Morbidly Obese mother files complaint



  • sissiluv
    sissiluv Posts: 2,205 Member
    The real question is... how was penetration even possible in the 1st place??
    I'm going to guess, with a penis.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    The real question is... how was penetration even possible in the 1st place??
    I'm going to guess, with a penis.

    2nd guess would be a turkey baster.
  • 1) The doctor was in the wrong for telling her it was hospital policy, if in fact it is not.
    2) Her sister (SIL?) was told the same thing a couple years ago by another doctor and delivered at the Downtown Indy hospital. I think that's odd that if this is the case, her sister didn't bring it up to anyone other than family. *shrugs*
    3) I'd be embarrassed to air my weight in the media.

    I was obese when I was pregnant with and delivered my son. Do I wish I had gotten healthy and lost weight before becoming pregnant, yeah. But, DH and I weren't very careful one time and I ended up pregnant. I do have a healthy, happy kid though, so I think my weight at the time of pregnancy/delivery play very little role in his health.
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    removed to fix
  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    Please explain how MY obesity affects YOU, a total stranger. Because I am among a statistic? What happened to love the sinner and hate the sin. In my opinion, YOU are the one who is being selfish and self-centered. My rights and freedoms are only acceptable as long as they don't impact YOU. But your bigotry has an impact too.


    [/quote]in form of taxpayer's money spent into facilities to cater for special set-ups...
    people pushing for fat acceptance and benefits for morbid obesity as physical impairment, please read up physiological effects of morbid obesity before you try to make people stop bettering them!
    imo, fatshaming is not a doctor asking the patient to lose weight when their BMI is 30, 35,40 , but i consider it fatshaming when ladies get looked down upon by shop assistants in clothing stores(it's no buisness of this people to direct how much anyone should weigh):glasses:
    (looking for tin hat and armor before bashing starts) :ohwell:
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Also, promiscuous sex is a poor lifestyle choice now? What?

    So teenage/unwanted pregnancy, HIV, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, chlamydia, chancroids, hepatitis, crabs and trichomoniasis are all GOOD choices? What is WRONG with you???

    This, this, this and more THIS!

    I am astonished...
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member

    I think it is totally crazy as well. 353lbs isn't that bad.

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Body shaming? Fat acceptance? These terms are indicative of everything that is wrong with our society today. There is zero rationale in accepting obesity period end of story. If you are obese you should love yourself enough to work toward resolving it. Will you succeed? I do not know. Should obese people be ostricized or discriminated against, of course not. There is a huge difference though between not discriminating or hating obesity and loving yourself obese. The middle ground should be that obesity is a disease, a deadly one. To be obese and refuse to work toward change is selfish period. You are depriving yourself and more importantly your loved ones of years of life. Losing weight is absurdly difficult. I was fortunate to have LapBand which put me on the road. I am not saying that failing to lose weight is failing, but failing to recognize obesity as a disease and making the mental and physical changes required is an absolute fail!

    Being fat isn't a disease.

    But in your last remark you sad not all people get fat by making bad choices... So which is it? A choice or a disease?

    A body type.

    How is eating at a calorie surplus a "bad' choice? Is it somehow immoral to eat at a calorie surplus?

    So which is it? A body type or someone eating a calorie surplus?
    You can't even make two posts without contradicting yourself.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


    I love him. :heart:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    but i consider it fatshaming when ladies get looked down upon by shop assistants in clothing stores(it's no buisness of this people to direct how much anyone should weigh

    This is want I'm arguing against. I actually agree that the doctor was within his/her rights in this particular case. But the overall tone of this thread is hate-mongering.

    As far as the argument that the cost of the obesity epidemic gives people the right to mistreat others, that's a total crock of *kitten*. Whether anyone in this thread is trying to "fat-shame" isn't really the point. The point is that this thread gives more than enough justifications for a person to "hate" even if that isn't the intention of the OP in the first place. Someone out there is reading this thread and agreeing with all of you and getting ready to go out into the world to find an obese person to tear down with all that they have read in this thread as justification.
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Bet that kid is going to come out eating a burger.

  • HollyColeman91413
    HollyColeman91413 Posts: 78 Member
    Being that I am a few lbs heavier than that women, I do not see why she is complaining. If i were a mother I would want the best care for me and my child. I dont think the doctor was wrong for sending her to anouther hospital, but to say it was policy and knowing that it wasnt he should of just told her the truth. And how could she think she is healthy? Shoot like i said im a little heavier than she is and i am sick all the time i hurt all the time my ankle swell up all the time, i have high blood pressure which i have to take meds for, and i have asthma. there is no possible way she could be healthy.!!!!!! she needs to stop and think about waht her doctor thinks is best for her!
  • dovetail22uk
    dovetail22uk Posts: 339 Member
    Being that I am a few lbs heavier than that women, I do not see why she is complaining. If i were a mother I would want the best care for me and my child. I dont think the doctor was wrong for sending her to anouther hospital, but to say it was policy and knowing that it wasnt he should of just told her the truth. And how could she think she is healthy? Shoot like i said im a little heavier than she is and i am sick all the time i hurt all the time my ankle swell up all the time, i have high blood pressure which i have to take meds for, and i have asthma. there is no possible way she could be healthy.!!!!!! she needs to stop and think about waht her doctor thinks is best for her!

    Good for you - you are the voice of reason! Some people can't see beyond the dollar signs...
  • Hard to say. I think the doctor was honestly just trying to be realistic with the situation. I think he made the right call and don't really believe it to be discrimination. Everyone is trying to get everyone in trouble these days though sadly.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    It's possible that she can be that heavy and have no health problems, at least not yet. My highest weight, I was around 230, and I'm 5'2. I literally have no health problems besides my thyroid disorder. No risk of diabetes, very good blood pressure. I never ate too badly to begin with, I'm not a lazy bum sitting on her butt all day, I have two little ones to chase after. I just got the short straw when it comes to my metabolism and thyroid.
  • BamsieEkhaya
    BamsieEkhaya Posts: 657 Member
    do not blame the doctor...she's morbidly obese, carrying HUGE (excuse the pun) risks with the pregnancy for both herself and her unborn child.

    face the doesn't want to take that risk and rather than being a *kitten*...he is referring her to someone/where that can help and have the facilities.....stop her whining and go to the referred hospital..

    poor doctor was probably only trying to be a little more sensitive saying it was hospital policy rather than turn around and say....err you're too fat ! (admittedly lying is NOT good!!).
  • OneDimSim
    OneDimSim Posts: 188 Member
    As a neonatal RN I have seen what morbid obesity can do during deliver and added care a baby may need in the NICU. This MD does not have a vendetta against overweight people. He is out for the safety of his patient and her unborn child and thats it. Too many "moms" get all fired up about themselves and forget once you're pregnant you have another person to keep safe lied but if it were me, I think that may have been the easiest way to tell her. When I have to give someone an answer they won't like at work I always say "it's board policy", knowing that they will back me up on my decisions.

    ^^This -

    I am obese and if i had a baby at this weight I would want a doctor to have my and my child's safety in mind - not being scared over being sued
  • jcmartin0313
    jcmartin0313 Posts: 574 Member
    but i consider it fatshaming when ladies get looked down upon by shop assistants in clothing stores(it's no buisness of this people to direct how much anyone should weigh

    This is want I'm arguing against. I actually agree that the doctor was within his/her rights in this particular case. But the overall tone of this thread is hate-mongering.

    As far as the argument that the cost of the obesity epidemic gives people the right to mistreat others, that's a total crock of *kitten*. Whether anyone in this thread is trying to "fat-shame" isn't really the point. The point is that this thread gives more than enough justifications for a person to "hate" even if that isn't the intention of the OP in the first place. Someone out there is reading this thread and agreeing with all of you and getting ready to go out into the world to find an obese person to tear down with all that they have read in this thread as justification.

    No one is arguing that obesity or the cost of obesity gives anyone a right to shame, discriminate or hate anyone else, just like no other vice, sin, habit or addiction does. However, telling someone who is obese and refuse to makes changes, that they are living a healthy and selfish lifestyle is not shaming them, hating them or anything else. Alcoholics are selfish, drug addicts are selfish, gluttons are selfish and the list goes on. I am selfish because I have vices including obesity. The difference is I readily admit that I am a flawed being and have taken steps to correct or get help correcting my vices. There would be considerably less hate and shame, if the perception was that people who suffer from addictions and other self inflicted diseases truly want to change, but I have myself during my weight loss journey seen people time and again be given golden opportunities to lose weight and blow them.
  • donteatmycookie
    donteatmycookie Posts: 21 Member

    So lets say that plane seats are suddenly all the size of first class seats instead of coach. That cuts down the amount of passengers by 20%. Also cutting down the luggage and booking fees and ticket sales by 20%. WHich means airline prices will go up about 25% for everyone.

    Are obese people going to pay the extra $100 every time I need to fly somewhere for business? I didn't think so.

    Let them pay for 2 seats, because that's what they're taking up. You could apply this model to countless other industries all over the world.

    Airlines should be free! Air travel is my right as a human being! All things should accommodate ALL people at all time for maximum fairness.


    ^^These is facts, y'all. Somebody send a lawsuit to Jesus.