Over 200 New Year New Me Part 24



  • Man, today is not a good day. I got into a fight with the FH about wedding stuff (getting married in under a month) and of course what do I do to cope with that..binge on terrible cafeteria food. They had Denver sandwiches and fries. Not good. And a co-worker bought me an Ice-Cap this morning..also not good.

    What do you guys do when you have a bad day? Just go exercise most of it off?

    In a good turn of events, I may have scored a free folding elliptical/stepper thing. Here's hoping.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    slow day at work here too....kinda makes you wonder if ANYONE is working right? :laugh: :laugh:

    Have been online trying to plan our family trip to Busch Gardens....Hotel prices have gone up so much! Its no wonder people dont travel more, sheesh! For a weekend stay we are looking at $400+ ...thats awful!! Trust me Ive been on every possible bargain website possible :explode: :grumble:

    In addition to the hotel, there is gas, food (lunch + dinner+ snack) and Im sure the boys...well DS will want a bunch of crap toys...***sigh**anything Im missing and should account for?? oh right the tickets to the park..

    ok this day is just dragging...now i dont want to do w8 anymore, feeling lazy
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Man, today is not a good day. I got into a fight with the FH about wedding stuff (getting married in under a month) and of course what do I do to cope with that..binge on terrible cafeteria food. They had Denver sandwiches and fries. Not good. And a co-worker bought me an Ice-Cap this morning..also not good.

    What do you guys do when you have a bad day? Just go exercise most of it off?

    In a good turn of events, I may have scored a free folding elliptical/stepper thing. Here's hoping.

    Sorry you are having a bad day! But congrats on your wedding :happy:

    I just went through some of that myself, it wasnt with my fiance but I know what you mean. The important thing is to not let today derail you or get you down. You already made the mistake just move on. Make better choices for the rest of the day, excercise to burn enough calories to eat a decent dinner if you can if not, just start fresh again tomorrow. One day wont ruin your progress, remember this is a lifestyle change LIFE happens

    good luck!!!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Shoot I know I'm sitting on this conference call and it's BORING!!

    As far as bad days go I try and go to the gym and let out my frustration. It's hard not to go back into old habits though.

    Cris a lot of times for admission into parks you can google for coupons to get buy 1 get 1 free. Also do you think they would want to pack a cooler for food at all? Try and make stuff in the hotel instead of going out to eat all the time. My roommate tried the priceline I think it is where you name your price. She said she got a 5 star hotel for like 70 bucks a night in San Antonio onthe Riverwalk, if you haven't tried taht one.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Chronos - I totally echo Cris and Jess. Don't dwell on it. It happened - move on. No point in getting in a shame spiral (love you Clueless) and letting that control the day. If it makes you feel good to "gain back" those calories at the gym, go for it with a hard workout. You'll definitely be able to focus on the feeling of accomplishment instead of the bump earlier.

    Jess - I'm on a conference call too! All about work-life balance. Good times...eh.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess - I'm on a conference call too! All about work-life balance. Good times...eh.
    Sounds more exciting then mine! We have a "wellness" department, if you wanna call it that. We have too many overweight people at my bank and so they do all this stuff to encourage us to lose weight. It's really poorly put together. They pay us so much money to lose weight so it's an added bonus for me losing weight. But for some reason this call is putting me in a really foul mood. I hate when it's unorganized.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    chronos - I agree with Cris, Jess and Lauren. Don't dwell on it, just move on to the next part of the day. If you can exercise that usually helps me let angry out while being productive.

    Cris - Good luck on planning everything for your vacation. I have to plan ours for next November for my dh's birthday (11-11-11) to Vegas. I am trying to see when I can start schedule all this stuff before it gets too expensive. I need to start saving more money but would like to know exactly how much I need and be able to get things when I do have money. I guess that is what we get for trying to plan so far in advance. Plus I am suppose to be planning our trip to Houston in September for the Texans v Colts game and I haven't had any luck yet.

    Jess and Lauren - Hope your conference calls don't bore you out of your minds too much!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    chronos - I agree with Cris, Jess and Lauren. Don't dwell on it, just move on to the next part of the day. If you can exercise that usually helps me let angry out while being productive.

    Cris - Good luck on planning everything for your vacation. I have to plan ours for next November for my dh's birthday (11-11-11) to Vegas. I am trying to see when I can start schedule all this stuff before it gets too expensive. I need to start saving more money but would like to know exactly how much I need and be able to get things when I do have money. I guess that is what we get for trying to plan so far in advance. Plus I am suppose to be planning our trip to Houston in September for the Texans v Colts game and I haven't had any luck yet.

    Jess and Lauren - Hope your conference calls don't bore you out of your minds too much!

    Oh Vegas is so fun! EXPENSIVE THOUGH! They have coupon books you can get for buy 1 get 1 free that we used the crap out of! Espeically for food.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Now I want to go on vacation with all of this travel talk. Originally, the boyfriend and I were going to go to Montana this summer, but we won't have the funds to go this year. We still may do Rapid City, SD later this summer/early fall. We'll see.

    I've been naughty, looking at different workout videos (P90X, ChaLean Extreme, Kettleworx). I really, really want ChaLean and have for a long time but I can't justify spending $60+ on a workout system that I don't know if I'll be able to stick to. I bough Slim in 6 years ago and HATE it. I've never even stuck with it for a full 6 weeks yet. I've made it up to four weeks and got so bored of the same LONG routine everyday that I quit. At least the other systems have like 15 workouts instead of three.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Now I want to go on vacation with all of this travel talk. Originally, the boyfriend and I were going to go to Montana this summer, but we won't have the funds to go this year. We still may do Rapid City, SD later this summer/early fall. We'll see.

    I've been naughty, looking at different workout videos (P90X, ChaLean Extreme, Kettleworx). I really, really want ChaLean and have for a long time but I can't justify spending $60+ on a workout system that I don't know if I'll be able to stick to. I bough Slim in 6 years ago and HATE it. I've never even stuck with it for a full 6 weeks yet. I've made it up to four weeks and got so bored of the same LONG routine everyday that I quit. At least the other systems have like 15 workouts instead of three.

    I have never heard of ChaLean. What is it? I have bought the Pilates DVDs and used them and I lost weight but I don't have a clue of where they are now.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    hey girls,

    I have been soooo busy with kids and home things...
    I read all the post...it took me a while because I miss so many day...so lots of catchning up.I miss all of you so much. :cry:

    hubby told me yesterday that he has a business trip to Baltimore Maryland ( 2 week trip) and he wants the whole family (kids and me) to come...the trip is in the begining of August 2 - 13..
    We tried looking for a hotel, Villa, or vacation home..but no luck. I have been searching all morning and my youngest son makes everything difficult to do especially on the computer...he tries to do anything possible to distract me from the computer..he want's mommy time. Plus, I am studying for my Parxis II test(s)...so I am overwhelmed with too much to do.

    We (kids and I) went to see Toy story 3..it was really nice. we went to see the 3D version...I didn't know that you had to pay an extra 4 dollars for 3d glass. so 11 dollars + 4 ( for each pair of glasses) + taxes...I made the kids save the glasses if they want to see another 3d film..yea, I'm cheap:laugh:

    I have a question..and that will be the last of this post..I know I am just rambling but I miss you guys so much:bigsmile:

    Does anyone have the new "just Dance" for the Wii system? Is it a lot of fun?

    have a great day girls!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Raider: ChaLean Extreme is a workout system by Beachbody (makers of P90X, Slim in 6, Insanity...the ones you always see on infomercials). It combines cardio with sculpting. I've wanted it forever, but it's $120! Yikes!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well you guys may not be busy at work but I am.

    This new software is dumb and my employees are dumber. :ohwell:
    And apparently my supervisor thinks I'm WAY smarter than I am because I'll be damned if I can train people how to do things I haven't even been trained to do. :laugh: Yet, that's what I'm doing.
    Someone asks me "How do I do this?" My gut reaction is to tell them "Your guess is just as good as mine" but instead I quickly try to figure it out before they catch on that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. :laugh: So far, it seems to be working. Fake it until you make it, right?
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Well you guys may not be busy at work but I am.

    This new software is dumb and my employees are dumber. :ohwell:
    And apparently my supervisor thinks I'm WAY smarter than I am because I'll be damned if I can train people how to do things I haven't even been trained to do. :laugh: Yet, that's what I'm doing.
    Someone asks me "How do I do this?" My gut reaction is to tell them "Your guess is just as good as mine" but instead I quickly try to figure it out before they catch on that I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing. :laugh: So far, it seems to be working. Fake it until you make it, right?

    Well they must think you are the smartest one around then. As long as faking it until you make it works then use it. :laugh:
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Raider: ChaLean Extreme is a workout system by Beachbody (makers of P90X, Slim in 6, Insanity...the ones you always see on infomercials). It combines cardio with sculpting. I've wanted it forever, but it's $120! Yikes!

    WOWSERS!! That is pricey. I have never looked into those workouts, guess that's a good thing. Have you looked on ebay for it?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member


    Let me know where (area wise) he is working and what price range you are looking to stay in and how many rooms etc and i will find you a place...i know bmore very very well!!!

    Can we meet up???!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals.....

    Well long day...

    Got back form the appt with serena, i think it went pretty good. I really do like this guys approach. His approach is more scientific. They took 6 viles of blood from her , that was pretty bad, she did not like that.

    They took a urine sample too, then i have to do another 1st morning urine sample and bring it next week.

    He looks at everything, allergies, neurotransmitters in her blood and urine.

    He said he doesn't necessarly believe she has ADD and that he doesn't really belive in stimulants, that they don't do much..he said alot of the time it is allergy, enviornmental things that can cause neruotrrnsmitters to affect behaviour. With all the issues she has with peeing(and pooping sometimes) in her pants or not going poop at all that it might be something in the intestinse, sensivitity to certain foods or something.

    So we go back next wednesday to review the blood work...i feel bad cause i am keep having to miss work , but i told myt boss i would come in early and work through lunch next wednesday...but i know that it will be hectic then it will not be so often

    Just hoping something conclusive comes out from all these tests.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member


    Let me know where (area wise) he is working and what price range you are looking to stay in and how many rooms etc and i will find you a place...i know bmore very very well!!!

    Can we meet up???!!

    Sure, I would love to meet..why not:bigsmile: !

    As far as I know the confrence will be in Baltimore inner harbor, but Once I get all the details I will let you know. I am happy too..now that I get to meet a myfitnesspal sista:bigsmile:

    Litdeb: hopefully everything will go well. please don't stress too much, just take it one day at a time:wink:

    calories: under, but by couple calories not much
    execise: yup! finally!!! 45 elliptical and 18 treadmill ( I planned on doing 45 but my sister called and I had to cut if short). I will probably get back on later on..
    water: about 80+
    proud: I am back to action..
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    The harbor is beautiful...although packed with tourists and very hot...There are lots of hotels near by in the harbor but most of them ARE very expensive since you are in the harbor. Depending on whether you are willing to drive 15-20 mins you might get a place for half the price in the county. Let me know when you have more info

    How old are your kids? There is the National Aquarium and the Museum in the harbor that they would love Im sure...

    Im excited to meet you too
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    might as well check in while im here and my son is distracted:
    calories- 1180
    water- yup trying to get another 30+ in
    sodium- 2100
    excercise- Nothing...I planned on w8 tonight but I got a call from daycare on my way to the gym saying my son had thrown up and I had to go get him...tomorrow I have spin class and I guess Friday I will try to finish off week 8
    proud- that I didnt cheat this week...and TOM started today so I knew thats why I was sooo hungry
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