Share the REAL reasons why you're fat (or too thin)



  • aradje01
    aradje01 Posts: 12
    It stared as a kid and I can always remember this...we had a field day at school, I was in 5th grade and we had to bring our own water bottles, it was like a gym day, but more fun, anyways..I asked my mom if I could put sprite in my water bottle instead of water, and she said yes. ): I don't think she's a bad parent for it, she just gave me what I asked for, I feel like if I would have been more disciplined as a child, I wouldn't be fat now. Secondly, before I met my boyfriend, I weighed 172. I didn't look 172, I looked more like 150 ish. Anyways, after I got to know him and started dating him, he spoiled me and he bought me whatever I wanted. Well, almost 2 years later, he has continued to do so, and now I weigh 225. If I wanted ice cream, he'd buy me ice cream, if I wanted fast food, he'd get it for me because it made me happy, and it was quick and delicious. Today, we are working out TOGETHER and we quit fast food and have only been drinking water. I have lost 6 pounds so far and I am happy with that. (:
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    I gave birth to 3 children and then when I turned 30 my metabolism radically slowed down. And then I had shock like migraines and was put on a medication that causes rapid weight gain. I gained like 45lbs in 3 months. So off that med and on a new one now but working hard to get back down where I wanna be. That and I like cooking really well the more gourmet the better and would sample stuff when I would cook to make sure it tasted right. And I also liked the taste of regular soda over diet soda. have compromised with the coke zero now but I much prefer the taste of regular soda to diet.
  • sandradevinett
    i had a pacemaker 4 years ago before that i was a dance teacher -my health has gone downhill and my mobility is poor
    BUT that is all changing i have lost 3 pounds i 3 days so roll on the summer i hopeto have lost at least a stone good luck to you all xx
  • copiousmusings
    When I was 12 I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. At the time I was one of the youngest cases to have that particular disease. The doctors just kept putting me on all sorts of medications, and my hormones went crazy. Eventually they put me on an incredible amount of steroids and all I wanted to do was EAT. I would get up in the middle of the night and eat things straight out of the cans and not even blink. I was in love with sodas all of the time and drank them without ever considering water.

    Then as I battled with depression after being sexually assualted, I was put on anti depressants. When I was off of medication initially I never ate. Then when I was put on, all I did was eat.

    In college and since college I've been an emotional eater. Every time I get stressed or upset, I eat my feelings. I would rather talk to a container of Oreos than talk to the person that is upsetting me. It has been a long battle, but I know that I have to want this more than I've ever wanted it. And this time I do.
  • featherkiss
    The real reason i am/was fat is i starved myself all day long (just drank coffee up until dinner time) then i would make dinner and not stop eating because i was so ravenous all day. Now i eat so much more of the right foods and the scale is showing that if you do what you are supposed to YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. NO excuses for this sexy momma. TIME FOR THE GOOD LIFE!!!!~~
  • Soontobethinlindsay
    Indian Pale Ale Beer + 3 years loving the stuff = 20 extra pounds for this lady...
  • Thatslimgal84
    coz i always had this thought in the back of my head that I had a beautiful face n ppl thought i looked nice. I dint care too much about what was going below my face.. i kept overeating, became obese, saw all my friends getting married, got depressed, anxious.. and then reached this stage where I thought to myself that its too late and I will never find a man and get married anyways, so y not do what I enjoy the most, and EAT!! finally i overcame my fears and got healthy, once i got diabetes.. i feel so bad thinking about my life choices.. :(
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Mental illness.
  • DollyMiel
    DollyMiel Posts: 377 Member
    I hate exercise (asthma probably doesn't help that). I'm also a severely introverted shut-in.

    Who happens to really love potato chips.

    Edit: oh, and boba. all the boba.
  • NanaWubbie
    NanaWubbie Posts: 248 Member
    Primarily I am an emotional eater... When I a stressed and/or depressed, I eat. When I am nervous, I eat....I didn't even realize it, but my boss pointed it out to me. I do not snack anymore, and no food while watching TV....and less TV!!!! I am so glad spring is almost here! Sunshine and pretty weather helps get me motivated to get out and move. I love how MFP keeps me in check in regards to my caloric intake.
  • FitSlimHappy
    I put on weight because of a combination of a few things starting in 2008.
    I broke up from my first boyfriend and turned to junk food
    I turned 18 and started partying and drinking alcohol
    I learned to drive and hit the drive thru's WAY too often
    I quit my all my sports teams so I could spend more time socialising

    2011 was when I joined MFP and slowly but surely the weight is starting to fall off and I am developing a healthy relationship with food and exercise again!
    so thankful for this site!
  • Stormchasegrl
    Stormchasegrl Posts: 61 Member
    I'm from Buffalo, NY. Period. It's a town where beer and chicken wings reign supreme. Mix that with a loathing for exercise and that pretty much answers that.
  • Kurrsteee
    Kurrsteee Posts: 72 Member
    lazy, stress eater, lack of willpower, like to eat, don' like to deny myself
    Maybe I need a shrink, not a diet! :laugh:
    This mixed with a new-found love of mayonnaise, lack of exercise (I used to walk EVERYWHERE), new birth control and sooo many bad influences.
  • mgallop1
    mgallop1 Posts: 7
    I lost weight to look better next to my very skinny boyfriend. Then he dumped me and I didn't have a reason to be thin. So I stopped exercising and started eating.

    Plus I think I'm addicted to Thai Sweet Chilli crisps and Dominoes pizza. And ketchup sandwiches. Why is bread so much cheaper than veggies and fruit?! T_T
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    I've been watching Iron Chef since I was ~5. I love food and quite a good cook.
  • jenncompagna
    jenncompagna Posts: 2 Member
    I was super thin for a long time, but mostly because I wasn't in healthy relationships. I stayed thin to keep my significant other happy. For the past 7 years I've been in a very healthy/happy relationship with someone who really doesn't care how much I weigh, he just wants me to be happy with myself. Pair this with an absolute love of cooking and food in general. I pretty much cook healthy 90% of the time, but my portions were way out of control. As a result I've put on 70lbs in those 7 years...10 pounds a year doesn't sound terrible but now that it's all on it's not fun! I started on my new healthy me journey about 6 weeks ago when I found MyFitnessPal. Goodlife Fitness just opened up in my community and I'm on my way to the me I want to be!
  • jenncompagna
    jenncompagna Posts: 2 Member
    I was super thin for a long time, but mostly because I wasn't in healthy relationships. I stayed thin to keep my significant other happy. For the past 7 years I've been in a very healthy/happy relationship with someone who really doesn't care how much I weigh, he just wants me to be happy with myself. Pair this with an absolute love of cooking and food in general. I pretty much cook healthy 90% of the time, but my portions were way out of control. As a result I've put on 70lbs in those 7 years...10 pounds a year doesn't sound terrible but now that it's all on it's not fun! I started on my new healthy me journey about 6 weeks ago when I found MyFitnessPal. Goodlife Fitness just opened up in my community and I'm on my way to the me I want to be!
  • Ke11yJo
    Ke11yJo Posts: 141
    15 pages ... smart topic :flowerforyou:

    I lost almost 60 lbs and kept it off for over 10 years. I then quit smoking and entered peri-menopause at the same time. I gained about 70 lbs. I am the heaviest I have been in my lifetime.

    That is my "official" story. The back story is four days after quitting smoking my husband got laid off from a company he had devoted 14 years to. Supporting my family and keeping us afloat fell to me. I did not smoke because I knew if I could get through that I could get through anything. My husband found employment and not a year later was laid off again. He is in finance and at that time the financial industry in North American had collapsed. He is now in a great job and content.

    I don't know how to explain it but this experience has instead of drawing us closer together has driven us apart. We will have been married 25 years in September ... but I am not sure this relationship can be saved. I feel like I am living with my brother. The stress over the last few years I coped with by drinking wine (not a lush but a couple glasses a day is a huge amount of empty useless calories.) Depression and inactivity didn't help and now I have this huge battle to lose all the weight.

    If you look at my ticker, that is me six years ago, my profile pic is what I have done to myself and what I look like today. It didn't take long at all to fall apart .:cry:
  • Roverage
    Roverage Posts: 6

    I don't think it's for any other reason except that I LOVE FOOD.

    I actually stop eating when I get really stressed out and depressed. I had a rough time of it throughout my teenage years and only weighed about 102 when I met my (future) husband. Five and a half years of being happily married, I'm up to 147! It's pretty bothersome. We both just really enjoy food and sharing a really tasty (and typically unhealthy :P ) meal together.

    Two years ago I started running, but instead of losing weight, I GAINED weight! I trained for two marathons (the first one I couldn't run because I was injured) but I ran the second one and I STILL gained weight. So it's not lack of exercise that's the problem. I also actually eat fairly healthy. Vegetables, fruit, and whole grains feature heavily in my diet, and I only have meat a few times a month (mainly because I don't like handling/cooking raw meat) I just eat far too much in general! It also doesn't help that I have an incredible sweet tooth and ice cream is my one true weakness!
    But now I'm trying to track my calories and start eating less to lose these fatty rolls around my midsection :P I've even managed to bring my husband on board which will help me resist falling off the wagon!
  • kdalbers69
    I stopped watching what i ate and as i got older,the weight came on. On New Years Eve day of 2012,i was diagnosed as having type 2 Diabetes. Now i am having to watch my carb intake and exercise. I weighed 201 pounds when i was diagnosed nad now weigh 197 pounds. It is coming off slowly, but i do feel better about myself though