Are you 100% honest with your food diary?



  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    It doesn't actually matter what your food diary says. It matters what you actually put into your body. You will lose/gain/maintain based on that alone. So your food diary could be amazing or it could be empty and it has no impact on your weight. What you physically do has an impact on your weight.

    Personally I log everything because I feel compelled to do that. But i don't think it matters.
  • likeschocolate
    likeschocolate Posts: 368 Member
    The goal of the diary is to make the calories "visible" (metaphorically speaking).

    As long as that is being achieved, the 100% accuracy aspect is perhaps a secondary goal.

    For example, 100% accuracy may not be required if one regularly leaves a margin of 100-250 calories on their daily intake. Then, you know you should be ok if you forgot to enter a small item, or weren't entirely sure of the measurement of something.

    Naturally, it's only hurting oneself if one consistently over-eats and doesn't log it.

    In the long run, it's between you and your goals.
  • glitteratthesea
    glitteratthesea Posts: 104 Member
    I try to log as accurate as possible, even when I have to be ashamed for it. For example, I had three glasses of coke and two bananas as breakfast this morning. Ehm, yeah. I mean, if I don't log everything, I could say at the end of the week: well, this was a good week, but then the scale says NO. Not funny :noway:.

    There is one exception: I don't log when I'm sick. When I'm sick, the first thing is getting better, not losing weight.
  • kaeleenr
    kaeleenr Posts: 3
    Definitely. Even if I am not by by computer/phone to log in I keep a pen and notepad with me to keep track of everything and just log it all at once. I find it as a really important way to hold my self accountable and push my self to do better if I have a rough day. Also it is a really great feeling when you meet a daily goal and even better when do you it all week!
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    Do you record every calorie that passes your lips?

    I record everything but fruits and vegetables. Edited to add: I have shed 45 lbs this way - it doesn't seem to affect me. I'm not going to revolve my life around a food log - sorry.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    No, I don't. I use a food scale regularly and I try to track everything but I probably overeat by 100-150 cals if not more.
    I also very firmly believe that most people eat more than they think.
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    I def try there are times when I don't have access to my phone/computer to log but I am as honest as I can possibly be..I'm only hurting myself if I'm not honest...
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    Yes. Lying to myself didn't work out well for me and I gained back 20 lb of the 42 lb I originally lost.

    I am now accurately logging and weighing EVERYTHING. It turns out, I totally suck at guesstimating. I was on a year long plateau and eventually gained. I really thought there was something wrong with me, that I was physically incapable of losing weight. Now that I'm accurately eating my alloted amounts, I'm losing 1.5 lb/week steadily. The food scale is my best friend. I even carry it with me and measure food at restaurants. In my experience, everything, even packaged food, is more than the label says it is.

    Edited to add this video, please watch it if you think you are good at measuring your portions out:
  • Hbazzell
    Hbazzell Posts: 899 Member
    To the best of my ability. I have to estimate the serving size of food at restaraunts but at home I measure my food.
  • Pretty close to it. If I have a cherry, I don't put it in. Now if I have 3 cherries, I will.
    If I take one little tiny bite of something that say my mom is eating, I don't count it.
    Other than that, I count everything!
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    No, I don't. I use a food scale regularly and I try to track everything but I probably overeat by 100-150 cals if not more.
    I also very firmly believe that most people eat more than they think.

  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    Yes. Lying to myself didn't work out well for me and I gained back 20 lb of the 42 lb I originally lost.

    I am now accurately logging and weighing EVERYTHING. It turns out, I totally suck at guesstimating. I was on a year long plateau and eventually gained. I really thought there was something wrong with me, that I was physically incapable of losing weight. Now that I'm accurately eating my alloted amounts, I'm losing 1.5 lb/week steadily. The food scale is my best friend. I even carry it with me and measure food at restaurants. In my experience, everything, even packaged food, is more than the label says it is.

    Edited to add this video, please watch it if you think you are good at measuring your portions out:

    LOVE your profile pic
  • stevenleagle
    stevenleagle Posts: 293 Member
    I try to be as accurate as possible. Especially now that I have my fitbit. I actually take joy in logging the good, the bad and the ugly as it really is interesting seeing the correlation between eating right and results (even if they sometimes feel disconnected a little!)
  • Elle408
    Elle408 Posts: 500 Member
    When I log, I log everything, otherwise there really is no point to logging at all! I even logged a week of binges, about 4-5 days of 5000+ calories each day, I needed to see it to see what damage I was doing to myself.
  • bargetze
    bargetze Posts: 2
    Mostly yes. But in some situations (Restaurants, being invited) you can only guess the approx. amount of calories.... To be on the save side, add an cardio lesson in this day and you can be shure, your calories are not too high.... ;-))
  • agulamali
    agulamali Posts: 44 Member
    I don't include spices, but just about everything else, yes. I think it's important to log everything. A few nuts can be like 100 calories and the margin of error in producing a calorie deficit is very slim.