Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • Oh man, i looooooooooove acv.. Never thought to try it on cucumbers! I usually put it on cooked green beans or fried potatoes and onions.. Or cabbage. :D Going to have to try this with water or tea in the morning..

    Thank you for posting!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Yes you do not need to put coconut oil in the freezer. If is safe in the pantry.
  • Kaheaki
    Kaheaki Posts: 8
    I think the fat from the coconut oil should be categorized differently from what you are consuming through foods. Someone had posted bout it being "short or medium" fat and the fat we try to avoid and get rid of is long.
  • TheDoctorDana
    TheDoctorDana Posts: 595 Member
    Bumpity bump bump for later :)
  • Fairy_Farts
    Fairy_Farts Posts: 166 Member
    You may have already stated this....
    How exactly do you know that the ACV is doing one thing for you and the VCO is doing something else completely?
    Just curious.

    I use VCO in my hair. I scrape it out of the tub and rub my hands together to get it to melt. I've tried to do the method of heating it under hot water, but it didn't do much and I am very impatient. VERY! Haha
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Ok, so I got the Bragg's ACV with the MOther from GNC today. I saw it and remembered this thread so I decided for $4 is worth a try. From what I understand, its one 1 tablespoon per 8oz or more (depending on your preference). I hope this works!
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
  • julysbaby
    julysbaby Posts: 97 Member
    I place the jar in hot water to liquify (it's winter here, so it's solid due to cold) and I measure out exactly the amount I need using a measuring spoon. If you take it in solid form you are getting more b/c it's solid. I use exactly 4T. a day spread throughout the day.
    Well, I learned this....I took 1.5 tsp (solid) in my tea....some gi distress currently. I will definitely follow this guideline from now on.
  • Bump
  • I have had wonderful results with ACV since January 2013. I am at my goal weight, but had heard so many things about ACV that I decided to try it over Christmas break. Here is what I have noticed so far from the AVC (and I use Braggs - it has to have "The Mother" in it. I take 1-2 tablespoons like a shot before each meal and then chase it down with some water)

    * Increased energy
    * My Blood pressure dropped enough that I was feeling light headed all the time. When I started checking it mid-January, it was constantly too low. I have now been taken off my low-dose blood pressure medicine that I have been on for years.
    * My allergies and asthma are better
    * My skin is clearer - haven't had a single breakout since January.
    * It does seem to curb the appetite some.

    As far as the Coconut Oil, I have followed such a low-fat diet for years (20 grams per day or less) that I now realize I was doing my body harm. Adding Olive Oil and Coconut Oil makes me feel fuller and after only 3 weeks I have noticed that last little bit of belly fat is disappearing. It tastes wonderful in oatmeal. My skin and hair also seem healthier. I am excited to see where this stuff takes me!!!! I am a long distance runner and even feel like my joints feel better. This is good stuff!
  • luvred51
    luvred51 Posts: 163 Member
  • rasberrillium
    rasberrillium Posts: 1 Member
    I don't normally post but I have taken ACV, I drank a shot of it strait for about 6 months everyday. I know it didn't help me to lose any weight, but it really helped the dark circles under my eyes go away, and I'm pretty sure drinking it was the reason I had to get 11 cavities filled at the dentist. Seriously don't drink this stuff everyday it will wreck your teeth! In my experience it is the best thing you can use to get rid of blackheads, ashy skin, dull hair and dandruff, just put it in a spray bottle or apply it to your face with a cotton ball, seriously it works great and its cheaper than face wash.
  • TLCorsini
    TLCorsini Posts: 78
    I've tried it before. It's got a terrible tasts in my oppinon so I just take a shot of it in the morning and wash it down with water. I've noticed on days that I take it, I feel less hungry through the day. I've recently started adding the shot to a bottle of water and drinking it through the day and that works too. I use the Mothers brand which I've read a few places is the one to buy. Got it at my local grocery store in the salad dressing isle. It's really inexpensive and the most you'll lose if it doesn't work is like $4. Also I've been considering cutting up cucumbers and putting them in the vinigar as another form of taking it! Good luck!
  • angel_bear60
    angel_bear60 Posts: 29 Member
  • angel_bear60
    angel_bear60 Posts: 29 Member
    My mom used to call this the hay maker's drink during the summer. it helps replenish your body after working out in the sun. i've taken in the past 2tsp braggs acv with 12oz water and 1tsp honey before every meal and 1st thing in morning. it helps curb my appetite, lose weight, joints don't hurt as bad and acid reflux is gone. it also seems to pull fat out of the system and out through poop. i need to start doing this again. it made me feel so much better
  • georgiancreative
    georgiancreative Posts: 34 Member
    Fascinating, thank u x
  • sunnyskyjb
    sunnyskyjb Posts: 258 Member
    bump thanks!
  • My mom used to call this the hay maker's drink during the summer. it helps replenish your body after working out in the sun. i've taken in the past 2tsp braggs acv with 12oz water and 1tsp honey before every meal and 1st thing in morning. it helps curb my appetite, lose weight, joints don't hurt as bad and acid reflux is gone. it also seems to pull fat out of the system and out through poop. i need to start doing this again. it made me feel so much better

    I take it for acid reflux. Believe it or not, it works wonders. I've also used it when I've had colds to clear congestion. I have no idea about helping with appetite.
  • Thanks for the post! I will definitely be trying this out!
  • nashsheri33
    nashsheri33 Posts: 225 Member