Get your Metabolic Rate tested !! My Metabolic reset story



  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    bump, this is fascinating :flowerforyou:
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    I found a coupon for a place that does RMR testing in NYC for $40. I thought this sounded like a good deal so I bought it. PM if you are in NY and want details.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I've only been eating under 1200 for 3 weeks so I'm still losing at a good rate. I have more energy than I did when I was overeating. Do you think I've already messed up my metabolism? My doctor put me on a 1200 calorie diet and gave me a prescription to help me get started. I'm usually not hungry enough to eat that much. This weekend I've been trying to eat more. I would like to stay at 1200 until our cruise in 2 weeks, so I will keep losing. I'm sure my calories will go up considerably while on vacation. According to what I've been reading on here I should be eating around 1600-1700 per day. If I were to start that now, I'm sure I would gain! But again, my doctor told me to eat 1200.
    So, what are you losing exactly?

    And how will it affect your future ability to either lose more, or maintain?
    Had experience with it before?

    And don't even let feeling hungry be a factor, your hormones get messed up, of course you won't feel hungry. People that fast get to that point, so that is really immaterial.

    Some people dont think about the impact a large defecit will have during the weight loss period and also when they hit goal weight and are at maintenance stage. Most likely your metabolic rate will have decreased and because of that you will only be able to maintain at a lower level because you have suppressed/lowered your tdee. What usually happens is that people start to eat normal amounts again and this includes occasional splurges here and there. Problem with that is you are likely to put weight back on easily when you eat a higher amount. It all ends up in yo yo dieting.

    If you lose it slower, cut at just a small defecit then when you hit goal weight you will be able to eat more at maintenance and be able to incorporate days where you eat more. You wont have to worry if you go out on the weekend for a nice dinner or some other occasion pops up your body will be able to handle this increase in food. Obviously you would still make sure you balance out your calories for the rest of the week, eat in moderation, balance things out with adequate exercise. That is a given. That is why diet companies and the diet industry are a billion dollar industry, they set people up to fail. You cant sustain that amount of eating forever. It really needs to be a lifestyle change, just a couple of hundred calories below defecit but people want quick results and want to lose so fast. They dont think about the consequences of where they will be in 6 months time, in 2 years time. Thats why you see people constantly on a diet. They end up heavier and heavier each time after a diet finishes.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    heybales or kim, I'm sure either of you can answer this for me....

    Is this something that one would notice as they get closer to their goal weight? Does it matter where you are in your journey? Also, is it possible that hormone levels being out of whack from being underfed could lead to a scale "gain"?

    Thank you in advance :smile:

    Im not sure, sorry.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Its week 7 for me now. I am around the 60 - 61 kg mark now but I think i'm going up in weight because i have been eating over my tdee too much. Have gone up 2-3kg in 7 weeks. I just seem to want to eat more these days. I really would like to lower it to around 2300 - 2600 calories but most of the time i end up higher than 2500 each day. I need to eat less and start stabilizing my weight before i start my cut.
  • kar328
    kar328 Posts: 4,157 Member
    Got my RMR tested yesterday and met with a nutritionist (insurance covers four visits a year). She gave me lots of info, some I'm taking with a grain of salt. I need to reset a lot of values in my food diary here. I was primarily interested in the RMR test.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Got my RMR tested yesterday and met with a nutritionist (insurance covers four visits a year). She gave me lots of info, some I'm taking with a grain of salt. I need to reset a lot of values in my food diary here. I was primarily interested in the RMR test.

    What was your RMR ?
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Got my RMR tested yesterday and met with a nutritionist (insurance covers four visits a year). She gave me lots of info, some I'm taking with a grain of salt. I need to reset a lot of values in my food diary here. I was primarily interested in the RMR test.

    Oh good, I wasn't the only one curious, but i was scared to ask.

    Well, now that that is out, how about the other stats to compare what is to what would have been calculated?

    weight and estimated bodyfat% if you feel comfortable sharing.
  • Django1977

    Really really good thread. Thank you
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member

    I have ran out of time for now, i'll come back later. I want to share my appraisal results and some other things on my mind.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Got mine done just now. 2002 cals a day. Recommended weight loss zone is from 1602 to 2002.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Got mine done just now. 2002 cals a day. Recommended weight loss zone is from 1602 to 2002.


    If your resting metabolic rate is 2000, you don't want to be eating below it ! when losing weight. You need to eat above rmr taking into account your activity for the day. Between rmr & tdee.
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    Well I better get to sleep. It's past midnight here. Will be back tomorrow for my latest update. :)
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Bumping for later...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Got mine done just now. 2002 cals a day. Recommended weight loss zone is from 1602 to 2002.

    That is so crazy that the automatic recommendation would be to eat less than what you burn just being awake but resting all day.

    The important point is, based on BF%, is that indeed expected value?

    BF% calc first, and then Katch BMR, which should be lower than RMR by 150-200 calories.
  • ksuh999
    ksuh999 Posts: 543 Member
    Got mine done just now. 2002 cals a day. Recommended weight loss zone is from 1602 to 2002.


    If your resting metabolic rate is 2000, you don't want to be eating below it ! when losing weight. You need to eat above rmr taking into account your activity for the day. Between rmr & tdee.
    Um, no. Not sure who told you that. You have to eat below your RMR. Obviously you need to eat back additional expenditure, but still below that total + RMR - calorie deficit (e.g. I exercise 600 cals + 2002 cals RMR - 300 cals for weight loss).

    They should've given you a report with this information on there... It even talks about the exercising...
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    If your resting metabolic rate is 2000, you don't want to be eating below it ! when losing weight. You need to eat above rmr taking into account your activity for the day. Between rmr & tdee.

    Um, no. Not sure who told you that. You have to eat below your RMR. Obviously you need to eat back additional expenditure, but still below that total + RMR - calorie deficit (e.g. I exercise 600 cals + 2002 cals RMR - 300 cals for weight loss).

    They should've given you a report with this information on there... It even talks about the exercising...

    You don't understand what RMR means, and what TDEE means. You are indeed wrong and need to research what the terms mean.

    Now, as several reports have shown - they use the wrong terms. Shoot, one report above said BMR when it meant TDEE actually.

    So they tested RMR, but they may have used the term incorrectly too. They can't measure your TDEE on simple test, but they may have estimated it.

    BMR is Basal, most basic functions of metabolism, life sustaining.
    RMR is Resting mebabolism, higher level functions that could be left undone, growing hair, nails, skin, repairing muscle.
    TDEE is all your day's energy expended, including digesting food and exercise.

    So know what figure you are actually looking at, and what they may be confusingly talking about.

    But you should indeed eat below your TDEE, and really above your RMR if you actually want any improvements from your exercise, why else exercise except to spin your wheels and burn some calories. Which is fine.
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member

    BMR is Basal, most basic functions of metabolism, life sustaining.
    RMR is Resting mebabolism, higher level functions that could be left undone, growing hair, nails, skin, repairing muscle.
    TDEE is all your day's energy expended, including digesting food and exercise.

    Is it correct to assume a person's RMR would be higher than their BMR? When calculating TDEE - do any online calculators use RMR (most I find use the BMR)?
  • karaks
    karaks Posts: 108 Member
    Got mine done just now. 2002 cals a day. Recommended weight loss zone is from 1602 to 2002.

    Listen to heybales. The man knows his stuff. He helped me out in another thread when I had my RMR tested and was trying to figure a few things out. It was stuff I never would've figured out on my own. When I had mine done, they specifically told me not to eat below BMR and try not to eat below RMR. It's TDEE you want to stay under to lose weight.