Callouses on my hands from weights! And I'm a girl!



  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Calluses are a sign that you aren't a lazy slob who sits on her butt all day.

    That is BS, just like most of your postings.

    I workout a lot and lift as heavy as I can and I don't have calluses in my hands. I wear gloves because I want smooth hands and because having small hands the gloves help me with the grip.

    I even wear special gloves (WAGs) for my Yoga and Pilates classes.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I was really excited to be doing heavier lifting sets with my personal trainer, but the more we do, the more callouses I'm getting on my hands. Not to sound too vain, but I don't want man-hands! My trainer told me that gloves (I don't use them) don't protect your hands from getting callouses, they only help for grip on heavier lifts.

    A little about me- I'm not training to become a weight lifter or anything, just to get in shape / lose weight. We don't always do lifts with bars, my trainer mixes it up a lot, but I really do like using the free weights (deadlifts, bench presses, squats, cleans, etc.), and I'm pretty good at them (good = motivation = success!)

    So I guess my question is, how do other females deal with this? Is there a miracle hand cream or anything? hahaha... I moisturize like crazy, but I mean, it's not too sexy for a girl to have callous-y hands... :grumble:

    Buy yourself bicycle gloves for lifting and if you are doing pull ups/chin ups. And as for the ones you have - maybe don't wear rings, and soak your hands or get a parafin soak treatment to soften the skin up.
  • UKMarjie
    UKMarjie Posts: 257 Member
    I lift and pull up a lot and don't like the callouses either - but if I get some - who cares...we are not being judged by our soft delicate hands that have never done any labour any longer...hell if you have to change diapers you will have dry, scaly hands if you don't watch out! ;)
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Calluses are a sign that you aren't a lazy slob who sits on her butt all day.

    That is BS, just like most of your postings.

    I workout a lot and lift as heavy as I can and I don't have calluses in my hands. I wear gloves because I want smooth hands and because having small hands the gloves help me with the grip.

    I even wear special gloves (WAGs) for my Yoga and Pilates classes.

    lol... wow way to take offense. This person was saying that calluses show that you lift (although honestly, there's way too much patting yourself on the back around here) not that the absence of calluses means you're a lazy slob. I'm sure they would agree that there are plenty of other signs of "not being a lazy slob" such as a good physique or being totally self absorbed.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    I want my callouses back. Arnold didn't wear gloves, I don't wear gloves. lol

    Arnold also lifted barefoot. Just saying....

    What's wrong with lifting barefooted?
  • heatherdawn007
    I've had callouses for 12 years at least from working outside with my hands. When I got a desk job a few years ago, I was really sad that they were starting to go away, but thanks to weightlifting they are back! It takes hard work to get those, and they do stop hurting or tearing after a while. You earned them, be proud of it!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    I want my callouses back. Arnold didn't wear gloves, I don't wear gloves. lol

    Arnold also lifted barefoot. Just saying....

    What's wrong with lifting barefooted?

    45lb plates hurt when you drop them on your toes.

    I'd worry about slipping too, sweaty feet and a heavy squat or deadlift could result in some serious injury if your foot slips while you are holding the weight.
  • Me48Plus2
    Me48Plus2 Posts: 73
    Wear gloves. I use the gloves I wear for biking - has all the padding in the palm. Helps with grip and any callouses.

    For the callouses you have now, soak your hands in Apple Cider Vinegar - Braggs is best., nothing over the counter. Your hands will be so soft !
  • salgalbp
    salgalbp Posts: 218 Member
    i'm proud of mine.

    ^^^^^^LOVE THIS!!! Cuz I LOVE MINE TOO!!!
  • jareno0919
    jareno0919 Posts: 18 Member
    Just like I told my daughter who complained of the same thing...get over yourself and live iwth it. Don't file them down, they will just return. Let them develop and they will provide that protection. Think of them as a "badge" of your healthy lifestyle.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    I use gloves and it works fine for me.... better gloves maybe??
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    I too have callouses on my hands from lifting. At first they bothered me, but now I don't really care about them anymore. If my future partner has an issue with it, oh well! I'm not going to stop lifting or wear gloves to get rid of them!
  • Tdk4685
    Tdk4685 Posts: 293 Member
    I wear gloves and still get callouses. I haven't found anything that makes them go away, they are just part of me now. Over all I think the benefits are worth it though.
  • gillz89
    gillz89 Posts: 81 Member
    I miss my climbing callouses, I need to start climbing again!

    I miss mine too! I started climbing again, but my calluses haven't built up yet. I am hoping they do quickly, as I get flappers really easily without them and my hands get torn up. I think my calluses are badges of honor...proof that I work hard and play hard (climbing is fun, after all!)
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    After you shower just save em down. they have files at your local CVS/walgreens or use a pumice stone. Good to do so so they don't rip either

    I actually love them :) Conversation starter!
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I bought gloves, simple fix. :)
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    I want my callouses back. Arnold didn't wear gloves, I don't wear gloves. lol

    Arnold also lifted barefoot. Just saying....

    What's wrong with lifting barefooted?

    45lb plates hurt when you drop them on your toes.

    I'd worry about slipping too, sweaty feet and a heavy squat or deadlift could result in some serious injury if your foot slips while you are holding the weight.

    i think if you drop a 45lb plate on your foot with a shoe on it'll still hurt :laugh: i lift barefoot! better balance.
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    Use a callus shaver, use lotion, and wear gloves. Yes, gloves do help. Problem solved.
  • Erikalynne18
    Erikalynne18 Posts: 557 Member
    I found I got callouses and blisters after I started using the rowing machine and the weights, especially on my fingers that have rings on them.

    I bought a pair of gloves and dispite what your trainer says, I find a HUGE difference! I still have callouses (pretty sure they were there before) but not nearly as bad.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    i get callouses from rock climbing and playing conga drums. calloused from weights will just be one more on my list.
    I don't lift HEAVY yet. just 'heavy for me"- I get a small blister sometimes. I will get gloves when I increase weights. Actually, I will use my biking gloves probably.