

  • caminogirl
    caminogirl Posts: 56 Member
    Good Morning!

    I was very happy to see some fellow knitters here (tiarapants, Kathy, auntiebk and barbiecat , anyone else??) and if you’re looking for patterns try www.ravelry.com as they have the very best stash of patterns you will ever see. I love small, portable projects as I’m a fibre-aholic – I have even tried knitting while riding the stationary bike but you can tell that my priorities weren’t really on the bike! Ravelry also has a ‘group’ feature, so if you’re looking for a s&b**** group in your neighbourhood, you’d likely find it there. :flowerforyou:

    Exercise is my downfall – I just don’t enjoy it .:ohwell: I don’t mind walking the dog but he is old, arthritic and only wants to pee on the bushes so I can’t get the heart rate up that way!! I also don’t mind walking with my iPod and I’ve download books on that, which helps as I get caught-up in the story, but I still don’t think I’m walking far or fast enough. Has anyone ever used one of those ‘walking programs’? I’m just wondering if it’s music or talking or what?

    Mimi – You’re so right about wanting that first bite to be the best and only wanting to eat things you just know are going to taste good and be good for you! (I sound like a cereal commercial – but it’s true!) :laugh: :laugh:

    Sadly, when I’m not being mindful I can eat anything and not even notice I’ve eaten it! :noway: Or worse, when I feel I must be polite and clear my plate – and believe me, I must be good at being polite as I have a gold star membership in the clean plate club!! :tongue: Yesterday I ate two (2 !?!?) :noway: :noway: pastries from the Italian bakery. I was out to lunch (or out of my mind, not sure which!! :embarassed: ) with a friend and she wanted to ‘celebrate’ so she bought them for us. Could I have declined, absolutely, but the nice, polite, non-confrontational me just said ‘oh thank-you’ and dug in (or perhaps this is just my great fallback excuse?:grumble:). Sadly, that first bite wasn’t filled with sweet but rather sour.:huh: : Bleh! A sour pastry!! :cry: I guess it comes down to this, if I’m really seriously going to do this I better learn to stand my ground – so perhaps it was karma that the pastry was filled with mascarpone not butter cream – next time, I’ll say ‘thanks but not today’.

    Oh and in case anyone’s wondering the second pastry had red food colouring in the centre which tasted like Popeye cigarettes, so neither of us finished it. Lesson learned. :wink: I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful, I shall be mindful…..

    Barb (weaklink) :flowerforyou: Thanks for the techie tip! I've a HP laptop and it downloads all sorts of weird stuff without my even knowing what's going on - big brother truly lurks out there!!

    ainslieglen :flowerforyou: don't be too down, we're behind you 100%

    RJ :flowerforyou: I call getting my yearly pap test and boob-squish my Spring Tune-Up ~ that way, every May I go and get it done.

    Have a fabulous day everyone – and I do hope you Wet Coasters are getting some sun. I grew up out there so my sympathies are with you but there is a reason the trees - and the slugs - grow so big! :wink:

  • ainslieglen
    ainslieglen Posts: 110
    Hey there!

    What a great day...sunshine today and promised for the next 6 days! Yayy!!!:bigsmile:

    Cathy( Camino girl): Good luck with your spring tune up:smile:

    Mary (MSH):I never hid new clothes from any of my husbands.....maybe that accounts for 3, yes 3, divorces:huh:

    BirdieM: I'll keep logging in and posting for sure. MFP is about more than fitness, it's also great therapy.:smile:

    Mimi: I'm a die hard So You Think You Can Dance fan.I have to confess I find Nigel strangely attractive, in spite of all the teeth:smokin: I was happy Kent ( farm boy) made it through:happy: Looking forward to tonight's show:wink:

    Barbie: Real fitness IS poetic...so wax away:happy:

    Barb (weaklink): I love your posts...and found the "techie seminar" informative! It just so sad about little missing Kyron Horman. The longer he's missing, the bleaker the prospects seem.

    Jeannie(Jam0525):My nephew was married in Colorado Springs a few years ago and we all went down for the wedding.It's a lovely spot and we had a great time:bigsmile:

    Looks like I didn't sc--w this post up:bigsmile: ainslieglen

    Have a terrific day, everyone:flowerforyou:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :heart: Mimi: Congrats on the new exercise machine. It’s good to move onto something else when you’re tiring of what you’re doing. And yes, grandchildren can really make you tired but they are just so precious!

    :heart: Jeannie: Glad you had a great time and were able to get so much exercise! The fact that you didn’t get winded, like you use to, shows that you are getting healthier and stronger! The hotel sounds like it was a great deal, too!

    :heart: Barbie: Thanks for the words of wisdom as always. I agree 100% with that cookbook!

    :heart: SuzyQ: We all understand about mindless eating and have all done it at one time or another. The difference is your approach to it AFTER the fact. Exercising has been quite a savior to me in those times!

    :heart: Barb: Yay for 90% goal made on the voting issue...and thanks for the Tech seminar LOL:laugh:

    So sad about Kyron, but we’ll keep praying.:brokenheart:

    :heart: Viv: Keep on keeping on. If you do that you will finally have the success you want. If you stop trying I can guarantee you will gain everything back plus more. T’is unfair…but t’is the truth! Have you checked with your doctor Re: the hormone issue?

    :heart: Auntiebk: Did you drink a lot of water? When I drink I always make sure I drink about 10 glasses of water that day. Just a suggestion.

    :heart: Caminogirl: It’s real important to find an exercise that you like or else you won’t stick with it. As they say, the best exercise is the one you’ll do! Do you like to dance? Garden? Walking is great if you can keep doing it and burn some calories. Some people can’t do traditional exercises for health reasons or physical limitations. But if you move….you lose. Find out what “moves” you! LOL:laugh:

    As far as the pastry episode, I had a similar situation. My DD and SIL took us out to eat last night at a Pizza/Pasta place. I rarely eat either since I’ve had a rebirth into a healthy lifestyle. So I noticed they had baked haddock but it was a little more expensive than the P&P. Now they KNOW I don’t usually eat that stuff, so I graciously mentioned the salad or the fish. They insisted I get the fish and the salad and would be insulted if I felt like I HAD to eat something that I was uncomfortable eating.:bigsmile: Sometimes I think, at least for myself, that when I make an excuse, which I have done several times since I joined MFP, it’s really because I WANT to eat it:blushing: ….and that’s okay as long as I understand my behavior and am truthful with it.:flowerforyou: (I am in no way pointing fingers, just sharing MY experience):wink: . You could always say that you want to take them home and share them with someone else….then dump them in the garbage ASAP….:laugh: (I’ve done that, too…and no one ever knew or felt offended and I would continue losing weight! Win….win!!!:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Ainslienglen: Enjoy the sunshine! They say it lifts the spirits!:bigsmile:

    Today is my 3rd day off (off my vacation) but I took the time off to help my daughter move. The closing will at best be on Friday! :grumble: So I am trying to make the best of it doing things around here that I never can get to or seeing people I never get the opportunity to see! :bigsmile: Also, I can spend more time with my MFP friends! :love: When I get back to work, I sometimes don’t get to post.:frown: So making lemons out of lemonade is what I’m doing….and enjoying it too! “A truly happy person is the one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour!”:bigsmile: I’m not sure who said that….but I find it to be true!:flowerforyou:
    Have a great day ladies!!!

    :heart: BirdieM
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Good evening ......Everyone .....

    I'm doing a verrry quick post tonight ...before I go and pack and while my nails are drying. Typing is a bit ...shall we say ...:laugh: different tonight!!

    :happy: :happy: I think I'd better announce that I'm down again to 154lbs before I go on this "Family" weekend. Who knows what it'll be on monday.
    But...I've done it once ...no twice now ...so I can do it again.

    So it's cheerio for now. I hope you all have a great weekend and make those "wise" choices.
    :heart: Bye bye for now
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Afternoon All,

    One more day of "the galloping rainies" and we are supposed to have at least 3 days of sunshine.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Guess I shouldn't jinx it by celebrating early.:ohwell:

    Glad my techie ramblings helped some of you out. After I read what I posted, I realized I had gone on about that subject longer than was probably needed, but as I always say. "If you are posting, you are not eating.":laugh: :laugh: If anyone has a specific issue about their system, send me a PM and I will be glad to offer any suggestions I can for self help.

    To those who succumbed to the "MayaSwells"--as in "may as well" have......insert temptation here. It happens, just have to pick up and move on. At home I try to keep temptation at bay, and since the doggies don't do the grocery shopping, I have no one to blame but me if there is something here that I shouldn't have!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Sometimes, however, questionable things seem to sneak into the house....hmm, maybe the doggies are opening the door to strangers when I am gone. :noway: I wonder if there is a gang of "snack stuffers" running amok in my town, leaving questionable items in the kitchens of dieters!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Well, still no break in the Kyron Horman case.

    I have to get a wiggle on as I have to take my mom to her physical therapy appointment, so I will catch up with you all later.

  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Exercise is my downfall – I just don’t enjoy it .:ohwell: I don’t mind walking the dog but he is old, arthritic and only wants to pee on the bushes so I can’t get the heart rate up that way!! I also don’t mind walking with my iPod and I’ve download books on that, which helps as I get caught-up in the story, but I still don’t think I’m walking far or fast enough. Has anyone ever used one of those ‘walking programs’? I’m just wondering if it’s music or talking or what?

    Give any of the Leslie Sansone walking DVDs a try. She makes walking in place to upbeat music fun. I get bored doing the same thing all the time so I try to mix it up. I've posted about it in the past so if you want to know more you can click on the number below my name and scroll down through old posts to find it. (This is also a great feature if you find someone with whom you really identify and want to catch up on how they got to where they are now. )

    Off to do strength training with BL Bootcamp now. Bob's smile and the thought of a Citrus Green Tea after makes it a bit more enjoyable.
  • kackie
    kackie Posts: 676 Member
    Good evening All,

    Did anyone every know that an Outback Steakhouse Chicken Caesar Salad has 908 calories???:noway: :noway: :noway: Wow!
    I picked one up to have for dinner because I had to go to Charleston for the day to the doctors and was too tired to go to the grocery. I got DH a different salad. I will NOT be eating the dressing but making one myself. I am so glad that I looked it up BEFORE I ate it since I haven't gotten my usual walk or bike ride or anything yet. My OLD self would not have have looked up the calories, so at least that is a good thing!

    Jackie: Way to go Girl!!! Have a good weekend but I'll bet you can keep that hard-won lose!

    Fellow Gardeners: I complained about fiddler crabs eating my first tomatoes...well now I have a pesky raccoon...or 2...or 3...who have climbed over my fence and helped themselves to some tomatoes. AHHHHHHH:grumble: I have set my Hav-a-hart trap and DH and I will start our Raccoon Relocation Program. Last year we "helped" 7 find new homes on islands far away from our own!!!

    Thunder storm is rumbling in the distance. It has been in the mid 90s today...our warmest day yet, so a good little rainstorm would be welcomed! Have a nice evening all, :heart: :heart: :heart: Kackie
  • heartrw
    heartrw Posts: 187 Member
    Hello everyone, good Thursday evening to all.

    My computer just wiped out the paragraph I just typed. Fortunately it was a short one! What I'd said was: I worked yesterday and today. Was proud of myself as I'd done my treadmill before 8:00 am on Tuesday and before 7:00 am yesterday. Not so today, so I have that yet to do tonight. Plan on doing a quick post here and then getting right to it! It rained like a good thing here this morning! Made me glad I was inside!

    I have managed to conquer the night time snack demon that lurks inside of me on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. Managed that by having an "exit strategy" (basically just leaving the floor with the food:happy:) when the urge hits me, and prayer. I really wish I wasn't my own worst enemy! I'd feel so much better if people were offering it to me (i.e. the pastries) instead of me rooting through the pantry to find something! Oh well, right now it's time to exit stage left to the basement and the treadmill!

    Have a great night all!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Okay, enough is enough already!!!:grumble: I have made up my mind to get back to wear I left off. No more excuses cuz I was sick, no more excuses cuz I quit smoking!!! The fact of the matter is that, while I was sick, I did eat poorly, but I am completely better now and just have to get my sh$t together. Yesterday I walked outside because it was too hot to do the treadmill inside, today I walked again outside. Just getting started again. I didn't eat well today, but am getting it right tomorrow for sure. I feel like I have my mindset in the right direction once again and it better be for the last time. If I can quit smoking, I damn sure can stay commited to this!:angry:
    Now that I got that off of my mind, let me see if I can get to some of the recent posts that I have missed.

    Michele.... I am so sorry to hear about PJ. I know how you must feel.

    Birdie.... All I have to say is that you look absolutely wonderful :drinker: :drinker:

    Wanda.... I am alittle late, but welcome to you :flowerforyou:

    Cathy... Thank you for the no smoking support. I am in very much need of that right now.

    Viv.... I know I am late posting this, but oh how I can relate to those calories. Sometimes I am my own worst enemy!!!:mad:

    MacMadame... This is great advice for me.....The recommendation to avoid this pattern is to eat like King for breakfast, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper. Another recommendation is to eat 50% of your allotted calories by lunchtime.

    What a lot of people do is deprive themselves too much during the day so that, by the time dinner rolls around, they are starving and self-control is at a low point. It can be hard to convince yourself to eat when you are trying to lose weight but it's a lot better to plan to eat than to lose control, either at night or on the weekend.

    I forgot who was having the problem with slugs but it reminded me of earlier this spring. We had a huge skunk roaming around our yard digging up slugs. It may have gotten rid of the slugs but there was a gazillion holes dug up in our yard. The grass grew back and night before last was the first time I knew the the skunk was back... pheww, he stunk :laugh: I opened the door to let my dog back in from being out in the yard, and I almost wanted to cry :cry: I thought the poor guy got sprayed, but luckily he didn't :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: He wasn't too thrilled with the smell though :laugh:

    Barb.... You are going to have to wear zebra clothes when you go to you friends house :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am sure I missed alot of things but I am getting tired of reading so I hope everyone has a great night, and I will be accountable for myself.
    Donna :smile:
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I finished my day with 30 minutes on our stationary bike. It's a good first day back on track. Have a great evening all.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    Exercise is my downfall – I just don’t enjoy it .:ohwell: I don’t mind walking the dog but he is old, arthritic and only wants to pee on the bushes so I can’t get the heart rate up that way!! I also don’t mind walking with my iPod and I’ve download books on that, which helps as I get caught-up in the story, but I still don’t think I’m walking far or fast enough. Has anyone ever used one of those ‘walking programs’? I’m just wondering if it’s music or talking or what?

    Cathy, the best thing you can do about exercise is get up and do something.......don't worry if you're walking fast enough....just walk.....if books on your ipod keeps you moving then keep on doing it....go a little farther each day.....if books aren't working, then download music you like.....the music on my phone (it plays through my bluetooth) is an odd mixture of Broadway shows, line dance, John Denver, assorted favorites from the past.....it keeps my mind occupied and possibly keeps me moving a bit faster....for indoors the Leslie Sansone, Walk at Home videos are pretty engaging.........last year my hubby bought an exercise bike which I thought was a dumb idea and then I tried it and found that with the TV on, I could ride for 20 minutes.....hubby rides intensely for an hour at a time and I don't try to compete with him.....I just do it.....remember that the longest journey starts with a single step. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: the slugs are everywhere......when my friend and I walked yesterday there were slugs all over the path.....they didn't bother me because they weren't planning to eat my plants :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Kackie, you learned a great lesson that salad isn't the lowest calorie item on the menu.....good thing you checked in advance.

    :flowerforyou: I don't have time to respond to everyone but be assured that I've enjoyed every word.......:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Hey, I'm supposed to be in bed! Had a good bike ride today but my calf kept cramping up. I'm beginning to see that I can't do any tempo or speed work and probably no Crossfit for a while too. Boo!

    But I got into the "AquaBike!" They emailed me today and I signed up tonight after work. Now I just have to train for it!
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hello All,

    I survived the day and stayed within my parameters, or so close, it feels as though I did. I managed to stay pretty well within calories and under in sodium, even though I had dinner out tonight. Spent the day taking my mom to a medical appointment and then grocery shopping. Went on a wild goose chase trying to track an MIA condo owner down to get a ballot out of them for the question before our HOA membership.

    I may have posted that we had reached our goal, BUT turns out we are 3 votes away from having the 90% participation we need to pass our measure. There are three votes that we have been promised that have not materialized in the mailbox, so we are all getting frustrated with the lack of follow through.

    Doggies are in the throes of cabin fever because of all the rain. It is supposed to straighten out on Friday and be nice all weekend. I am READY!!! Our motto around here is "rain is a 4-letter word."

    Bradley definitely liked the idea I came up with to get him to eat more. I know, I refer to him as an eating machine, but turns out, he hasn't been getting enough food, or not absorbing nutrients--vet is not sure which. We went from 14 lbs. to about 12.5 in about 6 weeks, so I am trying to get him to gain some weight. Around here that isn't something we normally have to "work at.":laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Anyway, I picked up a little container of Cesar brand "Porterhouse flavor" wet food in a little tin. I took about 1/2 the container and mixed it up with the easy to digest kibble that the vet recommended. Up to now, Bradley has been nibbling at this, but didn't particularly care for it. One sniff at the "porterhouse flavor" and he stopped playing hard to get with his food.:drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :laugh: He inhaled what was in his dish as though it was "people food.":noway: :laugh:

    Unfortunately, Mai Li and Pepper have noses that picked up on this new flavor, and they were NOT happy that the new flavor was not "appearing in dish near them.":noway: :laugh: :laugh: After figuring out that they were stuck with what they were offered, everyone had dinner and crashed, which is what I am going to do.:yawn:

    I may have to try that zebra clothing idea of yours for the next time I visit Thomy. The concept of wearing a zebra print made me laugh.

    Hope you are all doing well in your fitness quest. I haven't lost in last two days, but haven't gained either.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Morning all. It's a grey and wet one here today. I had planned on a good long walk in Richmond Park, but it may be back on the treadmill instead.

    I spent a lot of yesterday at the caridologist with my dad. He's got to have a pacemaker, just not sure when. Unfortunately he gets himself in a bit of a muddle sometimes and called me at just before midnight in a panic because he was convinced that he had taken two lots of all his medication. I stayed on the phone with him for half an hour until he realised that it was Thursday, not Wednesday and had only taken Thursday's meds! I got him a box with the days of the week on little compartments where he puts a daily dose of all his prescription medications. It only helps if he knows what day it is though!

    DH wasn't feeling too well last night, so he went to bed early and I took myself off for a walk around the village pond. It was lovely and peaceful. I was only out for about forty minutes, but it certainly improved how I felt.

    My weekend has been overturned slightly. We were supposed to go to my future daughter-in-laws house for a meal on Sunday as it's my birthday. Unfortunately she has a rotten cold/flu so we've postponed it. DH keeps asking me what I want to do instead, but I can't think of anything in particular. I still stand by my Grandma's saying - always celebrate your birthday as you never know if it will be your last!

    I had a very strange but delicious breakfast this morning. A vegetarian sundried tomato sausage with edamame and pea salad topped with fat free Greek yoghurt. Very different, but perfect!

    The postman just delivered some knitting yarn that I'd ordered. It's baby pink lurex, which sounds a bit gross, but is actually really subtle and has a definite 1950's feel to it. I'm going to make myself a cropped cardigan to wear over a black dress. The pink is exactly the shade of a pair of shoes I have and I will wear it to my cousin's wedding in August.

    I get a lot of my patterns off the net. I'm a member of ravelry too but I also make up a lot of my patterns as I go along. When I was pregnant with my son I had to spend a lot of time in bed and I knitted him the most beautiful Christening gown. I didn't have a clue about what kind of pattern I wanted, so just went with the flow and was really pleased with the outcome. Since then there's been no stopping me!

    Well, I hope everyone has a good and healthy day today and a great weekend if I don't speak to you before xx
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone!

    Just a quick post for me. Just have been slack that is all.


  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies :smile: I just finished my breakfast and now I am getting ready to do a morning walk. I am going to attempt to go twice as far as I have been, so I should atleast get 50-60 min. in. Hope so anyway. It looks like rain maybe. It's alot cooler right now so I want to get it in while I can. I'll let ya know how it went. Gotta go :drinker:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Weclome back Cindy, we've missed you!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Good morning ladies :smile: I just finished my breakfast and now I am getting ready to do a morning walk. I am going to attempt to go twice as far as I have been, so I should atleast get 50-60 min. in. Hope so anyway. It looks like rain maybe. It's alot cooler right now so I want to get it in while I can. I'll let ya know how it went. Gotta go :drinker:

    I am alittle disappointed. I didn't burn as many calories as I expected. I combined my 2 walking routes and did it in 39 min, not the 50-60 that I had thought, :ohwell: altleast I did get the walk in and will probably do another one this evening if not too muggy out.
  • 2short2btall
    Just joined and I hope to lose at least 5 lbs by the end of July. I hate exercising and perspiring. I'm 63 and considerably out of shape with a body that hurts every day!
  • donna56
    donna56 Posts: 412
    Just joined and I hope to lose at least 5 lbs by the end of July. I hate exercising and perspiring. I'm 63 and considerably out of shape with a body that hurts every day!

    Hi 2b. Welcome aboard. This is a great group of ladies here. You will be informed, supported, etc. I kinda know what you mean when you say that your body hurts everyday if you are talking about arthritis. I have had surgery on my big knuckles of my big toes to remove arthritis build up. I also have arthritis in my lower spine. Yes it hurts almost daily but one thing that has helped, is walking. You don't have to run a marathon or anything, just walk and watch what you eat. MFP lets you log in everything that you eat so you know the calories etc. This is a good site and this is a good group. Make sure you drink your 8 cups of water aday also. If you have any questions, I am sure there is someone on here that can answer them for you.