Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • dobarber
    dobarber Posts: 611 Member
    Monday Checkin: hoping to get a run in tonight. Not sure if my kids sports practices are going to allow it but I'm going to try. I'll either lift or run. I know the kids school has a little oval that they use to run miles to work up to the "Final Mile" run in a few months. Thinking about using that as my workout. 10 laps makes a mile so we'll see what happens.
  • lana1977
    lana1977 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi Kim, this is my first post to this thread also, i'm right with you !!! ive been doing this yoyo weight to lose also, im with you we can support each other !!!!
    My name is Lana - Hi everyone !!! :flowerforyou:
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Welcome, Lana! I love your profile pic!
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Monday morning my friends. It is a yucky mucky washington day here. Do not attempt to live in Western Washington if constant rain and drizzle all winter will depress you or bring you down:tongue: I am feeling pretty upbeat this morning. My right shoulder blade is giving me fits. I must have slept wrong on it Saturday night as it has been bothering me since yesterday morning. I am not going to let it affect how I spend my day though. I have to run to the store later this morning. I had three lightbulbs burn out last night and seem to be out of replacements. As mentioned it is mucky outside so lighting is a must :smile: My food consumption for the weekend was just horrendous. I wish I could say i had a reason but there wasn't one really. I just kind of subconsciously decided to take the weekend off and indulge in all the things I normally restrict or limit myself on. Needless to say Monday moning weigh in was a bust but I dont think there is any lasting damage. Mostly water weight at the moment I think since my feet are a little swollen. I am not going to fret or stress about it. I cleared out the last vestages of my little food orgie this morning and put a roast in the crockpot for dinner and then jumped on here to see how everyone else was doing. I am having my parents for dinner so it is a nice midwest meat and potatoes meal with a couple of healthier twists that the menfolk in the family dont even notice but makes it better overall for all of us. I plan on keeping on with the wii and crazy loon dancing for exercise this week. I think I have finally made myself realize that exercise isnt taking time away from my not so busy life but really adding time to it considering the length it could add to the end. I hope everyone is off to a great start and we can have a wonderful week:bigsmile: Now lets get this week started right I have had two glasses of water so far so TAG:drinker: :drinker:
  • Helenavee42
    Good morning all. I did a lot of walking this weekend and didn't eat too badly. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice.

    Monday check-in: I did not really catch up on sleep. I did nap a bit with my puppy on saturday afternoon but at night i just kept tossing and turning. I really need to make some goals. I need to be more active during the week. I need to start doing most if not all of the cooking in my house.

    There is more I want to say but it will have to wait until my brain is processing everything better.

  • Snapdragon61
    Snapdragon61 Posts: 3 Member
    I walked in the Chinatown Firecracker 5K yesterday for the 4the year now. Felt great... they changed the course a little bit. In the past the course was very challenging had a large hill you had to climb, I had a hard time in the past getting up that hill. this year the new hill was a little easier, but I didn't have to stop at all and I was able to talk through the whole walk with friends... don't get me wrong i was winded, but I thought I did a great job. we walked it in 1:09 minutes. Next year want to get it at 1:00 or under. :happy:
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Good morning all. I did a lot of walking this weekend and didn't eat too badly. Thanks to everyone who gave me advice.

    Monday check-in: I did not really catch up on sleep. I did nap a bit with my puppy on saturday afternoon but at night i just kept tossing and turning. I really need to make some goals. I need to be more active during the week. I need to start doing most if not all of the cooking in my house.

    There is more I want to say but it will have to wait until my brain is processing everything better.


    i'm going to use Helena as a perfect example of the positive framework I was talking about in my March challenge idea. It's not to pick on her, but hopefully to help, because she's FABULOUS! Instead of saying "I need to be more active during the week", say "I will be more active during the week." See how it sounds and feels more positive? It's an active statement! YOU CAN DO IT! :)

    I read somewhere that instead of saying "I will be a person who eats right and takes care of her body", if you say "I AM a person who eats right and takes care of her body" (even if you're not right now), you are more likely to actually become that person. Or, "I AM a runner", even if you only mostly walk with a little jogging, you are more likely to become a runner. It has something to do with our self-image, how we describe ourselves. If we say "I AM a person who eats healthy", then to not eat healthy conflicts with our self-perception, we don't like conflict, we are more likely to make healthy choices.

    I'm not saying that you shouldn't post when you're struggling or feeling down, we're here for that, too! But just an experiment to try and reword things in a more active way, or to try to include something you like about yourself in your post, or mention an accomplishment without minimizing it. I bet it would help with self-esteem that a lot of us (including myself!) struggle with.

    It's funny, I was going to come in and tell you all about how I was feeling really good about my weight loss, until I saw a candid photo someone took at an event yesterday and I still have a roll of tummy fat pushing out my tshirt and a double chin and how discouraging it is to feel like I've come so far and yet have so far to go. I was really down on myself. Then I wrote up that idea for the March challenge, and I realized I was feeling sorry for myself and that wasn't going to get me anywhere, so I smacked myself up side the head and got over it. So what if my tummy was rounding out my shirt? It did it a whole lot more 31 pounds ago!
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    @Karen -- well, an Oscar party that everyone dresses up for just sounds like a brilliant idea! Viewing the Oscars live is hard here though because they happen in the middle of the night as we're eight hours ahead of LA.
    @Laurie -- Morris dancing is a form of English traditional folk dancing. See .
    @Jana -- Welcome back! Now I'm doing parkrun that gives me a 5k every week if I want it; I can't believe how quickly I've gone from 'ooh, maybe I could run a 5k' to it being a regular training run.
    @Des -- oh, what great ideas those are. I like the idea of sharing healthy restaurant choices. I know what you mean about there being so far to go. I was looking at myself in the full length mirror at my mum's and just thinking 'oh, gosh, I look dreadful'. But I don't really, or at least, I must have looked a lot worse before.
    @Kelley -- I always enjoy the articles you post.
    @Snapdragon -- well done on the 5k!

    Well, after three days away from my scales I checked my weight this morning and have lost two pounds. I'm very excited to hit 50 pounds lost! That's taken me eight fantastic, brilliant months. Thank you to all you wonderful people who have supported me all through that. My next big target is 55 pounds which will be halfway to goal (goal being the very tippy top of the healthy weight range for my height). Also, the shabby old jeans I got from my friend now all fit comfortably, and the largest of them is even perhaps a bit loose. As for my own favourite jeans I was hoping to slim into when I started -- next time I wear them, I think I may need a belt.

    -- Alison
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi Guys!! Just caught up on all of the posts, and now DH is ringing the dinner bell. I will come back later to do personals and Monday Check-in.
  • lmackbethl
    @alison - great victories!!!
    @karenleona - good to see you popping in!
    @jana - so nice to see you too!!!!

    Monday Check-In: Celebrated scale victory this morning (3.0 pounds) by taking extra steps and working out a bit longer today! :smile: I'm also still a perfect 25/25 for the GHD challenge! Gained a pound since my mid-week low on Saturday, so I'm 2 from where I had hoped to end February, and that goal was a stretch, so I'm pretty proud, regardless of what happens in the next couple days!

    It seems to me that the Spring Into Spring and In Like a Lamb/Out Like a Lion Challenge ideas are basically the same, and I like them both. I always prefer the challenges that let us pick an individual focus, with a common goal of improving or repeating or whatever, especially since we're all at different stages. For February, I really needed to figure out a way to burn calories consistently, despite the snow and ice, hence wii workout or walk each day. In March, I plan to add core work into the mix, starting small and growing. I think whatever we call it (SIS or ILLOLL), it encompasses all the suggestions. I love Des' idea of positive-self-talk/affirmation and increased confidence, and of course that can be an individual focus of this month's challenge.... whatever we call the challenge, this month, I will increase my positive self-talk/affirmations and my core work.... I will also strive to be as forgiving of myself as I am of others...
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    We still have a couple of days to decide on the March challenge but I also like individualized choices. I'll admit I'm probably too shy to say something here in public that's positive each day. I might write it down in my own word document or something.

    I do wish all of my friends the best possible for this week.

    One more day and I should finally have everything signed and mailed for my dad's taxes. Then time to start on my own........well, I will start in the next week sometime.

    GHD challenge: 25/25

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:


    KATRENAJ Posts: 318 Member
    Just a quick check-in. Weight in tomorrow, weighed at gym today and it showed I stayed the same, but scales might not be synced. I have stayed within points but have coasted toward the edge and made choices that while they are in point framework are not good choices.

    Did an intensive water aerobics class today. Feeling better jointwise. Have toothache. Will either need root canal or have the have the tooth pulled most likely. Seeing an endodontist Wed.

    Best to all

  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Monday Check In:

    Good evening MFP family. I trust that you all had wonderful days and have all successfully met your goals for the day. If you haven't, keep trying!

    Today was Day 1 of Insanity and let me just say that I am seriously DYING! I'm not made for jumping up and down and doing jumping jacks, but that is precisely what I did. My movements were slow, my reps were low, but the point is that I did it! It isn't everyday that I can say that I have done a "real" workout that made me hurt. Well I can as of today. I'm going to post more about it in my blog, so feel free to add me and check it out. You can get me at janak2004.

    Other than that, my day was pretty good. I taught function tables and took the kids to computer lab to reinforce what we have been doing in class. Then I had a parent meeting after school. It was brief, so I had just enough time to come home and eat a quick snack before heading to go tutor for an hour and then home to cook and workout. I'm whopped, and I think after a shower I will head on to bed. Double workouts are exhausting.

    I hope everyone has a great evening and I will check in soon. Also, I am excited to see what the March goals will be. I've given up soft drinks as a part of Lent, but I'd be happy to take something else on. :)
  • heidiaustin38
    Hello guys! I am new to this board. I signed up about a year ago, however I just started journaling my food about two months ago. I was eating 1600 calories on average a week and I have been losing .8 ounces to a pound. However, I have decided to go with what they said I should be eating and eat 1200. Which I think is really low. I was full and satisfied with 1600 but today with only eating 1232 calories I feel like I am hungry. What do you guys think I should do? Also, I have the lap band and I am actually supposed to feel full after a cup of food full of protein. I don't feel that either. UGH so frustrated! I am happy that I am no longer gaining, but I want to lose at least 2 pounds a week. Which is really good because before I was unhappy because I was ONLY losing 2 pounds but now I just want to lose the two pounds..

    Please give me some encouragement here....let me know how all you losers ( pardon the pun) have done it. I feel like I have 100 to lose I should be losing faster? What do you think? Also, can you guys give me more protein ideas, remember it has to be protein that I have to choose because I am banded and need to fill my small stomach so the liquid doesn't go straight through two my bigger stomach. PLEASE HELP!
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
    @Alison - weighing the same time, wearing roughly the same thing ... I think my scale is possessed.
    Thinking of switching to the scale at the gym..

    On a lighter note, two words DIET PIZZA. Seriously... if you have the opportunity to try Papa Murphy's Veggie DeLite - do it. 160 calories a slice of awesomeness. (And not too much of a carb hit -- very very thin crust).
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Heidi- welcome to the group. Finding the right amount of calories for you and your body can be difficult. The reduction of 400 calories may be to much to fast for you and that is why you feel hungry. I am not sure how the lap band changes how much you should eat. You could try changing your calories to 1400 and see how that works for you. For me, I could not handle 1200 calories and have raised it back to 1460, It helped to make me feel better. Weight training is also helping me to lose weight and get toned.

    Monday- I am doing great. I am thrilled that the weight is coming off again and even the gym scale confirmed a loss tonight. That is wonderful since those scales are usually higher since I weigh in after work and drinking about 80 ounces of water. I even told my trainer tonight that the weight is coming off again and he was thrilled for me. I believe that the weight training he has me doing is making all the difference right now.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    March challenges- Spring into spring
    1. Try something new or add an activity to your routine. (exercises-cardio or strength training, healthy recipes, etc.)
    2. Change a habit from a negative into a positive.
    3. Turn the negative thoughts into a positive and take pride in our accomplishments.

    Please comment on this challenge and make suggestions to add or remove something.
    This should allow all of us to pick something(s) that we need to work on or provide the motivation to do something new.

    Do we need a water challenge this month?
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    @Laurie I like the March challenges. I can actually use all three, to be honest. And if we add a water one, I'm golden.

    Monday- c25k DONE (+arms. hubby wanted to work out at home)
    Tuesday- strength
    Wednesday- c25k
    Thursday- strength
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest. weigh in/measurements

    Let's kick this week's *kitten*.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @katrena--hope you can keep the pain at bay until your appt. on Wed.

    @lin--that must be a huge weight off your shoulders that you've finished your father's taxes. I admit, I'm not looking forward to doing mine. All of the tax preparation commercials are annoying me :grumble: --I don't want to even think about them until I'm on Spring Break.

    @beth--I agree that the challenges are basically the same idea, but I think "in like a lamb, out like a lion" is a better name for what we are proposing.

    @alison--I guess the time difference would make it kind of difficult to throw an Oscar party in London! I hadn't thought of that. :laugh: Congrats on reaching that 50 lbs lost goal!! :drinker:

    @des--I agree about the positive language. I started calling myself a "runner" the minute I started c25k, and I think it really helped my mindset. I also don't like the word "jog"--there's no physiological difference between running and jogging, so I think people who downgrade labeling their "runs" to "jogs" are selling themselves short. I sometimes run very fast (for me) and sometimes more slowly (again, for me), but if I'm not walking, I'm RUNNING!! :smile:

    @snapdragon--great job on the 5k!

    @helena--sorry you are struggling to get enough sleep. If it makes you feel any better, I just read an article in Fitness magazine that said one side effect of weight loss is typically better sleep.

    @tammy--I could never live in the Pacific NW b/c of the rain and gloomy weather. I love sunshine! :smile: I would really like to visit there someday though. I have a friend who moved from Colorado (300+ days of sunshine/yr) to Seattle--talk about climate shock!

    @lana--welcome to our group! :flowerforyou:

    @doug-- hope you get that run in during your son's practice.

    @kelley--great article! I'm fortunate that I rarely eat due to emotions. My biggest demon was eating out of boredom, but I've found ways to avoid that pattern--most of the time...

    @kaye--we are getting a big snowstorm tomorrow--I'm crossing my fingers that it's also our last. I miss running outside. :sad:

    @rachael--Yay for clothes fitting!! :drinker:

    @holly--mmm--red velvet cake *drool* Great job limiting the treats at the party!

    @gorilla--sounds like a fun weekend! Hope the scale continues to cooperate for your weigh-in next week!

    @bailey--great goals for the week!

    Monday check-in:
    I don't know why, but I was super hungry all day today. Our school food service providers brought in sushi chefs for a special event today. I LOVE sushi, so that's what I had for lunch. Normally, I find it really filling, but today I was still hungry after eating it all. I ended up eating all of my snacks that I brought with earlier in the day than I normally would. When I got home, I walked gunner (a longer walk b/c the weather is pretty nice today) and my stomach started growling for dinner. I had a huge helping of roast beef and garlic mashed potatoes, and now I'm finally feeling full (a little too full :blushing: ). I did a double session of core work to make up for the extra-large dinner, so I should pretty much break even on calories today. Hope tomorrow I'm less hungry.

    I got those AP presentation graded, but they took a lot more time than I thought they would. I need to grade the Good Deeds essays to hand back on Wed., so that's my priority for tomorrow.

    Grading Goals:
    1. x/16 Good Deeds essays
    2. 27/57 Gatsby Journals
    3. 14.14 AP research presentations DONE
    4. 16/16 comma practice worksheets
    5. x/16 vocab quizzes

    Exercise Goals 2/23:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but did 30 minutes of core/strength work
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive
    Wed--walk gunner + core
    Thurs--rest day or maybe core (I have a baby shower after work)
    Fri--walk gunner

    GHD= 24/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein