Female Endomorphs - Before and After Pics (And Tips?)



  • ajhugz
    ajhugz Posts: 452 Member
    I have this body type and I don't find it hard to lose weight as long as I apply exercise and a good diet. I change up my routine often and try to incorporate exercise throughout my day such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator. Changing my diet has helped the most. I gain weight quickly if I don't eat a decent diet and too much junk food.

    I think another thing that has helped is tackling my stressors by doing yoga and medItating.I haven't hit a plateau and have lost 9 lbs in a month. I do ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels with some additional cardio.

    Almost forgot, I take supplements, but I'm not sure if they have helped my weight loss. Multi Vitamin, Vitamin B Complex, Biotin, Omega 3, and cayenne tincture.
  • carlysuzanne85
    carlysuzanne85 Posts: 204 Member
    I love seeing these before and afters! It's taken me a long time to accept that I can't eat the way everyone else does and stay the same size as an endomorph. It's so frustrating that I will forever have to be more diligent than others with my food choices but c'est la vie. It's taken me six months to lose ten pounds but through strength training, running, and Insanity, I've been losing a lot of inches as well. I'm still figuring out what that "sweet spot" is for me on calories and macros to get to and maintain my goal.
  • TigressPat
    TigressPat Posts: 722
    most overweight women look like endomorphs even if they aren't. when they lose weight, they might turn into a mesomorph.
  • KaraAlste
    KaraAlste Posts: 168 Member
    I was an endomorph my whole childhood and into my teenage years. Now, I am trying to put on some weight. I think keeping your numbers in a healthy range equates to health. Meaning body weight, blood pressure and heart rate. Seeing pics of success stories is very inspirational. I think it would be great to document your own success. GL.
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member

    Here's a "quiz" to see what your body type is. I think it might make the distinctions a little easier.

    It says I'm between an endomorph and a mesomorph...interesting. I haven't found it too hard to lose weight but I do love sugar and sweets!
  • Mommy4812
    Mommy4812 Posts: 649 Member

    Freaking awesome progress, BTW!

    (sorry, idk how to resize, will have to right click and view in another tab still) grr


    You look great!
  • i think i have this body type as well, then again i don't gain muscle easily
  • NewTnme
    NewTnme Posts: 258 Member
    I hear no grains. What about oatmeal for breakfast. Or is it better to have eggs and turkey sausage?
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member

    Freaking awesome progress, BTW!

    (sorry, idk how to resize, will have to right click and view in another tab still) grr


    think i fixed it

    You go girl! Awesome progress!
  • amaodonnell
    amaodonnell Posts: 100 Member
    I know I am one! I am still working on getting the weight off. It gets hard. I get down, the something happens, I hit a plateau and my eating gets off and I gain back. Frustrating!
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    Endomorph here. I love this thread. I've been at it forever and struggle for weeks to lose one pound. I love to work out, am strong - but don't see a ton of defenition. Its very frustrating.
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member
    Endomorph here. I love this thread. I've been at it forever and struggle for weeks to lose one pound. I love to work out, am strong - but don't see a ton of defenition. Its very frustrating.

    definition where? if you mean while lifting weights then try lifting smaller at maybe 70% of your max rate. i always lift light/medium weights and my arms are more cut than my brothers cause he lift heavy at like 95% of his max rate
  • ebonie101
    ebonie101 Posts: 95 Member

    Freaking awesome progress, BTW!

    (sorry, idk how to resize, will have to right click and view in another tab still) grr


    think i fixed it

    You go girl! Awesome progress!

    thank you :)
  • Nikkilynn32710
    Nikkilynn32710 Posts: 256 Member

    Here's a "quiz" to see what your body type is. I think it might make the distinctions a little easier.

    It says I'm between an endomorph and a mesomorph...interesting. I haven't found it too hard to lose weight but I do love sugar and sweets!

    Same! I just took the quiz and it says I'm between as well.... dang, I knew the sweets/sugars were killing me but its so dang hard to ditch!
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member
    I, in no way, mean to be offensive, but couldn't most overweight people be considered "endomorph"? I had to look up what endomorph was, so this question comes from complete ignorance. Just curious.

    I think from the research I have done, Endomorph has less to do with the number on the scale but how our bodies respond to diet and excercise. Meaning, even with the most effort, our body holds on to fat stubbornly and therfore our bodies don't respond as quicly as other types do. Even those who have done extreme dieting (unhealthy measures, such as dropping calories down too low, over-excercising, fasting, etc) don't have the quick response either (DISCLAIMER - I am NOT advocating for extreme dieting, BTW).

    I run, kickbox, stair, HIIT training everyday, weight train every day, mix up my workouts, eat a clean diet, drink copius amounts of water, get plenty of sleep, keep my stress levels low, hit my protein/carb/fat ratios, supplement, etc. Most of all I'm CONSISTENT. According to MFP I should lose 1.5 pounds a week.

    More like 1.5 pounds a month. However, inches tend to melt off my body quicker than the pounds, which I will take gladly. :-)
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member
    I realize that I'm the OP and didn't even bother posting my own PROGRESS pics. And I say PROGRESS because I'm not there yet!


    Here's another photo that shows after/before picture, although its a little blurry. This gives a better idea of my body type, Endomorph. The picture on the right in red is the before. As you can see, although I am heavier I am more "curves" than anything. The after picture in pink I am still curvy but my legs are more muscular and I look a lot leaner.


    And another (this is an older progress pic from last year):

  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member
  • eevincheezburger
    eevincheezburger Posts: 163 Member

    This is two months of work... I have always been an endomorph. Never seen my abs and have always had the "rolls" of fat, and the spare tire. I am determined to see my abs at some point!

    Some people lose fat just by diet. Some lose it just by exercise. But we as endomorphs have to be strict on both. And really, that's not such a bad thing, because it's healthier for -everyone- and will pay off over the years anyway.

    I exercise with a combination of HIIT, circuit training, plyometrics, cardio (just 2-3 mile runs), weights, aerobics, and a few other things. I do this 4-6 days per week and usually burn around 350-600 calories per session (according to my heart rate monitor). I want to start doing regular lifting a bit more, it's just that I don't have anyone to go to the gym with me, so it makes it kind of intimidating to add more weight if I need help.

    As for food, I eat 130-150g protein per day, 7 small meals per day, 1200-1500 calories per day (depending on workouts). I try to load up on as much veggies as I can. Fruit is once or twice per week, maybe. Stevia has been substituted for sugar, no more pasta... Brown rice here and there (I get most of my carbs through my whole grain oatmeal in the mornings). Lean grilled/baked meats for lunch and dinner. I let myself have a "treat" meal once per week.

    I weigh 134 lbs right now but have more definition on my stomach/back than I did when I weighed 125 and just dieted/ran. I can't wait to see what I look like by July. Anyway, I'm still learning too, and I'm trying to stick with a diet/lifestyle that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I think that's the missing piece in endomorph fitness- going too extreme and knocking ourselves out. Find the middle place and stick with it.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member

    Here's a "quiz" to see what your body type is. I think it might make the distinctions a little easier.

    It says I'm between an endomorph and a mesomorph...interesting. I haven't found it too hard to lose weight but I do love sugar and sweets!

    Same! I just took the quiz and it says I'm between as well.... dang, I knew the sweets/sugars were killing me but its so dang hard to ditch!

    Oh good! I'm not the only betweener. (endo/meso) Thought I was weird or something. I notice it takes me twice as long to lose what others lose and complain about. It's been almost 8 months and I've only lost 13 pounds. Some girl was complaining on another thread that it took her 3 months to lose 15. Really? I wish!
  • alexiaans
    alexiaans Posts: 113 Member

    This is two months of work... I have always been an endomorph. Never seen my abs and have always had the "rolls" of fat, and the spare tire. I am determined to see my abs at some point!

    Some people lose fat just by diet. Some lose it just by exercise. But we as endomorphs have to be strict on both. And really, that's not such a bad thing, because it's healthier for -everyone- and will pay off over the years anyway.

    I exercise with a combination of HIIT, circuit training, plyometrics, cardio (just 2-3 mile runs), weights, aerobics, and a few other things. I do this 4-6 days per week and usually burn around 350-600 calories per session (according to my heart rate monitor). I want to start doing regular lifting a bit more, it's just that I don't have anyone to go to the gym with me, so it makes it kind of intimidating to add more weight if I need help.

    As for food, I eat 130-150g protein per day, 7 small meals per day, 1200-1500 calories per day (depending on workouts). I try to load up on as much veggies as I can. Fruit is once or twice per week, maybe. Stevia has been substituted for sugar, no more pasta... Brown rice here and there (I get most of my carbs through my whole grain oatmeal in the mornings). Lean grilled/baked meats for lunch and dinner. I let myself have a "treat" meal once per week.

    I weigh 134 lbs right now but have more definition on my stomach/back than I did when I weighed 125 and just dieted/ran. I can't wait to see what I look like by July. Anyway, I'm still learning too, and I'm trying to stick with a diet/lifestyle that I can maintain for the rest of my life. I think that's the missing piece in endomorph fitness- going too extreme and knocking ourselves out. Find the middle place and stick with it.

    You look amazing! Excellent work! I see some abs creaping in there!

    I haven't been limiting fruit lately because I am trying out juicing for breakfast for the next 30 days. I will say that I too, lay off the fruit otherwise. Even sugar from those sources can wreck havoc.

    You have a very balanced approach and no wonder you are having great results! Keep it up!
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