What's your religion?



  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Lutheran (Missouri Synod)
  • newman84
    newman84 Posts: 234 Member
    i'm really proud of this thread it is very calm :) First one in a while i've seen
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    I don't know that there is a particular religion that believes exactly what I believe. I follow the philosophy outlined in the book "A Course in Miracles". The best way I could explain it would be to say I am a "Gnostic Christian". I believe the teachings of Jesus, but not as interpreted by modern Christianity. I follow more of the philosophy of the gnostics that were shunned by early Christians who had a more centrist interpretation of Jesus's teachings and wound up establishing "the church".

    Who is the author of the book?
    What is the "philosophy of the gnostics"?
    How do you define "early Christians?" The disciples? Those who were alive during Jesus' time on earth? Those persecuted by the Romans or Jewish phairsees etc.?
    Who "wound up establishing the church"?

    Not looking for an argument, just information.

    Hey Susan. I don't want to derail the thread and turn it into something it was never intended to be, so I will answer you in a PM. I am at work right now, so it will be later in the day. Have a great one! :o)

    Thank you
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    I used to be an atheist, but after an amazing spiritual experience, I have become a Christian.
  • Babeskeez
    Babeskeez Posts: 606 Member
    I'm a follower of the church of Richard Dawkins! This god bollocks has got to stop, aren't we supposedly 21st century 'enlightened' thinkers?

    Gee! Thats not offensive at all!
  • mikeroobuddha
    I think the name gives it away but I wouldn't really consider it a religion, just some really good ideas that ask you to look at yourself and discover what makes you tick and maybe help other to do the same........ that's the simple version anyway. I like simple :smile:
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I study/read a lot about Buddhism. It's what I guess I can relate to more than any other, but i'm not a part of any sort of organized religion. Although I respect everyone's.

    Lately though, I'm starting to think the gym is my new relidion. Seriously.
  • lizlkbg
    lizlkbg Posts: 566
    Raised Catholic
    I believe in grace.
  • kayobracey
    kayobracey Posts: 43 Member
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Agnostic. I don't have any particular faith or beliefs but I have an open mind and don't think I know enough to deny the possibility of something higher existing.

    I would like to add though that I've always been fond of the philosophy of Buddhism. I really like what a lot of it has to say.

    P.S. The fact that this thread has made it to 13 pages in such a calm, hate-free way is actually restoring my faith in humanity a bit. Well done!
  • LeonorMG
    LeonorMG Posts: 93
    Fot those who think that I started a controversial topic:
    Religion and politics are heavy subjects and people tend to get a little emotional about them.
    You're going to have discussions and disagreements. Either you dont talk about your beliefs or you deal with the fact that you have brought up a controversial subject and be prepared for some emotions. There's nothing wrong with educated discussion.

    I'm not imposing anything..

    This has actually been the most civil thread on religion I've seen here in a long, long time. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly! That's why I don't understand the emails people are sending me!

    Haha, people are sending you messages?

    Quite a few, actually! :(
    One of them told me to delete this topic - because I'm only "18 and I don't really have an opinion!"
  • LeonorMG
    LeonorMG Posts: 93
    Agnostic. I don't have any particular faith or beliefs but I have an open mind and don't think I know enough to deny the possibility of something higher existing.

    I would like to add though that I've always been fond of the philosophy of Buddhism. I really like what a lot of it has to say.

    P.S. The fact that this thread has made it to 13 pages in such a calm, hate-free way is actually restoring my faith in humanity a bit. Well done!

    That's exactly what I was thinking of!
    Thanks! :)
  • Gimarie_sud
    Gimarie_sud Posts: 40 Member
    Proudly & happily LDS Mormon. I know it, I live it and I love it ;)
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Fot those who think that I started a controversial topic:
    Religion and politics are heavy subjects and people tend to get a little emotional about them.
    You're going to have discussions and disagreements. Either you dont talk about your beliefs or you deal with the fact that you have brought up a controversial subject and be prepared for some emotions. There's nothing wrong with educated discussion.

    I'm not imposing anything..

    This has actually been the most civil thread on religion I've seen here in a long, long time. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly! That's why I don't understand the emails people are sending me!

    Haha, people are sending you messages?

    Quite a few, actually! :(
    One of them told me to delete this topic - because I'm only "18 and I don't really have an opinion!"

    What "opinion" have you posted?
  • LeonorMG
    LeonorMG Posts: 93
    Fot those who think that I started a controversial topic:
    Religion and politics are heavy subjects and people tend to get a little emotional about them.
    You're going to have discussions and disagreements. Either you dont talk about your beliefs or you deal with the fact that you have brought up a controversial subject and be prepared for some emotions. There's nothing wrong with educated discussion.

    I'm not imposing anything..

    This has actually been the most civil thread on religion I've seen here in a long, long time. :flowerforyou:

    Exactly! That's why I don't understand the emails people are sending me!

    Haha, people are sending you messages?

    Quite a few, actually! :(
    One of them told me to delete this topic - because I'm only "18 and I don't really have an opinion!"

    What "opinion" have you posted?

    So you understand me! :)
    I've posted nothing but saying that my father is Jewish, my mother is Christian and that I'm "more like my father"..
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I'm a Christian, but with a lot of other teachings mixed in. More like a spirtualist through Christian teachings.

    In al though, the terms and labels don't define what I believe, nor do I let myself get stuck in my beliefs. I am ever changing and growning in my faith and spiritualism.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Exactly! That's why I don't understand the emails people are sending me!

    People like to make sure their opinions are known. Just delete them.

    Better than guys sending various body part pictures and saying "Ur Hawt! Check out mah junk. Lez kick it gurl."

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    I am Christian in philosophy, but not in formal practice. Meaning I try to live my life as a good person but am not a church goer and don't believe you have to be.
  • Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door
    Sweet_Gurl_Next_Door Posts: 735 Member
    this shows how we can talk about our different faiths and act like adults and get along nicely. no one being offended by another's response. so it should go back to anything goes and to keep it civil as we all have shown here today. we can have different views but still act like civilized adults.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Fot those who think that I started a controversial topic:
    Religion and politics are heavy subjects and people tend to get a little emotional about them.
    You're going to have discussions and disagreements. Either you dont talk about your beliefs or you deal with the fact that you have brought up a controversial subject and be prepared for some emotions. There's nothing wrong with educated discussion.

    I'm not imposing anything..

    This has actually been the most civil thread on religion I've seen here in a long, long time. :flowerforyou:

    This is a really nice thread, and I think that we're able to have a pleasant discussion on religion or politics if we can all accept that we're not going to agree with everybody. Coming from a political science background, I talk mostly about religion and politics to almost everybody I meet, which puts some people off, but I can honestly say that I have never TRIED to offend anybody and I try to be as understanding as possible to other people's views. That's all it takes, a little understanding :flowerforyou:
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