worst way to breakup with someone



  • Erin_goBrahScience
    Erin_goBrahScience Posts: 1,215 Member
    Being told that a) they are seeing someone else and they don't want to see you anymore and b) they tested positive for chlamydia so you might want to get that checked.

    And for the record, this wasn't me...but the friend of a co-worker.
  • kcritter77
    kcritter77 Posts: 162 Member
    <<<<Being less than two weeks away from your due date with his child, and after an argument about not being treated with respect he tells you to leave at nine at night, takes your phone because it is in his name, then decides to lock you out. That was me last night.

    Wow...Unfortunately, I think we have a winner :( Good luck to you.:brokenheart:
  • ltgarrow
    ltgarrow Posts: 342 Member
    Faking your own death.

    Wrong, this is probably the best way to break up with someone. It requires the most effort...right?
  • theskinnylist
    theskinnylist Posts: 286 Member
    You: Your ex is attractive.
    Partner: Which one?
    You: ME.
    You: BYEEEE
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    Me: I know that we're not exclusive but please tell me if you're seeing anyone else in our office.
    Him: No, I'd never do something stupid like that.

    ---2 weeks later, on my way to happy hour with him and my coworkers---

    Him: Please don't tell **** we've been seeing eachother. **** and I have been dating for a month.

  • foxro
    foxro Posts: 793 Member
    Go on Jerry Springer ??!!
  • Murder.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    Me: I know that we're not exclusive but please tell me if you're seeing anyone else in our office.
    Him: No, I'd never do something stupid like that.

    ---2 weeks later, on my way to happy hour with him and my coworkers---

    Him: Please don't tell **** we've been seeing eachother. **** and I have been dating for a month.


    you totally should have outted him
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    My worst "getting dumped story" was getting dumped by my ex bf... and apparently not knowing I had been dumped for a month....:mad:

    He would take my calls and txts, I thought he just needed some space and things were tense between us, thats what we had talked about for several hours one night, he never said anything about us not being together anymore. Then a month after that I knew I'd be seeing him to pick up some games we had ordered and I PAID FOR.... the SOB gets to the store and gets the games before I even get there! :angry: So then we talk for a bit and he says, well you probably wanna come get your stuff...
    I respond with "uh why?"
    He's says "Well, I'm your ex so I shouldn't keep your stuff anymore........."
    "We're broken up???! Since when???!"
    With the Stupidest, most clueless look humanly possible says "We've been broken up with for a month.... you didn't know?"
    "FUUUUUUU..... NO!!!!! You never said we were done! You said you wanted space and some time to yourself..." and then he "officially" dumps me in the parking lot of the shopping center after explaining in excruciating details the things he thought was wrong with me :sad:

    *kitten* broke up with me while I was in therapy for depression, unemployment and death in the family :brokenheart: (he claims he never knew about me choosing to get some counseling and therapy.... I told him! I even asked if he wanted to be my main emergency contact :indifferent: LOL)

    A year later the 28 yr old decides to man up and comes to apologize for his behavior and comes to see the big sparkly diamond on my ring finger... the look on his face was priceless :bigsmile: He couldn't believe I had moved on so soon after "being officially dumped", was over him and happily engaged.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    The worst way I broke up with my gf was by not breaking up and having it get worse and worse and worse until she broke up with me. She had this paranoia that I would randomly break-up with her, so I made a promise that I wouldn't... not the best promise in the world, but I do stand by my principles. I didn't go out of my way to sabotage anything, but we were just growing apart... literally. She moved long distance and me driving from VA to NYC every weekend spending way too much money alone was taxing.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    I actually forgot my personal best.

    My best friend died tragically in an accident. I was a wreck. After not hearing from my boyfriend of 10 months (spent all our time together, I used to pick his kids up from school, toothbrush at his house type thing) for 3 days, I finally get him on the phone and he says "I'm a good times boyfriend, call me when you're done being so emo"

    She'd been dead for 6 days.
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    I work nights - so my worst was being woken up - being asked to come upstairs and being served with divorce papers at my own front door.
  • mariabeirne1
    mariabeirne1 Posts: 4 Member
    I was once "broken up with" by the guy just stopping talking to me, with no warning. WTF? At the time, I was 16 and he was 19, and I thought it was so immature lol.
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    I was with a guy for four years .. he was in the shower and had left his phone on his bed .. so im watching tv and his phone beeps , thinking nothing of it , i lifted it as we were to pick up some friends and thought it may be one of them , and i discover a photo of a girl in the nude .. fuming i then read the txts from him and this girl and seem's he had planned to go to her house ' to get a bit ' after he had dropped me home ...

    I burst into the bathroom and confronted him , to which he denied it .. he said that ( get this )

    "she wanted me so bad after i told her i had a girlfriend she was making up messages to pretend to be me and then writing back to her own messages )

    Sort of said she was going like this

    Hi How Are You

    Im fine Thanks how are you ...

    If you get my drift ....

    I told him if he thought i was going to believe that he had another thing coming , so i broke it off with him then and there .. only problem was i was 27 miles away from home with no car !

    Anyways we had a pretty silent journey home to my house , and when we got there he said , " if anyone asks i broke it off with you "

    Haha what an idiot , he then proceeded to go with 3 of my so called friends after we split , has been engaged twice , and is now not engaged any longer but living with another girl ...

    Pretty glad of my escape!
  • SwimFan1981
    SwimFan1981 Posts: 1,430 Member
    Seriously, I can't believe some of these stories!!! You guys are amazing to have bounced back from such ****head behaviour!

    :flowerforyou: for anyone who has been shat upon x
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    One of my ex girlfriends made me the guy on the side for 3 months, while she was trying to get with someone else. The messed up thing was the whole time I thought we were trying to work it out and get back together. When they got serious I got left behind. Its ok she's a fatty now so I'm good haha...
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I was with a guy for four years .. he was in the shower and had left his phone on his bed .. so im watching tv and his phone beeps , thinking nothing of it , i lifted it as we were to pick up some friends and thought it may be one of them , and i discover a photo of a girl in the nude .. fuming i then read the txts from him and this girl and seem's he had planned to go to her house ' to get a bit ' after he had dropped me home ...

    I burst into the bathroom and confronted him , to which he denied it .. he said that ( get this )

    "she wanted me so bad after i told her i had a girlfriend she was making up messages to pretend to be me and then writing back to her own messages )

    Sort of said she was going like this

    Hi How Are You

    Im fine Thanks how are you ...

    If you get my drift ....

    I told him if he thought i was going to believe that he had another thing coming , so i broke it off with him then and there .. only problem was i was 27 miles away from home with no car !

    Anyways we had a pretty silent journey home to my house , and when we got there he said , " if anyone asks i broke it off with you "

    Haha what an idiot , he then proceeded to go with 3 of my so called friends after we split , has been engaged twice , and is now not engaged any longer but living with another girl ...

    Pretty glad of my escape!

    what a jerk. did you never suspect he was like this in those 4 years? (not that its your fault) but sometimes we have some gut feelings and ignore them.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    I actually forgot my personal best.

    My best friend died tragically in an accident. I was a wreck. After not hearing from my boyfriend of 10 months (spent all our time together, I used to pick his kids up from school, toothbrush at his house type thing) for 3 days, I finally get him on the phone and he says "I'm a good times boyfriend, call me when you're done being so emo"

    She'd been dead for 6 days.

    i'm sorry about your best friend and i'm sorry that guy was so insensitive!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Have your live-in, unemployed boyfriend wake you up in the early morning, kiss your forehead, and tell you he is going to "go make things better for us". You smile all sleepy, and say ok, and go back to sleep. Get up later and go to work. Come home, boyfriend is gone, his stuff is gone, all your rent money is gone too. He has apparently completely skipped town, because no one in your huge circle of friends knows where he is.

    Never saw or heard from him since. I've even googled a few times, and nothing.
    wow. thats crazy.
  • Jerrypeoples
    Jerrypeoples Posts: 1,541 Member
    hmmm if any one is ever desperate enough to get in a relationship with me i now have various ways of ending it :)