Whats the one thing that set you off to want to lose weight?



  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That I was too lazy to play with my son who was 4 at the time. I was constantly saying "No, maybe later." And then I would never do it later either! After my first year on here when I lost most of my weight we had a big snow storm and we went sledding as a family (something I would always avoid) and were out there for hours up and down the hill. It was a freaking blast and far more meaningful than anything else I ever did when I was sitting on my couch being a lazy turd.
  • High cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, insulin resistance, hiatal hernia, joint pain, and super morbidly obese at age 38.
  • eleqtriq
    eleqtriq Posts: 76 Member
    High cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, insulin resistance, hiatal hernia, joint pain, and super morbidly obese at age 38.

    I came here to say pretty much the same thing.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,290 Member
    It was a number of things, but finding my way through the twisting maze that is post-divorce lead me to a cross roads. I wanted to start dating again, but the only bites I was getting? Not at all interesting. And I checked myself: I was obese, boring, and looking for love in all the very wrong places.

    So, I got fed up. And also saw some pics of me from the side. And got a real scale that told the damn truth. And got scared. And came here (again) in January 2012 at 215 pounds.

    I lost 35 pounds before I got distracted last May. I've packed on 20 pounds since then.

    I came back last month at 200 pounds. And was so disappointed. I had backslid so far....


    I've found the love of my life. He's sweet, devilish, and lives life to the point of no return. And I want to do more than just keep up, I want to keep him runnin'. Plus, the endorphines of working out? Helps deal with the issues of a LDR.

    Not to mention....I have my own goals in life. None of them involve diabetes, hypertension, or an overall palor from sitting on my couch every day. I want things that you have to work for, and being healthy? Helps you push harder.

    It's the total picture. I want definition in my arms, an *kitten* you can bounce a quarter off of, the ability to run 5 miles, clearer skin, healthy glow, smaller jeans. Healthier outlook on life, and cooking....cooking never happened before. And now? I prefer a home cooked meal to anything else.

    I'm becoming the person I always look up to in my novels. That's the biggest reward. And what keeps me pushing.
  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    Almost hit 300 lbs

    Saw the way my grandpa died after a lifetime of smoking and not taking care of himself/stressing himself to death. I would rather pull the plug then die the way he went out.

    Diabetes, heart disease, all of those things scare me half to death. I refuse to get them.

    Going to be a graduate student, and like it or not how you look is a major factor in how people are going to treat you. I need to limit the amount of things people can try to hold against me.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I knew I'd put weight on in my 2nd pregnancy, but being pregnant you don't notice just how much, so seeing photos after and looking awful, and feeling so uncomfortable (Summer baby), I hit the gym as soon as i could! I'd always planned to be back at the gym asap anyway, but didn't realise just how desperately i would need to go!
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    when i was 7 months post partum a woman at work said "OH I DIDNT KNOW YOU WERE EXPECTING, HERE LET ME HELP YOU WITH THAT BOX!"
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    Can't remember if I posted a reply on this thread or not. I don't think so.

    It was the day I got out of the shower, walked up to my husband, handed him my socks and shoes, and put my foot in his lap. He never said a word just put them on for me.

    I kept thinking "What's next? Having to have him wipe me." (It was gonna be the next thing I couldn't do.)

    I've lost 140 pounds and don't need help to do anything.
  • Femmekid
    Femmekid Posts: 424 Member
    A lot of different things, but the biggest thing was watching my step dad struggle with diabetes. I don't want to get diabetes because of my weight... it's scary.
  • I was telling myself that I weighed a lot less than I did until one day I stepped on some scales and was literally shocked at how much I underestimated my weight and then after looking at what I was eating and my lack of exercise decided it needed to change!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    Cracking 300 .. and realizing I was about 1/4" over the biggest size pants kohls sells.
  • First I have a good friend who was pushing me and calling me an old fat guy . . .But the main reason was I started to see signs of diabetes. My blood pressure was high, so it was start medicating or lose weight . . .so here we are! Another motivating factor atfer you start losing is the attention from woman . . .Wheeewww Whoo . . .LOL
  • JessicaOnKeto
    JessicaOnKeto Posts: 364 Member
    First of all, thank you everyone for sharing your experiences. I read every single one of the responses on this thread.
    Some stories brought tears to my eyes because I can relate so easily since I went through many of the circumstances listed here.

    Me and myself, I'm a pretty tall girl, at 5'9, and I was an athletic 175lbs in high school at 17.
    When I hit 200 at 18, I told myself it was okay, I was tall and "big-boned" and that I didn't look too bad at that point.
    Then after high school and hitting college I gained and gained more then the freshman 15, until I hit 250 at 19 and STILL I told myself I have "more cushion for the pushin" and that I was just "curvy" with a big butt/boobs.
    It was at 250 (19) that I snagged my amazing, supportive, handsome boyfriend. I figured I still had to look pretty good to snag a hottie, and that my health was fine.
    And I was just sooo happy, eat out, drinking, going on dates, turning 21 (alcohol-galore), and finally getting on birth control.
    At age 22, in mid-2012, I hit an astonishing 310 pounds on my scale. I couldn't believe it. As I started to analyze and see my life for what it really was.

    It was a number of different things that set me off though:
    -I noticed that my boyfriend was putting my socks on for me, since I couldn't bend over and touch my toes.
    -My little cousin drew a picture of me with her, and drew a circle for my body, and she said "this is your big tummy!"
    -My grandma/mom and others asked me if I was expecting and pregnant.
    -My size 24 jeans were getting tight. (Since then I now fit into a size 20, comfortably and can squeeze into a size 18 :drinker: )
    -My doctor threatened to take me off birth control since I was too heavy. :embarassed: (That scared me!)
    -My boyfriend and I had a huge fight which included him pointing out that I kept saying I wanted to lose weight and get healthier and did nothing about it. (Which was absolutely true) :frown:
    -And just taking my life day after day, feeling lethargic, with no energy, feeling out of breath when walking through wal-mart and feeling horrible about my looks.
    -And lastly, being 22 years old, and not living my life to it's fullest potential I know I can achieve.
  • Jlbland123
    Jlbland123 Posts: 34 Member
    Ending up in tears every time I had to go out in public because I was ashamed of myself and I never have anything nice to wear.

    Avoiding gatherings with my husband and his friends/colleagues in case they made fun of him for having a fat wife.

    Worried that my children could be potentially bullied because of my weight.

    Hardly having any photos of myself with family or friends and the ones I do have I usually cropped to face level.

    Being too ashamed of my body to be happy and join in with fun activities and other people.

    Not having a full length mirror in the house, still don't.

    This reallllly hits home. My s.o works in a corporate setting and I have turned down every invitation to company functions like X-mas parties, dinners, etc. because I was afraid he would be made fun of by all his colleagues with "trophy wives" (and there are quite a few) :( Down 30 lbs so far, but still have a ways to go.. the photo one is big too. We went to Las Vegas together last year, and most of the pictures are just of him because I was too ashamed to have any taken of me that might end up on Facebook.
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    My spring clothes not fitting the way I'd like them to.
  • BobbyJo28
    BobbyJo28 Posts: 23 Member
    My ahaa moment, there's probably a few but I have children that didn't eat healthy portion sizes and I got really sad about that. Also I always felt that at 158lbs was okay for me until I started eating healthier and exercising. Then I was like HEY if I can tone this body up and eat better, I may be able to feel healthier and encourage my family too :o)
  • cmu819
    cmu819 Posts: 1 Member
    For me it was walking in the healthfood store, and my feet hurt so bad, I knew I couldn't go on living like this, and that was on August 21, 2011 and I had just turned 51, since then I have lost 50 pounds, but seem to be having a lot of trouble getting the weight off, which is why I joined myfitnesspal.:ohwell:
  • I received a love spell from dr.marnish@yahoo.com and within 3 days he casterd the spell, the spell started working straight away. before i could know what is happening my lover who broke my heart came to my house to ask me out for a lunch" we back together now and we are living happily – Shelee Victoria, Australia
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I have been heavy my entire life. When I was 22 I started having stomach problems. At 24 I had gallbladder surgery because it had literally died in my body and was making me sick. I had been in a lot of pain over those 2 years so I started weight watchers a few months before surgery, before they knew it was my gallbladder because something had to change and I thought maybe it was my weight that was causing the pain. I think I was around 230 at the time. I started losing weight, then had surgery then after recovery I started exercising. I dropped down to a about 180 muscular pounds. It was the first time I had ever truly committed to losing weight :) I remember how awesome it felt, how happy I was and how much energy I had.

    Then I met my husband....and we moved in together....then he lost his job during the economic crash and I got a second job...no time for exercise...then we started planning our wedding....by the time of the wedding I was back up to 220 again over those 3 years. Right after we got married, I was pregnant...and I ended up with hyperemesis til 20 weeks so not exercising because I wasn't eating anything. After birth I was down to 200 and stayed there til after breastfeeding stopped and I shot up to 230 again because I had lost so much muscle mass. Got pregnant again when she was only 7 months old with my second daughter....same thing, hyperemesis, but I didn't lose as much weight...but then....I ended up with IC at 24 weeks and we were afraid we were going to lose her so I was placed on hospital bed rest for a month...that....sucked....and I went home at 28 weeks to home bedrest until 32 weeks. I lost even more muscle mass. After her birth I was so weak. My back was sore all the time, I hated stairs. Now she is 10 months old. I've gotten some strength back, but I'm at 230 again. I'm sick of being so weak and tired all the time and things aching just because I'm not as strong in my body as I used to be. Now If my child would just sleep....this would be much less of a struggle...
    BEEUK Posts: 113
    My spring clothes not fitting the way I'd like them to.

    Dits. Nothing gets me working out and eating clean quicker than clothes not fitting!