Black Team week ? -- Pollyanna Challenge



  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Hey my friends-- busy day today. Payday = grocery shopping. Kinda went easy today since hubs and Sarah are leaving in a couple days for a month golf tour, and we're minus the mouth of my eldest to feed. Three adult mouths less equals savings.

    Just had some quiet time out with DH-- fried calamari and ice water. Yummy.

    Medicine is not working well at all. Blood pressure 145/88 earlier, so I'm bagging it and going back on what I know works. My old medicine may or may not be aggravating my psoriasis, but the new stuff has not helped the water, the blood pressure or the psoriasis-- if anything, it's aggravated the arthritis.

    Doctor on Tuesday, I'll discuss it all with her. But I need to get this water out of me. Hubs won't let me run anymore until it leaves. PLUS we're going to the pool on Monday for Memorial Day-- this should be interesting in a bathing suit.

    Need to get typing--

    Tamara-- so glad your daughter is okay. Have a great run tomorrow and a lovely weekend.

    love to all--
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :yawn: Good morning everyone and happy Memorial Day Weekend.
    Lori:smooched: I couln't help but smile.
    Driving up north today to do up all the relatives graves. They are spread out so it is an all day event. I hope some of the perenials that I planted have come back.
    Marla, I am glad you are taking it easy.............well sort of........that bp is way too high. Enjoy the long weekend Richie
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Good afternoon from the UK.

    Marla - please look after yourself and relax (as much as you can!)

    Richie - have a good drive and hope that the visits go ok

    Well can tell that dh is home, have already today been to the wholesalers, supermarket and garden centre - hopefully the day will slow down now :laugh: . Have reintoduced the elliptical trainer into my routine, and have done 10 minutes on that followed by 20 minutes on the bike, need to do some weight work on my legs and ab work, but will do that in a bit.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tanya-- busy days raising so many kids, eh? Not for the faint of heart, that's for sure--

    Richie-- God bless you, today-- every Memorial Day you do this? How lovely. Bless you, my friend.

    LoreeB-- you're adorable either way-- but, you glow with that baby in there, woman.

    Tamara-- how'd that run go?

    You, too, Batman-- what'd you have in the tank today, ol' buddy?

    Lori Fl-- hello? Where the heck are you? Hope everything is okay.

    Kati-- hope you're lounging away this weekend.

    Bobbi-- trust you're enjoying your daughter's visit-- have a great weekend!

    Shuntae-- still basking in the afterglow of that ring? :smooched: So happy for you.

    Jeannie-- come out, come out, wherever you are.

    Donna-- the little sister of my best neighbor friend growing up is running in the Spring Lake thingie today, too-- sounds like so much fun-- hope you had a good day. We were going to do a 5k this morning, but bagged it because of my water sitch. Have a great time!

    Jan-- MIA, my friend-- report for duty.

    Roni-- has not logged for 3 days. She may need some encouragement-- OR she may be having a ball with her fiance. Either way, get back here and make sure all is well, woman!

    Beth-- so proud of you in this pregnancy. Exercising, eating right, minimal weight gain-- you're doing great. And your recovery will be sooooooo much easier. Way. To. Go.

    Sam-- hope everything is well-- it's been a while. Pop in and let us know what's up.

    Come on peeps-- let's keep this accountability thing going!

    177.5 this morning-- old medication pushes the water out sooooooo much better, and I feel better already. Still 10 to go, but it's a start!

    Today is my parents' 56th anniversary. My dad is apparently in the hospital so guess I need to do the "honor your father" thing today and make a call. Strained relationship with him for the past 10 years, but progress was made recently when he happened to answer my mother's cell phone when I called her and I heard his voice for the first time in years. It touched my soul-- go figure. Cried like a baby. I'm such a stinkin' mushbaby.

    ANYWAY-- off to type this beautiful Saturday-- I wish you all much joy and peace this day my friends. Let us all remember to count our blessings and offer thanks for them.

    Eat right today. Work hard. Love hard! Make wise choices in all things.

    Love to all!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :noway: :laugh:
    Loreeb!- So excited for you! I'm sure your done being pregnant. For those of you who arent on facebook, Beth and I had an ultrasound last week and it's.....ANOTHER BOY! God has made a "No girls" thing clear. Looks like it's three boys for us. lol

    Tamara-Way to go on the 1000 miles. I'm so proud of all you do!

    Got some new running shoes today so I am looking forward to taking them for a test drive tommorow. I'll let you guys know how it goes!

    Have a good night all!

    It's OK Andrew, Marla said to tell ya you have 6 more tries!!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    :noway: :laugh:
    Loreeb!- So excited for you! I'm sure your done being pregnant. For those of you who arent on facebook, Beth and I had an ultrasound last week and it's.....ANOTHER BOY! God has made a "No girls" thing clear. Looks like it's three boys for us. lol

    Tamara-Way to go on the 1000 miles. I'm so proud of all you do!

    Got some new running shoes today so I am looking forward to taking them for a test drive tommorow. I'll let you guys know how it goes!

    Have a good night all!

    It's OK Andrew, Marla said to tell ya you have 6 more tries!!

    and if your anything like this english family they will be all boys!! After 4 boys we have stopped trying :laugh: . Congratulations
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    Sam-- hope everything is well-- it's been a while. Pop in and let us know what's up.

    I did check in but it happened to be on the same day as our resident with the new pretty ring!!

    I came to a realization yesterday that when I joined the gym I stopped running and that is when I started gaining this weight back. So, monday wednesday and fridays before spinning I am going to start jogging again on the treadmill. see how that goes. I am up 10 lbs and my 12's are starting to get a little tight so here's my gym schedule.

    M,W,F 4pm jog 6-7 spin
    T,Th 9-10 cardiosculpt 10-11 fitness fusion 5:30-6:30 TRX and then Softball after that
    Sat TRX
    Sun off

    This is just until school starts because I am taking a full class load and won't be able to do mornings anymore.

    Hope all is well and thanks for thinking of my Marla!!!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Sam-- hope everything is well-- it's been a while. Pop in and let us know what's up.

    I did check in but it happened to be on the same day as our resident with the new pretty ring!!

    I came to a realization yesterday that when I joined the gym I stopped running and that is when I started gaining this weight back. So, monday wednesday and fridays before spinning I am going to start jogging again on the treadmill. see how that goes. I am up 10 lbs and my 12's are starting to get a little tight so here's my gym schedule.

    M,W,F 4pm jog 6-7 spin
    T,Th 9-10 cardiosculpt 10-11 fitness fusion 5:30-6:30 TRX and then Softball after that
    Sat TRX
    Sun off

    This is just until school starts because I am taking a full class load and won't be able to do mornings anymore.

    Hope all is well and thanks for thinking of my Marla!!!

    Hi Sam! I would be PISSED if I was back in my 10s so I can imagine how you must feel with all your exercise. Dang, just not fair is it??

    Let me know how it goes. Hope the 10 fall off like the pork on my rib bones!
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    :noway: :laugh:
    Loreeb!- So excited for you! I'm sure your done being pregnant. For those of you who arent on facebook, Beth and I had an ultrasound last week and it's.....ANOTHER BOY! God has made a "No girls" thing clear. Looks like it's three boys for us. lol

    Tamara-Way to go on the 1000 miles. I'm so proud of all you do!

    Got some new running shoes today so I am looking forward to taking them for a test drive tommorow. I'll let you guys know how it goes!

    Have a good night all!

    It's OK Andrew, Marla said to tell ya you have 6 more tries!!

    and if your anything like this english family they will be all boys!! After 4 boys we have stopped trying :laugh: . Congratulations


    I have 3 and 3 is enough!!
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Hey Marla- I've been around, popping in for a one liner here or there.... makes me seem invisible compared to my usual books I write I suppose. :laugh:

    We spent the entire morning blowing insulation in the attic. It was a freaking nightmare. Worse than a nightmare. We did it when we added our sunroom and it was minimally horrid. Today was the full 100% crappy experience.

    First, the hose must have been clogged from the person who rented it before us. It was trickling out on hubs end. After feeding in 2 packs of the crap he comes down and asked me what I am doing. Ummmm, nothing. I have PMS, so it would be in his best interest to be nice, for the record. We piddled around for almost an hour trying to get it working right. The hose kept shooting off the machine and shooting insulation everywhere. At one point the place two hoses were connected came apart, blew a whole bag of insulation in a huge pile right outside the house door before I realized it.

    About the time we got it working it started to storm, we moved to right inside the gargage door. The rain was coming down so hard it was blowing in, the insulation on the floor was getting wet, the machine was getting wet, I was praying I wouldn't get struck by lightning. It was absolutely miserable.

    28 bags of torture, 5 hours. My bedroom dang well better stay cool/warm now! That's all I have to say. Hubs took a picture of how terrible I looked when we were done. Blown insulation is dirty, dusty and downright nasty. I was soaked through with sweat so it stuck to me. The kids said I looked like a teddy bear.

    Then the kids informed us that the torential rain came in our sunroom, sure enough, water all over the floor, soaked the throw rugs. Mess. It rained so hard the stones floated out of the beds, there is mulch running down my retaining wall. Is there a black cloud over my head or what? I cleaned the sunroom, the backyard can wait.

    We are taking the kids bowling. Hubs got passes for a bunch of stuff since he's deploying and it's FREE. I :heart: free. They are good through July sometime, so I feel a lot of bowling in our immediate future. The kids love it, but it's pricey, so they better enjoy it while it's free.

    Here I am.... in at my purdiest yet......
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    OMG Lori..I soooooooooo know how you feel. For some reason when DH suggested it I pictured 20 mins of work and burgers on the grill. Instead it was 6 hours of shear torture. It was August and 120 degrees in the attic. DH always does that. Picks the worst possible time for a project. Did our roof in August too!!

    Amazing how much of that stuff got all over my bedroom. The attic crawl is in that room which used to be the carport. SO when we were though blowing, I had to clean the entire house of dust.l

    Next time, we hire professionals.

    Make sure to rinse your nose int he shower. I used my neti pot to rinse for 2 days.

    :smooched: :heart: :smooched:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    the good thing about DIY projects is it makes me happy with my career choice. I know I never want to be
    a insulation installer
    sewer line installer
    window installer
    door installer
    air conditioner installer
    carpet installer
    sod installer
    lawn maintence
    fence installer
    tree remover

    So insurance sounds good:laugh:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    A Teddy Bear? Well, maybe Grumpy Bear, Lori-- I don't know that I'd be wanting to decorate my bed with you-- oh my gosh-- what torture!
  • richardsrm
    richardsrm Posts: 1,144 Member
    :laugh: great picture Lori
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Wonderful day! My little family unit is reunited. Feels so good to go sleep at night and know the nest is full again, even if only for a little while. Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,758 Member
    Jeannie- thank goodness our attic opens into the garage.... if that would have been our bedroom.....:noway: I would have been crying. Most jobs I am cool with, I'm not sure I want to do that one anytime soon again.
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Bobbi-- so happy for you-- have a great weekend.

    Had a lovely date with the hubs-- realized that for this weekend, running is less important than spending time with him since he'll be leaving for a month. Glad I got that right in the head before *****ing tonight about not being able to run.

    had a lovely date out with him enjoying a "bar pie" and a Coor's Light. Can't remember the last time I had pizza and beer-- 1980something, fer sher.

    Typing-- later!
  • mumsanutter
    mumsanutter Posts: 3,067 Member
    Morning all from the nut house!!! Hubs and I are trying to decide if something has been added to our water supply today as the boys behaviour has gone from quite chilled and relaxed yesterday to mega hyper today?? Trying yet again to train Christopher, and yesterday was a good day just 2 'poo' accidents, but today he has pee'd everywhere and hasn't found the potty once :frown:

    Have done 10 mins on the elliptical and 20 minutes on the bike 455 calories burnt, and will try to do it again later.

    Marla - glad you had a good date night with hubs, and I really like the sound of pizza and beer at the moment

    Lori - I have no idea what you were doing, but you certainly look fuzzy :laugh:

    Boobi - glad that you have your family together, have a great time

    Jeannie - have you finished all your digging?

    Everyone else, hope you are having a great weekend
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Checking in momma marla..

    My run was great and my workout after my run was great for 1800 calories burned..then ran off to do a service call with honey..Then hit mexican..ordered a chicken taco salad gave most of sour cream and shredded cheese to darling husband and didnt even eat thell shell, and between the two of us we almost finished a basket of chips..but normally we would have eaten 2 felt pretty proud there..

    Came home and started cleaning as my guest would be showing up soon..

    We made hamburgers and hot dogs, and I made my honey make me a turkey burger and I ate it on a arnold flat bread, so was proud of myself there..Did however eat a piece of lava cake a piece of toffee cheese cake and a root beer float..

    We played cards until 11:30...I actually got to sleep in until 515 this morning..Not having to be ay work until 7 is wonderful I think I will keep it..Hopefully we are blowed away today..I am ready to make some money..

    My knee on the other hand did fine during the run and during the workout..It was after that it started to hurt..I need to be careful or I feel like I wont be running long. A mother from my sons baseball team is a physical therapist and she told me to ice it and take tynelol and when I run for a while put a brace on it..Good idea, becasue when it bothers me, I could almost go to my knees.

    Well everyone have a great sunday and monday..No more bbq for me we celebrated yesterday..Back on the ole wagon..Just ate my french toast and drinking my coffee...already weighed my food out and fixin to get dressed and head to work..

    Thank you to all ther servcie men and women who fight and protect our country!!!
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member

    Boobi - glad that you have your family together, have a great time


    Tanya said Boobi-- giggle.gif

    'morning everyone.