Meat & non-eat meaters (READ ME)



  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,611 Member
    Because meat, poultry and pork are far more delicious and nutritious.

    BTW - we have canine teeth because we are carnivores by nature. But if you want to be a herbivore that is fine, just dont try to press your views on me!

    Yes *daydreaming of bacon now*

    That's a good one. Look in the mirror and compare your teeth, first to a feline (a carnivore), and then to a gorilla (an herbivore). You tell me which is closer. Because someone labeled two of your teeth "canine" because of the position in the human mouth says little about their function. Carnivores' teeth are made to kill living animals (along with the other weapons they possess like claws), rip the hide from the muscle and tissues, and consume the tissue whole. Their digestive systems function so that nutrients can be extracted from that raw tissue and quickly pass the non-beneficial content of that "food".

    Your teeth and digestive system don't function even remotely like a carnivore. If you ate your food like a carnivore did, you would get sick and eventually die. Because you buy meat, cook it up and eat it doesn't make you a carnivore. It means you're bought and paid for by modern marketing and have the means to be able to afford to buy what they tell you to buy. And because it tastes good.

    You bring up some valid points but come to the wrong conclusions. Our system is not that of a carnivore but rather an omnivore. As an omnivore, we can eat meat and plant matter. Since plant matter is harder to digest, our digestive system needs to incorporate the necessary tools to digest this plant matter. That is why our physiology has attributes of both herbivores and carnivores. Gorillas are also known to eat termites and ants frequently.

    Gorillas' three closest relatives are bonobos, common chimpanzees and humans. The fact that these three are omnivores tells me that the gorillas are the exception, not the rule.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    "How do you know when someone's a vegetarian? Don't worry they'll tell you."

    How do you know when someone's not a vegetarian? Don't worry, they'll respond to any and every forum post with, "bacon."

  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    So the point of this post?

    To bring out all the people who are going to be snarky to vegetarians and vegans?

    I personally am vegan and I don't care if someone wants to eat meat. It's my choice and I'm not going to try to guilt or influence someone to go vegan but if someone asks I'd be happy to talk to them about it.

    As others have mentioned there are a lot of questionable ingredients in some vegan/veggie foods and so you have to take personal responsibility to make sure you're getting quality food, which, to the best of my knowledge, works for meat eaters too.

    There are crap quality foods no matter what your choice.

    Lol.. no. What's the point of your comment? My point was TRYING to help people & though everyone made great points.. between the hormones blood feces in real meat & the questionable ingredients in the vege burgers.. My intention was to give advice... now I will say my point of view has changed but no I wasn't trying to get snarky people into this..

    Lol this is the INTERNET. Everyone being all serious? Geesh.. I wish you'd calm down. It's ridiculous.. xD

    You realize that blood IS SUPPOSED to be in meat????

    I don't have to worry about pus or feces infestitations as I buy straight from the farm for eggs, chicken, beef and pork.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    Nahhhh... ;-) I love my meat.

    But having said that- there are some great non-meat options that don't include a bunch of chemicals and junk... homemade chickpea burgers are the BOMB with some tzatziki, but no- it's still not a hamburger!
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Because meat, poultry and pork are far more delicious and nutritious.

    BTW - we have canine teeth because we are carnivores by nature. But if you want to be a herbivore that is fine, just dont try to press your views on me!

    Yes *daydreaming of bacon now*

    Then why does it take forever for meat to process through our body unlike carnivores that get rid of it rather quickly
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. I would not have the time to list the ingredients. But Morning Star and the likes are nothing but poison to the body. If you cannot pronounce the ingredients, that means it is not edible. It does not take much to make your own chemical free meatless and even meat/chicken burgers. All you need is black beans, fresh herbs, fresh peppers, onions, seasoning (turmeric, curry), maybe a little flour to hold it together (if egg is not used ) and you will have 100% chemical free burger and a lot cheaper too.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    All animal products have ZERO fiber. Instead all animal products have cholesterol. ALL.

    Plants have fiber. They are the ONLY source for dietary fiber. And plants have ZERO cholesterol. No plant has any cholesterol in it.

    Choose foods made from plants. In fact, make plants your food, and combine them yourself in delicious ways, instead of relying on a company to combine them into a food for you.
    It's ok to eat cholesterol, you know. You may not want to, and that's cool. Or maybe your doctor told you not to, and hey, always a good idea to listen to a doctor you trust, so that's cool. But aside from that, the fact that ALL animal products--ALL--that is A - L - L -- I mean, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM--contain cholesterol is pretty irrelevant.

    And I do mean ALL. Ehh-elle-elle. *A*L*L*.

    edit: Just to clarify, I mean there are NO EXCEPTIONS.

    Except for the causal link between dietary cholesterol raising serum cholesterol. And elevated serum cholesterol causing atherosclerosis. So yeah, if you are happy with having a little atherosclerosis, eat cholesterol. If you don't want the condition/disease, eliminate it from your diet. Everyone has the choice.

    But don't argue that consuming animal products doesn't contribute towards atherosclerosis, because you're deluding yourself.

    (I love how you cracked wise, good stuff!)

    I suggest you up date your knowledge....cholesterol does not lead to atherosclerosis. There has never been any research that linked high cholesterol to atherosclerosis even the research this myth was based on was seriously flawed....not even the doctors believe it anymore. At least research it: here's a good place to start,
  • HannahJDiaz25
    HannahJDiaz25 Posts: 329 Member
    Some of the ingredients are genetically modified...which is gross/bizarre/not normal.

    Livestock is not. They may eat a partially GM diet...but to my knowledge, it doesn't transfer into their meat.

    I'd rather eat a burger than a healthier version with GMO ingredients.

    ^ this :-) And bacon in pretty much awesome
  • Jxnsmma
    Jxnsmma Posts: 919 Member
    No thank you. and I mean that in the politest way possible...
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I'm vegan and find this thread to be obnoxious.

    What did you expect, OP? People to look up and say "yeah, you know that sounds like a great idea". All this does is gives people a venue to sing praises for meat.

    Lol ... Drama, drama, drama.

    It is obnoxious... Your comment is obnoxious too.
    So it's hypocritical of you to say the post is when you are.

    Lol it's the INTERNET as I just typed. Relax, geesh. You don't like this topic? Click the X. That's the simple thing about the internet. You can SIMPLY x out your problem. Save the drama for real life, lol. But as most people do, it's easier to fight a battle over the internet, right? Hiding behind a screen?

    If you don't like the comments on this thread ignore them instread of posting rude responses. Take your own advice.. ignore a response you don't like. It seems as though you seem to be greating more drama than anyone else posting on this thread.

    Why ignore them if they are here? Posted towards me? Lol. She asked me a question, I answered it. I'm saying if you click on MY topic & don't like it? Go away then. Drop your opinion all you want but there's no reason to be rude. Now if I was rude to someone, they have 100% right to be rude to me but I wasn't. I was trying to help. But then she's rude? So I'll be rude too. :)

    Ha, I really don't see where that poster was rude to you or anyone else. She just stated matter of factly that this topic is known to go down the direction it is heading.............

    You, OP, took her comment wayyyy to seriously and are being a wee bit sensitive.
  • socajam
    socajam Posts: 2,530 Member
    Like the plague. Soy and Tofu
  • MrDelts
    MrDelts Posts: 209 Member
    <--- Body made by meat.. Meat works. Just stick to meat. It's what our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. We're not meant to eat processed, frozen veggie burgers. Rather than substitute a fatty beef burger for a veggie burger, why not just substitute it for a leaner healthier type of meat?
  • GoldspursX3
    GoldspursX3 Posts: 516 Member
    Because meat, poultry and pork are far more delicious and nutritious.

    BTW - we have canine teeth because we are carnivores by nature. But if you want to be a herbivore that is fine, just dont try to press your views on me!

    Yes *daydreaming of bacon now*

    Then why does it take forever for meat to process through our body unlike carnivores that get rid of it rather quickly

    It doesn't.
  • KatrinaWilke
    KatrinaWilke Posts: 372 Member
    You should check out sweet potato burgers. They obviously are different than a hamburger as they don't taste like meat at all, but they are delicious in their own right. I also have made black bean burgers before with the right kind of seasonings to the point my boyfriend was convinced he was eating a hamburger despite me telling him otherwise.

    Thankyou for this. I wish you typed "Potato burger" I wonder if they have that.... probably.. Lol. I love potatoes.

    & Someone just sent me a black bean burger recipe. Yum :)

    I am trying out a black bean burger recipe tonight!! I don't cook with a lot of meat (mainly because I am too lazy)...but I don't use meat substitutes (gross). Most of my recipes call for vegetables and taste amazing!
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Because I raise my own pastured chickens and I eat them. I raise heritage breed Dominiques. They are naturally breeding, and I'm always going to have excess roosters. Always. I only need one rooster for every five to six hens to have maximum fertility. It's not really possible to rehome boys. Everyone wants girls for the eggs, but no one wants a bunch of roosters around that are going to fight. I kill them myself as humanely as possible. I know what they've had to eat their entire lives, I know where they've lived. I take responsibility for feeding myself and my family, and I feel good knowing that our food is clean. When we eat other meat, I buy from local farmers that I know and I approve of their standards.
  • hockeymomrw
    hockeymomrw Posts: 35 Member
    I am not a vegetarian or vegan but I really do enjoy the Morningstar Farms products now and then. Because they are processed and loaded with sodium I don't eat them very often. But I do like most of their products, for a change now and then. One time I tried to use a recipe and create my own veggie burgers. They turned out really awful (sad!) so I am sticking to the store bought veggie burgers etc. I do enjoy meat too, especially bacon.
  • FitandFab33
    FitandFab33 Posts: 718 Member
    <--- Body made by meat.. Meat works. Just stick to meat. It's what our ancestors ate thousands of years ago. We're not meant to eat processed, frozen veggie burgers. Rather than substitute a fatty beef burger for a veggie burger, why not just substitute it for a leaner healthier type of meat?

    Thank youuuuuuu, Meat.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Why is everyone on here acting like they just outlawed meat or like the OP told you DON'T EAT MEAT. I should start a thread just saying that and the responses would be the same as the ones here. She was just telling people there's things like veggie burgers out there. Also no one said that vegans and vegetarians ONLY eat these things. Many of the ones here probably, like many of you, hold on as this might blow your mind, many of them probably eat healthy whole foods and only have processed foods occasionally. I know. Sit down, you might need a moment to process that. Also many of the vegetarians and vegans here likely are for ethical reasons, meaning they do not eat animals because they are morally against it for one reason or another. Notice I said SOME, not all. Others are for health reasons, as I'm sure many of you eat what you do because you believe it's healthy, they do too. What you think is healthy and what another person thinks is healthy is not always to align.
  • xDawnsgrace
    xDawnsgrace Posts: 436
    i think i'll stick to my zucchini burgers. I've never liked Boca burgers. ):
    Zucchini burgers Ingredients(homemade)-
    zucchini, carrots, onion, (optional.) bell pepper, whole wheat flour, pepper, salt.
  • Iron_Pheonix
    Iron_Pheonix Posts: 191 Member
    Because I raise my own pastured chickens and I eat them. I raise heritage breed Dominiques. They are naturally breeding, and I'm always going to have excess roosters. Always. I only need one rooster for every five to six hens to have maximum fertility. It's not really possible to rehome boys. Everyone wants girls for the eggs, but no one wants a bunch of roosters around that are going to fight. I kill them myself as humanely as possible. I know what they've had to eat their entire lives, I know where they've lived. I take responsibility for feeding myself and my family, and I feel good knowing that our food is clean. When we eat other meat, I buy from local farmers that I know and I approve of their standards.

    Great! I too buy directly from a farm where the animals are entirely grass fed, free range and organic. The chickens are allowed to roam for their natural diets. They are all slaughtered within ten miles of the farm by the same people that raised them. There's a big difference in the quality and condition of these animals lives than that of a supermarket caged animal.