The stupidest thing you used to think...



  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    You are so right. I look at my old clothes they are so big.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    That my body was incapable of being slender or showing muscle definition.

    That some foods were "bad" or "only for treats" or "off-limits" and I was weak or bad for eating any of them.

    That the only proper "diet" food consisted of teensy portion of bland, beige food.

    That fat was bad.

    That carbs were bad.

    That you had to eat at a really large deficit to lose weight.

    That I couldn't run.

    That I wasn't athletic.

    That I didn't like lifting weights.

    That exercise was a chore, not something enjoyable.




    No wonder I never succeeded or stuck to any "weight loss" efforts before!
  • janahcarter
    janahcarter Posts: 42 Member
    That you have to go to a gym to lose weight. That the weight would just magically fall off because I wanted it to.
  • whitecapwendy
    whitecapwendy Posts: 287 Member
    I still hear the stupidest thing ever thought at the ballpark every summer when parents hand their kids a hot dog and tell them they need to "eat something good for them" before they can have their popcorn or cotton candy. hotdog? good for you?
  • slroggemann
    slroggemann Posts: 168 Member
    I used to think that you HAD to only eat salads & vegetables all the time to get skinny. I learned that you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. Portion control & lots of exercise is what does it for me. :)

    ^ this. I do eat salads now because I like them, but I used to think that I couldn't lose weight if I wasn't eating salads all the time and that's just not true. I also used to think I was eating reasonably healthy - NOPE.
  • jessykab74
    jessykab74 Posts: 167 Member
    I used to think pizza was healthy for you.......well geez it has veg, protein, dairy and carbs. Gives the kids apple sauce (ofcoarse with the sugar added) and the kids and I had a healthy meal haha
  • zillah73
    zillah73 Posts: 505 Member
    Oh gosh, the long list of silly notions I had are running through my mind. There was a fast, there was sever calorie limiting (tuna on a rice cake was all I would eat in any given day). I think maybe the stupidest, though, was that one of those gigantic chocolate chocolate chip muffins from Costco were heathy, cause they're muffins, ya know? Haha!
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    MissHolidayGolightly Posts: 857 Member
    Oh, while we're branching away from fitness:

    I used to believe in the "five second rule", and would eat anything off of any surface so long as I snatched it up quick enough. I shudder to think of what I ingested as a teenager...!

    Same. Now I use the 30 second rule.
  • BarbaraCarr1981
    BarbaraCarr1981 Posts: 903 Member
    That you were supposed to throw a punch with your thumb tucked inside your fist.
  • kenj13
    kenj13 Posts: 39 Member
    The stupidest thing that I used to believe: that a low fat diet would make me slim and healthy.
    The second stupidest thing that I used to believe: that calories alone were the ONLY factor in weight loss or weight gain.

    Yes and YES!! I too use to think this and it would torture me when I wasn't losing any weight.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Happy hour starts at 3pm/
    This is not stupid.
  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am from New Jersey.

    I used to think that the Dukes of Hazzard show on TV was fake, then I joined the USMC and met people from Arkansas, Alabama and Georgia.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I have asthma so I can't run.

    I thought this. Turns out, it's just that my parents were smokers.....huh, funny how that works.

    I also thought that I was fat because I had a couple rounds of steroid treatments as a child. I was convinced that there was a holdover of the dosages in my system that made it impossible for me to lose weight. Turns out, I just liked to stuff my face with too much food and sit on my couch.
  • eloisemonteiro
    eloisemonteiro Posts: 59 Member
    I used to avoid avocado because it was "too fat and full of calories", didn't realize about the good fats in it (and honestly it's not that caloric)
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    Long ago, when I was in college, I used to power walk around the track. I would watch the girls on the ellipticals and thought I could never do that as I wasn't athletic. I have proven that wrong and now I'm an elliptical queen. :happy:
  • bluefrog_2001
    bluefrog_2001 Posts: 138 Member
    I used to think that you HAD to only eat salads & vegetables all the time to get skinny. I learned that you don't have to starve yourself to lose weight. Portion control & lots of exercise is what does it for me. :)

    This was me.
  • EmilyOfTheSun
    EmilyOfTheSun Posts: 1,548 Member
    I used to think I could not eat past 7pm.
    I used to think that cardio was the best way to get in shape/look good.
    I used to think that I could eat whatever and as much as I wanted as long as I worked out.
    I used to think that "sweets" would make me gain weight even if I stayed within my calorie goal.

    Thank god MFP has opened my eyes.
    And I still have a TON to learn.
  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    That there a 3 men living in the traffic lights that choose when they change.

    THIS! I believe it for many many years when I was in elementary. Nice times :)
  • redredy9
    redredy9 Posts: 706 Member
    1. That all fat is bad fat and I should avoid it at all cost. (Now I choose Fage 2 over Fage 0 because I know not everything has to be fat free!)

    2. If its fat free or labled as "lite" or "diet" its healthy - even if its full of chemicals, refined carbs and sugar (I am looking at you 100 calorie packs and snackwells!)

    3. That I was big boned and would never get into a 6 without looking frail. I am still working towards that 6 but I know loose 8s look great!

    4. I am not a "real runner" because I don't run fast. Guess what. I discovered I can run faaaaaaaaaaaar! Marathon far! We arent all built for speed and thats OK!
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member
    That as long as I just kept going to the gym, the weight would eventually just go away on its own.