Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    27/27 GHD strength training!

    Have a healthy day.

    Quote of the day - Horace: “Rule your mind or it will rule you.”
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Okay....I read through all the posts that I was behind. I wasn't going to do personals because some are like a week old but there are few that are stuck in my head that I just want to comment on.
    @Helena- Don't let people's weightloss suggestions make you feel bad. Some people just don't know how to be tactfull when dealing with a delicate situation.
    @Jtconst- T-mobile reps are so wrong for treating you like that I would still report them because they are responsible for how their empolyees act. Plus usually those calls can be recorded. I know at Target all the customer service dept calls are recorded.
    @Tina- Thanks for posting keep your head up you can beat that 25lbs. Congrats on the A's
    @myMowMow- I am turning 40 in the next month and I agree with what Laurie said you are healthier than a year ago.
    @ALL NEW PEOPLE- Welcome

    More recent posts in the last day

    @Karen(skinny) - I relocate in May and yes I will lose my gym at that time. The new building however does offer free fitness classes that I took this summer and fall. Like Yoga, Kick boxing, Core, Zumba. So if they are offered during lunch time I will be there or I will be looking for a new gym.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Tom- You're my HERO for shaving your head for a good cause. Can't WAIT to see the pictures!
    Liz - HOpe the family all feels better fast.
    Gorilla - I want to be you when I grow up with the gym and the running and the lifting!
    Rachel- Power of suggestion I think. I had an eye migraine yesterday afternoon. I felt a migraine coming on and hauled it home from work ASAP, but had to stop for cat litter on the way home (damn cats). By the time i got to the grocery store I was seeing silver streaks and my stomach turned itself upside down.
    GrandmaKaye - Yay for your granddaughter! I've lived in Oregon for about 7 years now and I *LOVE* it here. Portland is a wonderful city.
    @Snapdragon - Great job on the 5K, that's an awesome time for walking it!
    @Bohemian - /HAPPYDANCE4U Woohoo on 50lbs lost! Lost jeans are an even more wonderful victory!
    @Kah - I considered carb cycling myself. Before it was out of the question with my BS levels but now that it's all under control I thought I'd try carb cycling and see if it didn't help the binging(watching it closely to be sure it doesn't effect my BS levels).
    @FreeMySkinny - Welcome! :) I've come to enjoy the next day 'sore'.. It's like an old friend :laugh: that's been gone too long.
    @KJeffries - .8 lbs is really nothing. That could be water weight. I wouldn't worry about one week with a really small gain.
    Hope all is well at the Dentist, we look forward to hearing from you when you get back.
    @Susan - Sounds like an amazing meal, you showed admirable controL!!
    @Tina - Welcome back! I would suggest going back in your food log to an exceptionally good week and recreating. Eat all the same meals and snacks. Next week, do the same thing. It'll be easier to log and even if you don't feel like logging it or don't have time, you'll know your under your calories.
    @Rachel - Yuck, hope everyone feels better soon!

    Well, no MORE weight loss on Tuesday so I'm still at 212.2 (from Saturday), and I'm ok with it. Be glad for another 1 to 1.5 lbs loss this week. That'll satisfy me.

    Wednesday wish - I wish I knew why my first stop is always food. I came home from work early yesterday feeling sick and the first thing I did was eat like 2 servings of cereal.... then too much popcorn... then it was dinner time and I still felt icky so I had MORE cereal. I was under maintenance and only 33 over my sodium but YEESH. First thought is always "FOOD WILL FIX IT!"

    Tried a new fruit infusion in my water this morning. A pineapple chunk and three fresh strawberries. HOLY MOLY that's good water! I'm on my second glass (18 ounce glass) and it's not 9 am yet. YUM!
  • Freemyskinny
    Thank you guys for all your welcomes.! :D
    I find this topic to be my favorite seein' how we all can relate to each other in our weight loss goal.. I do have a question, I don't have a workin' scale right now. So, does anyone have an idea on what I can do to make sure i'm losin' weight.????

    Wed Wishes:
    I wish (openin' up time.. :/) I could make this breakin' heart go away, or my ex-boyfriend said he wants me back.. its makin' this diet even harder.
    I wish I could fit into my old jeans already because I REFUSE to buy more in the size I am now.
    I wish I could figure out whats makin' my face break out in bumps. they are not pimples. >.<"
    I wish I could press a fast forward button like in the movie "click" but without the dramatic endin' when he is about to die. Just want this body of mine to be gone..

    Thank you all for listenin' to my babblin'.

    Always, Diana. <33
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    bump :smile:
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome all newcomers!

    @Susan, your food on Monday sounds DIVINE!! I'm glad you're loving your new job.
    @skinnyjeanz your students are reading The Great Gatsby? We didn't have to read it, but we watched the movie (the old one). I can't wait to see the one with Leo!! :love:
    @kaye I'm also having a hard time with water consumption. Some days it's a lot easier than others.
    @mnwalking I hear ya, I'm so behind on posts.
    @Gorilla you just wait, we just got about 6 inches of snow here last night.
    @Tina great job on your studies!! I tried to make a game of 4.0 when I was a student, but never made it. School is really stressful.
    @Alison today is full of I don't wanna for me too lol.
    @Rachael ugh I hate the stomach bug. I had it last month. Joys of working in a daycare.
    @Mow I have always wanted to try fruit/herb infused water. I saw a recipe for strawberry basil (or mint, I can't remember) that looked really good.

    Good afternoon lovelies. We got a bunch of snow here last night and ice, and since I work at a preschool we were closed today. Love having snow days as an adult, but I could really use the cash. Also, I'm feeling really sick today, so I doubt I'll get my much neglected housework done either. le sigh. At least now I can stay in my jammies and read books in my blankets.

    Wednesday Wish: I wish I was feeling better so I could go to the gym. I'm getting worried about not getting ready for the 5k in April and may have to walk instead. I don't want to give up, but I don't want to jeopardize my health either.

    Fitness goals/progress this week:
    Monday- c25k DONE
    Tuesday- strength SKIPPED (combined it with Monday's run anyway)
    Wednesday- c25k (may also get skipped due to this sicky)
    Thursday- strength
    Friday- c25k
    Saturday- free
    Sunday- rest

    As far as other goals, I'm doing very well. Sleep schedule is getting a little wonky because of sickness, but getting better. I'm getting a lot better at getting out of bed in the morning, anyway. My water intake is getting better, though today I need to up the ante. And reading, well, perfect day for that.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @FreeMySkinny - To move on and live an amazing life is the best revenge. I went through something somewhat similar back in September and I'm *FINALLY* at the point where I can comfortably say "If he doesn't want to be part of my life, then F&#K him." It did knock me on my butt and my weight loss has pretty much stopped and I do think that's partly why (along with time spent with my family in NJ). As for weighing in, I would talk to your doctor or a local walk in clinic. I doubt they would charge you just to walk in, weigh, and walk out.

    @Ebaily - I don't do anything exciting like boil the water and drop the fruit in and then strain it out. When I get to work in the morning I plopped a big chunk (pre cut at the grocery store) in my glass followed by 3 whole strawberries that I washed and hulled. I add ice and water right on top of the fruit. When the glass is full it's quite a soft diluted taste and as you get to the bottom the taste gets stronger....then I refill the glass with the fruit still in it and start over. At the end of the day I dump the fruit in the trash (I guess I COULD eat it, but then I'd have to log it) and wash the glass for the next day.
  • Freemyskinny
    @Mow. thank you. I am startin' to think that I'm guna have to have "**** him" mind set so I can push through with this Skinny dream of mine. you made sense. (: and Goin' to a clinc doesn't sound like a bad idea. lol
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
  • FluffyCorky
    FluffyCorky Posts: 96 Member
    Hey all, I've been keeping up on everyone's posts but haven't had time to check in for myself. I like coming to read this thread when I have a minute of down time. Makes me feel connected. :heart:

    @skinny - I appreciate the offer for joining in on races once I'm ready. I'll deff make sure to make note of that and keep it in mind!

    @heidi - just an idea on protein - quinoa. I usually mix it with some shrimp, avocado and lemon or make it into a salad with tomato, chick peas and & red onion sprinkled with a little olive oil & balsamic vinegar.

    @janak - crazy props for trying insanity. I'd love to try it one day, but there is just too much weight on these bones to even think about any type of exercise that revolves around the word insane. Keep the updates coming cause I'd love to know how it turns out!

    I think the March challenge sounds great. And personally I like the lamb/lion name. I know I'm right there with the rest of you that need to work on the adding positive phrases to my vocabulary instead of all negative ones.

    I'm a few days late (and always a few dollars short) but I'm happy to report I had a 3lb loss this week. My goal for fitness this week was to do it at least twice. No set days, no set time, just do it. It's Weds and I haven't done it yet. So I'm hoping I'll have the energy to knock out my first go when I get home from work tonight. I have until Saturday night. So it's still a reality.

    My Wish for today: I wish people would stop offering me delicious food. I have the hardest time saying no. BUT.....At least today's offering was from a bakery that specializes in vegan and health food. Much easier to fit into my diary and remove snacks I planned to eat later to make up for the cals. Well worth it.

    Keep up the great work!
  • turkeyhunter60
    turkeyhunter60 Posts: 319 Member
    If you have flashes, floaters, or feel like there is a curtain coming down over your eye, call IMMEDIATELY! Don't wait 15 seconds. I had a thinning, then saw the curtain, and told my wife I would call the next morning. My eye doctor saw me immediately, then sent me to a surgeon and hour later, who scheduled me for surgery for that day, a few hours later. He got it fixed, and six months later I have most of my vision back. Due to the torn retina and surgery, I will be having cataract surgery in about six months. Good luck with it. Any changes, don't wait!
  • MissDeAnn
    MissDeAnn Posts: 47 Member
    Wish to meet my goal by the end of the year and be in a better financial situation.
  • maxr63
    maxr63 Posts: 3 Member
    Hang in there! You are getting to your goal of better health ...:smile: every single step and every single hour.
  • donnadavies72
    donnadavies72 Posts: 29 Member
    Wish exercise was a LOT easier! :sad:
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone. I am incredibly tired today but no one to blame but myself. My mom gave me some books by an author I hadn't read before. There were four of them about the siblings in one family (historical romances) and I got caught up and might not have turned off the light for bed until 4:30. OOPS. So when I got up at eight it became apparent real fast that I wasn't going to accomplish much today. I knew it was going to be a read, computer, tv kind of day. I did want to get some kind of workout in though so I drug out my big exercise ball into the living room and bounced on it while doing some arm exercies and tightening my core for an entire 40 min episode on netflix. Yay me but now my legs are so shaky I can hardly walk, lol. I did get an interesting phone call today. T-mobile called and left a long message explaining how their charges were all legitimate but in light of the way the situation was handled they would be zeroing out the bill and nothing would be going on my credit rating. I was pleasantly amazed. I guess sometimes the little people can win:bigsmile:

    Freemyskinny I wanted to mention if you have a hospitla with an er mine has always let me walk in to use the scale or get my bp chaecked as long as they are not really busy.

    My wish for wednasday is just that things keep going as they are since things could definitley be worse. Have a great day everyone.

    Sunday: wii and dancing
    Monday: wii and dancing
    Tuesday: walk around the lake
    Wednesday: Bouncy ball and arm exercises
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,176 Member
    Wednesday wish - that things straighten out. Too many things keep going amiss.

    Meanwhile, GHD challenge: 27/27

    Take care my friends.


  • heidiaustin38
    It is actually getting better. I haven't had a real big issue with doing 1200-1300 a day. So, I am going to continue with it for this week and see how I do on monday morning! Thank you for the advice :0) this board is so nice! What are the challenges all about? Can someone clue me in? Thanks
  • janak2004
    janak2004 Posts: 128 Member
    Wednesday Wish:

    I wish that my butt and thighs would stop hurting! I'm super sore from all of this exercise. I know it will get better with time, but it is still very tough. My students saw me trying to sit and got tickled because I could barely bend my legs to get into my chair. But I know it isn't pain from injury, so I'm just going to keep stretching and working out daily. I'm counting down until my break on Sunday. :)

    Day 3 was a lot of arm work on the floor and I can say that I have zero upper body strength. I really struggled with this and my arms are sore, but not too bad. I'm sure by the AM I'll be dying, but we shall see.

    I felt uber hungry today and had to go over my normal calories, but between my workout calories and what I ate, I'm still in the green. Hopefully this won't become an everyday thing.

    I hope everyone has had a great day. I'm going to head on out and finish Criminal Minds, Shower, and hit the sack. :) Sleep well all!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- that it would snow. My area has been missed this year by the snow gods. I also wish that the bid I am putting in on the condo goes threw. I am very nervous about it but we will see what happens.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @heidi--each month we do a challenge. You can join in for part or all of it--it's very flexible. Feb. was to repeat a behavior for all 28 days--someone called it the Groundhog Day challenge after the Bill Murray movie, so that's why you see GHD challenge on some of our posts. I'm sure Laurie will post the March challenge today or tomorrow--it has few parts and you can do none, some, or all.

    @lin--kudos on the GHD challenge!

    @tammy--glad you still got some exercise, even on very little sleep.

    @courtney--I'm also terrible about declining yummy foods at work. I just remind myself that I can have it, but I have to fit it in my day--even if it means pounding out some extra miles. I'm glad you mentioned quinoa for protein--it's one of my favorite foods! I usually add asparagus, chickpeas, and goat cheese--I'm making some right now for lunch tomorrow and Friday. :smile:

    @bailey--hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    @holly--at least if your move isn't until May, the weather will probably be nice enough to walk outside if there are no lunchtime classes.

    @tina--great job on the grades! Hang in there--you will figure out a way to make it all work. I agree with everyone else about loggin and using past diaries to improve your eating. Looking back at those old entries will also be a good reminder that you CAN do it b/c you've done it before! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--it won't stop snowing here! Do you want to come shovel my driveway? Sorry you are getting so much rain--that sucks too.

    Great job to all of you doing so well, and to others who are struggling, I hope things turn around soon!

    Wed. Wish:
    I wish Spring would get here already! We got about 8 inches of snow yesterday, and it's been a light snow all day today--I think about another 3 inches. It's not supposed to let up until Saturday! :noway: I'm tired of shoveling, but I think it must be the best core workout ever based on how sore my abs and obliques are feeling!

    Grading Goals:
    1. 49/57 Gatsby Journals
    2. x/16 Punctuation tests

    Exercise Goals 2/23:
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + long run DONE
    Sun--core NOT DONE
    Mon--walk gunner DONE + gym NOT DONE but did 30 minutes of core/strength work
    Tues--gym or treadmill if weather is too bad to drive DONE
    Wed--walk gunner + core NOT DONE but shoveled lots of snow!
    Thurs--rest day or maybe core (I have a baby shower after work)
    Fri--walk gunner

    GHD= 26/28 days minimum 80 grams of protein