My husband is boycotting my cooking...



  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    If he has a problem with what you're cooking, show him the way to the kitchen. He can cook for himself, his hands ain't broken.
  • JoanB5
    JoanB5 Posts: 610 Member
    I agree with every single answer on here. But, I do appreciate your efforts to feed him. Pray for the man. It's hard! I tried dieting when my man wasn't losing weight once and it did not go well for long. Now, he's in it with me, and it's SWEET! It's hard to do health with whiners. But, healthy food IS GOOD FOOD! It tastes better! I tried to eat a piece of my kid's fried food the other day and the taste of it nearly made me sick. Same with overly sweet food. We are accustomed to JUNK. Don't let it fool you. I so love the answers for how to creatively adapt the menus to suit him and you. I have three teens in my house, so I've had to do a lot of this. I cook, and if they don't like it, or I can't modify it, there is always some lunch meat in the frig., soup, frozen pizzas, or stop by and get a sandwich on the way home. The options are endless to the motivated. (And I eat at home before taking them to McDonald's if they get a hankering and I get tired of the options there.) Hang in there!
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    Wow. Seriously? Just wow.
  • thevegankelly
    thevegankelly Posts: 85 Member
    Listen, you're there to serve him, so quit being selfish and cook what he wants, no matter how unhealthy or unappetizing it is. And wear a nice dress and heels while you're at it; he should have something pretty to look at while he waits for his dinner.

    She should be cooking naked with stilettos on.

    That's just dangerous. She'd get a grease burn and have to go to the hospital. Then no one would get dinner.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    I'm sorry, this is 2013, not 1953. A grown *kitten* man has no excuse for ever demanding a specific menu. He needs to make his own meals or shut his gob and be very thankful you're willing to cook for him at all. Some of us have to make our own dinner EVERY NIGHT! *gasp*
  • jess7386
    jess7386 Posts: 477 Member
    your profile says you're newly married.

    nip this crap in the bud asap. your hubby is being a manchild.
  • My friend has to make herself a healthy meal and her family something different. Yes, it's more work but it's worth it to have a happy healthy body and home life. Have them at least try the new food and let them decide if they like it. Then maybe they'll help you eat it next time.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    My friend has to make herself a healthy meal and her family something different. Yes, it's more work but it's worth it to have a happy healthy body and home life. Have them at least try the new food and let them decide if they like it. Then maybe they'll help you eat it next time.

  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member

    So he's been requesting i make a bunch of deep fried food and burgers and stuff. Since I didn't he's just deciding that he won't eat anything I cook...even if it's stuff he likes.

    I had someone in my house like that too. He's now 8 years old and has grown out of that phase, thankyouverymuch
  • larnsperger
    larnsperger Posts: 161 Member
    Everyone at our house eats what I cook or they're on their own. That guy would die at my house.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Freeze what you can't eat or give it to a local shelter. He's acting like a baby. If you had a child, would you make that child a separate meal just because s/he didn't like what you made? Keep a jar of peanut butter and a loaf of bread on hand and explain that he can eat what you make or make himself a sandwich. You're his wife, not his mother.
  • gabegrammy
    gabegrammy Posts: 147 Member
    My husband thinks, if I cook it and eat it then it's "diet food" and won't even try it. So I cook for myseft and he eats frozen dinners or boxed food.
  • Cherbear67
    Cherbear67 Posts: 245 Member
    I think she's the one being selfish. Stop boo-hoo'ing on a message board and fry that man a burger.

    If that was my husband I would tell him there is the door use it.. He eats what I eat or he can do it himself...
  • jennmariepantoja
    jennmariepantoja Posts: 145 Member
    sounds like he needs to grow up. He would starve in my house or go broke from take out.
    If he doesn't like it he can make or buy his own food.
    He needs to be your partner in this and you are doing him a favor by saving his heart from all of the extra harmful stuff.
    He may not need to lose weight but his body will do better without the extra cholesterol, fat, etc. that you no longer put in your food.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    I make stuff my husband likes. That doesn't mean that _I_ have to eat it. Tonight I made him campfire stew. I made our daughter salmon. I had a couple of pieces of cheese. It was really too late for me to be eating as I get reflux if I eat too late but I'd been busy all day and didn't have nearly enough calories logged so I ate something small and calorie dense. I'll have leftover campfire stew tomorrow probably.
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    I make stuff my husband likes. That doesn't mean that _I_ have to eat it. Tonight I made him campfire stew. I made our daughter salmon. I had a couple of pieces of cheese. It was really too late for me to be eating as I get reflux if I eat too late but I'd been busy all day and didn't have nearly enough calories logged so I ate something small and calorie dense. I'll have leftover campfire stew tomorrow probably.
    You made a separate meal for your husband and another for your daughter? I dot mean to be rude but that's stupid.
    This thread makes me soo glad I'm single.
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    Wow so many selfish women on here. No wonder the divorce rate is so high.

    It's selfish to expect a man to act like a grownup and not a petulant, ungrateful child? Wow. WOW.

    Please tell me you're trolling...
  • babyangelica2010
    babyangelica2010 Posts: 117 Member
    Wow so many selfish women on here. No wonder the divorce rate is so high.

    It's selfish to expect a man to act like a grownup and not a petulant, ungrateful child? Wow. WOW.

    Please tell me you're trolling...

    I think the sad thing is that she's's because of women like her tht men get away with this ****.
  • TeaGuy55
    TeaGuy55 Posts: 4
    I assume he's not crippled, so let his selfish, childish *kitten* cook his own artery clogging crap. Some guys are threatened when their wives claim back their power. Don't let the boy make you feel less than. You are not his mommy. Require him to be grown up. Life never gets better by rewarding negative behavior.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    I make stuff my husband likes. That doesn't mean that _I_ have to eat it. Tonight I made him campfire stew. I made our daughter salmon. I had a couple of pieces of cheese. It was really too late for me to be eating as I get reflux if I eat too late but I'd been busy all day and didn't have nearly enough calories logged so I ate something small and calorie dense. I'll have leftover campfire stew tomorrow probably.
    You made a separate meal for your husband and another for your daughter? I dot mean to be rude but that's stupid.
    This thread makes me soo glad I'm single.
    this thread makes me glad my husband and children and fairly reasonable...
    diet food or not, im in charge of making dinner. if they dont like it, they can go hungry or have a bowl of cereal.
    its sad that my 6 year old girls are acting more mature than the OPs husband.
  • Im sorry that you are going through this with your husband. Being supportive is what a marriage is all about. He has a choice as to what he puts in his mouth as well as your choice to cook healthy meals. If he chooses not to eat what you cook than that is his choice. He is more than welcome to make the choice to cook his own food if it means that much to him. You can only control you and not him. Calmly make you boundary clear regarding the importance of this life style and that what he chooses to do is on him.
  • thebuxompilgrim
    thebuxompilgrim Posts: 53 Member
    Just because YOU want to eat a certain way doesn't mean he has too. I don't blame him for wanting to eat GOOD food. Perhaps you should cook 2 seperate meals. Don't impose your new found lifestyle on other people, including your spouse.

    Cook 2 separate meals? She's not a short-order cook. He's a big boy. If he doesn't like what she makes, he can cook for himself. If you subscribe to the belief that the woman should do the cooking, then it's likewise her responsibility to manage her own kitchen and cook what is in the best interest of her family's health.

    Wait...are you the husband?
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I cook for myself, and if my partner wants to eat it that's great. If not, she's on her own. I will make something she's requested if it's reasonable, but I won't do separate meals and I won't make something special for her if there's already a lot of leftovers in the house. I guess we're lucky we're a lesbian couple and don't feel we have to play the gender roles like your husband apparently does.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    You aren't his chef. Tell him to cook his own friggen burgers.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    We have a saying in our house, to be applied at will by whomever happens to be cooking that day:

    "You'll eat it and you'll like it".
  • axialmeow
    axialmeow Posts: 382 Member
    He is free to cook what he wants for himself.
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I say cook what you want. He'll eat it, cook what he wants, get take out or starve. I doubt he'll starve so no manslaughter/murder charges for you.

    My husband has flat out told me this "if you cook it, i will eat it" which has morphed into "you'll eat what I cook or cook your own darn dinner".
  • himilayaneyes
    himilayaneyes Posts: 204 Member
    Sounds like a baby. Let him starve then while he watches u eat. He should be glad u even cook.
  • MzIrish
    MzIrish Posts: 11,921 Member
    I am getting the same thing. But my husband did a lot of the cooking because he is home 3 hours before me from work. Now he says he does not know what to cook so now he doesn't cook at all. I tried telling him I will make do and ad or delete things as needed.That didn't work..uggggghhh !! I have just started this about a week ago. I hope it gets easier.
  • devilwhiterose
    devilwhiterose Posts: 1,157 Member
    Casa Del My House is not Burger King. You get it my way or the highway.

    ...or make your own damn dinner.
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