Things that annoy...



  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    OMG! How hard is it really to put the new bag in... I've even given classes in my house called "where to find the garbage bags when the old bag was just taken outside"

    the worst for me is when I go to find laundry to wash that my children have not worn in months yet somehow it ends up in my laundry everytime I turn around. This usually follows after a spell of cleaning their bedroom floors!
  • SunnyInBuffalo
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    the kids home in the summer: the door opening and slamming all day and me pleading for them to shut it quietly because the baby is sleeping.

    The baby waking up screaming because the door under their bedroom just slammed for the guzillionth time and never falling back to sleep and whining the rest of the day.

    40 cups on my counter by lunchtime... popsicle sticks all over the lawn and so many toys in the yard that were brought outside that still after pleading haven't managed to make it back inside before bedtime.

    My husband trying to rationalize with me about this!

    Ahhhh....glorious summer!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    5 PAGES OF REPLIES TO A POST, SUCH AS THIS ONE, AND NO TIME TO READ THEM ALL!!!:grumble: DON'T YOU PEOPLE WORK???? :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • mypal1
    mypal1 Posts: 21
    cutting your leg in the same exact place every single time you shave.

    finding 8 cups in your kids room every day, I didn't know they drank that much.
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    flies in my house because we still haven't put in a screen door after 10 years!

    finding the cat/dog threw up in the middle of the night and no one bothered to clean it up yet everybody admitting to knowing about it!

    rain for 5 days straight

    losing all the portable phones somewhere in the house and not being able to answer the phone when it rings because you can't get to it in time or answering the wall phone and because it was the only phone you could find and not being able to reach the child that is dumping out the 3lb bag of dogfood all over the floor and not able to get off the phone with the person who called ( just to say hi but really had a whole lot of nothing to say while the child is dumping the dog food)

    People who call and leave a message on the phone going "hello, hellooo, hellooooooo... anyone home, because they know you are!

    losing the remote to the tv in the bedroom and realizing after you just got all snuggled into bed!

    ok, think I am done... got myself worked up.:tongue: :
  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    flies in my house because we still haven't put in a screen door after 10 years!

    finding the cat/dog threw up in the middle of the night and no one bothered to clean it up yet everybody admitting to knowing about it!

    rain for 5 days straight

    losing all the portable phones somewhere in the house and not being able to answer the phone when it rings because you can't get to it in time or answering the wall phone and because it was the only phone you could find and not being able to reach the child that is dumping out the 3lb bag of dogfood all over the floor and not able to get off the phone with the person who called ( just to say hi but really had a whole lot of nothing to say while the child is dumping the dog food)

    People who call and leave a message on the phone going "hello, hellooo, hellooooooo... anyone home, because they know you are!

    losing the remote to the tv in the bedroom and realizing after you just got all snuggled into bed!

    ok, think I am done... got myself worked up.:tongue: :

    Those are GREAT! I relate to all of the above especially the phone one!!:laugh:
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    finding those cups in the child's bedroom and a huge stain on the carpet because one got knocked over and no one cleaned it up.
    I think my next class for the children will be called "how much does it cost to replace carpet and your mother's sanity"
  • watch48win
    watch48win Posts: 1,668 Member
    are we sure we don't live in the same house.....*****looking around for Jilldan55****nope don't see her anywhere, so there must be a spy camera in here some where! :laugh:
  • paul82682
    paul82682 Posts: 48
    ok i thought of another one today- laziness. just flat out laziness. for instance(i know probably most of these have been mentioned but i feel like re-capping.):

    can't refill the trash bag/ TP/ paper towels/ etc. even if the refills are freaking right in front of your face! it seriously requires an extra 2-10 seconds of your time. really, i timed it.

    people that circle the parking lot for 20 minutes looking for the right spot/ people that pull up right behind you as your walking to your car and sit and wait for you to leave b/c they're too da'gum lazy to walk- honestly, the amount of time spend waiting/driving around in circles is more than the amount of time it would've taken to park and walk across the parking lot.

    people that can't put items in their rightful place/back where they got it from. i.e. a toolroom is organized for a reason. that reason being that when you need something, you know exactly where to go to get it. to just throw tools on the nearest shelf within reach creates an unorganized charlie foxtrot and becomes counter productive when you have to waste a whole day's work b/c you all have to clean and RE-organize the toolroom.

    and i have a lot more but that's enough for now. i hate laziness.
  • sgtinvincible
    sgtinvincible Posts: 2,559
    another one--

    people that cross the line from harmless flirting to "keep your mitts off"...


    *looks at Fatsis!!!!*
  • huskergal15
    huskergal15 Posts: 102
    People who say "irregardless"... People who swear Barack Obama is a muslim trying to ruin our country and MUST TELL ME ABOUT IT! People who laugh at their own jokes. People who just can't take a hint. And crappy drivers. All encompassing. If you can't drive, get a bus pass!!!!! :grumble:
    Oh, and people who list "Britney Spears" as their favorite all time musician. REALLY???
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    5 PAGES OF REPLIES TO A POST, SUCH AS THIS ONE, AND NO TIME TO READ THEM ALL!!!:grumble: DON'T YOU PEOPLE WORK???? :laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    My work has become MFP :tongue: It's better than the gossip rags!! For the first time in over a month, I have no idea how many celebs are pregnant/divorced/showing their naughty bits!

    Good Lord, please deliver me from this horrible job!!!
  • Fab140
    Fab140 Posts: 1,976 Member
    I always get the cell phone talkers at the movies.

    Of course they whisper 'I'm in a movie', but continue to give them the whole plot.

    Hang up the phone!

    That's why I never go to movies.

    THAT and because they don't serve alcohol. :laugh:

    Me and hubby have a Red Robin across from our fav movie theater.....we park in between, hit the bar for a few and then mosey across the parking lot to watch the movie!! Good times.....
  • TK421NotAtPost
    TK421NotAtPost Posts: 512 Member
    I don't mind slow drivers but I can't stand it when people are driving excessively slow because they are on their cell phones.
  • jilldan55
    jilldan55 Posts: 61 Member
    being addicted to Chapstick!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Having to pick up the bat mat after my husband showers, and also mop up all the water he left on the floor and close the shower

    JUUUUUST getting to sleep and then baby cries

    Diet pill comercials

    Real skinny girls who say "I'm sooo fat!"

    The fact that cheese is so fattening and I can't eat it constantly like I used to

    Mopping up the water on the floor after hubby drops ice cubes and leaves them there! :drinker: :smokin: :drinker:
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    another one--

    people that cross the line from harmless flirting to "keep your mitts off"...


    This waitress practically threw herself at my dad one day, in front of his wife!!

    Yuck, yuck, yuck... show some class..

    Whew got nervous for a minute.
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    another one--

    people that cross the line from harmless flirting to "keep your mitts off"...


    *looks at Fatsis!!!!*

    I thought U liked the way I flirt w/U:ohwell: :brokenheart:
  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member