going to start 30 day shred, anyone want to join me?



  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Level one day 7. Still finding the first round of jumping jacks and jump rope difficult, I'm just not a jumper, lol. But for some reason I can do round 2 and 3 cardio in level one (including all 4) just fine, I guess I'm still warming up the first round? Three more days of level one then on to level 2!

    same here the first round of cardio is harder for me than the 2nd and 3rd round of cardio...weird huh???
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    Level one day 7. Still finding the first round of jumping jacks and jump rope difficult, I'm just not a jumper, lol. But for some reason I can do round 2 and 3 cardio in level one (including all 4) just fine, I guess I'm still warming up the first round? Three more days of level one then on to level 2!

    same here the first round of cardio is harder for me than the 2nd and 3rd round of cardio...weird huh???

    Jump rope in the beginning sucks but I feel like I'm flying off the floor when you do it at the end, lol
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Level one day 7. Still finding the first round of jumping jacks and jump rope difficult, I'm just not a jumper, lol. But for some reason I can do round 2 and 3 cardio in level one (including all 4) just fine, I guess I'm still warming up the first round? Three more days of level one then on to level 2!

    same here the first round of cardio is harder for me than the 2nd and 3rd round of cardio...weird huh???

    Jump rope in the beginning sucks but I feel like I'm flying off the floor when you do it at the end, lol

    maybe because we all know it is over haha
  • corneredbycorn
    corneredbycorn Posts: 267 Member
    I'm starting 30 Day Slim Down tomorrow!

    I sort of just finished 30 Day Shred. I skipped a bunch of days because I just can't do the same thing every day for over a week. I'm hoping the 30DSD will mix things up enough to not bore me to tears. I'm not doing any "off" days (unless I feel like I need them) and decided to add Level 1 of Six Week Six Pack Abs on those days.
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm starting today, can I join in with you guys? I did the shred in December and had great results, but lost it all since ending it, so I'm starting from scratch again. Fingers crossed I'll have even better results this time because my diet is so much better. Good luck everyone.

    Ooh and remember to wear supportive trainers. I've damaged the arch of my foot because I did it barefoot (stupid I know, but I had ingrown toenails and thought it would be better to do it barefoot!) It's high impact so take care!
  • mrsg2013
    mrsg2013 Posts: 63 Member
    Day 4 done last night. Doing day 5 in a little bit x
  • radhikata
    radhikata Posts: 3 Member
    Day 2 of Level 1 completed today!
  • Melanya7
    Melanya7 Posts: 24
    I started February 22 and I take a rest day every 5 days or so. I am on level 2 day 6. This work out has been the number one game changer for me post-partum. I gained a whopping 58 pounds and was up to 188 before I gave birth in July (pre-pregnancy weight usually low 130s). I lost a good bit after the swelling went down but was wearing a size 12 back to work!

    I finally got serious about tracking and eating better in December. SInce then I have lost about 10 more pounds getting me into the low 140s; however, I was still a size 10 squeezing into 8s.Reluctantly, I committed to the Shred. Halfway through it I can button my old 6s! Just shy of 8 months post-partum I am finally feeling hope and as others have noted, I look like the old me. A student said to me last week, "whatever you are doing, it's working." I packed up all my baggy clothes today :)

    Sure, I still have some muffin top and the scale has only budged about 1.5 pounds, but the inches are creeping off and my husband told me I looked sexy for the first time in about a year.I can't say enough about this workout. I both dread and welcome level 3.

    Keep it up! Eat clean! It works. Don't be discouraged by weight gain...I was up 3 pounds yesterday and it melted off this morning. I seem to gain at the beginning of each level. I suppose it's water in the muscles trying to heal.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    just finished day 7 of level one shred...This time before tape began (while jillian id doing all her talking) I did all the cardio moves... 1 min jumping jacks ...1 min skipping rope... 1 min butt kicks ...1 min punches... then 30 sec jumping jacks ...30 sec butt kicks ...30 sec punches ...30 sec skipping rope...

    I liked it this way much better because I hate the cardio part so I get it over with in the beggining of the tape and it also allowed me to do 3 minutes on my abs each time...Do you guys think this is a good idea? or do you think the way jillian sets it up is a formula to lose weight and I should just follow dvd exactly as she does it?
  • Jessika39
    Jessika39 Posts: 35
    Day 2 and loving it. After shred in 30 level 1 I did a two mile brisk walk to loosen the muscles. I feel tight and the back Is hurting. Well day 3 tomorrow.
  • Jessika39
    Jessika39 Posts: 35
    just finished day 7 of level one shred...This time before tape began (while jillian id doing all her talking) I did all the cardio moves... 1 min jumping jacks ...1 min skipping rope... 1 min butt kicks ...1 min punches... then 30 sec jumping jacks ...30 sec butt kicks ...30 sec punches ...30 sec skipping rope...

    I liked it this way much better because I hate the cardio part so I get it over with in the beggining of the tape and it also allowed me to do 3 minutes on my abs each time...Do you guys think this is a good idea? or do you think the way jillian sets it up is a formula to lose weight and I should just follow dvd exactly as she does it?

    I don't know, but, if you can finish this challenge however you start or finish the levels. Thumps up!:drinker:
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Level one day 7. Still finding the first round of jumping jacks and jump rope difficult, I'm just not a jumper, lol. But for some reason I can do round 2 and 3 cardio in level one (including all 4) just fine, I guess I'm still warming up the first round? Three more days of level one then on to level 2!

    same here the first round of cardio is harder for me than the 2nd and 3rd round of cardio...weird huh???

    Jump rope in the beginning sucks but I feel like I'm flying off the floor when you do it at the end, lol

    Yes! When she says "I want you floating off the ground right now..." I FEEL like I'm floating off the ground, lol.
    Level one day EIGHT done! So excited, 2 more days to level TWO!!
  • Jul685
    Jul685 Posts: 81
    Day 7 done! Almost done with level 1... I've decided I'm never going to be good at pushups, lol

    I did the shred, along with 30 min of treadmill running and 30 min of elliptical... I am quite tired.
  • mamatocarter
    I just started it back up on Friday. going 5 days a week and adding 3 days of kick boxing and one day each of yoga and abs (all ms michaels of course)
  • DaisyDeLaRue
    Tomorrow will be day 7 of the shred for me and day 3 of eating clean! After day 1 of the shred I thought I was going to die but pushed through it and I'm so glad I did, now when the workout ends and it's time for the cool down I turn off the DVD and hop on the treadmill and do Couch to 5K. I'd love to continue doing the shred with all of you - Lord knows there are days when I need the extra motivation and accountability!!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Day 7 done! Almost done with level 1... I've decided I'm never going to be good at pushups, lol

    I did the shred, along with 30 min of treadmill running and 30 min of elliptical... I am quite tired.
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Awesome that is what I try to do!!!
  • lexlyn14
    lexlyn14 Posts: 290 Member
    Level one day 7. Still finding the first round of jumping jacks and jump rope difficult, I'm just not a jumper, lol. But for some reason I can do round 2 and 3 cardio in level one (including all 4) just fine, I guess I'm still warming up the first round? Three more days of level one then on to level 2!

    same here the first round of cardio is harder for me than the 2nd and 3rd round of cardio...weird huh???

    Jump rope in the beginning sucks but I feel like I'm flying off the floor when you do it at the end, lol

    Yes! When she says "I want you floating off the ground right now..." I FEEL like I'm floating off the ground, lol.
    Level one day EIGHT done! So excited, 2 more days to level TWO!!

    OMG me too!!!
  • lizz2013
    lizz2013 Posts: 331 Member
    Day 2 and I've realised I'm going to have to cut out all the jumping stuff because of my foot injury, which is definitely going to reduce the results, but I woke up this morning with that old familiar muscle pain and that has spurred me on to keep going!
  • karris43
    karris43 Posts: 34 Member
    I've had to modify the cardio too becasue of a back injury. Instead of jumping I either march on the spot or skip leg to leg, anything to keep my heart rate up, which I believe is the key factor.

    I'm on day 8 level 1 and when I started this I was so stiff I couldn't even sit up at the end to do the cooldown stretches, and now I can, and all the (Anita) exercises except the byclcle crunch at the end, I can do about 5 of them. 2 inches loss from my waist. I started on 1st March, did 5 days straight then every other day (I run/walk on the treadmill the alternate days.

    2 more days times level 2! Good luck