Registered Dietitian in TX here to answer questions.



  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    What about drinking alcohol? Does it really slow down fat loss? Is it okay, as long as it fits in your calories? I'm wondering about saving up calories for a good drunk on the weekend? :drinker: Edit to add: Yes I am aware there are other health issues related to binge drinking, I'm just really curious about it's effect on weight loss.

    Besides the downstream effects of binge drinking affecting your ability to exercise and recover, sleep, etc. etc. The immediate effects of alcohol are about the same as any other nutrient. It's all about calorie balance.

    I have a video (my hair was a bit longer, and I was a bit leaner) on alcohol and nutrition if you want more insight
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Oh I've seen your posts on here, but didn't realize you were from my area! DFW high five!

    *in the voice of Borat*

    High five!!!!
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member
    Why do you have such darn good posture?

    Scapular retraction exercises. Gotta do your pulls with your pushes.
  • FoodandFitness
    FoodandFitness Posts: 502 Member

    I'm 6'1, 162 pounds.
    I box once a week, posting about a 1400 cal burn from exercises on those days.
    Throughout the week, I may burn anywhere from 300 - 500 cals doing zumba, walking, etc (per day)

    While I am happy with my core muscle definition, I am disappointed in my leg muscles. I don't see enough "cut" there.

    What exercises do you recommend for me to get the muscles in my legs to show even more.
    Do I need to spot reduce? Lose more weight? Train harder?

    Or is it purely a dietary thing? Do I need to adjust my calories so that I am at more of a deficit to lose the fat in my legs.

    I am currently set to maintain at 1900 cals and usually eat back my exercise calories because I feel hungry all the time.


    You look very lean, so I think it's just an issue of building up more muscle in your legs.

    I would recommend weight lifting and training your entire body, but if you want to focus on legs- squats! Squats and deadlifts have made my legs and glutes very well developed. There are many other leg exercises, but those are the big basics.
  • babyblooz
    babyblooz Posts: 220 Member
    Oh god not this guy again.. *smh*

    Why? I imagine a lot of people here can't afford the services of a dietitian. I've found mine to be invaluable, so I'm glad to know that others are being given the opportunity to ask questions of someone with qualifications and experience in the field.

    Great thread, OP. I know your reason for engaging with users here is not entirely altruistic, but that doesn't make the advice you give any less helpful.

    Oh it would be great advise if half of it wasn't dangerous. Telling people to deliberately under eat without knowing anything about them. Telling breastfeeding moms its OK if you don't eat?? He's just here to try and pick up more people to pay him for his 'insights'.

    There are a million resources here who have proven how to safely lose weight - people who have lost hundreds of pounds and written amazing articles that explain everything and yet for some reason people just keep going for the 'easy' answers and people like this guy are always willing to make a buck off of it. You want advice that works? look here
    its free. Ask people like helloitsdan, heybales, sidesteel, Sarauk2sf - join groups, educate yourself.

    *standing ovation* :flowerforyou:
  • April_Christine
    April_Christine Posts: 66 Member
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
  • Bump
  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
  • Since you're also a PT I have a question in the area of working out. Is walking beneficial. As in long slow cardio walking? I am in my 40s, I want to lose fat and weight. I am also doing circuits for 20 min with small weights, high reps mixed with cardio. I am about to start weight training April 1st, but I love walking. Am I wasting my time on it? Enjoying it is beside the point, I have very little free time so I don't want to spend it doing something which won't benefit me. I suppose the circuits for 20 are enough to work my heart? Or no?

    Again, at this time, my main focus is weight and fat loss.

    Would you recommend losing fat before lifting to build muscle? I need to do both, but I heard I can't be in a deficit and build muscle at the same time. That said, should I knock out the weight loss by going in a focused deficit and THEN build muscle in a few months?

    Here's my recommendation for optimal fat loss and change in body composition.

    1. Lifting weights, heavy, with the goal to progress 2-5 times per week. Beginners can go less, advanced will need to train more.

    2. Aerobics in the form of interval training. Intervals are more effective at fat loss than steady state cardio.

    3. Active lifestyle such as walking, playing sports, etc.

    I've listed the importance in that order.

    Here's the thing: do what you ENJOY and what works for you. All forms of movement and exercise are steps in the right direction and will help increase your calorie deficit. Try to adopt things that you will keep up with for the rest of your life. That's really the bottom line.

    This helped me so much. This is my new POW. Thank you for caring enough to help us out here and for giving unselfishly of your time to answer our questions. :flowerforyou:
  • blytheandbonnie
    blytheandbonnie Posts: 3,275 Member
    What about drinking alcohol? Does it really slow down fat loss? Is it okay, as long as it fits in your calories? I'm wondering about saving up calories for a good drunk on the weekend? :drinker: Edit to add: Yes I am aware there are other health issues related to binge drinking, I'm just really curious about it's effect on weight loss.

    Besides the downstream effects of binge drinking affecting your ability to exercise and recover, sleep, etc. etc. The immediate effects of alcohol are about the same as any other nutrient. It's all about calorie balance.

    I have a video (my hair was a bit longer, and I was a bit leaner) on alcohol and nutrition if you want more insight
    Thanks. You're adorable. I'd totally buy you a drink. :wink:
  • LinDiSm26262
    LinDiSm26262 Posts: 234 Member

    I have a hypo thryroid problem and take 200 mcg a day. I have struggled with my weight after being sick with Hashimoto's disease about 15 years ago. I work in a stressful job situation and have had trouble losing weight and thought it may be from the situation I'm in.
    I lost 20 pounds on a low carb, low sugar diet and then went off the program and gained the weight back very quickly. Not overeating, just eating more carbs and a little more sugar. When I joined MFP. I was eating 1200 calories and then someone suggested I should recalculate on calories by saying I only want to lose 1 pound a week. MFP recalculated the calories to 1450. I began eating 1450 for four weeks and gained 7 pounds. Then I decided to go back to eating 1200 calories to try to lose the 7 pounds and I have bounced between 223 and 225 for going on two weeks now without losing anything.

    What do you suggest I try? Eat lower than 1200? I can't exercise much because of planter's and a bad knee.

    Thank you for answering questions. It's very kind of you and informative.
  • naticksdonna
    naticksdonna Posts: 192 Member
  • wllwsmmr
    wllwsmmr Posts: 391 Member
    Do macros matter? Does too much carbs really hinder weight and/or fat loss, or is total calories all that matters? I read somewhere that carbs cause water retention and hence mask weight loss, but in the long run if I keep up with my calorie deficit will I still be a few lbs heavier just because I'm always in a high carb diet?

    Also, does eating before sleeping cause bloating especially in the face, even if you're within your caloric goal?
  • pattycake44
    pattycake44 Posts: 24 Member
    Oh god not this guy again.. *smh*

    Why? I imagine a lot of people here can't afford the services of a dietitian. I've found mine to be invaluable, so I'm glad to know that others are being given the opportunity to ask questions of someone with qualifications and experience in the field.

    Great thread, OP. I know your reason for engaging with users here is not entirely altruistic, but that doesn't make the advice you give any less helpful.

    Oh it would be great advise if half of it wasn't dangerous. Telling people to deliberately under eat without knowing anything about them. Telling breastfeeding moms its OK if you don't eat?? He's just here to try and pick up more people to pay him for his 'insights'.

    There are a million resources here who have proven how to safely lose weight - people who have lost hundreds of pounds and written amazing articles that explain everything and yet for some reason people just keep going for the 'easy' answers and people like this guy are always willing to make a buck off of it. You want advice that works? look here
    its free. Ask people like helloitsdan, heybales, sidesteel, Sarauk2sf - join groups, educate yourself.

    You must be a registered dietician too if you know so much on the topic?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I have a question I would love your thoughts on. I've been at maintenance for 9 months now. I allow myself a 2 pound fluctuation in scale weight. I weigh myself daily and my weight changes but it's almost always within the 2 pounds. It's only exceeded that threshold maybe 2 or 3 times since last July. One of the reasons I keep a tight lid on it is because I learned through my year long MFP journey that I'm very sensitive to sodium. By keeping my sodium intake to around 1500 mg/day, I don't retain extra water and my blood pressure remains in normal limits. Win Win!

    Here's what I'm perplexed about. About a month ago, my weight went up about a pound and has stayed there. Normally, when it goes up it goes down in a day or two but now it's staying up at the high end of my 2 pound fluctuation limit. That's completely different from how it's been in the body seems to have found a new "normal".

    So, naturally I've been looking for what's changed. Diet and exercise are basically as they've been the last 9 months. (I think I've figured out maintenance). The one striking difference is my water intake. I'm drinking a lot more water the last month than I had before... maybe twice as much? Now 10 to 12 cups a day. I'm wondering if the extra pound might just be water. If I had been slightly dehydrated before, my body might prefer a little extra water. Is that a reasonable theory or am I grasping? I also realize an extra pound a month could also be 50 calories more in food and 50 calories less in exercise a day. Pretty easy to do in wintertime.

    I do realize a pound gained isn't a huge deal but it's the change that concerns me.

  • sweetpea101077
    sweetpea101077 Posts: 58 Member
  • Colorfan
    Colorfan Posts: 230 Member
    Opinions on low carb, high protein/fat diets?

    Like 100g of carbs, lean body weight in protein, and the rest of your calorie needs taken care of by fat?

    I just started on this, but Im pretty nervous about it. Just so much fat sounds backwards.

    Im 5'11", 218 lbs, about 22% body fat. Been doing Starting Strength as well.

    So what Ive been eating is about 100g of carbs, 125g of fat, 210g of protein. About 2500 calories.
  • holly273
    holly273 Posts: 84 Member
    I need nutrition advice in general. I have been told so many different things about if I should now eat on a deficit, maintenance or surplus level. I'm pretty sure I don't want to be eating a surplus, though, so I basically want to know if I should stay on a deficit (if so, how much before it'll impede muscle growth) or maintenance.

    I'm 5'7 and about 135lbs - healthy BMI, and now, as vain as it sounds, I'm just working on looking better - I guess lowering bf% (though I don't know what mine currently is). I've started lifting heavy so as to build muscle, but so many people are telling me that lifting will be pointless if I'm eating at a deficit. I think I'd like to be about 125-130 lbs if possible though, so a deficit is necessary - but that being said, I don't know what I'd look like at 135lbs, just with a lower bf%, so maybe I don't need to lose those vanity pounds?

    I basically just want some sort of advice on if eating at a deficit will slow the rate of change of body composition - or speed it up? Also, I'm not sure what my macros should be set at - I guess I need to increase my protein intake but I'm such a fruit addict that I generally have quite a large carbohydrate intake just from that, so will I need to cut down on fruit?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Oh god not this guy again.. *smh*

    Why? I imagine a lot of people here can't afford the services of a dietitian. I've found mine to be invaluable, so I'm glad to know that others are being given the opportunity to ask questions of someone with qualifications and experience in the field.

    Great thread, OP. I know your reason for engaging with users here is not entirely altruistic, but that doesn't make the advice you give any less helpful.

    Oh it would be great advise if half of it wasn't dangerous. Telling people to deliberately under eat without knowing anything about them. Telling breastfeeding moms its OK if you don't eat?? He's just here to try and pick up more people to pay him for his 'insights'.

    There are a million resources here who have proven how to safely lose weight - people who have lost hundreds of pounds and written amazing articles that explain everything and yet for some reason people just keep going for the 'easy' answers and people like this guy are always willing to make a buck off of it. You want advice that works? look here
    its free. Ask people like helloitsdan, heybales, sidesteel, Sarauk2sf - join groups, educate yourself.

    You must be a registered dietician too if you know so much on the topic?
    Exactly! If this basher of Tony is NOT an expert how can they come to the conclusion that Tony is incorrect and the few named above are correct?

    Always listen to someone with a formal education above all others.
    If someone was once overweight and it hasn't been two years since they lost their weight, give them two years and THEN take what they say with a grain of salt.

    Remember just because someone is lean and/or has muscles popping out doesn't mean they know what they are doing. What's on the inside is not always a refection of what is on the outside. There are too many surgeries, drugs, pills, potions, etc which can make you look thin, lean and muscular. But it may kill you on the inside or your results temporary. Focus on what true professionals have to say, (ie: Tony). His education is not easy to come by and they wouldn't let him graduate without knowing his stuff. He's not a "fat to thin" success story, he's the real deal. The proof is in the pudding.

    I would just like to make it clear here that none of the people mentioned have actually made any comments on this thread that have contradicted Tony and I would rather not have you insinuate that any of us have had surgery, taken drugs pills or potions to look thin, lean and muscular. To my knowledge, none of us have. Please keep your insinuations to those that you have a disagreement with.