Help !!! How do I get rid of ""Belly Fat""



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    Get rid of wheat. Seriously. It never hurts to give it a shot.
    Sooooo true! So many people have wheat (gluten) sensitivities/allergies and don't even know. As soon as I gave it up for one month, my life changed. My stomach is flat, but more importantly, my migraines are gone, I have more energy, and I feel great! Now, I've been gluten free (for the most part) for 3 months and I love it!

    Only valid if the OP is gluten intolerant. She hasn't said she is and most people are not.

    6% of people world wide are gluten intolerant. I do believe that 98% of them must be on MFP though.
  • gagatcu
    gagatcu Posts: 23 Member
    How do you do that on the FT7? I just recently bought one as well and haven't figured everything out yet. Thanks!
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    You don't have to be gluten intolerant to get bloated from eating the stuff.

    I'm not allergic to broccoli but it still gives me gas.

    Some people just don't like feeling bloated and would rather avoid it. Personally, I think the occasional pretzel and beer are worth it but I don't criticize anyone who thinks they aren't!
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    You don't have to be gluten intolerant to get bloated from eating the stuff.

    I'm not allergic to broccoli but it still gives me gas.

    Some people just don't like feeling bloated and would rather avoid it. Personally, I think the occasional pretzel and beer are worth it but I don't criticize anyone who thinks they aren't!

    Bloating doesn't equal belly fat.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    You don't have to be gluten intolerant to get bloated from eating the stuff.

    I'm not allergic to broccoli but it still gives me gas.

    Some people just don't like feeling bloated and would rather avoid it. Personally, I think the occasional pretzel and beer are worth it but I don't criticize anyone who thinks they aren't!

    Bloating doesn't equal belly fat.

    Of course not, but it does mean inches on your waist. I already made that distinction up thread.

    Come on haven't you read all of my posts ever? You better get on that!! ;)
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm scared that the low carb haters will attack me.

    ALL of my weight goes to my lower tummy. In the past when I've dieted, I lost the fat from my breasts and thighs. Not much from my stomach. I didn't exercise then. I didn't gain much weight back.

    I'm now exercising(cardio + weights) and eating much more protein. The weight is coming off rapidly from my saddle bags and I don't appear to be losing any strength because I'm lifting the same and even more. I'm exchanging some carb calories for protein calories. I eat around 100-120g carbs a day. 80g of protein.
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Get rid of wheat. Seriously. It never hurts to give it a shot.
    Sooooo true! So many people have wheat (gluten) sensitivities/allergies and don't even know. As soon as I gave it up for one month, my life changed. My stomach is flat, but more importantly, my migraines are gone, I have more energy, and I feel great! Now, I've been gluten free (for the most part) for 3 months and I love it!
    Only valid if the OP is gluten intolerant. She hasn't said she is and most people are not.
    6% of people world wide are gluten intolerant. I do believe that 98% of them must be on MFP though.

  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm scared that the low carb haters will attack me.
    ALL of my weight goes to my lower tummy. In the past when I've dieted, I lost the fat from my breasts and thighs. Not much from my stomach. I didn't exercise then. I didn't gain much weight back.
    I'm now exercising(cardio + weights) and eating much more protein. The weight is coming off rapidly from my saddle bags and I don't appear to be losing any strength because I'm lifting the same and even more. I'm exchanging some carb calories for protein calories. I eat around 100-120g carbs a day. 80g of protein.

    I am not knocking what you have done (well done, by the way!) but is it not possible that the reduction in belly fat is due to the extra exercise rather than the lowered carbs? By making both changes at once (carbs and exercise) I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to know which one caused the reduction in belly fat.
  • magpie0
    magpie0 Posts: 194 Member
    I'm scared that the low carb haters will attack me.
    ALL of my weight goes to my lower tummy. In the past when I've dieted, I lost the fat from my breasts and thighs. Not much from my stomach. I didn't exercise then. I didn't gain much weight back.
    I'm now exercising(cardio + weights) and eating much more protein. The weight is coming off rapidly from my saddle bags and I don't appear to be losing any strength because I'm lifting the same and even more. I'm exchanging some carb calories for protein calories. I eat around 100-120g carbs a day. 80g of protein.

    I am not knocking what you have done (well done, by the way!) but is it not possible that the reduction in belly fat is due to the extra exercise rather than the lowered carbs? By making both changes at once (carbs and exercise) I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to know which one caused the reduction in belly fat.

    Could very well be but this time, magically, I'm losing weight from my stomach first somehow.
  • Omakitkat
    Omakitkat Posts: 27 Member
    :heart: I'm loving all the advice. :heart:
    Looks like I can spend some time surfing the web doing research.
    :flowerforyou: I realy like all the support ... this is great.
    :happy: Thanks everyone !!!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    :heart: I'm loving all the advice. :heart:
    Looks like I can spend some time surfing the web doing research.
    :flowerforyou: I realy like all the support ... this is great.
    :happy: Thanks everyone !!!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'm scared that the low carb haters will attack me.
    ALL of my weight goes to my lower tummy. In the past when I've dieted, I lost the fat from my breasts and thighs. Not much from my stomach. I didn't exercise then. I didn't gain much weight back.
    I'm now exercising(cardio + weights) and eating much more protein. The weight is coming off rapidly from my saddle bags and I don't appear to be losing any strength because I'm lifting the same and even more. I'm exchanging some carb calories for protein calories. I eat around 100-120g carbs a day. 80g of protein.
    I am not knocking what you have done (well done, by the way!) but is it not possible that the reduction in belly fat is due to the extra exercise rather than the lowered carbs? By making both changes at once (carbs and exercise) I wouldn't have thought it would be possible to know which one caused the reduction in belly fat.
    Could very well be but this time, magically, I'm losing weight from my stomach first somehow.
    Sounds like you've got a plan that you can stick with - that's great. Consistency can do amazing things :)
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    At the end of it all, you will sort through this tornado and figure out what works best for you! Good luck!
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    picture doesn;t lie. 5 1/2 weeks, no bread, rice, pasta, potatoes (carbs)

    No fruit, no coffee, no dairy.

    Don;t believe me if you don;t want too

    for you= caloric deficit plus water weight loss.

    No need to cut out food groups. Carbs are not evil or 'fattening'. Excess calories are fattening.

    When you go back to eating carbs, you will gain water weight. thus minimizing your losses. One of the reasons low carb is not sustainable in the long run.....

    my food diary is open open open. I eat lots of carbs.

    Thats not entirely accurate. Your body uses carbs for fuel. If you arent eating a bunch of carbs it uses fat stores for fuel. the less carbs you eat the more fat your body uses for daily burns. HOWEVER; carb free or severe limitation is hard to maintain. Its better to reduce your carbs to manageable level then to eliminate them. You are correct that Excess calories cause fat accumulation you are just misinformed about how the body is fueled.

    Carbs dont make you fat
    Fat is a good fuel source use that instead of carbs

    tell that to my 24% down to 18% body fat. I never cut carbs once.

    Just because you didn't cut carbs once doesn't mean what I said is untrue. As you can tell im not just a newbie to the weight loss scene. AND I never cut carbs once. However I'm just explaining to you how your body works believe me don't believe me the science doesn't lie.

    You obviously burned more carbs then you took in Its pretty simple process...definitely not rocket science
  • becktoriatralala
    becktoriatralala Posts: 106 Member
    It comes off my belly quickly when I give up bread and other processed carbs like pasta, etc.

    Me, too.

    Some people (such as me, who have a PCOS and are insulin resistant because of it) are more sensitive to carbs.

    But everyone is different of course.
  • becktoriatralala
    becktoriatralala Posts: 106 Member
    It comes off my belly quickly when I give up bread and other processed carbs like pasta, etc.

    Me, too.

    Some people (such as me, who have a PCOS and are insulin resistant because of it) are more sensitive to carbs.

    But everyone is different of course.

    Let me add to this... don't get rid of carbs, I just eat less of the crappy carbs (white bread, etc.).
  • countdowntotarget
    countdowntotarget Posts: 108 Member
    bumping for later x
  • ElaineWL
    ElaineWL Posts: 7
    This is a fascinating thread to read :smile:
    I returned to consistent exercising about a year ago because I was fed up with belly fat. I eat a lot better than I ever did, at a deficit and I even did a round of Insanity and though I've toned up and I'm fitter I think the only thing I've done for my belly fat is given it a nice firm platform to stand proudly from haha! Oh the irony....

    There's a lot of references on here to 'lifting' being beneficial. Can anyone be more specific as to what kind of lifting they do? I'm a fairly small frame and don't have a huge amount of upper body strength but I'm willing to give it a go! I don't want to end up with really gnarly veiny arms like Madonna though....

    Any / all pointers gratefully received! :smile:
  • Hi , I think with insanity program , you are doing way too much cardio, and you need to incorporate some resistance training like P90x which is the best all around program. How many calories are you eating?
  • Griffin220x
    Griffin220x Posts: 399
    Belly for most is the last to go. Calories in vs calories out. Burn more than you take in. Simple.