Why are men intimidated by Succecssful Women ?



  • Jimaudit
    Jimaudit Posts: 275
    I work in business for one of the largest companies in the world.

    Nothing sexier than a successful, confident woman!
  • Ribba
    Ribba Posts: 31
    Not a single English course teaching sentence structure, proper punctuation, and when to use title-case was needed to assume success in this thread's creation.

  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    I work in business for one of the largest companies in the world.

    Nothing sexier than a successful, confident woman!

    Men hate weak women x
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I don't think most men are intimidated by strong, successful women. I think insecure men may be intimidated. But, strong, confident men aren't.
  • bestbassist
    bestbassist Posts: 177 Member
    Gee, that's not a sweeping generalization or anything. I love how all men can be lumped in as having one trait, but when we do that to women we're labeled as "sexist."

    I think the reason you might observe discourse between the genders is because you are confusing "strong and independent" with ballcrushing and b!tchy. Those traits don't necessarily intimidate men as much as they are red flags to stay away, for obvious reasons.

    Since you're into blanket accusations I'll ask - why are so many women who say they are strong and independent, really weak, insecure little girls who end up miserable in middle age because they scoffed at men who weren't good enough for them all through they're prime mating years?
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Why do Strong, Successful, Talented, Women intimidate Most Men.

    Just an Observation i had found to be so true in my own life.

    Why is this ??? Any thoughts???

    You're most likely hanging around the wrong type of men.
  • cherylatkwechanged
    cherylatkwechanged Posts: 479 Member
    Gee, that's not a sweeping generalization or anything. I love how all men can be lumped in as having one trait, but when we do that to women we're labeled as "sexist."

    I think the reason you might observe discourse between the genders is because you are confusing "strong and independent" with ballcrushing and b!tchy. Those traits don't necessarily intimidate men as much as they are red flags to stay away, for obvious reasons.

    Since you're into blanket accusations I'll ask - why are so many women who say they are strong and independent, really weak, insecure little girls who end up miserable in middle age because they scoffed at men who weren't good enough for them all through they're prime mating years?

    < ouch >
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Gee, that's not a sweeping generalization or anything. I love how all men can be lumped in as having one trait, but when we do that to women we're labeled as "sexist."

    I think the reason you might observe discourse between the genders is because you are confusing "strong and independent" with ballcrushing and b!tchy. Those traits don't necessarily intimidate men as much as they are red flags to stay away, for obvious reasons.

    Since you're into blanket accusations I'll ask - why are so many women who say they are strong and independent, really weak, insecure little girls who end up miserable in middle age because they scoffed at men who weren't good enough for them all through they're prime mating years?

  • leantool
    leantool Posts: 365 Member
    it's probably ego and not the success that drives people away.try dating someone yet more successful or absolutely irreverent of success.( but the later kind often treat their gf with fat pay packet like a milch-cow!)hope you get successful in this front , too.
  • AngelsInThighHighs
    AngelsInThighHighs Posts: 247 Member
    Are you sure they are intimidated by your success, or is it just that your ego is SO big your having trouble realizing that its actually your attitude not your accomplishments....just a thought. Considering im quite successful for my age and have NEVER had a man turn away from me because of the car i drive or my aspirations...
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Why do Strong, Successful, Talented, Women intimidate Most Men.

    Just an Observation i had found to be so true in my own life.

    Why is this ??? Any thoughts???

    My reactive response to your first statement is "Wrong." If anything, most men no matter his income, tend to be magnetised to women who are strong earners. More likely, a woman who is a high producer needs to sieve the men who choose to cross that line with her, aren't motivated by her worth. It's a lot like how it is for men - Women who strictly pursue the rich and wealthy, for the want of a life they covet and do not understand.

    Have you considered that maybe you have been dating men who aren't your equals? If you consciously allow men who are somewhat your subordinates (not necessarily financial) - men who are clearly incompatible with you to engage in a relationship of an intimate nature, then the result will be the brash statements, dumbing down your earnings, your abilities and your sense of self-worth.

    I find it strange, that you feel the need to carry-over your professional-self into your private relationship, unless that was part and parcel of the attraction. It's as bad as sex only, being the reason 2 people are together; When sex fritters away - what do you have? What are you left with? You need to find a man who complements you; Where everything about you is what he likes; You are portraying a symptomatic side-effect of a woman who engaged herself in a relationship because you settled; You made do. There are way too many men out there who are wonderful men; Men who see you for you and NOT your pocket; Men who like you and couldn't care less - how much you bring home. Men who will see you as a WOMAN first.

    @Jaguar vs Taurus. Warren Buffett's son drives a Taurus. Ted Turner's son drives a Taurus. My brother drives a Toyota Hilux. How much are they all worth? Two are heirs to billions and one is a billionaire. What do I drive? An electric :laugh: How much am I worth? Don't ask - or you'll blush! And I certainly am not impressed (and neither should any man) by anyone who thinks that driving an $88K vehicle is a statement piece.

    FYI: Not ALL MEN who have money earn it via WALL ST or in fields where a suit is required. Dirty jobs and businesses are fairly BIG INCOME generators too, you know. :laugh:

    ETA:?/ Hilux
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,704 Member
    Meh... nothing intimidates a well-hung man. ;)
    Lol, I bet you wouldn't hang out with Lorena Bobbit.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    I will probably get flamed for this but my guess is that since those attributes are a turn on to many women you are assuming our minds work the same and they just don't.
    While many or most guys like that in a lady it doesn't equate to romantic desire as much so you presume the lack of that happening must be intimidation while in reality it is just the outcome of how we are wired.
  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    I'd like to see more successful people period.
  • JasonAxelrod
    JasonAxelrod Posts: 58 Member
    Men who are genuinely intimidated by successful women likely reflect the character and lifestyle of that woman back onto themselves. Perhaps they don't feel that their successes can measure up and feel inadequate because of it. If they happen to hold the concept of gender roles in significant regard and have in turn tied their worth as a partner to their ability to be the primary breadwinner and caretaker of the relationship (or family), applying that to being less successful than a potential partner can also cause that sense of inadequacy. There is also the occasional stereotype of a successful person (man or woman) making their success very clear and known to potential partners as if it is a defining characteristic of not only themselves (which is fine) but also of why they are worth your time (or why you aren't worth theirs). This would reflect much more on the attitude surrounding that success than just being successful, though, and I think that most men either respond negatively because of the latter, or are simply predisposed because of past experiences to assume that a successful woman that they meet is going to be snobbish, high-maintenance, judgmental, or any other presumption rather than just a regular person who happens to be successful.

    Blanket statements rarely do anyone any favors, though.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    They aren't. I'm successful and I get approached all the time.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    They aren't. I'm successful and I get approached all the time.

    i Am Sure It Is Different In The Hamster World.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I no problem being with a successful woman as long she doesn't mind being with a King!!
  • simplynaturalfarm
    simplynaturalfarm Posts: 73 Member
    A lot of men (and women) don't enjoy other people's success rubbed in their faces constantly (somebody telling them which of their lofty goals have already been attained). My husband said being married to me is a constant blow to his ego but he manages (always says it with a wink). He thought I was going to be just an ego stroker (due to my background), and man I have tried that but I'm also an insane critical thinker (at times just critical but workin on that one!) so ego stroking and critical thinking don't always go well. But he had enough ego stroking from his Mom (to the exclusion of all thinking!), so he admits that is why he expected a wife to always tell him everything he did was great, big, wonderful and the best instead of a wife looking critically at something and saying "Did you realize your footing in the middle is not level and 2 inches in??"
    Personality makes a big difference, what their Mom's were like and if they waited on them hand and foot etc.
    Being "successful" does not mean smart, logical or anything else. Many people are insanely successful and you would never know because they don't tell you ;) I tend to like the second kind anyway.
    In my husband's field the most "successful" suck at interpersonal relationships (lots of broken marriages) and end up doing a lot of research as well as not doing well in field work due to being better at test taking than applying learned skills.
    I'm very independent (that does NOT mean successful LOL), and Dh has told me it is intimidating because everything I do I do better than he does. Then he feels like a little flunky when he works with me because I'm very focused, I want things done my way because they are always the best (not always true), and he feels like a little boy following me around waiting to be given a chore to do (the fact that he isn't home much makes it harder as I'm USED to doing things alone or with 4 children 7 and under). I have learned that it has nothing to do with him being a small man - who doesn't work better with encouragement (assuming they are good workers already and not just pouting), and then trusting them enough to give them jobs and NOT micromanage the stupid little details. DH has a busy job which meant he was not always around, so I do everything myself. My Dad had a long commute and was not around much for 8 years of our lives (it was the only way he could make a living during the high interest mortgage years), so my Mom and I became very independent and able to fix things, handle problems on our own. That can be really hard on a marriage at times (face it, at some point our hubbies need to be the fixer of SOME problem - most men are wired that way and that does not mean it is all bad, it means some times I have to tell him his muscles are mighty big and heck I'd rather he threw the 100lb bales around anyway - I have nothing left to prove. *G)
    I prefer the people who appear to be less successful and you find out later from somebody else exactly who they are anyway. . .
    Men are not always intimidated by successful women as a rule - they have been stung by the successful, in your face "who you lookin' at!" "I can open a door without a man's help THANK YOU" Beotch's who are out there to prove they can fight and claim their place in the supposed man's world - I'm gun shy of them too and I can say that the majority of successful women i have met due to my husband's career are ones I don't get along with either!

    Having said all that, my" career" before I got married did not have a lot of women and I found it ridiculously hard to fight the chauvinistic attitudes constantly because they were sure I could not possibly understand what they were talking about, always trying to pull things over on me, call me "little lady". I had to become rude, in your face, pushy and developed an "you are a little man!" attitude just to get my job done well, and finally decided my job just wasn't worth my attitude that was carrying over to every man I knew and the good men sure did not deserve it!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I no problem being with a successful woman as long she doesn't mind being with a King!!

    Only if he's the tops! ;)