Size 0



  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    If they decide to standardize the sizes and there will be no more size 00 and 0, and those get bumped up to size 2 and 4, it's not the people wearing size 00 or 0 that will have a problem with that (other than initial confusion and trying to understand the change and whether or not we gained weight), it's going to be people in the sizes above that with an issue about suddenly needing to go up to a larger size. I would have been fine about being a size 2 or 4 (as long as it fits me and is not too big).
  • mfpseven
    mfpseven Posts: 421 Member
    I knew before clicking this that the OP would list her age as "18"

    guessing 15 or 16 instead.

    I agree. 14-16 most likely.
    The "lose it for you" is a very high school mentality of "if I lose weight he will like me".
    Eating 300 a day to fit a size 0 for him is just ...... -_-

    First thing I thought also, it sounds like she already has issues with food and this is a way to get tips to lose fast. She says she doesn't want to be a size zero but wants to affirm that starving is the way to get to it.

    Trying to get to a number like that is difficult because sizes are so different you just eat well and exercise and lose until you are at a shape bf% that works best, the numbers are just a general goal to shoot for.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    My ex mother in law.

    Drinks beer like water
    Eats anything and everything fried
    Cooks with Butter flavored Crisco
    Is like 55 years old

    And wears juniors or size 0 pants.

    Annnnddd.... I wonder why I have such a complex of hatred for skinny people sometimes.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Nah, I'm a size 0 and have been since I was 15 (aside from pregnancies and losing baby weight)...before that I was in children's clothes (size 12-14). I'm just very petite.

    But I do eat normal and healthy (1600-2000 calories a day), and lift weights like a champ. I strive for fitness and health not a size or a certain weight.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    My cousins are that small- one is a 0, her sister is a 00 and they never starve themselves. On top of having a small frame (they're both full Asian, 00 is 5'0, 0 is 5'4) they just eat very healthily. They don't starve themselves but they also don't eat junk-- I don't think they're had ice cream since they were little and they don't really ever eat fast food. They are very health conscience because they're mom is a nurse and always encouraged healthy living. The size 0 never drinks soda because they give her ulcers. They don't drink alcohol either. The one that's a 00 is also super active-- likes to hike, dance, and hit the gym. They eat actual Asian food, which is very healthy. Once I got back to cooking the way my parents did, I've had no problem dropping weight (though I'll probably never be a 0 as I like my junk food).
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Nah, I'm a size 0 and have been since I was 15 (aside from pregnancies and losing baby weight)...before that I was in children's clothes (size 12-14). I'm just very petite.

    But I do eat normal and healthy (1600-2000 calories a day), and lift weights like a champ. I strive for fitness and health not a size or a certain weight.

    ^^^ THIS.
  • sardesc
    sardesc Posts: 34 Member
    What a strange thread. I gained weight with pregnancies in the past, but I did and now fit into a size 0, depending on the retailer's vanity sizing. I net 1500 calories a day and I'm 5' tall. My BMI is 22. Who cares what size someone else is? My only concern is if vanity sizing increases any more, I'll be shopping in the little girls' section. I can't buy anything at Old Navy or Sears.
  • sherrymccall
    sherrymccall Posts: 60 Member
    Okay so how do people really get to size 0 do they have to eat like a bird like 300 calories, How do people really get that small, I know i will never be that small i mean i could never imagine being a size 0 nor do i want to, so , How do people get that small do they eat more or less, do they starve do they do this that what?

    I'm a size 00 or 0 depending on the brand. I don't starve myself and diary is open to prove it. I love being this small. Don't look down on people for being small. It's kinda ride to day stuff like "do they starve themselves?"
  • sherrymccall
    sherrymccall Posts: 60 Member
    Okay so how do people really get to size 0 do they have to eat like a bird like 300 calories, How do people really get that small, I know i will never be that small i mean i could never imagine being a size 0 nor do i want to, so , How do people get that small do they eat more or less, do they starve do they do this that what?

    Oh and I don't have a super high metabolism where I can eat whatever I want and never gain weigh either.
  • folieeadeuxx
    folieeadeuxx Posts: 83 Member
    My skeleton won't even fit into a size 0....
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    I can fit in a size 0 and I eat 3,000+ calories a day.
    Shorts*, my thighs wouldn't fit through jeans lol
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Some people have small frames & it just happens when they get low enough in body fat %.
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a size 0 (or 00) in J Crew clothes which are total freaky vanity sizes; normally size 2 or 4 in urban outfitters, h & m etc.
    sometimes XS, usually S. I'm 5 4, 107-110, and I have really narrow hips, like a weasel/boy. also I work out and since i have lost weight from being at 130 or so, my body fat is really low. I'm also really small-boned. I think narrow hips/small chest make that totally a possibiilty for a wide range of weights/heights. One thing with me is I have a wide rib cage so I'll never have a tiny waist, so that makes some tiny sizes not fit me.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm a size 0 (or 00) in J Crew clothes which are total freaky vanity sizes; normally size 2 or 4 in urban outfitters, h & m etc.
    sometimes XS, usually S. I'm 5 4, 107-110, and I have really narrow hips, like a weasel/boy. also I work out and since i have lost weight from being at 130 or so, my body fat is really low. I'm also really small-boned. I think narrow hips/small chest make that totally a possibiilty for a wide range of weights/heights. One thing with me is I have a wide rib cage so I'll never have a tiny waist, so that makes some tiny sizes not fit me.

    Yes, they are totally freaky vanity sizes. I am a size 00, and it was crazy when I went into J.Crew, a store that advertised as having size 00, and everything was too big for me (including 00). I have a some curves and booty, but a small frame (small rib cage and waist) and I am short with overall a very small bone structure (always been that way).
  • SurfyFriend
    SurfyFriend Posts: 362 Member
    I'm 5'7 and size 0. I seem to eat and eat and eat. But I try to make smart food choices, only drink water and exercise is just as much a part of my life as brushing my teeth, I don't force myself to workout, I just do fun things which happen to burn calories. Bonus :)
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Topics like this thread help make my point that women clothing sizes make no sense. And vanity sizes can be blamed for part of the obesity epidemic the US suffers from.
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    Modern size 0 clothing, depending on brand and style, fits measurements of chest-stomach-hips from 30-22-32 inches (76-56-81 cm) to 33-25-35 inches (84-64-89 cm).


    When I was a teenager a UK size 10 (US size 6?) was a 24" waist, so I find the fuss about size 0 rather mystifying. Even the lower end of the range must have been a UK 8 in my childhood. Neither size was considered unhealthily thin back then.
  • bbg67
    bbg67 Posts: 4
    If you're really short then it's totally possible. I was always overweight and this is the smallest I've ever been. I'm not skinny but I fit into a size 00-3 depending on the brand. I think a lot of it has to do with vanity sizing too. I wish women's clothing was labeled with inches instead.

    This comment really worries me. Even with Vanity sizing, a 00-3 is considered 'skinny' on pretty much all accounts. I truly hope you see yourself the way you are - fit and thin. Saying you aren't skinny, while wearing a 00, makes me worried. I believe the largest waist size for 00, even with Vanity sizing, is 24 inches. I don't know about you, but 24 inches seems pretty skinny to me.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    the answer is very simple:

    if you have a small frame, then chances are you'll be a size zero or even double zero, and be totally healthy

    if you have a medium frame, well maybe at very low body fat percentages, or maybe with vanity sizing, but whatever you do, don't stress about it, you'll look just as good at the size that's right for you

    if you have a large frame, then maybe if you die and after your flesh rots away, someone will be able to cram your skeletal remains into a size zero outfit, but they might have to flatten your rib cage and squash your shoulders up a bit in order to do so. (or alternatively just understand that you'll look just as good at a low body fat percentage as anyone else, and what actual size clothes you wear don't matter)
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I'm a size 0 and you can check out my diary to see how I reached there. I'm rather muscular though so in clothes people may mistake my weight by going 10 pounds under... lol
  • bbg67
    bbg67 Posts: 4
    the answer is very simple:

    if you have a small frame, then chances are you'll be a size zero or even double zero, and be totally healthy

    if you have a medium frame, well maybe at very low body fat percentages, or maybe with vanity sizing, but whatever you do, don't stress about it, you'll look just as good at the size that's right for you

    if you have a large frame, then maybe if you die and after your flesh rots away, someone will be able to cram your skeletal remains into a size zero outfit, but they might have to flatten your rib cage and squash your shoulders up a bit in order to do so. (or alternatively just understand that you'll look just as good at a low body fat percentage as anyone else, and what actual size clothes you wear don't matter)

    Meh. I have a large frame (measured multiple times at various locations). I have size 11 feet (female) and my wrist bone was 6.75 inches at my lowest weight (100 pounds at 5'5"). I was able to fit into a 00, even with a large frame. But I didn't get there even remotely healthy. I was able to get there though - without being forced to cram my skeleton into it. :wink:
  • Shetchncn1
    Shetchncn1 Posts: 260 Member
    My boss weighs about 100 lbs (for real she is tiny) and she is in a 1. She struggles to maintain her weight and has other health issues besides a crazy metabolism. Don't worry about the zero and get in a size that makes whoever you want to say rrraawrrr :)

    For me that a size 3 no pocket rockets :) Sighhhh I think they might be dry rotted by now LOL
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    the answer is very simple:

    if you have a small frame, then chances are you'll be a size zero or even double zero, and be totally healthy

    if you have a medium frame, well maybe at very low body fat percentages, or maybe with vanity sizing, but whatever you do, don't stress about it, you'll look just as good at the size that's right for you

    if you have a large frame, then maybe if you die and after your flesh rots away, someone will be able to cram your skeletal remains into a size zero outfit, but they might have to flatten your rib cage and squash your shoulders up a bit in order to do so. (or alternatively just understand that you'll look just as good at a low body fat percentage as anyone else, and what actual size clothes you wear don't matter)

    Meh. I have a large frame (measured multiple times at various locations). I have size 11 feet (female) and my wrist bone was 6.75 inches at my lowest weight (100 pounds at 5'5"). I was able to fit into a 00, even with a large frame. But I didn't get there even remotely healthy. I was able to get there though - without being forced to cram my skeleton into it. :wink:

    based on my current chest measurements, skinfold at my ribs, current body fat percentage, and the fact my ribs stick out when I flex or raise my arms above my head, I'd say my actual rib cage is probably about a size 4-6 (USA sizes) currently. No idea whether it would shrink much if I starved myself half to death, it possibly would, but I have no intention whatsoever of finding out lol

    Also, wrist width, shoe size and height don't necessarily correlate with frame size. I'm 5'1", size 3 feet (albeit very wide so I can't actually fit in women's shoes at all, they're either too long or too narrow) and have a large frame, my shoulder circumference is only 3 inches smaller than my husband's who's 5'11, and my rib cage as I said is really big (and it's not fat, Jackson pollack 4 site puts me at 20% body fat; accumeasure at 22%) my wrist size says I have a large frame, but only just. My lean body mass is about 101 (103 if Jackson Pollack is to be believed) which is in the healthy BMI range for my height. And I'm a novice at lifting (can't even squat my bodyweight yet :sad: though obviously I'm working hard to rectify that!!!)

    I was being tongue in cheek about the skeleton thing :flowerforyou:... it's more about the fact that damaging your body in pursuit of a particular size is not going to make you look good or be healthy, and that some people do not have the bone structure to be that thin without doing something drastically unhealthy in the process. And ALSO that small framed people can get into much smaller sizes without damaging themselves at all in the process.
  • holly273
    holly273 Posts: 84 Member
    Sizes, particularly in the US have SO MUCH variance. I have a size 0 skirt from last year (lowest weight) that still just about fits me even now, at 140ish lbs and 5'7. I also have a size 6 skirt that is now too tight. I have a large frame, and at my lowest weight, size 2 jeans would fall off me (I couldn't find 0s anywhere - but I assume they would have fit). But it was in no way healthy, and my doctor told me I may become permanently infertile if I tried to maintain at that weight. So yes, size 0 is attainable, but the more effort it takes someone to get there, the less likely it is that it's healthy for them.
  • lsirelan
    lsirelan Posts: 44 Member
    I am a size 0. I started 2 years ago at 152 lbs and am now 116. I am 5'2". I have always been petite, but 1.5 years ago I gained an enormous amount of weight eating tons of sugar. I mean tons! I cut sugar and stuck to a vegan diet (I was lacto-ovo at the time of my weight gain) and have kept off the weight without any exercise efforts. I am not rail thin, I'm just not built that way. I eat 1500 cal a day (I would guess...rarely log anymore). I am just small framed. Many others my height and size are 105-110 lbs. i would look sick at that weight.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    Im not talking about people who are naturally a size 0 or naturally that way im taking about overweight people getting to a size 0 how do they really do that,?

    not everyone can be a size 0. even some of the fittest athletes aren't a size 0. your body shape, frame and muscle composition determines what your healthy size is. i'm 5'4 but given my body type (muscular and athletic), i can NEVER be a size 0 and be healthy. the only time i was a size 0 was when i was suffering from depression, didn't eat for 2yrs and was 108lbs. i was literally skin and bones, had zero muscle on me (my body had eaten through all of my muscle) and if you looked at my face, i looked like skeletor, no joke.

    if you have a petite frame, then a size 0 is possible but if you're a medium build like me a size 0 is just not possible and "healthy".
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    the answer is very simple:

    if you have a small frame, then chances are you'll be a size zero or even double zero, and be totally healthy

    if you have a medium frame, well maybe at very low body fat percentages, or maybe with vanity sizing, but whatever you do, don't stress about it, you'll look just as good at the size that's right for you

    --->if you have a large frame, then maybe if you die and after your flesh rots away, someone will be able to cram your skeletal remains into a size zero outfit, but they might have to flatten your rib cage and squash your shoulders up a bit in order to do so. (or alternatively just understand that you'll look just as good at a low body fat percentage as anyone else, and what actual size clothes you wear don't matter)<---

    LOL made me laugh.
  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    Size numbers are completely arbitrary, as in they aren't connected to anything standard in between clothing brands or anything like that. So, some people may wear 0 in one thing, and a 4 in another. It depends on how something is cut. My best friend wears a zero at places that cuts hips really wide, and higher sizes elsewhere. No starving, it's just how we're built. Some people have larger frames, some people have smaller, and there's no "one way to be a size zero" or anything, because there isn't "one size zero."

    Better off to focus on health, and no worry about sizes or the numbers because most of them don't mean jack squat.

    I completely agree with this. Surprisingly, vanity sizing is a problem for men as well. Size 31 for example does not necessarily mean 31 inches. I found this out the hard way the last time I purchased a swim suit online. Its WAY too big around the waist.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Obviously, it isn't just the size of your frame. Even if you are very healthy, low body fat %, etc, there are still these things called boobs, that don't always shrink, or not dramatically, anyway, when you lose weight. And hips - some women have a pelvis that flares more than others. And musculature - there are women who tend do develop leaner, longer muscles. Then there are those that tend to develop shorter, bulkier muscles. Makes a difference.

    I'm short, have a slightly larger than average chest that has never dieted or exercised away, am built like an hourglass and tend to build bulky muscle (for a woman). Seriously, I used to ice skate when I was a kid (6-12). Normal practice gave me thighs like the women speed skaters. It's possible that I could get to the point I could fit in a 0 these days and be healthy - depends on how vanity sizing has changed. At one point I was doing intense physical training and was my ideal weight and very fit. Those days, I fit in a 2.
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I'm a size 0 and even when I put on 10 more pounds I can still fit in a size 0. 20 more pounds and I'll go to a size 4-6. But, I'm rather muscular and muscle weighs more than fat too. Sizes also depends on your shape, I had a skinny room mate that weighed less than me but I fit in smaller clothes than her. So don't judge the size just how you feel and how healthy you are at that particular size.
    I definitely do not eat only 300 cals either. I eat nothing less than 2000 cals a day.