAO

    Too funny! I'm from Georgia and don't care for country music, nor do I refer to myself as a "Georgia Peach".
  • I'm a girl and I play video games, love watching ufc, have tattoos, and wear skate shoes. I also want to be a police officer and I'm really short, a girly girl, and have tattoos. Not exactly your typical girl cop.
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    I love gore, more than anyone I know.... The people I have met that like gore, well they usually Gothic or Emo.
    I also love horror movies.... Basically anything from that type of scene.

    I am a pretty natural woman, as far as that goes..... Meaning compared to mounds of other women, my beauty products and such, amount to zip.

    I love retro things and wish it was the 70's or 80's again.... If only I could time travel.... (SECRET HIPSTER IN NON HIPSTER CLOTHING)
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    Tatted up mom, doesn't mean I'm a bad girl. Just means I love tattoos!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Hate fried chicken and watermelon!! LMAO


    I'm an Australian who doesn't ride around on kangaroos, nor do I drink Fosters beer or throw shrimps on the barbie :wink:
  • I dont like chicken wings and fanta XD
  • I suck at math! I took Algebra II twice in high school and failed the second time! LOL!
  • I get it I'm really good looking, but just because I know it doesn't mean that I'm an *kitten*, conceited, have a big ego, or shoving it in anyone's face... unless they get really close to me and I smile. Then it's really in their face.

    It's called confidence... clearly we all know what we look like. And my sentences above are probably not going to help me prove my point...
  • im from montana and i definatly do not ride a horse to work or school
  • MissJanet55
    MissJanet55 Posts: 457 Member
    I'm a bookish sort of person and work in publishing, so people think I'm "highbrow". But I LOVE the Real Housewives of Anywhere. Please don't tell anyone.

    People also tend to think I'm more socialy conservative than I am; I'm externally respectable. But every once in a while, even at nearly 56, my inner wild child needs to come out to play.
  • I was a cheerleader and DIDN'T sleep with the whole football team
  • theWinchester
    theWinchester Posts: 68 Member
    I am Irish but not an alcoholic, I don't eat potatoes everyday nor say top o' the mornin'
    But I am a redhead XD.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I'm a nice lawyer - who drives a crappy car!
  • Im a huge geek/nerd but dont like or play video games.
    I walk quite, good at being sneaky and not seen than scare the crap out of people. That baffles my co-workers because Im so Big. You know because big people make a lot of noise when when the walk and cant hide in small places.
  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    that I'm flawed as a woman because I don't want to use my uterus for babies :)

    ^This (I want kids, I'd just rather adopt) - Oh that's a stereotype too - that all adopted kids are screwed up and I'm heading for disaster by wanting to adopt. My brother is adopted, so what are you trying to tell me, huh?!

    I'm vegan, so that means I'm preachy, pushy, and must convince everyone to join in my eating habits (honestly, I don't give a rat's a** what the rest of y'all eat!)

    I'm from California so I must have surfed to school (I've never surfed in my life, though I did go to college near the ocean)

    I'm a girl so I must love shopping and fashion (I hate shopping, and I have my roommate pick out clothes for me because I have very little fashion sense)

    All active duty military are men (I really want to punch the next person who calls me Sir in an email, or assumes I'm some guy's wife!)

    I feel like there's some stereotype I'm breaking by being active duty military and being vegan, but I can't think of it exactly
  • Mermaidyo
    Mermaidyo Posts: 125 Member
    I'm Mexican, from the ghetto, but:

    1. i speak perfect English with no accent and no Ebonics. Even though Spanish was my first language. I'm educated so sorry, no cholo.
    2. My family are not illegal aliens, were 5 generations American. Sorry I'm not a wet back.

    3. I have never been to jail.

    4. My family has money, were not on welfare with kids from everybody.

    5. I hate tejano music.

    6. I did not vote for Obama.

    7. My kids are not gang bangers nor have they ever been to jail, deal drugs, or have kids. They work and go to college.

    8. And just because I'm light skinned DOESN'T mean I think I'm white.

    9. I'm not married to a cholo. I married a black man.

    10. I don't think the cops are out to get me.

    I love love number 8!!! People think because I am fair complexion I couldn't possibly be a mexican woman :(
  • Thena81
    Thena81 Posts: 1,265 Member
    im greek and i hate olives! no, im not an olive picker!!! were goat herders, get it right!! lol
  • lotushead
    lotushead Posts: 200 Member
    I am 100% Russian. No my family does not have vodka on the table every night. Actually we hardly drink it. I think Cognac is more common at our family dinners but we rarely drink unless celebrating.

    I did grow up in Hollywood. No it wasn't glamorous! Kinda trashy actually.

    I do drive a mom car. I'm not a mom :(

    I do have chest tattoos. No I don't have a million other tattoos unfortunately.

    Yes I am pretty cool, but I also have a 4.0 gpa after many years in college. That's way more important to me than the way I look or act by the way.

    :) That was fun.
  • Ribba
    Ribba Posts: 31
    I'm a good driver.

    ^^ well said