

  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    oops! submitted too soon! This is a do-over:
    1. Measure and chart all food every day -
    measured and charted but went over in the evenings a number of times after submitting food chart.
    2. Continue to stay off the scale and just trust the process -
    Well, did OK at first, not so much the past week - not trusting the process.
    3. Eat 5 fruits/veggies a day -
    maybe not 5, but close. Also tried out some new recipes for roasted vegetables. Yummm!
    4. exercise 30 min/5 days a week -
    getting closer to that than I've ever been in my life. I'd consider that success.
    5. Figure out my TDEE -
    Did that. Still not sure I'm at the right calorie level. Need to try it out awhile and see what happens.
    6. Continue to say "NO" to goodies at work and eat only what's in my lunchbox -
    Absolute success when it came to the workroom goodies and there were A LOT of them. I checked them out and walked away many days. Can't say that for the Valentine's candy I bought for the kids:(

    March goals: See above and I will shoot for meeting them this month.

    Happy March everyone!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,877 Member
    Bump! See all later.
  • charovnitza
    charovnitza Posts: 689
    Goals for February
    1. Sign in and record everything every day
    2. Find new low carb recipes
    3. Don't worry about the numbers, just keep on track.

    Goals for March
    1. Celebrate turning 65 on March 6! Most of my family died before 60, so this is a BIG deal for me.
    2. Finally have my breast reduction surgery on March 11.
    3. Continue to sign in & record everything.
    4. Start meditating
    5. Walk more.
    6. Practice my French lessons
    7. Celebrate life every single day :drinker:

    Judy from Bergenfield, NJ
  • tammytylerjones
    tammytylerjones Posts: 109 Member
    Happy March!

    My goal is to keep eating healthier and healthier.

    Exercise every day at least 1/2 hour. (It has to be every day for this menopausal body!)

    Love on my friends.

    Tammy in Va Beac
  • junerbooner
    junerbooner Posts: 188 Member
    bump so I can find you when I return home from work today. :smile: I will respond from my computer that has all of my Feb. goals.
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    RABBITS! RABBITS! RABBITS! Okay, does anyone else say this on the first day of each month to ensure good luck? I've been doing it as long as I can remember, but don't remember how or why it was introduced to me :ohwell: I guess old habits die hard, and I figure if it might work . . .

    First off, Barbie - thanks for "hosting" this awesome forum!

    Michele - glad you made it home to NC safe and sound (and yes, I WILL be donating all my "too big" clothes!)

    terspa5 - LOVED your thought "focus on the beauty of every day . . ." what a beautiful goal always

    Jo - Dydd Dewi Saint Hapus!

    Liz - blech, heartburn, hoping you're feeling better!!

    Jacqui - congratulations on 12 lbs. lost in February, here's looking at March being as or more successful

    Jackie - Way to go on achieving so many of your Feb. goals!

    DeeDee - You too had an awesome February!

    Grandmallie - sorry to hear the elliptical hurt you, have you tried swimming/aqua exercise???? Also, yes you are definitely not alone in not feeling like cooking "on command" - I love to do it when I want to do it!

    30 Day Shred (scared but gonna give it my best starting today)
    60 miles (want to do more, but also want to be realistic)
    Daily exercise of some kind
    Strength training every other day
    Logging every day
    8 fruits/veggies daily
    No less than 8 glasses of water each day

    Brooke from Colorado
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :flowerforyou: Michele, I don’t binge on chocolate any more, but I’ve had some very unbalanced overindulgences in raisins, cashews, peanut butter, and Kashi Go Lean Crunch cereal…..I’m glad you let us know that you got home safely.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, I love your back to basics approach to goals…..without the basics, all the other stuff is futile.

    :bigsmile: o in Wales, your holiday sounds like so much fun. Thanks for telling us about it.

    :flowerforyou: Liz, signing up for two races is an awesome goal

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: MacMadame, what a great surprise to see your post…….it may have been February for us on the west coast of the US but for those in the UK, it was deep into March.

    :flowerforyou: Jacqui, taking personal inventory is a painful process that reaps great rewards…you have found a great community of women to support you on your journey of rebuilding yourself.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, your goals are an awesome collection that covers so many parts of your life

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee, I had yoga as a goal for several months and never did meet the goal

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, I taught my husband about “Find it and Fix it” days because I don’t want to have to cook a big meal every day……I’ll shop for foods he likes that he can prepare by himself……somebody else called such days “YOYO” You’re on your own.

    :flowerforyou: Nebslp, I like your goal about saying no to goodies at work….sticking to your plan is the key to success.

    :flowerforyou: Judy, great goals, and best wishes for an easy and successful surgery.

    :flowerforyou: Tammy, exercising every day is a great goal……it doesn’t have to be massive, just being active rather than sitting too much.

    :flowerforyou: Brooke, thanks for the reminder about being realistic with goals.

    :flowerforyou: I want to be more involved with this thread so I’m quitting some other threads that were time consuming and plan to spend more time with all of you.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2013 is “Stretch” inspired by “The Happiness Project”….I will seek opportunities to stretch my body and stretch myself personally by improving skills and trying new things.

    Resolutions for March

    *twice a week dance practice at home
    * make appointment and go see the osteoporosis doctor
    *act the way I want to feel
  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    Official monthly weigh-in is 1.5 pounds up from last month's low. I'm blaming last week's vacation, yesterday's dessert amock, and the salty soup for dinner. Tomorrow I'll post a loss, but I am decidedly plateaued, about 5 pounds up from my low last fall. On the other hand, a year ago I never would have imagined plateauing a little below my original goal weight.

    March goals:
    1. Do not post a weight gain on April 1
    2. meet my exercise goals, including hula hoop
    3. no more than once a week over calorie goal
    4. survive first public dance performance on the 26th (and have fun)
    5. be kind
  • bjmcq
    bjmcq Posts: 304 Member
    bump...thought I lost you all there for a minute!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hi everyone, happy March! Breathing a sigh of relief that February has finally said farewell. It was a tough month (in my mind), not that anything bad happened, but it's been a long set of days full of inner struggles. This morning, though, a hint of a smile showed on my face. Ahhh, breaking through!

    Early morning exercises on the agenda for me so I'll leave you with these quotes and poems in regards to welcoming in our lovely month of March.

    “With vision there is no room to be frightened., No reason for intimidation. It's time to march forward! Let's be confident and positive!” - Charles R. Swindoll
    [The energy of the month of March may be related to a second meaning of 'march' as in walking, long trek, walking in a military campagin, marching in a coordinated manner in a group.]

    "March bustles in on windy feet
    And sweeps my doorstep and my street.
    She washes and cleans with pounding rains,
    Scrubbing the earth of winter stains.
    She shakes the grime from carpet green
    Till naught but fresh new blades are seen.
    Then, house in order, all neat as a pin,
    She ushers gentle springtime in."
    - Susan Reiner, Spring Cleaning

    "March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice."
    - Hal Borland

    "Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush."
    - Doug Larson

    :smile: jb in cloudy, but warmer Portland OR
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Bump. BBL
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :love: A new Month and it's Friday all my Vit F's:heart:

    Skimmed the posts...2 pages and the day is just starting:noway:

    February goals not as good as I'd like didn't increase the weights I am lifting averaged 2 times a week instead of three, but I did finish reading Strong Women Stay Thin

    March goals- get to lifting 3 days a week
    log at least one day per weekend (I just get too busy and forget)
    Start the 30 day Shred again
    Get more caught up with things at work....I'd really like to see my desk:grumble:

    It's my half day and I have lots to get done in a short amount of time. Hoping everyone gets their March off to a great start...Log that food, log that exercise and log that water:drinker:

    Laura80111 in Colorado:smile:

    Brooke- JaneH, Rori and I are meeting Friday March 15th @ 12:30 for lunch at the Red Lobster on County Line by Park Meadows, I know you are in the Springs and want you to know you are more than welcome to join us if you can.:flowerforyou:
  • brookehe
    brookehe Posts: 413 Member
    JB in Portland - :heart: :heart: :heart: the Spring poems you shared - Thank You!!!!!!! :smile:

    Laura80111 - thank you so much for the invitation, I'd love to join you ladies for lunch :drinker: (might have to hit the mall for smaller pants :laugh: )

    Brooke in Colorado
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Dydd Dewi Saint Hapus!

    Today it is St David's Day in Wales UK! St David is the patron Saint and there is lots of Welsh heritage to celebrate!

    This afternoon I will go to the Eisteddfod celebrations at two of my Grandchildren' school! Each class will perform from age three to eleven. It will include Welsh songs, poems and dancing and is so cute! The girls wear National costumes and the boys maybe caps and waistcoats or Welsh rugby shirts. I will wear a daffodil the national flower.

    I have made some traditional Welsh cakes and some Leek and Potato soup. ( leeks are the national vegetable)

    There will be competitions in school for drawing and story writing which culminates in the "Chairing of the Baird"

    Such a lovely day and it was my favourite day in school when I was teaching. We would make Welsh cakes with the three and four year olds and hold an Eisteddfod . I never knew what was going to happen and they were always quite funny! My Welsh is not that good as I come from London!
    Have a lovely day

    Good luck with your goals

    Keep smiling
    Wales UK


    Welsh Cakes!!! You are the first person I have ever (met) who knows what a welsh cake is!!! I was raised on them from a youngster. My paternal grandmother made them and said our ancestors always had them on the warmer of the old wood stoves for passing wagons who might stop for a rest... the old Red River wagon crossings. Her g.g.g. grandparents came to Canada from Devon in 1835. I haven't found any Welsh heritage just yet, having only gone back to 1679, maybe there is still hope. Would they have had them at that time or is this something more modern that my ancestors might have learned from someone on this side?

    Thank you Jo, you have made me smile today, I think I am going right out to my kitchen and make some Welsh Cakes. Now we make them with currants but I have heard that some make them with raisins and others yet with candied peel. Is there a real traditional way?

    Here's a toast to Saint David and my ancestors!
    And to you Jo! Thank you!

    Kate, Sherwood Park, Alberta
  • LucyT4dieting
    LucyT4dieting Posts: 284 Member
    TGIF and Happy March to all!:smile:

    Had to go back and look up my February goals. Here they are:


    1. I do not want to spend every day beating myself up for every tiny slip I make, so my first goal is always not to sweat the small stuff and accept that I am human and will occasionally make mistakes.
    2. Be honest and consistent with logging my foods.
    3. Try to add a new form of exercise.
    4. Enjoy life.

    Had a chocolate slip recently and found myself beating myself up over it, so I guess I didn’t follow my first goal. I’m going to have to work on that one. I did better with goal number two. I may not have logged every single day, but definitely more often than not. I added some strength training every other day, so I achieved goal #3. Since hitting my goal in January, I have been enjoying life more. I just feel better all around, and it affects my attitude in a positive way (except, of course, when I experience a binge).


    1. Do not sweat the small stuff! (Trying this again)
    2. Be honest & consistent with logging my foods
    3. More strength exercises & varying routines
    4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day
    5. Find one thing each day to be grateful for

    :heart: Thank you Barbie for starting and continuing this thread. You are an inspiration to us and make this journey easier because we can share it with others.

    :flowerforyou: My hope is that March brings better weather, health to all who have been sick, and success to those who are struggling.

    Have a wonderful weekend and a fresh start for all!

    Lucy in Delaware:bigsmile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Linda!!! Under 200, you must be thrilled. Can't believe you just casually threw that out there - WooHoo!!!

    My February Goal of not eating anything at work that I didn't bring - Major FAIL :mad:

    Michelle, glad your drive home was safe.

    Nana - good luck on the 30 day shred - another FAIL for me :frown:

    Jackie - you are ambitious

    Nebslp - you did what I couldn't

    Ok, I lost it this morning. I did something crazy. Someone sent a link to Dr. Oz touting a green coffee bean supplement that's supposed to melt the fat away. I caved. Since I have 14 weeks to to lose 14 pounds to reach my 145 by my birthday I thought I could use a little help. Of course I'm going to keep moving more and eating less, but if this can actually give a boost to my metabolism I wanted to give it a try. I only ordered 30 days because even if it works I still would like to maintain my weight with no extra help.

    March Goal - Lose at least 2 pounds
    Ride my horse at least once a week (hopefully much more after daylight savings time changes on March 10th!)
    No more ice cream - not even the low fat in small quantities. Ice cream is my biggest weekness.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz: I’m so sorry for the heartburn attack. :frown: I used to have them, but not anymore due to industrial strength antacids and having my gall bladder out a few years back. I hope you get it resolved soon.:flowerforyou:

    Jb in Portland: I love this quote best: "March is a tomboy with tousled hair, a mischievous smile, mud on her shoes and a laugh in her voice." - Hal Borland.:love: Thanks for sharing! My own GD, (Little March) will be visiting in two days! :bigsmile: It seems we’re practically neighbors as I live about 20 miles downstream. It is cloudy here this morning, too, but the sun might make a breakthrough. I’m hopeful for a little sunshine.:wink:

    My DD and GD are coming for a visit! :bigsmile: I am looking forward to spending time with both of them. DIL will also be here for a couple of nights so I’m a happy woman. Where people will sleep is still an open question, as we live in a two-bedroom townhouse. I’m not worried.:noway: We'll work it out.:happy:

    DD gave me a shopping list. My granddaughter is a bundle of energy and it is hard to get enough calories into her. I’ll be buying whole milk, full fat cottage cheese, bananas and lots of other fruit and snacks. Luckily, most of this stuff is not likely to tempt me to over indulge.:bigsmile:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • aseymour13
    aseymour13 Posts: 765 Member
    Hello to all! Ann, Los Angeles area. Still working through some of the goals but a couple are:
    -Start a regular weight training program.
    - 2 lbs a week loss
    -Start riding my bike regularly (weather permitting which is most of the time)
    Im sure there there are a couple of others but those are the ones I know for sure.

    (I really like the comment - Act the way I want to feel! :smile:

    Here is to a great start to the month!
  • ohiomomof2
    ohiomomof2 Posts: 78 Member
    Good morning, all and happy March 1st!

    What a great collection of goals you have all come up with. I love the variety and always find something that catches my eye and makes me think about how to apply it in my own life.

    I did not do so well in February. I lost a few pounds but my motivation really lagged in the last couple of weeks and I didn't hit my goals which were:

    Log my food and exercise in the morning so that I have my plan all worked out for the day
    Exercise at least 4 nights a week (in addition to the mile and a half I walk every morning at work)
    Be more patient with those who make me a little crazy

    I'm going to try again in March with these same goals as I feel they are really where my focus needs to be.

    Have a great day!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello again my friends,

    First I would like to thank all of you who have had such kind words about my writing; I so appreciate hearing that for it might give me courage to carry forth a project I started last year.

    I am not a professional writer and the only things I have had published are letters to the editor expressing opinions on such things as the importance of Remembrance Day and one special letter thanking the ambulance attendants and nursing staff after my son’s accident, especially trying to impress upon the youngsters the importance of wearing bicycle helmets. That particular letter was read into Hansard (with my permission) when they passed the bicycle helmet law for under 18’s.

    On that day I had come home on my lunch to find his cracked helmet, his bent bicycle and his shoes at my back door and the door still locked! (He was 12 at the time.) My neighbour then leaned over the fence and said the police had dropped them off a half hour earlier. The bottom dropped out of my world at that moment. After a few phone calls I located the hospital he had been taken to and how I drove there without causing an accident myself, I’ll never know. I walked into emergency with his shoes clutched to my chest and I could barely squeak out his name. The lady Chaplin had just come out of her office, knew who I was talking about and took me to him, holding my hand the whole way. I was able to bring him home that day after he was stitched, bandaged and had a sling attached, only because he had been wearing a helmet. Even thinking about it today, it still brings a lump to my throat.

    Apart from that, I have a box of my scribblings, mostly short stories (never tried to have them published) but then last year for some unknown reason I started writing a novel for young teens for heaven’s sake! Yes, this is the project I mentioned at the beginning. Where it came from I’ll never know, I hadn’t planned it and 300 pages in and an off-the-cuff idea to make it a series of three novels, I still haven’t a clue where it’s going!!!

    Who knows, perhaps someday I will be in print but till then I will content myself with popping here every few days for a friendly hello.

    Thank you again,

    Yes, it is March.... aughh! How did that happen? No goals as of yet but I can tell you I certainly screwed up February. Must get to work on that too, right?!