Ladies 5"7 (or near there)-- what are your goals ?



  • PhylNYC62
    PhylNYC62 Posts: 11

    I am having trouble with my settings, I think. I lost initially and have had a gain, for no apparent reason. Help.
  • DivaMaria225
    DivaMaria225 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi there, I am 5'8 SW premfp 252 started Mfp 225 GW 145-165(toned)
  • Ryanmariem
    Ryanmariem Posts: 46 Member
    Just turned 35 in Feb.

    5"7, medium build w/hour glass fig. ( but now I look more like a giant apple!) :sad: :ohwell: :smile:

    SW: 230
    CW: 215
    GW: 160 (then will re-calculate from there- poss to 135/45)

    Jan of 2010 I weighed 180 (Over the last two years I have been diagnosed w/ hypothyroidism & hypoglycemia along w/ my already diagnosed PCOS, chronic fatigue/fibro.... it has been a roller coaster ride I want to try to stabilize!)

    Jan 2007
    > 170 (My weight plateaued no matter what I did would not go below 170) :noway:

    Jan 2006
    > 180 :ohwell:

    Jan 2003
    > 240 (enrolled into community college and got into some weight training & nutrition programs while working on my AA degree) :mad:

    Had my daughter May of 2002 was 220 gained 30+lbs while breast feeding not sure exact but was over 240 (ugh!) :grumble:

    Jan 2001
    > 160 (21 and went out a lot) :drinker:

    Jan 1997
    > 180 (Had Ovarian Cysts and had to go on BC made me balloon up, in 2009 I find out I have PCOS) :frown:

    Jan 1996
    > 145 (Senior in HS) <
    would love to be there again! :love:
  • cschiff
    cschiff Posts: 209 Member
    Look at this community here! :)
  • jamaicanext
    jamaicanext Posts: 6 Member
    23, closer to 5'8"
    SW: 243ish
    CW: 212
    GW: 180, will re-evaluate once there and really mostly looking forward to getting under 200
  • jodie32790
    jodie32790 Posts: 5 Member
    22- 5'8
  • 25 and 5'7

    I recently had a baby girl 4 months ago via c-section and my tummy is not the same! so my weight after she was delivered was 185lbs
    CW- 172 lbs
    GW - 130 lbs

    Good luck everyone!
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    I'm 5f 6.5" and my highest was 197lbs
    I was around 190lbs when I tried to lose a bit of weight
    I was 143 llbs when I joined recently
    I'm now 142llbs with a goal weight of 120lbs
  • rtrcarrie
    rtrcarrie Posts: 50 Member
    222 start
    169 current
    145/150 goal (I always fluctuate 5lbs when I'm not loosing/gaining)
  • pullipgirl
    pullipgirl Posts: 767 Member
    I'm 5'7 120 lbs my goal is 130 lbs with muscle
  • 5'9"

    SW: 140
    CW: 138
    GW: 120

    Just started so I haven't lost much...
  • Julie_Donahue
    Julie_Donahue Posts: 394 Member
    SW: 306
    CW: 281
    GW: 150 (ish---I'll reevaluate when I get closer)
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    SW: 184
    GW: 140
    Fingers crossed!! :smile: Good luck, everyone!
  • Cheval13
    Cheval13 Posts: 350 Member
    age: 32
    height: 5'6"
    sw: 172

    I am also a pear shape. I have been as low as 130, but when I was at my fittest, (running 400m in 56sec) I was around 145. I'd rather be 145, muscular and fit, than 130 and weak.

    Same here! Though I'm still trying to figure out what my peak performance weight is. I recently ran a pretty good HM (1:40:25) at 128 lbs, but I ran my fastest 5K (20:58) at 113 lbs. That was jsut after puberty hit me so my body changed a lot since then and I can't really know what is best for me anymore
    age: 21
    height: 5'5.75''
    sw: 133
    cw:129 current body fat: 21.3%
    goal body fat: 19%, no real weight goal
  • Age 30
    Sw: 221

    I'm starting my journey to fitness/healthy lifestyle.
  • 5'7
    Age 30
    Sw: 221

    I'm starting my journey to fitness/healthy lifestyle.
  • corchy23
    corchy23 Posts: 41
    height: 5'7ish
    sw: 198
    cw: 138.5/139 (not positive...spending more time away from scale)
    gw: 130/135 (135 I will be happy...but comfy at 130 with some pounds to fluctuate!)

    I'm trying to be more into health and reteaching myself what's normal since I admittedly spent most of a year losing weight in a very unhealthy I just want to be healthy and maintain instead of killing myself to weigh 118 (original goal) I know I might gain as I incorporate foods back into my routine..but I'm hoping using MFP as my guide, it will be minimal and I'll do more maintaining than gaining!
  • Atojiso
    Atojiso Posts: 15
    Age: 31
    Height: 5'7"
    SW: 272
    CW: 271
    GW: 145

    Good luck to everyone!
  • Jolene8992
    Jolene8992 Posts: 127 Member
    48 y/o female
    SW: 270+
    CW: 197
    GW: 140

    started march 27 2012. I put a plus beside my start weight because I refused to get on the scale. I had already started losing weight when I decided to finally weigh. Stupid I know.
  • Kkleo2102
    Kkleo2102 Posts: 22
    28 y/o female
    SW: 389
    CW: 295
    GW: 130

    Started November 2009.