Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I made a progress collage! Much love to Jess for her patience in helping me get it posted here.


    I fix! You forgot the code thingies!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I made a progress collage! Much love to Jess for her patience in helping me get it posted here.


    I fix! You forgot the code thingies!

    Wow! Great work!! You are doing sooo great! Look fantastic!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I made a progress collage! Much love to Jess for her patience in helping me get it posted here.


    You look great! You can really see the difference!!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Rotten, rotten, rotten...

    Long story short, we have to give up our gym membership. So now... I have to be even MORE motivated and get out my P90X DVDs and actually do them. I just feel weird working my butt off in my own living room. After a few days, I go all Pavlov and start sweating as soon as I walk into the room. haha.

    I can do it, I can do it.

    I've also been looking into the Couch 2 5K thing... Any likes/dislikes about it?
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Rotten, rotten, rotten...

    Long story short, we have to give up our gym membership. So now... I have to be even MORE motivated and get out my P90X DVDs and actually do them. I just feel weird working my butt off in my own living room. After a few days, I go all Pavlov and start sweating as soon as I walk into the room. haha.

    I can do it, I can do it.

    I've also been looking into the Couch 2 5K thing... Any likes/dislikes about it?

    I love love love it! Once I got to the 25 minute jog and could do it I got bored with it though! I haven't graduated it yet. I'm on w9d1. Have been for a few weeks now. But I enjoyed it tremendously until that 25 minute jog. I just get bored. I plan to re start it outdoors. I'm sorry to hear you have to cancel your gym membership. You will find lots of other ways to workout!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Lauren- YOU LOOK HOT!!! :love: **JEALOUS** cute shirt by the way...I am always scared of stripes because Im convinced it makes me look fatter, but you def pulled it off!

    Jess- you do look waaay skinny in your profile pic, but since you have all those guys hitting on you I didnt want to give you a big head...:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: JK You know I love you!

    tstout- sorry about your gym membership, I am doing c25k and I mostly love it...I have 4 workouts left and my only gripe is that 28mins and 30mins is too long for me, I get bored. I def suggest getting an app to go with it though
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Lauren- YOU LOOK HOT!!! :love: **JEALOUS** cute shirt by the way...I am always scared of stripes because Im convinced it makes me look fatter, but you def pulled it off!

    Jess- you do look waaay skinny in your profile pic, but since you have all those guys hitting on you I didnt want to give you a big head...:laugh: :laugh: :tongue: JK You know I love you!

    I'm nervous about stripes too and she definitely pulls it off well!! She rocks it!

    Cris-awww you actually just made my day! I liked my outfit but I felt all bloated and fat. Everything I was wearing was too big. Don't think you could really tell though. And I got hit on so that made me feel better. But trust me, I don't have a big head, yet! :laugh:
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    BIG KISSES to my girls. It's actually a dress from Old Navy. I love it. :love:

    Thanks for all the support and love. You all are wonderful and I couldn't have done it without you!
  • davis1jk
    davis1jk Posts: 1
    Great advice! Thanks! I needed it!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Teresa - Sorry about you having to give up your gym membership. I have never had one but think about it time and time again but can't afford it just yet. I am lucky enough to have an elliptical at home and I enjoy doing some of the exercises on Exercise TV. Some of them aren't a great workout but they all seem to get you moving and they are FREE! That is my favorite word!!:laugh: :laugh:

    Lauren - I hope that when I get to 180 that I look at good as you do! Your hubby is a very lucky man!!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    elmox: you look great!
    Mrs. spy: Congrats!
    awestfall: I'm with you on needing to 'unfunk' ... I've been in this funk for too long now.

    checking in for the weekend:
    calories: didn't track (once again disappeared on the busy weekend)
    exercise&proud: was proud that I carved out an hour to go to my YMCA grand opening (they have been under construction for a year expanding the pool and a new studio and fitness center) on Saturday and did a 30 minute turbo kick and 30 minute step class in the new studio .... I was smoked. I usually do an hour of cardio, so it surprised me that it was so much harder doing two 30 minute things back to back - but the warm up and cool down were extremely short so it was pretty high intensity for almost the whole hour.

    I can't remember if I told you all that my Lyme's disease test and other blood test results were negative ... so that's good. I have a follow appointment tonight, because the doctor saw some 'sign's of arthritis' in my neck x-ray and that is likely why I'm feeling so achy and may have something to do with my shoulder/arm problems that I'm having too.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I can't remember if I told you all that my Lyme's disease test and other blood test results were negative ... so that's good. I have a follow appointment tonight, because the doctor saw some 'sign's of arthritis' in my neck x-ray and that is likely why I'm feeling so achy and may have something to do with my shoulder/arm problems that I'm having too.

    So glad that your test results came back negative! Hopefully the arthritis isn't too bad in your neck but that would explain your achiness.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    I can't remember if I told you all that my Lyme's disease test and other blood test results were negative ... so that's good. I have a follow appointment tonight, because the doctor saw some 'sign's of arthritis' in my neck x-ray and that is likely why I'm feeling so achy and may have something to do with my shoulder/arm problems that I'm having too.

    That's great news!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Well, went to lunch at Olive Garden and I was NOT good. But I'm proud. I knew I messed up and I came and logged it anyways. And for the first time in weeks I feel guilty. Before I was eating and didn't care didn't log it, nothing. I'm holding myself accountable!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Jess - You acknowledge that you didn't make the right choice and can move on. That just means that you will make better choices through the day. Bumps are bound to happen and we just get over them.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Elmo - YOu look awesome !!!!
    Teresa - Sorry you had to cancel your membership...get out those dvd's youc an do it !!
    Jess - sorry about olive garden, there is no way i can be strong there...but good job recording it. I know what you mean though, i recorded my stuff on saturday all like 3500 calories...looking at that plus the way i felt just made me want to get back on track again.

    lstpaul - YAY on the negative lymne test.

    well i got to the gym..i am still somewhat sore and maybe that is why, but i just coulnd't get moving..i did the arc trainer for like 45 minutes...think i should of burned more :sad: but my heart rate wasn't up till the end so 330 cals i guess is better than nothing.

    Got serena's counseling appt tonight and no time to shower before then ..hope i am not too stinky..oh well..only in there with the lday for like 10 minutes...

    Then off 1/2 day on wednesday , taking serena to the pscy appt, she was asking me today why she has to go there, very hard to answer, i just tell her we are going to see someone else to see if they can help her....they are drawing blood, but i am not telling her that till the last moment...figure we would be done by 2:30 andmaybe i will take her back home and just her and me can go swimming or something, she would like that.

    I am nervous on how this is going to go...i really hope this guy can help her and i can have my sweet little girl more of the time and not so sweet one less of the time.

    Funny thing, is she was telling me her teacher is going to 2nd grade next year, both me and DH are thinking , yeah she is probably like please don't let me get this one again..i doubt they would put her there again..but who knows.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Hope the appt goes well tonight and tomorrow. It must be tough to answer those questions for Serena. I think your idea of going swimming just the two of you sounds like a good idea afterwards. As far as the gym, just think that you got there and still worked out. It might not have been as much calories burned as you would have liked but anything is better than nothing!
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    Good luck with your appointments for Serena lildebbie, I hope all goes well.
  • chronosfire
    Yay yesterday under my calorie goal. It's exam week here, so I have no students. Which means I can be lame and do jumping jacks every once and a while to keep my body moving. Anyone else every done that? Or if anyone has any suggestions for random quick exercises to do during the day while at work..because this week is basically just clean up and nothing else.

    Hope everyone's having an awesome day so far!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Elmo - YOu look awesome !!!!
    Teresa - Sorry you had to cancel your membership...get out those dvd's youc an do it !!
    Jess - sorry about olive garden, there is no way i can be strong there...but good job recording it. I know what you mean though, i recorded my stuff on saturday all like 3500 calories...looking at that plus the way i felt just made me want to get back on track again.

    lstpaul - YAY on the negative lymne test.

    well i got to the gym..i am still somewhat sore and maybe that is why, but i just coulnd't get moving..i did the arc trainer for like 45 minutes...think i should of burned more :sad: but my heart rate wasn't up till the end so 330 cals i guess is better than nothing.

    Got serena's counseling appt tonight and no time to shower before then ..hope i am not too stinky..oh well..only in there with the lday for like 10 minutes...

    Then off 1/2 day on wednesday , taking serena to the pscy appt, she was asking me today why she has to go there, very hard to answer, i just tell her we are going to see someone else to see if they can help her....they are drawing blood, but i am not telling her that till the last moment...figure we would be done by 2:30 andmaybe i will take her back home and just her and me can go swimming or something, she would like that.

    I am nervous on how this is going to go...i really hope this guy can help her and i can have my sweet little girl more of the time and not so sweet one less of the time.

    Funny thing, is she was telling me her teacher is going to 2nd grade next year, both me and DH are thinking , yeah she is probably like please don't let me get this one again..i doubt they would put her there again..but who knows.

    I am so hopeing that this guy is able to help your baby girl! Good luck! Let us know how it goes!