Anybody ELSE *hate* their neighbours?



  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    Our old neighbours were nice and quiet, it was a good neighbourhood, kept to themselves, until one night they had a home invasion because the house was actually a giant grow house! We had a machete left at our front we decided to move! Love our new building, it is pet friendly, everyone here has at least 1 pet and no problems. My only complaint is the guy upstairs gets home from work around 11:30 every night and it sounds like he is going to come through our ceiling, and, he just bought himself new surround sound and an electric guitar. I have been woken up (I sleep with earplugs in and the fan on) at 1:30am, 2:30, 3:30 and 4:00. Awesome when I have to be at work for 7. I started ringing his front entry buzzer in the mornings when I leave, just because who doesn't like being woken up by inconsiderate neighbours? It doesn't stop the noise he makes, but it makes me happy!
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    Currently, all my neighbors are pretty great. We live in a 4 plex, in the ghetto. So it hasn't always been this way...

    We've lived here 2 years, so far the unit beside us has had 4 different tenants in those 2 years.

    Currently, there is a young couple and their toddler next door. They're lovely. I just had the little girl over for the afternoon to play with my kid and my hisband and the man of the house are good friends, he comes over to play video games a couple times a month and we socialize on the balcony.

    The man that lived there before them was an old alcoholic who smoked so much I could smell it in my bathroom and daughters room and a dog that barked all day. This is a non smoking no pets allowed building. On top of that he would watch tv or listen to the radio so loud I could hear it through my walls at like 6am and often had "old people parties" late into the night. Think lots of eagles songs and "whoooo"ing from women who could be your mother. He would also try to talk to me ALL the time and let his dog out on the balcony while my kids were outside. Which just made them upset that they couldn't play with the dog, who also snapped at them more than once. We just stopped seeing him one day and then about 2 weeks later some men from the rental company came and moved all of his stuff out. By throwing it off the balcony, into a pile in the yard. They told me it was so bad in there they had to replace the fridge. Classy. I guess he just stopped paying rent and took off.

    The people that lived there before him were a young couple with twin 2 year old boys. They were really nice people but terrible neighbors. They always had music blaring, witha subwoofer that shook my entire house. Constant fights, always had people over drinking. Had CRAZY loud parties (with the kids home?) and were just generally inconsiderate and freakin dramatic. I still really liked them I just hated living beside them. They also didn't pay rent for about 2 months, or any other bills apparently. Then dramatically moved out, seperately, after he found out she was cheating. They both took their stuff seperately, left behind so many household items as well as a lot of their kids' toys/furniture. Whatever we didn't scavange, was moved out off the balcony, by you guessed it, some men from the rental company.

    The people who lived there when we first moved in were awesome. I miss them. My only complaint about them would be that from time to time my daughter would be outside playing, as would their daughter and I would go to like the bathroom or something, come back and my kid would be over on their side of the balcony (the mom would lift her over) or in their house. The only issue I had with that is that she didn't always ask me or let me know, my husband or I would have to go knock on their door to find our kid playing with like 5 other little kids stuffing her face with naan.
  • olDave
    olDave Posts: 557 Member
    Hey Brian.....

    My sermon was much shorter. LOL.:wink:
  • doc800
    doc800 Posts: 148
    I liked my neighbors but I rescued an 80 pound German Boxer. I have had these dogs before and they can be a handful. So for 2 weeks i had him in the yard early in the morning and late at night because the neighbor had an aggressive yappy chow. I wanted to make sure he felt safe and I also wanted to see how he reacted vs what I was told. Stormy and I came to an agreement that barking was not an option. So, one day I decided to let him encounter the neighbors dog in person (a fence separated the properties). Well the chow went nuts barking and growling, Stormy walked over to the fence and I swear he smiled when he lifted his leg and pissed all over the chow. Try explaining that to your neighbor, it took over a month to get him to stop, lol. They handled it well.
  • ElizIvory
    ElizIvory Posts: 141 Member
    I am in an apartment complex.

    Currently we don't have a lot of neighbors. We have chinese families above and across from us, they actually take up 6 of the 8 apartments in the building across from us. I don't normally have a problem with them except on friday and saturday night. They ALWAYS have crazy loud parties.

    I am young and don't normally mind, I mean heck we have some parites our selves on weekends. What really throws me though is that on sunday morning say 6am. They start to build things and give one another hair cuts.

    They built a table last sunday when we were all hungover. It was unpleasent for us. They try to act nicely though, they offer us food and invite us to their parties, but alas we have a language barrier. Maybe I should learn mandarin.
  • Yes. Our neighbors across the street are so obnoxious. It's a dad, his daughter, his girlfriend, his ex-wife, and her daughter. Yes, weird I know.
    They bought this horrible trashed needs to be ripped down place we thought they would fix up.
    They are like hoarders, and the garage is piled high with boxes of stuff.
    He has come over and asked to borrow our motorcycle, money, sleds, and way more. His daughter and her friends constantly come over uninvited to play with our dogs.
    They then decided to put their garbage And recycling out with ours so they wouldn't have to pay. We had to tell them no more, because we could get in big trouble from the garbage company.
    He also has a jeep with a muffler problem that sounds like the mail truck. Instead of parking it in the driveway with his other 3 cars that are broken down, he pulls it right up to the house, on the grass.
  • Penny427
    Penny427 Posts: 166 Member
    Yes our neighbors have stolen things from us and apparently teaching their children to steal too as Ive seen their kid with my kids toys when he thought no one was looking...and hide it when he realized he'd been caught....:grumble: :noway:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • tegantheaverage
    tegantheaverage Posts: 142 Member
    We used to live on the third floor and on the first floor was a family of 5 adults and a baby living in a one bedroom apartment. I think it's fairly common for one person to clean the stairways and for other tenants to give them a few £ once a month or something but they used to mop the stairs everyday and then ask for money. We would try to sneak up the stairs quietly because they would come out as soon as they heard anyone. They also used the water left over from hand washing clothes with washing powder to mop the stairs so they were always really slippery. One night I couldn't sleep because there was a bunch of noise on the stairs and when I got up to go to work at 6am they had mopped and I ended up falling down the stairs and hurting my tailbone which hurt for 2 months. I realise that they were poor and have no issue with that.. I do have an issue with not being comfortable in my own apartment complex because I get asked for money constantly! I hated them.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    I just bought a house in a wonderful neighborhood with a yard big enough to not ever be bothered by a neighbor. Moving in a few weeks!

    I don't hate my current neighbors, but they can be pretty loud in odd short bursts. When they got their second dog, they weren't cleaning the bombs, and we share a backyard. I was carrying groceries in from he car, slipped in a turd and twisted my ankle - dropped and broke some groceries. That day I was flaming pissed and complained to the landlord when I probably should have told them about it instead.
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    Most of the neighbors I've ever had have been meh. However, I like my neighbors at this house so much that I'm afraid I will annoy them!
  • leafstucker16
    leafstucker16 Posts: 136 Member
    I have awesome neighbors, the one next door even came and plowed my driveway when I was at work during a snow storm. We watched his house while he was in Europe for a month, the neighbors across the street are awesome. Never really had a problem
  • finnvalley
    finnvalley Posts: 32 Member
    Me! I hate my neighbour because I strongly suspect he killed some of my cats. We live out in the country, surrounded by farms and a river, so plenty of mice and rats in the vicinity - where there's rats, there's cats.
    Now, we have a few kitties - 10, currently - and they're all neutered, and totally pampered - most of the time they're in the house. Early one Sunday morning, this asshat of a neighbour comes to the door, complaining that our cats have been peeing in his tractor cab (which he leaves open) and pooping in his kids' sand pit (it's not a sand pit, it's left over builders sand from when he built his house). Ours are not the only cats in the neighbourhood, his parents (who live on the other side of us) have lots of feral cats around their farm, and they're only one small field away, the mammy said so herself.
    Fast forward a month and 4 of my cats, who never strayed far from home, disappear within a week of each other. Then at Christmas time, he sent us a Christmas present...a box of chocolate biscuits, a brand called 'Catago'.

    I feel like he's mocking us :-(
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    Actually, I find my neighbors quite entertaining.

    See, we as a neighborhood have a collective problem of buzzards. They swarm all the trees, crap over EVERYTHING, and over time cause large branches from the trees to fall off due to the sheer weight of all of them.

    So we have this system/game we do every afternoon once everyone gets off work. We take whatever tools we have to drive the buzzards off for the night, because for some reason they don't fly around when the sun goes down (I think someone said they're basically blind at night, but who knows). My father takes the big trash can, grabs two planks of wood, and bashes the hell out of it, and immediately the birds scatter.

    My neighbor on the left has cymbals. She'll go out and bang them together with all her might. My neighbor on the right, well he uses poppers and other loud non-firework fireworks. So its like a symphony of sorts!
  • jayche
    jayche Posts: 1,128 Member
    the neighbors know my name
  • I love my neighbours :) they are all amazing, both sides and they don't have any kids so it's really nice and quiet :) they do bang their door really loud really early in the morning but other than that, never had any problems:D
  • SANDRA_F26
    SANDRA_F26 Posts: 180
    I remember growing up and having these neighbors around the same age as us and they made living where we lived a nightmare. We use to have rocks rotten food random nasty things thrown at us sometimes as we walked home from the school bus stop. They'd scream obsenities at us calling us scumb and trash and all kinds of bad things.Idk I just remember being a little girl, they just scared the P outta me. Ill never forget them:angry: .this thread made me think of them. That was california now we live in montana and thats like 2 decades ago. :smile:
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
  • leejusd
    leejusd Posts: 81
    My neighbours are fat.
    They are lazy, noisy and smelly.
    On a summer day their smell permeates every inch of our house.
    And I swear there must be 50 of them.

    My neighbours are diary cows.
    My nearest human neighbor is a half mile away.
    Nice and quiet. :happy: