Things people post that make you go hmmmm.....



  • twelfty
    twelfty Posts: 576 Member
    women seem to keep complaining of these pictures but i can never find them.... admitedly i'm not looking so that explains that but how in the hell are you finding them? lol

    If you are not looking for naughty pictures, then why did you join MFP? :huh:

    lol apparently you can log your calories but no one seems to be able to tell me how to do it :noway:
  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    women seem to keep complaining of these pictures but i can never find them.... admitedly i'm not looking so that explains that but how in the hell are you finding them? lol

    If you are not looking for naughty pictures, then why did you join MFP? :huh:

    lol apparently you can log your calories but no one seems to be able to tell me how to do it :noway:

    Fitness related topics are frowned upon on the chit-chat board.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I prefer to be naked. I hope I never get old.
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    I prefer to be naked. I hope I never get old.

  • InnerConflict
    InnerConflict Posts: 1,592 Member
    I prefer to be naked. I hope I never get old.

    Seeing you naked certainly would never get old :love:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    "Why haven't I lost weight in the week that I've been on here and not tracking anything?"
  • carolynbergen1
    Maybe I'm old...but to me there is a difference between a bikini and lacy unmentionables.

    I agree Monica. Would you walk around in public or on our beaches in your underwear....not likely. It is for the reaction!

    Oh ****e, here goes...ready for the flames to begin...was flipping through the topics to see where I could post something kind of important to every overweight person out there. Didn't know what section to post, came into this one for the 1st time, saw this thread and can't help myself.

    A quick scroll through the posts shows the age range of people who are just fine with this and the few who find it lacking in good taste. It's the same trend that's been going on since, well.. forever. It's called a generation gap. I'm 51, pretty open minded i my advanced age, as I grew up in the and drugs and rock and roll era if you chose to partake.However, I wouldn't be caught dead posting a pic of myself in bra and panties. Not that anyone would actually want to see that anyway, hell I don't want to see that right now at my weight....but before you young 20 somethings go off on us old farts, give us a break. We were brought up differently. The guys were REALLY good looking, but they wouldn't have thought of buying their jeans 3 sizes too big and wear them around their knees with their jockeys hanging out. No teen girl I knew would ever get out of the house wearing thong underwear (something I still don't get...why anyone would actually want what amounts to dental floss between the butt cheeks all day long is beyond me anyway), halter tops, or skirts so short they almost showcased one's crotch when walking, let alone if you had to bend over, Hell, we weren't even allowed to wear makeup until high school. I remember walking into my son's jr. high school a few years back and was amazed at how scantily the girls were dressing and how much lipgloss, eyeshadow and eye liner they were sporting. These are just girls barely into puberty.

    My parents generation basically hated our music, especially heavy metal, but even what is now known as classic rock was thought of as noise. They hated the long hair on the guys which was the style back then. They thought bell bottoms looked ridiculous, elephant pants even more so. But although they hated those sort of things, they let a lot slide...except the modesty issue. If a girl went around town dressed in a halter top and hot pants (yes, that's what they were called back then) with their butt cheeks hanging out they were labeled a slut. Period. (and yeah, I so wanted a certain halter top but parents said no dice) So you sure as hell didn't roam around your own home in a bra and panties, especially if you had "Dad" and brothers in the house. The thought of a woman posting a pic of themselves donning a bra and panties would have sent my poor folks over the edge for good.

    So that's where us old farts are coming from. Just you will have your own kids someday and they will think you all are dinosaurs and so unreasonable in your thinking, although I don't know how much farther the envelope can be pushed. I'm sorry but I guess I have grown to be like the parents I used to rebel against. I don't get sexting, I don't get phone sex, why young girls don't believe oral sex is really sex and will freely give out that service for "fun". I don't get why you guys text each other a zillion times per day or why you have 2000 friends on Facebook, I don't even think I'm acquainted with 2000 people, let alone would I let 2000 people view all my family photos, hometown, where I'm living now, if I'm married, single or "it's complicated", and details of my daily life, complete with a GPS broadcasting my current location. I'll just leave my door unlocked for you for when you find out I'm out having drinks with friends 50 miles from my home. That way you won't have to break the door down when you come and steal my flat screen and laptop. As long as I am on my rant because you all ganged up on two people who my guess is are in my age group...why do you all post pictures of yourself trashed or post that you went out drinking with your buds and laugh about how wasted you were? My husband came up with a good point about posting pics of yourself in your underwear. You do know that this is the internet and nothing is ever deleted, even when it's deleted, correct? You do know that potential and current employers make it a practice to search for you on Facebook and any other public forums, right? Colleges do it when deciding if they want you as a student. Landlords do it to see if they want you as a tenant. Banks do it for credit cards, loans and mortgages. Google even has a nifty app that will find your pictures online, anywhere online. Right click and you will show up and people who look similar to you. So go on....keep posting this stuff. See what happens as you go through life.

    OKay, I'm done. You youngin's can have a field day on me now. I'm ready for it.

    Ye Olde Fart
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    we are hot and we know it.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Meh. We all want SOME kind of response for being here, be it social interation, compliments, laughs, whatever...

    I like seeing the women, personally. I also like the general conversations.
  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    haha underwear, bathing suit...ive def swum in underwear and have worn a bikini bottom as underwear (laundry day hehe) i dont see the difference or big deal :D
  • Pinkgirl319
    Pinkgirl319 Posts: 80 Member
    Girls that post cleave-shots with hooker make-up and complain about all the creepy messages they get from men

  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Maybe I'm old...but to me there is a difference between a bikini and lacy unmentionables.

    They are not unmentionables if you are creating a thread about them

    First rule of the club....
  • n2thenight24
    n2thenight24 Posts: 1,651 Member
    I agree with you. Pictures posted on the Internet live forever and can find themselves resurfacing in strange places. Would you want a future potential employer seeing that you posted a photo of yourself in your underwear on the Internet? ... Or a college admissions officer? Do you want to put yourself out there for online perverts to view? Underwear in our culture is considered private and has more of a sexual connotation than bathing suits.

    What if the person in the scantily claid pictures is already college educated, self employed, and maybe an exhibitionist.

    Ya never know...

    The MAIN reason I put myself out there, is for online perverts to view, and then have them tell me I'm pretty.
  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    This made me go 'hmmm'
    does that count?!

    hahah boom!
  • upnorthmj77
    upnorthmj77 Posts: 38 Member
    Underwear pictures?! On the Internet!?

    THIS ^^^ LOL!! kidding! Do you remember the song, "Strange things are happening" in Toy Story? Makes me think about that, in a rather loud and sarcastic
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    My husband and I have actually discussed this and in his opinion there is a huge difference between a bikini and underwear. I worry that women may not realize that some men are taking advantage of the photos women post of themselves in their bra and panties.
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    My husband and I have actually discussed this and in his opinion there is a huge difference between a bikini and underwear. I worry that women may not realize that some men are taking advantage of the photos women post of themselves in their bra and panties.

    Take advantage such as?? Catfishing others or taking the picture for the spank bank?
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    I agree with you. Pictures posted on the Internet live forever and can find themselves resurfacing in strange places. Would you want a future potential employer seeing that you posted a photo of yourself in your underwear on the Internet? ... Or a college admissions officer? Do you want to put yourself out there for online perverts to view? Underwear in our culture is considered private and has more of a sexual connotation than bathing suits.

    What if the person in the scantily claid pictures is already college educated, self employed, and maybe an exhibitionist.

    Ya never know...

    The MAIN reason I put myself out there, is for online perverts to view, and then have them tell me I'm pretty.

  • theCarlton
    theCarlton Posts: 1,344 Member
    What baffles me the most are the ones where people are so worried about what other people are doing that they create call-outs on other people's behavior either to "vent," cryptically make fun of, or set some personal form of children's etiquette among adults on an all-adults website.

    QFT + meta.
    I love meta. Thank you for noticing.
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    Maybe I'm old...but to me there is a difference between a bikini and lacy unmentionables.

    I agree with you. Underwear pix are skanky.