Man to Man: A Support System for Men (part 2)



    FORKDOWN Posts: 1,754
    Thought I was gonna have a good number 251.8lbs.....nope. :grumble:
  • BullDozier
    BullDozier Posts: 237 Member
    Starting weight (5/21): 174.5
    5/28: 174
    6/4: 175.5
    6/11: 175
    7/4 Goal: 165

    Did a little better on the diet this week, but didn't get in any exercise yet. Did lost a half pound for my efforts. I'm close to getting my mind right to get back on the exercise regimen, but we'll see. I've got a busy weekend with the kids (10 soccer games over the the next three days), and then it is time for some me time (ie, exercising). I know that losing weight is mostly diet, but I need to get exercise in to be able to consume a reasonable amount of calories. I'm consistently going over on a day, and just throwing in the towel when I get to that point and eating some crap. With a few hundred more calories to play with, I'll better be able to manage that.

    Won't be able to make my goal now at this point, but we'll see how close I can get.
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    I've sort of last track of my starting weight, but today I'm at 151.

    Goal is to get to my high school weight of 145.

    At that point I'll be too skinny, hopefully my body fat will be at roughly 13% and that's fine for 2010. I'll change my diet and get into some heavy lifting and try to bulk up during the winter, then get into cutting for next summer. For my ending weight I'm looking for 155-160 lbs and 12% body fat.
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Hi guys

    I know this is kind of a random thing to post but I turned a corner today I think. Before I came here to myfitnesspal I would try to watch what I ate but then at some point I would get to a day where I had eaten so much I said.. it is one day.. I will start in the morning. Then perhaps I would start in the morning.. but within two days I had a day not counted again.. which became four.. that was a cycle in weightloss I struggled with for years.

    Since finding this forum I decided to never do that and to exercise in the morning to never get behind. That worked for a week or two but this week I have had many days that threatened to be real exclusions. I managed to hold them to my calorie levels but today I got to 11pm and was looking at working off 900 calories before I slept.. I really wanted to sleep and not bother. But I made myself get out of bed and exercise and I worked 900 calories off and I feel so good it is awesome.. you know the feeling you get when you finish exercising and your legs feel wobbly and you are guzzling water like it is out of style.. but you feel you want to set your alarm to wake at five so you can go for a run before you go to work? I feel so good and it is wonderful that I did it because I told myself when I was.. I am taking it seriously this time.. this time is not going to miss out like before.. I am doing this. I am going to achieve what I set myself to achieve and I am going to do it this time. No excuses I want it to happen and no days that do not count and no wasting time in the middle of it.

    Here's to the cause
  • darnay
    darnay Posts: 2
    Hey guys, new here and was beginning to wonder where the menfolk hang out..

    I'm 40yrs old, 6ft2, 189lb and 30% body fat according to one of those electronic scales I used at the pharmacy yesterday.

    As little as 3 years ago I was very fit, 168lb, 8% body fat and always running and working out.

    Sadly I developed a disease in my back and had a artificial disk fitted in my spine 18months ago. Consequently I am unable to do much in the way of weights at the gym, but i'm planning on returning to cardio and bodyweights and have kicked off my diet in the hopes of stemming the tide of creeping weight and body fat..

    Look forward to using this thread..
  • summersmi
    summersmi Posts: 50 Member
    Wow been doing this for three months now and just found this section.
    Height 5'9"
    Starting weight 190
    Weight as of today 170
    I've been doing pretty good until now but I have just quit smoking (about two weeks now) and am hoping I can keep up the loss. Anyway good luck to all and I'll be checking in from time to time (now that I know where all the fella's is at)
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Hey guys - I disappeared there for a bit - last week was an awful week for diet/exercise. Work was insane and probably will be this week, too... but I'm going to be making an effort to get back on the wagon. I'm frustrated with myself, but there's not much I can do but let go of my frustration and start over. Definitely won't meet my July 4th goal, but if I can just establish a routine that I can stick to by then, I'll be happy with myself.

    Haven't weighed myself in a few weeks - I'm sure I'm up but I don't know how much. Will weigh-in again on Friday of this week after a week of better eating and working out again. Here's to sticking to it this time...
  • daved71
    daved71 Posts: 65 Member
    Morning guys. I lost another pound on the July 4 challenge. I am now down to 177. Looks like I won't hit my 170 goal but I should be able to get within a couple of pounds of it.

    Welcome to the newcomers and keep up the good work everyone.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Started this thing in Jan 09 - start weight was 270 pounds. Goal was 200. I've within 10 pounds of the final goal for a long time, and not really working that hard at it. Just eating right a working on fitness. Lately weighing in right around 202 to 205.

    Well, Friday I rode my bicycle to work. It's about 26 miles and takes 1-1/2 hours each way. Now that seems like a lot of time, but I have to commute to work anyway. Riding it on my motorcycle takes 40 minutes each way, so my net time adder for bicycling is well under 2 hours, and that's pretty reasonable.

    Anywho,,, something interesting happened friday evening. When I got home from work at the end of my 52 mile round trip I was drenched, pouring sweat. 91 degrees and humid. So I parked the bike, get the dogs out and I jumped in the river and swam for 10 minutes to cool down and get the sweat off. Then came back in the house, peeled and dried off, hit the can and hopped on the scale.

    It doesn't count, it's not real,,, I was just dehydrated, but it was still pretty $*%in' sweet. 199.6 lbs. :smile: :laugh: :happy: :smile:
  • jesse134
    jesse134 Posts: 4
    I know it's nice to have high goals, but 90 lbs in 3 months I think is a little agressive. Just remember, it's 80% Diet. I've worked out my entire adult life, and it wasn't until I started counting calories that I had any success losing weight.

    Ya I know my goal is probley set alittle higher then I can do but thats just how I am, gets me more motivated haha. But ya I completely changed my diet threw out things I dont need and restocked at costco full of healthy more nutritional things that will suit me better. Plus counting calories on myfitness pal. So far lost 4.6lbs so Im pretty excited :glasses:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    SW May 21, 255.0 Goal Weight : 245
    May 28 - 253.5
    June 4 - 251.5
    June 11 - 252

    Well, I was in Ireland for a business conference. You watch presentations and attend meetings all day :yawn: In the evening you drink beer and whiskey :happy: :drinker: Overall I had a good time and I'm happy I didn't gain any weight. It helped that I was determined to walk 2 hours every day before going to the bar :happy:
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Anywho,,, something interesting happened friday evening. When I got home from work at the end of my 52 mile round trip I was drenched, pouring sweat. 91 degrees and humid. So I parked the bike, get the dogs out and I jumped in the river and swam for 10 minutes to cool down and get the sweat off. Then came back in the house, peeled and dried off, hit the can and hopped on the scale.

    It doesn't count, it's not real,,, I was just dehydrated, but it was still pretty $*%in' sweet. 199.6 lbs. :smile: :laugh: :happy: :smile:

    Way to go Casper - like you said, end of day, not your usual weigh in day/time, etc. - but it still had to be cool to see that on the scale! Keep up the bike rides, man. That's awesome. You motivate me. I have a 26 mile round trip to my office along a pretty heavily trafficked road. I'd be a bit apprehensive to ride to work that way for fear of getting flattened by a gravel hauler. Plus, I work in an office and don't have access to a shower. I imagine I'd be pretty ripe after 26 miles...
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    Just back from a 3 day 2 night backpacking trip to North Manitou Island which is in the north eastern part of Lake Michigan - west of Traverse City. It was really beautiful and relaxing - it was great to be in nature and to be so physical. My friend and I covered around 15 miles (at least half of that in the rain...) with 40-50 lbs in our packs. My dogs (feet) are sore, but man was it worth it. Didn't really pay attention to what I ate because the database says 7 hours of hiking - what we did on Friday, in the rain - burned close to 6,000 calories. :bigsmile: We froze steaks and cooked those the first night with some dried mushrooms, peppers, onions, and couscous. We don't believe in deprivation on the trail :wink:

    Tomorrow is a rest day, but I'll be back to counting my calories. I'm going to decrease my goal from 1.5 lbs per week to 1 lb per week. I've been plateaued and making poor food choices lately. I'm hoping the extra budgeted calories will help keep me from straying. I'm running more these days and hoping the calorie deficit from exercise will more than make up for the calorie deficit set by my weight loss goal.

    Welcome newcomers and it's good to see those of you who have been away!

  • gr8dad1975
    gr8dad1975 Posts: 338 Member
    Hey Guys,

    I have been ill recently and I have been taking some meds to get better. But one of the side effects of the meds is weight gain. I was almost reluctant to take it, but I am I taking it and getting a little better. However I feel heavier. I have not gotten on the scale in a while, because I was doing great and in my mind I am still doing great, and I really don't feel like being discouraged or horrified by the the numbers on the scale. I am not using the meds as excuse or a crutch, but I wanted to share this with you guys in case you were wondering why I haven't posted a weight in a while. I have not been able to excercise the way I want to yet, but I am trying to get there. I still want to be a part of the July 4th challenge, but I want to wait until July 4th before I step on the scale again. I hope you guys understand. This is major hurdle for me right now, but I am sticking with it.

    Thanks for all of your support. You guys keep up the good work as always!!!
  • NNE16
    NNE16 Posts: 21
    Welcome back Chris
  • whyflysouth
    whyflysouth Posts: 308 Member
    Casper, Nice work man! Seriously it takes some patience and perseverance to be keeping up with this site since Jan 09. Especially considering the gains you've made by the end of '09 would've put you well into the normal healthy range for your age and body type. It's pretty impressive that you've stuck through with your goal and even if it's water weight loss - you hit it nonetheless.

    Gr8dad - Don't even think about the scale, you don't need that scale to get in shape and be healthy. People are able to lose ALLOT of weight healthily at just about any age and any time period in their lives, so it's never too late, and you'll never missed the boat as long as you don't give up. Everybody makes it home.

    I've been looking at myself in the mirror and I feel like I've been losing muscle. Haven't lifted hard in a long time, eating light, and doing allot of cardio and I've been questioning where I'm going with this. Yesterday saw the "I want to look like that guy" movie

    and figured, yeah y'know I want to put on some muscle mass at this point - don't want to end up scrawny. But at the same time I kinda want to see my weight-loss goals come to completion, don't want to start something w/o finishing what I started before it. So I should at least hit my MFP weight goal before focusing on building...

    and today I checked it, and YAH! I hit my goal, got to 149.5 lbs, that's half a pound under my MFP goal. My Fat Loss Monitor says I'm at 16.2% body fat, which kinda stinks b/c I've been stuck at 16% for over a month and if that thing is accurate it would suggest that the last few lbs of weight that I've lost have been muscle and not fat, and nobody wants to hit their goal through muscle loss.

    So I'm starting anew. I'm gonna cut the cardio and focus on heavy lifting and eating tons of protein. I'm gonna start the Max OST Overload lifting schedule and try some heavy lifting. Whaddaya guys think? Given that I'm a 5'7" 149.5 lbs, 16% bf guy, how much muscle should I aim for? maybe 10 lbs of muscle mass? Is this the direction I should go even, or should I double-down and try to break my body fat below 16%? (Eventually I'd like to be at 155-160 lbs range, w/ 10-13% body fat).
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    I thought I was going to have a bad week cause I missed Saturday's workout and I always take Sunday off so there was 2 days of idle-me before my normal weigh in day which is this morning.

    Minus 4 this week! - Goes to show you never can estimate correctly. :)

    I know I am not in your weigh in group but I thought I would share anyway.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Welcome man. Anybody who's dropped a century can post with us anytime.
    Casper, Nice work man! Seriously it takes some patience and perseverance to be keeping up with this site since Jan 09. Especially considering the gains you've made by the end of '09 would've put you well into the normal healthy range for your age and body type. It's pretty impressive that you've stuck through with your goal and even if it's water weight loss - you hit it nonetheless.
    At this point I'm just phobic about backsliding. I really dig my better life and my better body and I'm terrified that if I quit I'll yoyo back. Also, my wife Mariettarose is a member here too, and she wants to drop some more and we're working on it together. I guess I just accept that this is my life now - I monitor my diet and exercise. It's not going to change, I'm not going to stop, it's just how it is.
    So I'm starting anew. I'm gonna cut the cardio and focus on heavy lifting and eating tons of protein. I'm gonna start the Max OST Overload lifting schedule and try some heavy lifting. Whaddaya guys think? Given that I'm a 5'7" 149.5 lbs, 16% bf guy, how much muscle should I aim for? maybe 10 lbs of muscle mass? Is this the direction I should go even, or should I double-down and try to break my body fat below 16%? (Eventually I'd like to be at 155-160 lbs range, w/ 10-13% body fat).
    Work on whatever's most important to you man. If you wanna be bigger then Hog&Dog it for a while and get bigger. If you wanna get leaner first then protein & green veggies and cardio. Go where you're going,,, it's all good. You're not starting over, your considering a slight adjustment in course. Rock on dude.
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I know I am not in your weigh in group but I thought I would share anyway.

    Oh, I think there are a lot of us in your weight group. :bigsmile: Keep up the good work! Your weight loss is impressive and inspiring!
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Now I need advise and wonder if any of you have the same issue as me...

    I am currently at the lowest weight I have ever been in my adult life (228 as of Monday). Somewhere between 6th and 7th grade (25+ years ago) I went from the 100s to 240+ in a year and never went back. I am 6'0 and just to give you an idea of body type I have a size 8 hat.

    My wife, my mother, others are constantly telling me I am getting "too skinny" When I say I still have some to lose they tell me I have body dismorphic disorder :(

    This erks me to no end! My BMI still has me in the "obese" range (221.8 is top end of overweight for me and my next "goal") and I see areas that need work especially in my gut. I know that they have never seen me this way therefore it is weird for them so I always answer the same.."I am going to continue to eat right and work out and my body will figure itself out."

    MFP gives me 1580 calories, I do an hour of cardio in the mornings for 1000, I always eat all of the 2580 alloted. I do guesstimate portion sizes and never count when I officiate sports (softball and football umpire) but it seems to work and I average 2 pounds a week.

    How do you deal with it when all your friends and family want you to "stop losing" when you are doing everything you know is right? Or am I the only one dealing with this?
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