Most interesting scars



  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    A wizard tried to kill me when I was younger, and I ended up with a lightning bolt on my head.

  • rankingfullstop
    rankingfullstop Posts: 28 Member
    I have three nice sized scars. The first starts at the top of my left hip and runs down to behind my left knee. This scar was the result of a sarcoma resection back in 1997. The second scar runs from just below my right knee down the side of my leg. This scar was the result of another sarcoma resection but in 2008.

    My third scar runs from just below my neck all the way down to just above my the top of my butt. This was the result of reconstructive back surgery: the en bloc (complete) removal of my T12 vertebra and a 7 level fusion.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    Mine are mostly Mental.
  • grammysboy
    grammysboy Posts: 151 Member

    Had a brain tumor the sixe of a tennis ball removed from my head in 1998. Haven't noticed any lasting effects. lasting effects, lasting effects, lasting effects. The scar runs from my ear to the top of my head. The hair grew back and it's not really visible any more any more any more...

    have a nice day
  • brittaney10811
    brittaney10811 Posts: 588 Member
    rode bicycle at night.... shoelace got stuck in chain......... looked down to try and wiggle it free....... meantime slammed RIGHT into the back of a parked van.

    hand went through tail llight...... still have scar on finger.
  • TX_Thundercat
    TX_Thundercat Posts: 2,437 Member
    My c-section scar.

    K maybe not, but when I was about 8 years old we were racing our bikes. Kid in front of me wins, stops and turns his front wheel. I slam into his wheel, fly over the handlebars, glasses dig into my forehead. Had to walk home with blood pouring down my face. I guess I shoulda tried harder to win...
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I have two good ones. An S shaped scar on my left index finger from when I cut it off sword fighting with shower curtain rods when I was 11 was the first. Followed a few years later buy a gunshot to the leg with complete enterance and exit scars. It is hollow under the exit side. 14 year olds should not play with 9mm handguns unsupervised. . . .
  • Ashwee87
    Ashwee87 Posts: 695 Member
    I have 2 on my abdomen, both related to surgery. lol 1 is on my belly button from laparoscopic surgery for ovarian cyst. I have a large one from my c-section last year.

    I have a few on my hands/arms from cat/dog bites/scratches. (Used to work with animals.)

    I am sad that this one faded, but I used to have a lightning shaped scar on my knee like Harry Potter. It was super cool and I was quite proud of it. (I was drunk when it happened lol) But it faded by 2 years after getting it. :(
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    So ... I was taunting my cousin's (large) dog by hitting him (gently) with a wiffle ball bat, and he came toward me (imagine that!). I turned to get away and smacked my head into the corner of the house, right at the spot where the aluminum siding met the cinder block walls of the foundation/basement. Nice little scar left on my forehead right along the hairline (or where my hairline used to be!).
  • WHR200
    WHR200 Posts: 20
    When I was 15 and playing around with my brother my hand went through a glass door and left me with a two scars on my wrist that look like I tried to commit suicide.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Left arm, Left side of torso scarred from spilling Hot Water on myself in 1957. Almost lost my left eye. Dr. wanted to amputate my left arm, but my father wouldn't let them. Except for my arm, most of the scarring is less noticable unless I tan.

    14 inch scar on Right shoulder. Knife wound in 1974. Went all the way to the bone. Very noticable.

    Shins are all scarred up from years of Martial Arts and Soccer.

    Nuckles scarred and enlarged fro years of Martial Arrts and Boxing.

    Scarring on belly and low back from Spinal Surgery in 2002.

    Scarring from Road Rash from riding a motorcycle for 44 years.

    Lots of other little markings that I can't remember how they got there.
  • mfrkorey
    mfrkorey Posts: 176 Member
    Small rainbow shaped scar on my back. when I was a kid I bent over to pick up the soap and when I stood up the faucet cut into my back. Now my mandatory "I'm 18 and gonna get a tramp stamp tattoo" covers it. :laugh:
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member

    This one on my wrist from a boxcutter. Never cut towards yourself! I was cutting through a double thick part of a box, and it slipped and stuck in my wrist. EWWW. I didn't get stitches either, used butterfly stitches. Hardcore!
  • InfiniteEcho
    InfiniteEcho Posts: 40 Member
    I like to say the 18-inch scar down my right leg (and numerous others on the same leg) was training for the Olympics but rather getting hit by a car (while motorcycling) and having more surgeries than I can count over the past 30 years to patch me up and keep me moving.
  • babyallie94
    Mmm well I have this one scar on my upper wrist it's a small little line where my friend went to go and grab my wrist but missed and cut me with one of her long sharp nails.

    I have this other scar on my knee back when I was a young girl so years ago and I was running up the stairs and didn't see the staple having out if the top one. I bumped my knee on it and got a deep gash in the shape of a square. Actually more like a box without a top. I probably should of gotten stitches and with all the blood I lost I should of gone to the hospital but I didn't want my mom to find out....

    My third scar story is the one on my lower wrist. I have a line across my lower left wrist where I burnt it on a iron. I was ironing my very wrinkled shirt for work on day and I was trying to fix my makeup too so I sat the iron down went to go reach for my mascara and caught the edge of the iron on my wrist. One third degree burn later and a nasty scar and people still ask me if I cut myself or self harm. Ummm no it was a battle with my iron.
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I have a scar on my forearm from stabbing myself with a pencil in high was laying on my bed and I went to jump on the bed, arms first, and the pencil went straight in my skin. About an inch deep. The scar is still grey, looks like the led is still in there from 8 years ago.

    I also have a perfect circle scar on my rib cage. My aunt accidentally burned me with her cigarette trying to pick me up when I was about 4 years old.
  • mamareese
    mamareese Posts: 1,573 Member
    6 inch x 2 inch scar across my hip bone...friend picked me up at a 4th of July party...dropped me on the fire ring....:explode: Can't hide that baby.
  • stumpycow
    stumpycow Posts: 94 Member
    Besides the C-section scar, I have 2 other favorite scars. The first is a big indent on my leg. I broke a big picture frame and put the glass in the trash can next to my bed. So naturally, I forgot it was there and rolled out of bed right onto the shards of glass. It was 2 days before our big 8th grade canoe trip that I didn't want to miss so I just covered it with a big guaze pad and went canoeing. By the time my parents found about my cut, it was too late for stitches. oops!

    My second is an F-shaped scar on my wrist. I put my wrist through a glass door when I was 3. Really, I was just trying to ruin my little sister's birthday :laugh: It did cause some damage though. I can't make a "3" with my fingers- you know, using your thumb & pinky. Just can't do it!
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    I have a scar on my forearm from stabbing myself with a pencil in high was laying on my bed and I went to jump on the bed, arms first, and the pencil went straight in my skin. About an inch deep. The scar is still grey, looks like the led is still in there from 8 years ago.

    I also have a perfect circle scar on my rib cage. My aunt accidentally burned me with her cigarette trying to pick me up when I was about 4 years old.

    I have pencil lead in my right hand from pencil wars in first grade. I used to use it to remember which was my right hand ;)
  • perfekta
    perfekta Posts: 331 Member
    Scar on my back from doing a back flip off a roof onto a trampoline. Didn't land on the bouncy part, though - I landed on the metal frame. Hurts to think about it.

    Watching videos of people falling makes my tailbone hurt from where I cracked it on a rock sledding, hate that!