The Side of Weight Loss No One Talks About



  • Glowbee
    Glowbee Posts: 68 Member
    I've discovered that you can get addicted to the feeling of success when you lose weight. So when you get to a weight where you shouldn't lose any more weight, it can be hard to stop wanting to do it. At first I felt skinny, but after a while I started feeling fat again, even though my measurements were all the same.


    I constantly ask my mind why I can't be satisfied with my now normal and healthy body?! It takes discipline and self love for sure. One day at a time.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    How differently I would be treated.I kind of resent it sometimes.

    I'm the same person with the same personality and the same brain.

    Yet I was with the same company for 14 years and didn't get any of the promotions I put in for until I lost weight.


    Man! I have noticed just how much my weight was impeding my job success too. Still pi$$es me off.

    I agree that it is horrible to pass someone up on jobs just because of their weight. And no one should have to go through that. But from what I have seen it is Confidence that get promotions more than anything else regardless of current skills even. The more confident in themselves and what theyre doing is way more likely to get promoted in my opinion.

    I dont know if you were as confident then as you are now that you are getting these promotions. You may have been in your mind but it wasn't projecting out in the way you thought it was to other people. I doubt the majority of people (always some *kitten* holes though) are thinking she's/he's fat lets not promote her. But when comparing two people theyre going to pick the person that seems like they feel like theyre more able to accomplish the job.

    If you look at peoples before and after pictures and just look at their faces. Youll tend to see how much happier they are with themselves and project that to other people.

    Hell even look at mine and I wasnt really too down on myself about my weight.

    All I'm saying is that sometimes it's us and not them.

    This may be true to an extent.Now I KNOW how much I rock.

    But my last boss didn't go to college,while I have a BBA,and got promoted to my that position a year after joining the company.

    Oh,and she looks like Katherine Heigl.
  • kscalish
    kscalish Posts: 7
    I expected my clothes to shrink but nobody told me my feet were going to shrink! I went from a 9.5 to an 8.5, maaaybe 9. Not a huge difference and I can get away with wearing my old sneakers and flats, but heals had to be replaced because I stepped out of them when walking.

    Another experience I had – and this could just be my experience and not happen to everyone – was that, while nobody talked about my weight when I was at my heaviest, once I started losing the flood gates opened and nearly everyone suddenly thought it was ok to comment on my weight. I didn't really mind, none of it was negative and I have always been happy to share my experiences and encourage others to do what makes them happy, but it did sort of become the only thing people would talk about and there is more to me.

    Yes, thank you for posting this because i thought it was just me. My co-workers who have found me on MFP through FB are now constantly asking me did I lose this week? Can you really eat that on your "diet"? (i really hate that question) Did you go to the gym today? And you know I'd be happy if they wanted to know cuz they were geniunely concerned, but I know it's actually because they are curious and that's all. Now I can't even drink a diet soda without getting looks.

    My question for those out there that have a lot of weight to lose like myself...when did you start shrinking in clothes size? I've lost 32lbs so far and I have not gone down in size. (which is the other annyoying thing since I get asked all the time...ohhh your clothes must be fitting looser now a days...and it's depressing to know their not)
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Feeling A LOT colder.

    I know, I live in Michigan! It was easily -22 with wind chill this winter and I freeze my buns off anyway! I'll take it over the heavy and warm me though:laugh:

    Oh ya!!! Freezing all the time, can't wait for summer!
  • marsy710
    marsy710 Posts: 4
    I must have thought that my life would be different after losing weight. Reality was that there was still not enough money, my husband still was a jerk and everyday I woke up to the same depression. So here I am trying to lose the same 200 pounds that I lost 20 years ago. This time its not to change my life as much as to save my life.
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I expected my clothes to shrink but nobody told me my feet were going to shrink! I went from a 9.5 to an 8.5, maaaybe 9. Not a huge difference and I can get away with wearing my old sneakers and flats, but heals had to be replaced because I stepped out of them when walking.

    Another experience I had – and this could just be my experience and not happen to everyone – was that, while nobody talked about my weight when I was at my heaviest, once I started losing the flood gates opened and nearly everyone suddenly thought it was ok to comment on my weight. I didn't really mind, none of it was negative and I have always been happy to share my experiences and encourage others to do what makes them happy, but it did sort of become the only thing people would talk about and there is more to me.

    Yes, thank you for posting this because i thought it was just me. My co-workers who have found me on MFP through FB are now constantly asking me did I lose this week? Can you really eat that on your "diet"? (i really hate that question) Did you go to the gym today? And you know I'd be happy if they wanted to know cuz they were geniunely concerned, but I know it's actually because they are curious and that's all. Now I can't even drink a diet soda without getting looks.

    My question for those out there that have a lot of weight to lose like myself...when did you start shrinking in clothes size? I've lost 32lbs so far and I have not gone down in size. (which is the other annyoying thing since I get asked all the time...ohhh your clothes must be fitting looser now a days...and it's depressing to know their not)

    wait.. my feet will shrink??? AWESOME! I have this AMAZING pair of boots that are just a a smidge too small ..
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I expected my clothes to shrink but nobody told me my feet were going to shrink! I went from a 9.5 to an 8.5, maaaybe 9. Not a huge difference and I can get away with wearing my old sneakers and flats, but heals had to be replaced because I stepped out of them when walking.

    Another experience I had – and this could just be my experience and not happen to everyone – was that, while nobody talked about my weight when I was at my heaviest, once I started losing the flood gates opened and nearly everyone suddenly thought it was ok to comment on my weight. I didn't really mind, none of it was negative and I have always been happy to share my experiences and encourage others to do what makes them happy, but it did sort of become the only thing people would talk about and there is more to me.

    Yes, thank you for posting this because i thought it was just me. My co-workers who have found me on MFP through FB are now constantly asking me did I lose this week? Can you really eat that on your "diet"? (i really hate that question) Did you go to the gym today? And you know I'd be happy if they wanted to know cuz they were geniunely concerned, but I know it's actually because they are curious and that's all. Now I can't even drink a diet soda without getting looks.

    My question for those out there that have a lot of weight to lose like myself...when did you start shrinking in clothes size? I've lost 32lbs so far and I have not gone down in size. (which is the other annyoying thing since I get asked all the time...ohhh your clothes must be fitting looser now a days...and it's depressing to know their not)

    wait.. my feet will shrink??? AWESOME! I have this AMAZING pair of boots that are just a a smidge too small ..

    OMG, YES!!! I've gone from a 9 1/2 WIDE to an 8M!! It's crazy...
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    Yes, thank you for posting this because i thought it was just me. My co-workers who have found me on MFP through FB are now constantly asking me did I lose this week? Can you really eat that on your "diet"? (i really hate that question) Did you go to the gym today? And you know I'd be happy if they wanted to know cuz they were geniunely concerned, but I know it's actually because they are curious and that's all. Now I can't even drink a diet soda without getting looks.

    My question for those out there that have a lot of weight to lose like myself...when did you start shrinking in clothes size? I've lost 32lbs so far and I have not gone down in size. (which is the other annyoying thing since I get asked all the time...ohhh your clothes must be fitting looser now a days...and it's depressing to know their not)

    When I first started losing weight, I weighed about 276 pounds. It took almost 40 pounds for me to go down one size. :/ Then another 25 pounds to go down another size. After that, though, things got much faster. Hang in there! <3
  • tntgal2
    tntgal2 Posts: 26
    1) How funny it hears to hear people say "you're so LITTLE now!"
    2) how exciting it is to grab a size that was formerly too tight and is now too loose!
    3) How you realized the reason you sneered at clothes styles was because you couldn't wear them, and now you like them.
    4) the need to find a good tailor who can take in your good things that are too big now. That's been a lifesaver for me.
    5) go to a certified bra fitter (Nordstrom has them) and find out your new bra size.
    6) do lots of strength training so as the pounds vanish you find muscle
    7) the worry about the transition to maintenance but the assurance that if you weigh in weekly, you'll be able to react to any gain quickly.

    I've been thrilled with my new look (almost back to my 20's weight), new clothes, and new fitness (hills that left me breathless are now easy). Live knowing that all I need is discipline and a method and my next personal goals are achievable.
  • samiott
    samiott Posts: 9 Member
    everything, my obsession of counting calories, saying "I cant eat there, (even though I can, but my issue is it sets off issues with eating "bad" foods) obsessing now that I am skinny that I will wake up fat, exercising allllllllllllllllll the time! Afraid of gaining a pound, I believe I have created me somewhat of a food disorder. I am still learning how to cope with the new me, I have never been a size 3-4 my whole life, I walk 13-15 miles a day, I am addicted to my fitbit and competing on the leadership boards.......sagging skin is the worst, lost all this weight and no way I can rock a bikini or skimpy shorts..........I am not crazy although I may sound like it here :) it is truly a lifestyle change and by god it is hard, being surrounded by crap all the time. oh and I AM TIRED!

    I am same way. Feels like sometimes if I eat some bad foods it will open a flood gate of me eating bad again.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    Saggy skin
    Seeing the changes within my body, but my weight on the scale doesn't change :grumble:

    Everyone keeps saying I look better, but its hard for me to think that way because all I see is when I was 243 (before I came back to MFP) and somedays I have the courage to try on new clothes, other days I stay away. Some days I try new exercises other days nope.

    I have to remind myself of my goals consistently so I don't fail and gain it back. That is probably the hardest part for me, other then trying to make sure I don't get stressed out (stress equals vomiting in my case).
  • samiott
    samiott Posts: 9 Member
    How differently I would be treated.I kind of resent it sometimes.

    I'm the same person with the same personality and the same brain.

    Yet I was with the same company for 14 years and didn't get any of the promotions I put in for until I lost weight.

    P.S no longer with that company and have a much better job!

    This is a big one for me. Years ago when I had lost 20 lbs and reached my "ideal" weight, I started receiving more and more attention from people who previously would barely acknowledge me. It was nice at first but then I really began to resent it after a while because as the the above poster pointed out, I was the same person w/same personality etc....

    Exactly. People seem to think they don't treat you differently but they do. I used to be really skinny then I put on a lot of weight. When I was skinny I received a lot of unwanted attention and I was shy and hated it. Now I'm older and ready to shine my own little light into the world and people just see a fat person. I shouldn't have to remind people I'm the same person no matter my size but how do you change this perception?
  • cindysimp
    cindysimp Posts: 23 Member
    I agree.... I hate having to constantly worry about how many calories I have eaten and forcing myself to stay away from restaurants even though I want to eat out.... I know it'll pay off but that feeling of not having enough will power yet really gets to me!
  • kmchambers64
    kmchambers64 Posts: 158 Member
    I was thinking of raiding goodwill for inbeweeny stuff, because I dont plan on being at any size for long/
    I do this! Got some chinos just the other day. Only $4.29. It's a heck of a lot cheaper than buying new clothes that you'll only wear for a few months anyway. Then when you need the next size down, you can donate back the ones you just had, and get some more.

    And it is an awesome way to support your local economy!
  • RandiLandCHANGED
    RandiLandCHANGED Posts: 630 Member
    The obsession is the worst for me. I have had some pretty low moments that I am not proud of during my journey.
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    After reading through all of the posts and every page, one thing I haven't seen anyone mention yet is the lack of guilt.

    I love to knit, and I know this makes me an old granny in a 28 yr old's body, but oh well. I can knit for hours on end, and it makes me happy. But it makes me SO MUCH MORE happy on days when I've done a workout. Even if I half-assed it. I still did something...and that's better than nothing. So I can sit on my *kitten* and knit and not feel bad because I could be working out, I could go for a walk, I could...should...would...etc. etc.

    Not feeling the guilt is amazing!
  • jade813
    jade813 Posts: 2
    here's a positive one -

    i never thought that my weight loss journey would inspire others to try. Just by being a good example and sharing my story with friends and family, I have sparked positive change in others.
  • avababy05
    avababy05 Posts: 930 Member
    here's a positive one -

    i never thought that my weight loss journey would inspire others to try. Just by being a good example and sharing my story with friends and family, I have sparked positive change in others.

    That is a good one
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    I am kinda old, but still I didn't think this would happen to me because I wasn't that fat-- This morning I notice that the slab of fat that was covering my abdonen is less, but now the skin is unpleasantly wrinkled and I don't think that will go away. So my bikini years are over, even if I get to my goal weight. :cry:

    ^^ Dr. Anne Cramer, Davenport Iowa. True artisan. :laugh:
  • mathteacher2010
    mathteacher2010 Posts: 85 Member
    I expected my clothes to shrink but nobody told me my feet were going to shrink! I went from a 9.5 to an 8.5, maaaybe 9. Not a huge difference and I can get away with wearing my old sneakers and flats, but heals had to be replaced because I stepped out of them when walking.

    Another experience I had – and this could just be my experience and not happen to everyone – was that, while nobody talked about my weight when I was at my heaviest, once I started losing the flood gates opened and nearly everyone suddenly thought it was ok to comment on my weight. I didn't really mind, none of it was negative and I have always been happy to share my experiences and encourage others to do what makes them happy, but it did sort of become the only thing people would talk about and there is more to me.

    I hope my feet don't shrink; I'm already a ladies' size 4.5! If my feet get any smaller I'm in big trouble! :frown: