My husband is boycotting my cooking...



  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I think she's the one being selfish. Stop boo-hoo'ing on a message board and fry that man a burger.

    That spoiled man-child can fry his own damn burger. Like a busy housewife doesn't have better things to do with her time than make TWO dinners every night! And what happens when their children get older, and realize they too can get mom to make them whatever they want just by throwing a fit? What a dangerous precedence he's setting!
  • imarlett
    imarlett Posts: 228 Member
    My husband doesn't like what I cook either so guess what? I dont cook for him. He scrounges something from himself. When he complains there is nothing in the fridge to eat, I say, "you don't tell me what to buy for you that you actually like, then you dont get anything." He now tells me things he would like me to buy and he cooks for himself. When they get hungry, its amazing how motivated they get.
    This was a painful process but you come to an equilibrium. If he loves you, he will respect your food choices.
  • dr3117
    dr3117 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't know how long you have been married or how old you are, but he sounds like a "giant 2 year old." In a marriage it means supporting each other. He may be afraid that if you get skinny you many not want him anymore. There are a lot of recipes online that you can still make things he likes without sacrificing what you need. If he wants fried chicken he can go by KFC's and pick up what he wants, but there are ways to bake it in the oven that is really good. I don't know if you have children, but this is not the best behavior to display for them. It is disrespectful to you, and is very immature. I hope that he loves and supports you in everything that you do!
  • LilEmm
    LilEmm Posts: 240
    Hmm, why doesn't he just chill out and eat better - it's clearly the right thing to do for his body. cripes.
  • SweetestLibby
    SweetestLibby Posts: 607 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    You know, this is the double standard I've seen time and again. If a man has to lose weight to improve his health, the woman usually has to cook all his meals for him, and she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself. But if it's the other way around, watch out. The woman ends up having to cook her diet food AND another meal for the husband and kids that turn their noses up at hers.

    A woman makes it easy for a spouse that wants to lose weight. A man? Well, it depends on the man.

    Massive generalisations here. "And she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself" You're just guessing

    They could both cook their seperate meals, sure

    How about if they like different types of films, yeah maybe they could go to the cinema seperately as well then

    Different types of holidays? No problem, he goes away for 2 weeks for his holiday, she goes away for the one she wants.

    Different taste in TV? That's ok, she watcjes her program in one room, he watches his in another.

    Or they could do what most successful couples do and compromise

    Actually my grandparents have done all of these things at one point in time and they've been married for 71 years. Their 72nd wedding anniversary is this fall. Go Nana and Pop-pop! I've learned that it's okay to do things separately sometimes. It really does depend on the couple.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I'm gonna be frank with you: he sounds like a douche. I'd stop cooking for him altogether and tell him to get his own skillet.

    For comparison: my hubby (not perfect by any means), tries really hard not to buy sweets that he knows I love, to cook with less oil/butter for my sake and generally cook healthier foods, while giving me time to work out and do what I need to do. He is being supportive of me. You deserve a little support as well.

    I'm not saying kick him to the curb, but have a serious talk with him and let him know his attitude isn't helping.
  • goingwithgrace
    goingwithgrace Posts: 109 Member
    Yeah, I'd say you're at the point where it's every woman/man for himself. Some nights I cook one thing for dinner while my fiance cooks another.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Just because YOU want to eat a certain way doesn't mean he has too. I don't blame him for wanting to eat GOOD food. Perhaps you should cook 2 seperate meals. Don't impose your new found lifestyle on other people, including your spouse.

    perhaps he should cook his own meal. God ****ing forbid.
  • acbabbitt
    acbabbitt Posts: 50
    My husband doesn't like what I cook either so guess what? I dont cook for him. He scrounges something from himself. When he complains there is nothing in the fridge to eat, I say, "you don't tell me what to buy for you that you actually like, then you dont get anything." He now tells me things he would like me to buy and he cooks for himself. When they get hungry, its amazing how motivated they get.
    This was a painful process but you come to an equilibrium. If he loves you, he will respect your food choices.

    ^this is how a fully grown man behaves. States his needs preferences but doesn't expect the world to revolve around them.
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    I think she's the one being selfish. Stop boo-hoo'ing on a message board and fry that man a burger.

    That spoiled man-child can fry his own damn burger. Like a busy housewife doesn't have better things to do with her time than make TWO dinners every night! And what happens when their children get older, and realize they too can get mom to make them whatever they want just by throwing a fit? What a dangerous precedence he's setting!

    Wow, requesting a burger is a life or death situation LOL......
  • melissab6968
    melissab6968 Posts: 56 Member
    He is acting like a spoiled child! And to that I suggest applying the rules I used with my boys:
    "I decide what is for the meal and when, You decide if you are going to eat or not!"
    You are not his mother! He is a big boy and if he doesn't like what you are making, he can make his own!
  • upgetupgetup
    upgetupgetup Posts: 749 Member
    Hmm so all your POSSIBLE problems are his fault? There is no POSSIBLE way that you are just hearing one side to the story and he might paint a different picture altogether?

    Ok I missed the nuance here myself, so, cutting you some slack: He is REFUSING TO EAT DINNER - food he LIKES - because he doesn't like the overall plan. Even if OP's horrible (and honestly she sounds amazing, no way I'd ever garden) - is that what a grown up human does?
  • lioness803
    lioness803 Posts: 325 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    You know, this is the double standard I've seen time and again. If a man has to lose weight to improve his health, the woman usually has to cook all his meals for him, and she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself. But if it's the other way around, watch out. The woman ends up having to cook her diet food AND another meal for the husband and kids that turn their noses up at hers.

    A woman makes it easy for a spouse that wants to lose weight. A man? Well, it depends on the man.

    Massive generalisations here. "And she usually goes along with the new program and benefits from it herself" You're just guessing

    They could both cook their seperate meals, sure

    How about if they like different types of films, yeah maybe they could go to the cinema seperately as well then

    Different types of holidays? No problem, he goes away for 2 weeks for his holiday, she goes away for the one she wants.

    Different taste in TV? That's ok, she watcjes her program in one room, he watches his in another.

    Or they could do what most successful couples do and compromise

    I agree with this compromise thing :)
  • melissab6968
    melissab6968 Posts: 56 Member
    Why should she have to cook two meals?! He is a grown man with a piss poor attitude! He should cook what he wants and stop behaving like a brat who thinks he is OWED everything!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    Tell him what my mom told all us kids growing up:

    There are two options for dinner tonight:
    1) Take it.
    2) Leave it.

    And if he decorated the lounge in a hideous colour than you should take it or leave it? How about if he removed the flowers and turned the garden into a football picth, take it or leave it? If he bought a set of screwdrivers for you for a birthday present, take it or leave it? Pretty soon you have a horrible relationship. What's wrong with trying to make your partner happy?
  • Lyssa62
    Lyssa62 Posts: 930 Member
    I get the same thing was what I fix because nobody is beating the kitchen door down to take over my duty....OR don't eat it. Either way I'm not losing sleep. These spoiled *kitten* grown men should have their *kitten* kicked and then I say we go smack their moms cuz they were the ones who started the ball rolling on how they act.

    Mine just knows now..he's 56 friggin years old..he can eat what I fix or starve. Long as the life insurance policy is up to date...I'm good with either decision.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I am betting the husband is the bread winner. Since he brings home the bacon, atleast cook the man the food he wants. ( and women wonder why men cheat) He's gonna find someone who will cook that steak, burger, etc for him.

    OOHHH men cheat for food....all this time I thought they wanted sex.....boy was I off....does that mean if my Husband goes to McDonalds for lunch that's an affair? Man is he in trouble when I get home! BTW I do almost all of the cooking, and I am the "bread winner" Baked him lemon pie today and I hate the stuff! Now I might throw it in his face since he had that affair with McDonalds!

    No he's not gonna cheat because you baked him a lemon pie. You weren't being selfish like the others in this thread.

    I think i'm going to cheat on my fiancee because the only thing he ever cooked me was...lipton's noodle soup, from the little package. I mean really. If cooking is how we prove love then he has definitely, definitely failed. It's a shame, because he's really good in the sack, works his *kitten* off for our life together, and has been by my side no matter what (yeah i work too, even though i'm a woman. before you tell me, yes, i know- i should be making more lemon pies). But I am glad that i learned about the important stuff before i went through with tying the knot with this slacker.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    my grandma had a plaque in her kitchen. I cant remember all of it, but the point was I am queen of this kitchen. you don't like what I make, STARVE.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    You know, its probably well past his time to cook his own meals. I remember my grandma kicked my grandpa out of the house - the old fart could not even make a bowl of cereal for himself!

    He's your husband, not your child. You are his wife - not his mommy. Remember this.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    I think she's the one being selfish. Stop boo-hoo'ing on a message board and fry that man a burger.

    That spoiled man-child can fry his own damn burger. Like a busy housewife doesn't have better things to do with her time than make TWO dinners every night! And what happens when their children get older, and realize they too can get mom to make them whatever they want just by throwing a fit? What a dangerous precedence he's setting!

    Wow, requesting a burger is a life or death situation LOL......

    I think we can both agree, though, that there is a very distinct difference between "requesting a burger" and boycotting your spouse's cooking because you don't GET that burger. Therein lies the difference between a grown-@ss man and coddled *kitten*.
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