Cheating Boyfriend Issues HELP!



  • iulia_maddie
    iulia_maddie Posts: 2,780 Member
    Have you considered this might not be his fault, but yours?

    Do you ever refuse to have sexual intercourse?
    Do you put your feelings above his needs?
    Have you been slacking on the cleaning/cooking/laundry?
    Do you always have a smile on your face when he gets home, and warm supper on the table?
    When a woman does not perform all of her duties, the man can't be blamed for straying. Good luck to you, and if you need to learn more about what a female needs to be like, i have a book you can borrow.

    LOL. She's his girlfriend not his servant.

    We don't live together, so some of those don't apply, but I am doing my best! What is this amazing book?
    I got this book from a nice little old lady who knocked on my door one day to ask if i have a moment to talk about my creator's plan for us. It changed my life, and saved my marriage.
    Can't remember the name, but i will send it to you.
  • liannexxx
    liannexxx Posts: 201 Member
    HANG ON A MINUTE! Surely you don't know anything yet? In the same way you have joined MFP to make yourself feel better and get fit.....maybe he just wants to look after himself a bit better?

    Go for dinner in a public place where you can't yell at each other and speak to him properly about your concerns.

    He deserves that at least!!
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    HANG ON A MINUTE! Surely you don't know anything yet? In the same way you have joined MFP to make yourself feel better and get fit.....maybe he just wants to look after himself a bit better?

    Go for dinner in a public place where you can't yell at each other and speak to him properly about your concerns.

    He deserves that at least!!

    Good thought. How should I approach the topic? Anyone have ideas?
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    This thread just keeps on winning.

  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    OMG my boyfriend is cheating too! Thank you so much for sharing this quiz. I'm going straight home after work and leaving with our daughter. Scumbag.. thought I wouldn't find out.

    You're a life saver Xena!

    If you did not read the article, please do so!!! It is super informative and had stuff even I wouldn't have thought of!

    I don't think I would depend on Cosmo to provide me with reliable information about anything.
  • 1ConcreteGirl
    1ConcreteGirl Posts: 3,677 Member
    OMG my boyfriend is cheating too! Thank you so much for sharing this quiz. I'm going straight home after work and leaving with our daughter. Scumbag.. thought I wouldn't find out.

    You're a life saver Xena!

    If you did not read the article, please do so!!! It is super informative and had stuff even I wouldn't have thought of!

    I don't think I would depend on Cosmo to provide me with reliable information about anything.

    Did you look at the article? As I have said several times, I trust it not because it's Cosmo, but because of all the experts quoted.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    Well, firstly, Im sorry your going through this emo roller coaster. I have seen you around and I know your one sweet girl and furthermore, Id also like too add, your beautiful!

    Our guts are our best filter, if you feel something there, Its prolly a red flag. If your seeing changes in him and he isn't behaving as usual, from experience something may be up.
    Now, Cosmo is a great mag for health and beauty but I wouldn't rely on it for relationship type ish,,
    What is keeping you from expressing your feelings too him?
    Are you afraid of the answer you may or may not receive?
    I say either way you need some closure and addressing your concerns with him, will at least get you closer too an answer.
    Its not worth sitting in fear and doubt, this life is short, don't take for granted the possibilities of a beautiful future by staying stuck in a relationship that has you questioning his intentions with you.

    I hope your heart finds peace.
  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    Leave him. Seriously. He does not deserve you.
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My man is cheating.

    I know because I read this article from Cosmo that helps you spot a cheater/liar:

    It caught my attention because my boyfriend always tells me so much about his day. Like, never shuts up about it, and I realized it's because he's hiding something and doesn't want me to have a chance to ask him questions.

    Does he want to sleep with me more often lately? YES. Does he swallow a lot while he talks? YES. Also, he never used to shave his armpits and now he's keeping things really cleaned up there, and grooming better means he is definitely cheating on me. I even checked his texts and he had sent one to a girl that said, "hey girlie," which is what he calls ME!

    So now that I know for sure that he is disrespecting me like that, what should I do? My ideas so far: sprinkle fresh chili powder inside his washed boxers, make ex-lax brownies to give him time to think about his choices, or go Carrie Underwood on his truck. Advice please?

    All you have is a hunch, a gut feeling. Even with expert opinion, it means nothing. Even experts get stuff wrong all the time. You need hard evidence. Phone logs, complete text logs, pictures, video, audio, etc. Follow him, see what he does, or have a friend or hire a professional to follow him. Heck, get that Cheaters show to do it for free or something.
  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    Cosmo is lame. Rent some hardcore flicks and imitate what the girls are doing. Cakey makeup, dingy lingerie. And those angry looking snarl faces they make. Totally H-O-T. He will crawl back to ya!
  • frazzlecg
    frazzlecg Posts: 50 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My man is cheating.

    I know because I read this article from Cosmo that helps you spot a cheater/liar:

    It caught my attention because my boyfriend always tells me so much about his day. Like, never shuts up about it, and I realized it's because he's hiding something and doesn't want me to have a chance to ask him questions.

    Does he want to sleep with me more often lately? YES. Does he swallow a lot while he talks? YES. Also, he never used to shave his armpits and now he's keeping things really cleaned up there, and grooming better means he is definitely cheating on me. I even checked his texts and he had sent one to a girl that said, "hey girlie," which is what he calls ME!

    So now that I know for sure that he is disrespecting me like that, what should I do? My ideas so far: sprinkle fresh chili powder inside his washed boxers, make ex-lax brownies to give him time to think about his choices, or go Carrie Underwood on his truck. Advice please?

    All you have is a hunch, a gut feeling. Even with expert opinion, it means nothing. Even experts get stuff wrong all the time. You need hard evidence. Phone logs, complete text logs, pictures, video, audio, etc. Follow him, see what he does, or have a friend or hire a professional to follow him. Heck, get that Cheaters show to do it for free or something.

    Wow, you've been cheated on many times! :brokenheart:
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Hi everyone.

    My man is cheating.

    I know because I read this article from Cosmo that helps you spot a cheater/liar:

    It caught my attention because my boyfriend always tells me so much about his day. Like, never shuts up about it, and I realized it's because he's hiding something and doesn't want me to have a chance to ask him questions.

    Does he want to sleep with me more often lately? YES. Does he swallow a lot while he talks? YES. Also, he never used to shave his armpits and now he's keeping things really cleaned up there, and grooming better means he is definitely cheating on me. I even checked his texts and he had sent one to a girl that said, "hey girlie," which is what he calls ME!

    So now that I know for sure that he is disrespecting me like that, what should I do? My ideas so far: sprinkle fresh chili powder inside his washed boxers, make ex-lax brownies to give him time to think about his choices, or go Carrie Underwood on his truck. Advice please?

    All you have is a hunch, a gut feeling. Even with expert opinion, it means nothing. Even experts get stuff wrong all the time. You need hard evidence. Phone logs, complete text logs, pictures, video, audio, etc. Follow him, see what he does, or have a friend or hire a professional to follow him. Heck, get that Cheaters show to do it for free or something.

    This sounds like the most solid advice in the thread.

    As a man I know that I will do whatever I'm able to get away with. Don't break up with or do anything drastic OP.

    Just check his texts, phone records, and email, maybe set up a couple of REASONABLE spy cams. But no need to punish him just yet.

    I know this article was written by experts but even experts can be wrong occasionally.

    Don't do anything until you're certain.

    Best of luck.

  • MDawg81
    MDawg81 Posts: 244 Member
    Make him detox. It'll flush out the cheating ways in his toxic, toxic body.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Have you considered this might not be his fault, but yours?

    Do you ever refuse to have sexual intercourse?
    Do you put your feelings above his needs?
    Have you been slacking on the cleaning/cooking/laundry?
    Do you always have a smile on your face when he gets home, and warm supper on the table?
    When a woman does not perform all of her duties, the man can't be blamed for straying. Good luck to you, and if you need to learn more about what a female needs to be like, i have a book you can borrow.


    Hold on.

    This is definitely the best advice in the thread.

    If you don't want your boyfriend to cheat you need to stop acting so selfish.
  • MeIShouldB
    MeIShouldB Posts: 578 Member
    Honestly, I would say don't jump to conclusions just yet. Especially over a cosmo article. That stuff is designed so that you take the article too seriously then have to buy next months issue to find out how to get over your man. But seriously, do you have any other reason to believe he is a cheater? As far as the armpit thing he may have just realized how much hair traps odor (something we women already know LOL). And as far as "hey girlie", that's very generic. I have a friend that calls me that. If he starts texting girls with things like Hey beautiful, or Hey sexy, or hey baby THEN you have a problem. I would say don't get up in arms just yet. Best of luck to you.
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Are you really getting your info from a Cosmo magazine? I understand they are supposed "experts" but still....

    Put your big girl panties on and confront the jerk if you feel he is cheating.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Are you really getting your info from a Cosmo magazine? I understand they are supposed "experts" but still....

    Put your big girl panties on and confront the jerk if you feel he is cheating.

    This is also really good advice OP.

    Make sure you bring the article with you so the two of you can go over it point by point.
  • underthecherrytree
    underthecherrytree Posts: 532 Member
    Thanks buddy!
    Are you really getting your info from a Cosmo magazine? I understand they are supposed "experts" but still....

    Put your big girl panties on and confront the jerk if you feel he is cheating.

    This is also really good advice OP.

    Make sure you bring the article with you so the two of you can go over it point by point.
  • Sharkington
    Sharkington Posts: 485
    Cosmo knows everything there is to know about girls, but It's totes okay, girlie. Just listen to Taylor Swift and everything will be peachy.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    I'm detecting a bit of sarcasm.

    Which isn't helpful at all.
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