Cardio doesn't burn fat!!!



  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    I was fine with what you posted until you basically assumed that people who jump on the elliptical most likely aren't doing it for cardiovascular benefits. How come you assume this? Before I continue, I like weights and cardio. I NEED the cardio for the cardiovascular benefits because of horrible family history. I don't have a problem with anyone doing a workout they feel is best. I have a problem with the assumptions. So what if people do cardio to eat more so they can be at a deficit. I would rather see someone in the gym doing something than sitting on their butt watching. So do your thing and let others do theirs ;)

    Edited to add (because other's commented while I was): I know tons of people who work out and none of them hate the cardio (and this includes the overweight people I do classes with) You must not know the right people.

    Everybody relax and eat a donut. I like them both. I feel accomplished because I know that both are good for me, but for different reasons.

  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I was fine with what you posted until you basically assumed that people who jump on the elliptical most likely aren't doing it for cardiovascular benefits. How come you assume this? Before I continue, I like weights and cardio. I NEED the cardio for the cardiovascular benefits because of horrible family history. I don't have a problem with anyone doing a workout they feel is best. I have a problem with the assumptions. So what if people do cardio to eat more so they can be at a deficit. I would rather see someone in the gym doing something than sitting on their butt watching. So do your thing and let others do theirs ;)

    Edited to add (because other's commented while I was): I know tons of people who work out and none of them hate the cardio (and this includes the overweight people I do classes with) You must not know the right people.

    Everybody relax and eat a donut. I like them both. I feel accomplished because I know that both are good for me, but for different reasons.


    LOL! Hey you have had an outstanding loss thus far! Congrats!
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Gee. I hope I don't evoke pity from my mfp friends when they see my cardio:(
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Others may want to waste their time on you. A man who wants to do nothing more than to waste people's time. But I have no interest. YOu're going on ignore. They will soon discover they grow tired of you too.
    Nothing's quite so sad as the attention grab of "I'M IGNORING YOU NEENER NEENER." :(

    This. It's very much "I'm ignoring you! Do you see me ignoring you? LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M IGNORING YOU!" :laugh: I've got two people on ignore and never felt the need to tell them about it.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    you guys are totally ruining my attempt to hijack this thread with bacon.

    Sorry. It's because I'm vegetarian.


    There you go. Now his trolling really is complete.

    aww but doesn't eating all of that protein burn fat?
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    Methinks the OP makes many assumptions and presumptions in the original post.
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    Others may want to waste their time on you. A man who wants to do nothing more than to waste people's time. But I have no interest. YOu're going on ignore. They will soon discover they grow tired of you too.
    Nothing's quite so sad as the attention grab of "I'M IGNORING YOU NEENER NEENER." :(

    This. It's very much "I'm ignoring you! Do you see me ignoring you? LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M IGNORING YOU!" :laugh: I've got two people on ignore and never felt the need to tell them about it.

    LOL @ this ^
    This thread is getting silly I posted my link but I am out a here.
  • awake4777
    awake4777 Posts: 190 Member
    This thread isn't about the knocking the cardiovascular benefits of it... it's saying that it isn't nearly as effective from a fat loss perspective, which is true. People get really jumpy around here real fast....

    Look to all the top fitness, physique, bodybuilding competitors... it wasn't built by cardio, it was built through resistance training.

    CARDIO DOES BURN FAT. And cardio DOESN'T burn fat. It depends on how it is done.

    Three ways it burns fat. . .

    1. Interval cardio with HIIT: (ie walk, jog, run, repeat) for 20 - 30 minutes

    2. Fasted cardio such as first thing in the morning after an overnight fast and before breakfast: When done on an empty stomach your body uses fat stores as energy (some say this is controversial).

    4. After a weight lifting session which mostly burns carbs and calories, you then do cardio to burn fat.

    A way that cardio DOES NOT burn fat is through long slow cardio. This has many benefits, but fat-burning is not one of them.

    All cardio releases endorphins and seratonin (feel good hormones). Makes you sleep better the natural way and is better than an anti-depressant pill (for most people who are not suffering from chronic or severe depression as I can't comment on that. It is case by case no doubt).
    Here it is again.
    It was entirely incorrect the first time. Posting it again doesn't make it any less so. You completely misunderstand substrate utilization and energy pathways/usage.

    You beat me to it!
    Well then prove it. Don't just talk the talk. Evidence please!

    In a previous thread you were provided with peer reviewed research suggesting that your opinions were incorrect. You did not read the evidence.

    In this situation, if someone posts evidence that you are wrong, will you read it and change your stance on this, or will you just continue on with your current beliefs despite evidence?
    Eat a donut!
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    This thread isn't about the knocking the cardiovascular benefits of it... it's saying that it isn't nearly as effective from a fat loss perspective, which is true. People get really jumpy around here real fast....

    Look to all the top fitness, physique, bodybuilding competitors... it wasn't built by cardio, it was built through resistance training.

    CARDIO DOES BURN FAT. And cardio DOESN'T burn fat. It depends on how it is done.

    Three ways it burns fat. . .

    1. Interval cardio with HIIT: (ie walk, jog, run, repeat) for 20 - 30 minutes

    2. Fasted cardio such as first thing in the morning after an overnight fast and before breakfast: When done on an empty stomach your body uses fat stores as energy (some say this is controversial).

    4. After a weight lifting session which mostly burns carbs and calories, you then do cardio to burn fat.

    A way that cardio DOES NOT burn fat is through long slow cardio. This has many benefits, but fat-burning is not one of them.

    All cardio releases endorphins and seratonin (feel good hormones). Makes you sleep better the natural way and is better than an anti-depressant pill (for most people who are not suffering from chronic or severe depression as I can't comment on that. It is case by case no doubt).
    Here it is again.
    It was entirely incorrect the first time. Posting it again doesn't make it any less so. You completely misunderstand substrate utilization and energy pathways/usage.

    You beat me to it!
    Well then prove it. Don't just talk the talk. Evidence please!

    In a previous thread you were provided with peer reviewed research suggesting that your opinions were incorrect. You did not read the evidence.

    In this situation, if someone posts evidence that you are wrong, will you read it and change your stance on this, or will you just continue on with your current beliefs despite evidence?
    Eat a donut!

    That's not a bad idea, but I don't have any. I did just eat chipotle, and I also have ice cream regularly...
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Eat a donut!

    That's not a bad idea, but I don't have any. I did just eat chipotle, and I also have ice cream regularly...
    I think the hidden/unspoken compliment there was that you can afford to eat a donut. Others, OTOH....well, they'd be best served by leaving it right there in the display case for somebody else.

    All that lifting will burn the fat from that donut right off anyways. :bigsmile:
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Eat a donut!

    That's not a bad idea, but I don't have any. I did just eat chipotle, and I also have ice cream regularly...
    I was going to throw in a suggestion to eat something else but I hear humor is banned from the forms.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Eat a donut!

    That's not a bad idea, but I don't have any. I did just eat chipotle, and I also have ice cream regularly...
    I was going to throw in a suggestion to eat something else but I hear humor is banned from the forms.
    The thought immediately crossed my mind as well. I rejected it for the same reason.
  • actually there should be a mixture of cardio and weight training, i'm over 200lbs if weight training were my only form of exercise i'd look like a beefed up man. no thanks :indifferent:

    This girl has some sense in her ^^^ I am the same way except i weigh alittle less
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    actually there should be a mixture of cardio and weight training, i'm over 200lbs if weight training were my only form of exercise i'd look like a beefed up man. no thanks :indifferent:

    This girl has some sense in her ^^^ I am the same way except i weigh alittle less
    Yeah, because it's a proven fact that any woman who picks up anything heavier than a pink barbie dumbbell immediately gets all hyooge and yoked overnight.

    I've known plenty of women who lift heavy. The only ones who got huge/muscular were the ones who were actively busting their butts to do so (and had the aid of "hormonal enhancement" - steroids). It's amazing that we have so many special snowflakes here on MFP who can effortlessly achieve bodybuilder physiques while netting 800 calories a day with virtually zero protein intake and no steroidal supplementation.
  • rheelizabeth
    rheelizabeth Posts: 160 Member
    When you weigh an extra 60lbs more than you should do... I think doing cardio at that weight kind of is a weight training....
    and I only ever do cardio, yet have managed to burn 25lbs....
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    There are many forms of cardio, all of which burn some combination of fat and glycogen. Although it's not required to lose weight if your diet produces a calorie deficit on its own, cardio can widen this deficit and help accelerate weight loss. It also gives you some wiggle room for eating more calories which is why I like to incorporate it into my routine.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    This thread isn't about the knocking the cardiovascular benefits of it... it's saying that it isn't nearly as effective from a fat loss perspective, which is true. People get really jumpy around here real fast....

    Look to all the top fitness, physique, bodybuilding competitors... it wasn't built by cardio, it was built through resistance training.

    CARDIO DOES BURN FAT. And cardio DOESN'T burn fat. It depends on how it is done.

    Three ways it burns fat. . .

    1. Interval cardio with HIIT: (ie walk, jog, run, repeat) for 20 - 30 minutes

    2. Fasted cardio such as first thing in the morning after an overnight fast and before breakfast: When done on an empty stomach your body uses fat stores as energy (some say this is controversial).

    4. After a weight lifting session which mostly burns carbs and calories, you then do cardio to burn fat.

    A way that cardio DOES NOT burn fat is through long slow cardio. This has many benefits, but fat-burning is not one of them.

    All cardio releases endorphins and seratonin (feel good hormones). Makes you sleep better the natural way and is better than an anti-depressant pill (for most people who are not suffering from chronic or severe depression as I can't comment on that. It is case by case no doubt).
    Here it is again.
    It was entirely incorrect the first time. Posting it again doesn't make it any less so. You completely misunderstand substrate utilization and energy pathways/usage.

    You beat me to it!
    Well then prove it. Don't just talk the talk. Evidence please!

    It's the basic physiology of energy systems. It is easy information to find. Feel free to educate yourself. Google exercise energy systems and substrates. This is not something that is in dispute or unclear. Or, alternatively, send me $199.99 and I'll give you the short course. This however is not something that needs to be proved. It has already been proven.

    As SideSteel said, in another thead you were given peer reviewed studies and you ignored them. Do you homework. Stop demanding that people prove things to you. No one needs to prove anything to you. Educate yourself. Or beleive whatever misinformation you choose. That is up to you. But nobody owes you anthing. And you have already been given lots of good info that you have discarded because you think you know better.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    There are many forms of cardio, all of which burn some combination of fat and glycogen. Although it's not required to lose weight if your diet produces a calorie deficit on its own, cardio can widen this deficit and help accelerate weight loss. It also gives you some wiggle room for eating more calories which is why I like to incorporate it into my routine.
    Mmmm more nutrients
  • I enjoy weight training and cardio and see benefits in both.
  • red0801
    red0801 Posts: 283 Member
    I do cardio so when zombies or a kidnapper chases after me, I can out run them. Seems beneficial to me.

    Outrunning zombies (or being faster than the guy they catch) seems highly beneficial to me too!