A Calorie is a Caloire is a...... let's compare...



  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    and as previously said, nobody said he eats like this every meal everyday!

    I believe in MODERATION!

    If you need your fix, get it.
  • ParisKennedy
    ParisKennedy Posts: 38 Member
    A calorie is not a calorie. Certain foods will help burn fat and speed metabolism while others will make blood sugars rise, etc
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I'm a total heath nut BUT, in my younger years ....
    I've lost weight on junk and I've gained weight eating clean AND vice versa so I'm just going to say it depends on how much you want to eat.

    Eat junk = tiny bits of food; heart clogging saturated fats & chemically processed food for the whole day that may potentially lead to unnecessary surgeries later in life. OR ...
    Eat healthy = eat more food & more often and stay fall longer while fueling your body with nutrient rich options for your skin, eyes, brain, heart, liver, kidneys, stomach and cholesterol.

    Option 1) you're wasting your time losing it in the first place because you WILL gain it back. You haven't changed your habits!
    Option 2) you're developing healthier eating habits, demolishing cravings for better mind, body & energy. (Bonus: glowing skin, less cellulite, more energy, less fat, more muscle.)

    I'd go with option 2 any day over option 1. I'm terrified to drink tap water, eat processed food or non organic veggies & meat. I eat for longevity. I'm not 20 anymore.
    But yes you can lose weight either way.
    I chose to live long & look 20 at 40.

    As for this "FRIEND" he's an ex body builder, do NOT compare yourself to him. He's done the work to get there and due to his high volume of muscle, his metabolism can handle those type of meals. But he too will eventual pay the price we're all going to pay for abusing our bodies.
    Mark my words ... ONE DAY!

    There wouldn't happen to exist a middle ground between the two endpoints you've listed?

    absolutely, but that's the grey area. how much "moderation" is too much? I subscribe to the 90/10 rule, for others it's a 75/25 rule, for others it's 50/50

    there has to be a threshold - just no one knows where that is because nutrition is far from an exact science.
  • jjrichard83
    jjrichard83 Posts: 483 Member
    first one, healthy fats, much better food. it is a calorie, but it matters what type of nutritious foods you are consuming. sure you can live off junk food and still loose weight but then think about the malnutrition your body would have..even if you ate the exact calories you needed for the day.

    its about the nutrition and what is in the meal you are eating that will benefit your body.
    So steak, eggs, and cheese, not to forget a tortilla, are unhealthful foods? Srsly?

    Umm.... Yes. They are not very healthy according to even the world health organization. Except eggs. They are healthy. Srsly.
  • yourenotmine
    yourenotmine Posts: 645 Member
    Meh, neither, because I don't eat meat. However, when I did eat meat, I really liked fish, so I probably would go with the salmon option. Unless I had to cook it myself, then I'd go for the burrito, cause I really hate cooking.
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    Hate to sound like one of those "TV Dr's" .... BUT Dr. Oz says 80/20 is ideal.

    I read a lot on nutrition because it is forever changing and I think 80/20 is about right.
    ... 90/10 EVEN better!!!
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    There are people that have smoked cigarettes their whole life and are 90+ years old.. Would you recommend smoking to people?

    There are different kinds of fats, carbs, and proteins. Looking at just the macro nutrient as a whole, they look equal but they are not.

    He's also missing out on a lot of micronutrients, antioxidants, phytochemical, and zoochemicals as well...
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    Also, a burrito can be healthy, but it depends on the types of ingredients and how it's cooked.. (a Mcdonalds breakfast burrito is not very healthy, but I bet I can make one at home that is! :) )
  • LunaStar2008
    LunaStar2008 Posts: 155 Member
    After reading some of the posts I agree with, that calorie is just a measuring tool for energy and heat (joule).

    I guess it is the same question as; "What is heavier, a pound of feathers or a pound of lead?"

    Numeric they are the same, but by volume they are different. I think this is the same with calories in different foods. How they are composed and how the body can use/break it down most efficient.

    So, from the numeric standpoint, both meals are alomst the same, but in "volume" they are different. I think both arguments are correct here, or you could say no one is wrong.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would go for the salmon, just have no interest in things like Burritos, and I love quinoa, salmon and almonds anyway, but I would have to add some veggies to the meal. In fact, baked salmon, sweet potato and veggies is often a dinner for me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    Not just because I'm a Beachbody fanboy, but explain Tony Horton to me then, who kicks the pants off the 26 year olds he competes against. He's able to outperform the "kids" who work for Beachbody in just about every area of fitness. They do live chats and such, and in one of them he had some of the younger employees come up with challenges for him to do like pullups with an 80lb dumbbell between his feet. etc - he beat every one of the guys. he lost to a girl who could do more pistol squats. he's 54 years old
    Genetics? It's anecdotal. I kick the **** out of people half my age too. Just the other day I did a 40" standing box jump. How many 49 year old 5' 7" dudes do you now can do that? And eat some "processed" foods to boot?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    absolutely. **** i had another pop tart this morning! (i mean i bought the box, i'm not gonna let them go to waste) but is your diet *primarily* processed? do you eat more processed foods than unprocessed?
    80/20 eater. I have acquaintances at the gym that eat WAY cleaner than I do and can't achieve a pullup even though they strength wise should be able to (they can pull their weight and even a little more on a lat pull down, but not on a pullup).
    But it can go the other way if someone has need of higher calories than "clean" food can provide. For instance, I would bet on a % basis Michael Phelps has to eat more processed than clean foods to reach a calorie count of 10,000 and not feel full while he has to train. Unless there's some magical high calorie clean food that won't give you the runs from eating too much of it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Not just because I'm a Beachbody fanboy, but explain Tony Horton to me then, who kicks the pants off the 26 year olds he competes against. He's able to outperform the "kids" who work for Beachbody in just about every area of fitness. They do live chats and such, and in one of them he had some of the younger employees come up with challenges for him to do like pullups with an 80lb dumbbell between his feet. etc - he beat every one of the guys. he lost to a girl who could do more pistol squats. he's 54 years old
    Genetics? It's anecdotal. I kick the **** out of people half my age too. Just the other day I did a 40" standing box jump. How many 49 year old 5' 7" dudes do you now can do that? And eat some "processed" foods to boot?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    absolutely. **** i had another pop tart this morning! (i mean i bought the box, i'm not gonna let them go to waste) but is your diet *primarily* processed? do you eat more processed foods than unprocessed?
    80/20 eater. I have acquaintances at the gym that eat WAY cleaner than I do and can't achieve a pullup even though they strength wise should be able to (they can pull their weight and even a little more on a lat pull down, but not on a pullup).
    But it can go the other way if someone has need of higher calories than "clean" food can provide. For instance, I would bet on a % basis Michael Phelps has to eat more processed than clean foods to reach a calorie count of 10,000 and not feel full while he has to train. Unless there's some magical high calorie clean food that won't give you the runs from eating too much of it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Pasta, fried eggs, sandwiches loaded with mayo and white bread, energy drinks, and lots and lots of pizza.
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    You can rack up alot of calories fast eating clean with nuts, seeds, flax seed, coconut & olive oil.
    Does "clean" mean no meat or just organics?
    Because then you can add steak, beef, pork, chicken and even fish.
    I'm not sure exactly how to get to 10,000 but I can easily get to 2,500 and still have room for lots more.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    A calorie is a calorie is not my idea of health. The more raw the better. Gods food is perfect in everyway. The mentality that a calorie is a calorie is why we have so many obese people in the world.

    lol no.
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    I read your link and more power to him. Just imagine how hard he must train to keep that slim/ripped physique.

    Ladies and anyone over 40 eating for "health", as I do, could not do that.

    I guess it all depends on what you're here for.
  • Mock_Turtle
    Mock_Turtle Posts: 354 Member
    love salmon, hate quinoa.

    sub some potatoes for the quinoa + brown rice monstrosity and then count me in for #1
  • WeatherGirl8
    WeatherGirl8 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm all for burritos, but I know that if I ate the first meal I would be more satisfied and more full. Sodium... oh how I love it... but once you start you can't stop eating!
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    I read your link and more power to him. Just imagine how hard he must train to keep that slim/ripped physique.

    Ladies and anyone over 40 eating for "health", as I do, could not do that.

    I guess it all depends on what you're here for.

    Correction, It depends on how hard you train. But I eat & train to live, not live to eat & train
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,901 Member
    You can rack up alot of calories fast eating clean with nuts, seeds, flax seed, coconut & olive oil.
    Does "clean" mean no meat or just organics?
    Because then you can add steak, beef, pork, chicken and even fish.
    I'm not sure exactly how to get to 10,000 but I can easily get to 2,500 and still have room for lots more.
    That's 3 times more than you're eating now.........................and then have to train for 4-6 hours a day. Tell me you wouldn't throw up if you had to eat 3 more times than you're doing now and train your own training session for just 2 hours?
    Don't you think that an Olympic athlete who needs that much would rather get it from clean foods if they actually could without it interrupting their training?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • jodigirl03
    jodigirl03 Posts: 111
    You can rack up alot of calories fast eating clean with nuts, seeds, flax seed, coconut & olive oil.
    Does "clean" mean no meat or just organics?
    Because then you can add steak, beef, pork, chicken and even fish.
    I'm not sure exactly how to get to 10,000 but I can easily get to 2,500 and still have room for lots more.
    That's 3 times more than you're eating now.........................and then have to train for 4-6 hours a day. Tell me you wouldn't throw up if you had to eat 3 more times than you're doing now and train your own training session for just 2 hours?
    Don't you think that an Olympic athlete who needs that much would rather get it from clean foods if they actually could without it interrupting their training?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    I'm not sure what we're debating here. I agree 100%.
    Btw, I don't eat 2500 calls. I'm small. But I DO understand his need for that.