I give up.



  • Prefessa
    Prefessa Posts: 90
    I closed my diary because I knew there would be negative people just ready to kick someone when rhey are down. I have seen it too often on here. To sumit up, my diary looks like someone struggling to find the right macros and caloric rate for success and didn't have much luck. I exercise between 3 and 5 hours at med to high intensity,

    Months ago I gave up chocolate. My favourite food in the world. I eat it occasionally now instead of every day. I thought that was contributing to my failure.

    Thanks for those who gave me encouragement, it is nice to hear a kind word while I am mentally beating myself up. For those who feel the need to be qn online bully, perhaps you no longer have weight issues but you have other issues holding you back. There is never any need to be mean.

    I have been there! Look for a Physician that practices Metabolic Medicine.....

    Have you had extensive Blood Work?? Looked for Food Allergies? Vitamin/Mineral Deficiencies??? Endocrine Issues??? Had your Cortisol levels Checked?? Have you had a Glucose Tolerence Test?? Had your BMR measured by Respirometry?? Had Nutritional Counseling?? Worked with a trainer?? Had a Polysomnogram to check for Sleep Apnea. There are so many things that can grind weight loss to a halt...Including OVERTRAINING!( Honestly 3-5 hrs a day is enough to send your body into adaptive thermogenesis)

    When I was 85 pounds overweight I had deficiencies in B12, Vit D (I thought, How could someone so overfed have deficiencies??) and Had Metabolic Syndrome, Obstructive Sleep Apnea and despite healthy eating and a ton of exercise I didn't loose a pound until my medical issues were corrected. A healthy diet, portion control ect had me loose a quick 20...that was predominately inflammation, It took 5 months worth of CPAP, Vitamins and Meds to loose the next pound! Once my body normalized the weight came off.

    In the past I would just work out until I got physically injured or mentally burned out. Stop spinning your wheels and get a full Metabolic Workup by a competant physician that won't be judgemental.

    BTW...even after I reached my goal weight....I am still on Meds....its how my body works...so long as I eat right, exercise AND take my meds....I maintain my weight +/- 10lbs(Winter is hard on me. cant wait till Daylight savings Time Begins).
  • caspergirl7
    caspergirl7 Posts: 590 Member
    I believe if you really had given up you would not have written this post. Hopefully you will take some of the advice given & keep going.
  • RavenWolf1977
    RavenWolf1977 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 35 years old, 62 inches tall, and was 229 pounds when I started trying to lose weight (again) the first of this year.

    For years I said, "I can't lose weight!" "I'm trying everything and nothing is working!" "I'm eating so much less but not losing weight!"

    One 1 January this year, I did something I hadn't done before: I measured everything I ate. You know what? I found out why I wasn't losing weight. My portion size was at times, more than 3x what a real portion size was! Yep, I was taking in waaaay more calories than I thought I was. (Heck I would have two cups of coffee a day and with the amount of cream/sugar I added, each cup was 300 to 400 calories. I LOVED a little coffee with my cream and sugar! Now, I have one cup of coffee with two measured servings of my creamer and no extra sugar. My one cup is now 70 calories instead of over 300.)

    I exercise. Every. Single. Day. At least 30 minutes.

    Since logging everything on My Fitness Pal, measuring my portion sizes, drinking water throughout the day instead of anything else, I have lost 23 pounds.

    I suggest you start fresh. Invest in food scale, measuring spoons/cups and start over. Measure everything. Don't eyeball it. Give up calorie drinks and only drink water or zero calorie teas.

    You can do this. And you don't have to give up everything you love. I still get to eat things I love, just not in over abundance.

    Open your diary so we can see what you have been doing. Maybe we can help you with some low cal meal ideas, substitutions, and such. Do you eat a lot of rice? I love rice and found out it is muh higher in calories than I assumed.

    Don't quit. My Fitness Pal in an excellent tool and I wouldn't have made it this far so quickly.

    I do not eat back all of my exercise calories...only some. I have my calories set at 1200, but usually take in about 1400.

    Do you drink sodas? I was drinking one to two 20 ounce bottles of Mountain Dew a day. Each bottle I drank was 290 calories, added on top of 600+ calories in my coffee, and I drank most of my calories for the day without even factoring in my food.

    You can NOT cheat. You need to honestly log everything you eat, drink and do. You need to be accurate which means actually measuring it, and not by eye. If you feel like" closet snacking" drink a large glass of water and head out the door for a walk.

    Do not quit. You will only be more unhappy.

    (Plus I read that your dr said you were gaining muscle while losing fat, so that means something you were doing was going right!)

    Oh wanted to share with you that I was Vit D and potassium deficient, have fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and metabolic syndrome. I am losing weight. So you can, too! I now take several supplements: fish oil, multi vitamin, potassium, magnesium, and biotin.
  • sa11yjane
    sa11yjane Posts: 491 Member
    Bless you. I am not successful either so you are not on your own. However, my friends on here are still so supportive and encouraging, even though most of them are losing and I'm not. I really value their friendship, and the things they eat and write encourage and inspire me to keep trying. You are only a failure if you give up so DON'T!!! Just keep plodding on and keep going. If you give up you will possibly beat yourself up about it, go on an unhealthy long-term binge and then just get heavier and heavier...and unhealthier and unhealthie.r....and unhappier and unhappier. Staying on this supportive site, with the right non-judgemental friends, will hopefully give you little glimmers of hope and, even if you are not losing, hopefully it will prevent you from gaining. Please don't give up.......who knows, one day you might start losing some pounds, isn't that a gamble worth taking? Best of luck xxx
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I've tried eating all my exercise calories, not eating all my exercise categories, weightlifting, reducing my calories, increasing my calories, heart rate monitor, adjusting my macros, increasing my exercise, decreasing and increasing my exercise, adjusting my tdee to find an optimal caloric rate (never found). I won't quit exercise. It's my lifestyle. But I have to give up the notion that ill ever be thinl.

    It is possible that you are trying too much and over-thinking too much. If I tried everything that everyone said, I would go crazy. For every suggestion, there is a contradiction. You cannot follow every single suggestion of every single person and succeed. It's just not going to work. You have to try one thing, if it doesn't work after trying it for 1-2 months, then try adjusting. But try adjusting just one thing at a time, try it for a month or two, etc. Your body will be all kinds of confused if you are constantly all over the place from the suggestion of so many. People can only suggest what works for them. What works for one might not be the picture of ideal success for others. What works for me might not give you the same results. Or it MIGHT give you the same results, but in a different amount of time. You have to establish what works for you. You have to give yourself the chance to make that discovery by sticking with something over a period of time. It gets frustrating for all of us. We all have to adjust throughout the course. That's just the norm.

    No offense but your mom and sister quite possibly are where they are based on choice rather than genetics. If they choose the lifestyle that supports where they are, that's the life they will have. If you choose a different lifestyle, you quite possibly will have different results. My mom is nothing like me. I have two sisters. Neither of them are like me. We're all just people living lives and getting out of life what we put in to it. You can have results. You might not ever be 120 pounds, but then, you just might have a 120-pound girl inside of you trying to break out. You can't dwell on where you think you could/could not be. You have to just focus on treating yourself well. Thinking of long-term life and healthiness. Take care of YOU first so that you can safely and healthfully care for a wonderful child (or more) later on. If you aren't healthy, how would you provide a long life for another person? This isn't me being judgmental, this is truly me trying to maybe shift those negative voices in your head telling you that you cannot do this. We've all told ourselves that. You can't give in to those thoughts. You CAN do it. You can be healthier.

    If you are trying to be where you are eating foods you hate, then you will fail. In order to change your lifestyle, not just diet, you have to find a compromise between all that's perfectly healthy and what foods you can happily sustain life on. I have discovered so many more delicious recipes and foods since I've made a few changes and compromises. I don't feel like I'm sacrificing much of anything. True, there are times I want to gob down a bunch of the stuff that had me where I was before, but I find that the payoff of refraining is so much more satisfactory.

    I promise, if you give it some time, you can make changes like you wouldn't believe. If you do it properly, it changes more than just your body. Your confidence, mental well-being, everything follows suit. You weren't born obese (I assume) so it wasn't your intent to be that way. I would rather you add me and allow me to encourage you rather than you walk away and give up on yourself.

    Much luck to you!
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Did you join MFP just to say "I give up"?
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    I echo the others who said your doctor should test for PCOS and/or insulin resistance. I was ready to give up after 12 pounds because nothing worked. I tried all kinds of calories and workout combinations for several months with only a pound lost here and there.

    Then my doctor did bloodwork and discovered I have PCOS w/ insulin resistance. He put me on metformin and progesterone supplements and told me to eat like a diabetic (low-carb/low-sugar). I also have to exercise 30-45 minutes every day to help my body use up the glucose in my blood.

    See my ticker? I've lost 58 pounds and just hit 299 today because I kept fighting and didn't give up. I had to give up some of my favorite foods, like mac and cheese, but it forced me to find healthy alternatives that don't leave me feeling bloated and gross, so it all worked out in the end. Plus, I'm finally under 300 pounds, which I never thought would happen when I weighed 357.

    Please don't give up.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I closed my diary because I knew there would be negative people just ready to kick someone when rhey are down. I have seen it too often on here. To sumit up, my diary looks like someone struggling to find the right macros and caloric rate for success and didn't have much luck. I exercise between 3 and 5 hours at med to high intensity,

    Months ago I gave up chocolate. My favourite food in the world. I eat it occasionally now instead of every day. I thought that was contributing to my failure.

    Thanks for those who gave me encouragement, it is nice to hear a kind word while I am mentally beating myself up. For those who feel the need to be qn online bully, perhaps you no longer have weight issues but you have other issues holding you back. There is never any need to be mean.

    Oh the macros. Do yourself a favor, don't focus so hardcore on every crumb right now. I don't look at macros. Many people do. Perhaps the macros are good for different people for different reasons. However, for the sake of getting off the ground and just getting started, don't consume yourself with such details. Honestly, to really get down to the core of things and really just to get started, I would truly focus on the calorie intake itself. That was my only focus at the beginning. Still is mostly. Once you get to a certain point and maybe you're more concerned with the nitty-gritty, the macros can work themselves out.

    Chocolate? Um yes, I love it and I still have it. There are many ways to have chocolate without chocolate having you. Don't think of it as if you have to give up all that gives you pleasure. But there must be a compromise.

    I do believe you have the power to make this happen for yourself. You just have to see it first. Focus on calories in and exercise for a month or so only. Get down to basics. Give yourself a push and relax. If you just breathe and work on the basics, I feel strongly you will kickstart this. Once you are a little way in and you start plateauing, as well all do, then you make the little adjustments here and there to all the little details. And it can be just basic little adjustments, nothing ground moving. It sounds like you have a good grip on exercising to get things started. You will have to adjust that later on as your body gets fitter, but if you make it happen, you will naturally want to progress anyway---and you will discover how to.

    Please feel free to add me if you want to and I would be happy to support your journey. If you are willing to do for yourself, all things will fall into place. But you have to actually do it. I believe you can and will if you have that support.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I'm 35 years old, 62 inches tall, and was 229 pounds when I started trying to lose weight (again) the first of this year.

    For years I said, "I can't lose weight!" "I'm trying everything and nothing is working!" "I'm eating so much less but not losing weight!"

    One 1 January this year, I did something I hadn't done before: I measured everything I ate. You know what? I found out why I wasn't losing weight. My portion size was at times, more than 3x what a real portion size was! Yep, I was taking in waaaay more calories than I thought I was. (Heck I would have two cups of coffee a day and with the amount of cream/sugar I added, each cup was 300 to 400 calories. I LOVED a little coffee with my cream and sugar! Now, I have one cup of coffee with two measured servings of my creamer and no extra sugar. My one cup is now 70 calories instead of over 300.)

    I exercise. Every. Single. Day. At least 30 minutes.

    Since logging everything on My Fitness Pal, measuring my portion sizes, drinking water throughout the day instead of anything else, I have lost 23 pounds.

    I suggest you start fresh. Invest in food scale, measuring spoons/cups and start over. Measure everything. Don't eyeball it. Give up calorie drinks and only drink water or zero calorie teas.

    You can do this. And you don't have to give up everything you love. I still get to eat things I love, just not in over abundance.

    Open your diary so we can see what you have been doing. Maybe we can help you with some low cal meal ideas, substitutions, and such. Do you eat a lot of rice? I love rice and found out it is muh higher in calories than I assumed.

    Don't quit. My Fitness Pal in an excellent tool and I wouldn't have made it this far so quickly.

    I do not eat back all of my exercise calories...only some. I have my calories set at 1200, but usually take in about 1400.

    Do you drink sodas? I was drinking one to two 20 ounce bottles of Mountain Dew a day. Each bottle I drank was 290 calories, added on top of 600+ calories in my coffee, and I drank most of my calories for the day without even factoring in my food.

    You can NOT cheat. You need to honestly log everything you eat, drink and do. You need to be accurate which means actually measuring it, and not by eye. If you feel like" closet snacking" drink a large glass of water and head out the door for a walk.

    Do not quit. You will only be more unhappy.

    (Plus I read that your dr said you were gaining muscle while losing fat, so that means something you were doing was going right!)

    Oh wanted to share with you that I was Vit D and potassium deficient, have fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety, and metabolic syndrome. I am losing weight. So you can, too! I now take several supplements: fish oil, multi vitamin, potassium, magnesium, and biotin.

    AWESOME COMMENT! So glad you didn't just "give up", instead you honestly examined all your food behaviors, got to the truth, made the appropriate changes and are seeing POSITIVE RESULTS. WAY TO GO! And here's to your continued success.
  • RhodRhod
    RhodRhod Posts: 109
    The question is just how bad do you want a child? You need to dig deep inside yourself and find the courage to plow on. You can do this but giving up will just make a bad situation worse. Trust me, I've been there several times. Let go of the depression and change it into anger. Then get your butt up off the couch and walk. Don't worry about your weight right now just focus on moving and set little goals for yourself. Today I'm going to walk down to the end of the block. Tomorrow I'm going to do the same, Next week I'll go a little farther and so on. You deserve a child but only you can make it happen. I hope and pray that you don't give up and just try a little longer. Remember you have to love yourself first before you can truly love somebody else. Best wishes!
  • shaunap3
    shaunap3 Posts: 206 Member
    Giving up only assures you will never be who you want to be. It's okay to feel defeated sometimes, and get upset with everything. I think sometimes you NEED that to kickstart your willpower to keep trying. I understand weightloss is a tough, life-long journey. My entire family is overweight, my grandmother was 300+lbs and died when I was very young after extremely fast weightloss that was somehow kickstarted by her doctor. I've vowed my whole life to never end up like my family. It took me FOUR YEARS to lose 30lbs, but I did it. And I've kept it off. My only suggestion is always try new things. Never feel like you need to get stuck in a rut. Try new foods, new workouts, always strive to break your records and better yourself. That's the only thing that's going to keep you moving forward.
  • Rose_bee
    Rose_bee Posts: 226 Member
    Please see your Dr about why you're having such difficulty losing weight.

    Giving up will guarantee you'll end up 300+ pounds like your relatives.

    By continuing to try and incorporate healthy eating & exercise habits into your daily life you are giving yourself a chance at becoming healthier.

    You can still eat all your favorite things, you just have to eat less of them - it's all about calories in & calories out.

    You *can* do this! Hang in there!
  • NeverGivesUp
    NeverGivesUp Posts: 960 Member
    What I did was train myself to crave different foods. I started by removing gluten, my biggest weakness and addiction. Eventually I made fruits and veggies the core of what I eat and I crave them. One baby step at a time. I am now confident that this will be the very last time I will ever have to lose a significant amount of weight. I don't even count my calories anymore and have also taught myself to love exercise. I was just sick enough of being fat and wanted to finally be happy and connected to my body. You can do it by putting one foot in front of the other.
  • kissythecutie
    No dont give up..maybe you need to do a liver cleanse or something...clean your liver out, check your thyroid then start to count calories. You can eat the things that you like when you choose counting calories in order to lose weight because losing weight is all about creating a calorie deficit. Maybe you are not eating enough. You should get your BMR done by a nutritionist then let them tell you max calories you can consume and still to lose weight. Check this blog out for inspiration ...http://www.344pounds.com/. Its the personal blog of a man that ate and still eats whatever he wants(hamburgers, bacon pizza..) but still he has lost over 100lbs. and he is happy. He used to be very over weight too. He was even on CNN. Dont give up ...Ill pray for you tonite.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I live in Korea. Doctor isn't very supportive. Just says dont give up, but thebmedicationnis expensive and lack of results doesn't warrant the price. Definition of crazy is doing the same thing over again and expecting different results. I have no idea what is going on with my body and nothng seems to be working. They tested me last year and said it wasn't my thyroid. She did suggest gastricbypass surgery. But my problem is not eating a lot of food. My problem is how my body processes it. I don't think the surgery, in the long run, would be beneficial to me. I wanted to lose weight so I could have a healthy child but I guess children aren't in my future.

    The problem is you eat more calories than your body spends. Bottom line. Maybe you don't eat a lot compared to other people but you DO eat more than YOUR body requires. I don't eat a ton either... I'm just a very lucky person in that I have a super efficient body that has a very low caloric requirement. For me having bariatric surgery will help bring my appetite in line with my metabolic rate. Yes, I'll still have to watch what I eat and weight will always be a struggle, but the surgery will help make it a bit easier for me to manage my health.
  • shunta864
    shunta864 Posts: 52
    don't give up. listen i have been in the same place for a year. The first 5 months i lost 45 pounds but hit a plateau and was stuck. i couldn't lose any weight no matter what i did. so i gave up. when i started gaining weight back i started back but after a few pounds i would fall off the wagon again. so for a year i was going back and forth with my weight lose. finally something just hit me and i told myself that i can and will do this and i have been. all in all don't give up because you can do it.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    How to lose weight and keep it off:

    Don't quit.

    So you were weak and went over on calories.
    Big deal. Go burn off what you just ate.

    Don't quit.

    Ugh, I'm so tired. I'm bloated and don't feel like doing ANYTHING!
    Look back at why you're doing this and rededicate yourself to that goal.

    Don't quit.

    I'm depressed and don't want to look at how much I weigh.
    If you gained weight it's not a failure. It's a new point to work from.

    Don't quit.

    Those cupcakes were soooooo delicious, but my calorie count is TOTALLY RUINED NOW!
    Psht, just log em. Maybe you can still work them off. Anyway, tomorrow is another day.

    Don't quit.

    I was away on business and I'm not sure how many calories I had, and I had a few drinks and didn't log anything for a few days!
    The diary is still there, waiting for you. It does not judge. Go back to it.

    Don't quit.

    Oh wow, this diet is making me fat! The numbers are totally off!
    So, fix the numbers and keep going. Many people know how to fix them if you're not sure.

    Don't quit.

    I've hit a plateau! It doesn't work anymore!
    Sure it works. Open up your diary and ask a few people to check out your profile to figure out how to fix it.

    Don't quit.

    There aren't any diet foods that I like.
    Everything is a diet food it you don't eat too much of it. Even pizza and chocolate. Control your portions and be honest what those portions are.

    Don't quit.

    It's a glandular thing. Everyone in my family is fat.
    Then you have some learning to do about how to eat and exercise properly. Find skinny people that used to be fat. Ask them. They would love to help. Don't ask your fat family. They haven't figured it out yet. Once you figure it out you can help them too. You can be that inspiration to your entire family.

    Don't quit.

    If you quit you may as well have done nothing at all.
    Do you really want to waste all that hard work?

    Don't quit.
  • ktliu
    ktliu Posts: 334 Member
    Being Asian , I do understand because everybody is sooooo skinny. Being American my 205 weight is too kinda heavy, for a 5'9" guy medium built, but back in Asia. people called me fat boy. While most of them can't lift a bowling ball without panting. Asian can be very cruel about weights, no sensitivity training in their school. Not that they are A**holes or anything.

    Anywho...recently about a month ago, I tried Phentremine. It was amazing. I eat less, I have excess energy. I WANT to work out. I have been working out 30 days straight with calories burn from 700-1000/day. I love video games, so I lived a very sedentary lifestyle. So I use video games to get me out of this. And it works.II have a Xbox kinect lying around and collecting dust. So i bought a bunch of games and explored. After 1 month I was doing moves I couldn't do while I was in high school!

    So you said the meds were expensive, have you actually used it. It makes a world of difference to me. but you have to couple it with finding out what kind of exercise you like to do. Think back when you were a teenager, what did you like to do. and get over looking stupid. I'm 47 yrs old, I'm doing hip hop infront of my 16 yr old teenage boy. how stupid is THAT. Just have fun , you have to live for yourself. So find your sweet spot. the right meds, the right activity, the right support group...but one thing is probably a given in this group. "Give vegetable a chance"

    So don't get depressed, Don't quit. Forget what the rest of the world is saying. Just be the best You that You can be! Who Gives a *kitten* what haters says.

    We are all Routing for you!!
  • chelle610
    chelle610 Posts: 4 Member
    Try to focus on your health rather than your weight but don't give up! I know you want to lose, but if you give up you will probably end up gaining. Assuming that you have had a full health work-up including thyroid and found nothing, I would trash the scale and focus on eating and doing things that are good for you. Try to find an exercise routine you enjoy enough to do even if you won't loose weight. I found my passion in running. I didn't lose a single pond for the first year - in fact, i actually gained a few. But in the end, my body started to change. It was loving it that kept me going and it's payed off in the long run.
  • ShmareParks
    ShmareParks Posts: 88 Member
    Don't give up, stranger! You don't have to worry about being "thin," but you do have to worry about feeling good and being good to your body and spirit. I was on a real weight-loss plateau although starving myself, but I kept with it and started to lose quite quickly. (That was around the time I started drinking two large cups of green tea a day and maybe that was all the kick my metabolism needed???) I don't know, I just hate to know someone is thinking of quitting when great success could be just around the corner. Also, if you could walk even 30 minutes every day, and I mean every day, I cannot believe for one second you wouldn't see a big shift.