In Place Of A Road Map 3/2013



  • judydelo1
    judydelo1 Posts: 281 Member
    Okay so I'm a bit confused. I ran the numbers and came up with 1860 cal/day for lightly active. And 1860 would be considered my TDEE? So now I subtract 20% from 1860? If so, this would bring my daily calories to 1488. I just want to be sure I'm doing that part right.

    And then the amount of calories I consume on a given day increases with the calories burned during exercise? So if I burn 200 calories walking then I add 200 to 1488 for a calories total that day of 1688? And I'll still lose weight, lol?
  • bump so I never lose this again!!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Okay I adjusted my calories but...isn't it roughly the same as eating back your exercise calories, though? You either eat higher and don't eat back exercise cals, or eat lower and eat back exercise cals.

    I'm probably missing something though, trying to grasp the concept/secret.
  • delor44
    delor44 Posts: 71
  • rosiereally2
    rosiereally2 Posts: 539 Member
    Did I miss a step? I don't understand how to get my TDEE...I did the body fat calculators and found an average..then used that to get my where do I get my TDEE? I read the post so many times and I don't get it.

    The "Daily Calories" column next to where you choose your current Activity Level (Sedentary, Lightly Active, etc) is your TDEE.
  • mx2mama
    mx2mama Posts: 62
  • squall88c
    squall88c Posts: 69 Member
  • HSMyTwins
    HSMyTwins Posts: 47 Member
    Ok so I am following the roadmap and am eating 1988 which is 20% below halfway between light and moderate TDEE. I do track my exercise on here and use a fitbit but don't eat any of them as I am using the roadmap. However most days I earn about 500 cals through walking and/or pump but sometimes this can be up to 1000 if I see my trainer and walk around a lot. Therefore I am often netting 1000-1200 and am not losing weight. So am I not eating enough? Thanks

    The trick is having days off.
    You are cutting calories so you must have rest days to avoid any CNS fatigue.
    It looks like this on paper:

    My schedule and stats:
    TDEE 2500
    BMR 1600

    Sunday 2000
    Monday 2000-400=1600
    Tuesday 2000
    Weds 2000-400=1600
    Thursday 2000
    Friday 2000-400=1600
    SAturday 2000

    So if I worked out every day i'd be eating at BMR every day and probably would burn out quickly.
    But because i'm having rest days and topping off my hormone levels and keeping my metabolism up, I wont burn out as quickly.

    Dan - this part confuses me. I thought we were supposed to eat the TDEE-20% every day. But this indicates we should eat at BMR some days? Are those rest days?

    My TDEE is 2500 and I've been eating 2000 every day. My BMR is 1775 (according to Scooby). My TDEE is based off my BMF averages. (I'm 43 and I do New Rules 3x/week).
  • t2kburl
    t2kburl Posts: 123 Member
    This broke my 3 month long plateau.

    I was eating well below my BMR and it was effecting my ability to function in many ways. And I had stopped losing weight while still obese!! Unacceptable!
    Now I'm eating healthy, working out hard, feeling better than ever and the fat is falling off!

    U da Man, Dan!
  • fitnessyeoja
    fitnessyeoja Posts: 357 Member
  • honey_bee_keysha
    honey_bee_keysha Posts: 773 Member
  • Does one do this from Day 1 of their diet or only after they hit a plateau using the calories that MFP calulates? MFP calculates 1250 cal for me...the calculations I got after going thru your steps was 1750 (lightly active). My Pers. Trainer is surprised at that number, he said suggested a 1200-1400 cal diet. (40/40/20). MFP adds my exercise calories to the 1750...or should I ignore that and stick with the 1750? Thanks
  • Thanks again for all of the info. I revised after version 2.0 and while the weight hasn't "fallen" off, I have lost a few lbs and about 2% bf (gained 1% lean mass according to my scale that I've used this whole journey), but I feel so much better. My hair isn't dry, nails aren't breaking and I can stay awake all day.

    I'll be reviewing this version 3.0 when I get home and continue to adjust!

    Wow, of all the posts on here this is the only one i've seen that describes the exact symptoms I was having on 1200 calories-especially the not being able to stay awake all day...

    One week into the higher calories and was still feeling a bit of doubt (but more energy for sure) thanks for sharing .
  • LittleMissRainey
    LittleMissRainey Posts: 440 Member
    I'm going to print the first post and my numbers to my fridge.

    Best thread on the internet! Thanks Dan :)
  • Bump.
  • sk_pirate
    sk_pirate Posts: 282 Member
  • swimcoach07
    swimcoach07 Posts: 31 Member
  • Lisapayne76
    Lisapayne76 Posts: 157 Member
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Okay so I'm a bit confused. I ran the numbers and came up with 1860 cal/day for lightly active. And 1860 would be considered my TDEE? So now I subtract 20% from 1860? If so, this would bring my daily calories to 1488. I just want to be sure I'm doing that part right.

    And then the amount of calories I consume on a given day increases with the calories burned during exercise? So if I burn 200 calories walking then I add 200 to 1488 for a calories total that day of 1688? And I'll still lose weight, lol?

    Spot on! This is the way I do it (logging and eating back calories rather than working them into my overall total).

    Just be sure you get your calorie burn right - HRM is the best bet. If you are using the MFP database be a little careful as it tends to overestimate calorie burn.

    I know it sounds crazy to be able to eat a good amount of calories (my base calories is around 1550 a day) and lose weight but it does work. It is slow and steady (1lb a week for me) but I know it's fat I'm losing and not lean tissue. And I don't feel like I'm on a diet :)
  • Rivmage
    Rivmage Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Dan,

    Quick question, how often or what what point some one rerun the numbers to continue weight/fat loss?

    Thank you,