*** Supportive Friends -- Looking to Release 50+ Pounds ***



  • _tru_
    _tru_ Posts: 96
    @tiff – Welcome! Wow - that is a great loss! Way to go!

    @ron – I understand. I was discussing the local gym with a couple of people and one of them summed it up perfectly – “You need to be in shape to work out at that gym.” I found it too intimidating, so I have found a different gym where people don’t care about what I look like or what I am doing; the way it should be! As for your new optimistic outlook – that is FANTASTIC!!! I actually caught myself singing the other day. Something I haven’t done in ages! Kudos Ron!

    @tnsumner – Excellent changes! Keep up the great work!

    @penny_eclipse – I hope you had a nice, relaxing Easter break! Hang in there. Hopefully it will all resolve shortly.

    @jena – Try to find something you enjoy doing (or hate less than other?). I don’t hate exercise, but walking is my go-to when I am just not feeling it. Walking can be done alone or with company, short distances, long distance, ambling or at a great pace. So many options. I particularly enjoy the beginning of each season because it brings new challenges and many new sights. Although I must admit I do shy away from the extreme cold. Or perhaps even dancing, shaking, wiggling to your favourite tunes. Just start slowly and build up. It’ll become more comfortable and perhaps you might start enjoying moving more.

    @icanfinallybe – Wow! You are going all out! Just remember to enjoy the journey along the way. Keep up the great work!

    @MissNikki289 – I have only been on here a little while, but I find setting small goals helps. Aim to lose 5 pounds at a time, instead of the full 30. For those times when you are feeling a little lazier, find something that is accessible and work from there. For example, aim to climb the stairs up and down 5 times each day (outside of regular stair use). You can spread this out over the day. If you watch TV, get up and climb the stairs during a commercial break. You’ll be surprised how it all adds up! When this becomes easy, then add to it. Aim to climb the stairs 3 more times than the previous goal or add in leg lifts, whatever you fancy. Obviously, you’ll want to adjust this to what is available to you and what your current fitness level is. You’ll be out of your rut sooner than later.

    @gonzamm – Welcome aboard! You can do this!

    @uhohkerri – Not sure how you are measuring? If 2 inches is just from one measure (ie. waist), then that is amazing! However, as much as we all want to see the numbers go down, it’s not all about that. Try going by how you feel. Are you happier? Can you jog longer? Do you have more energy?

    @megblackburn – Hang in there! If you are taking in a lot of sodium, try to get in more water; that should help a little. You’re doing what you need to do – eating healthy and exercising – it will all work itself out. You’ve got this!

    @ron, again – Africa too? Wow, I’d love to travel as much as you! You must have some magnificent stories! If you have any you’d like to share, please do.

    @melinda – I am glad your journey is going so well. Welcome!

    Yay! I am finally better and have been able to get out for a good couple of walks! I plan on upping the fitness this week – within reason, of course. My focus right now will be to increase my fitness over any losses as I know that increasing exercise can add muscle weight and shift in water retention. But, I did take my measurements just in case I need the extra motivation! Oh so many inches to account for. Here’s to having less to measure in the future!

    Keep on keeping on everyone! Make it a beautiful day!
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Hello ... back again. Your suggestions have been great regarding my knees and I know it is the weight. Hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be looking into swimming classes. I just started walking leisurely and using my stationery bike for 10 minutes a day. I do have a bicycle and as soon as the weather gets nicer, I will be taking it out for a ride. I want to see how far or how long I can bike. My husband bought me the bike last year; however only have taken it out twice. I am hoping this year will be different.

    'This week was a little tought for me but I kept self motivating myself to get on track. And, when I did fall off the wagon, I immediately got back on. The proof is in the pudding ... I am losing at the rate of 1 pound a week and loving it. MFP has help me alot here. I track my food and exercise on a daily basis. I use it as a tool of where I have made my mistakes during the week and try to fix it asap before it spirals out where I cannot bring it back.

    Well, I have 65 pounds to go sooooo I think I will be around this site a little bit longer.
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    I have to apologise I've not been here. And the thing is, I know that this support group works and if I'm not here I'm doing what I am supposed to be doing. So, you got it, I'm struggling. Big time struggling. When I lost my original 120 (before becoming pregnant), I remember having highs and lows but nothing quite like this. I want it but I'm finding it hard to make the effort and I know how stupid that sounds. I am hoping that as my gym membership is supposed to restart soon that once I find a way to make exercise a regular part of my life again that the food part will sort itself out. I had gotten to a point where I loved to exercise and when I did it made eating easy. Without the exercise and being home a lot (yes, I did return to work but its now the Easter holidays so back home) I find myself eating and eating and eating some more and you know how it is you get to that point where you say 'well I've already screwed up so.....'. Sigh. My 3 meals a day are fine...they normally come out at around 1100 cals which leaves me a lot of leeway for snacking and in the end I abuse it. Food addiction is so damn hard, its not like you can quit cold turkey or never have it. Will be doing my best to be back more often.
  • brookeboule
    brookeboule Posts: 16 Member
    Hello everyone,
    I'm back, my laptop is broken so I'm using my phone which is a little inconvenient. For the month of march, I had a total loss of 9.4lbs. Very excited about that, I am now trying to make the switch to a vegan lifestyle. Any other vegans out there?
  • tiffsting
    tiffsting Posts: 23 Member
    I just had a meltdown and ate a couple (ok....7) hersheys special dark mini bars. First major meltdown in 6 weeks. :sad: I guess it could have been worse......... just a little disappointed in myself. I made it through Easter weekend without cheating, or eating any candy, also avoided beer while camping with my family...... so why the sudden breakdown today? Blah.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @_tru - Funny I don't think of my life as having been exciting but I suppose it can seem that way. I went to Africa when my father accepted a teaching job in Central Africa when I was 10 and I did most of my growing up there. It was a great place to grow up too. One of my sisters still lives in Zimbabwe, and my other sister and my Mum (who is 90 this year so I feel a visit coming on....) are in South Africa. In fact my Mum's 90th is another inspiration for my weight loss, last time I saw her about 18 months ago she said (she is still broad Scots despite having lived abroad for 50+ years!) "Och Ron, get that belly aff ye" so it will be nice to present her with my new sleek look :happy: My brother in law is a doctor so he will be surprised and delighted too, I don't think he believed I could lose weight without the help of drugs or a gastric belt.

    @gonzamm - You sound like you have the right attitude, you are sure to succeed! And you're 5 lbs down already.

    @Steph - If you really are having serious problems with food addiction, see a hypnotherapist as I did, one who deals with weight loss. I had the same problem, but with her help it has been almost painless moving to a more healthy and calorie controlled diet right from day 1. My cravings for things like chocolate biscuits, potato crisps, fries and ice cream are all but gone. Sorry if I sound like an evangelist for hypnotherapy, but it's worth a try if you are struggling, it does work.

    @brooke - I feel sure there will be vegans about on the forum, maybe even in this thread. I'm firmly in the meat eating camp myself so I can't help but I wish you well. Nice loss for March, you're doing very well and getting close to your target.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    I just had a meltdown and ate a couple (ok....7) hersheys special dark mini bars. First major meltdown in 6 weeks. :sad: I guess it could have been worse......... just a little disappointed in myself. I made it through Easter weekend without cheating, or eating any candy, also avoided beer while camping with my family...... so why the sudden breakdown today? Blah.

    OMG Tiff, have you seen the calories in those damn things...........??? But hey it's done so don't beat yourself up any more, one day does not make a major meltdown in your plans, it's a blip that's all. I'm sure you feel bad enough about it already, but if you still feel REALLY bad, have a fasting day this week to make up and give you back your confidence. I don't want to go on about hypnotherapy or I'll become a total bore, but that is the sort of thing that wrecked my previous attempts to lose weight. I would have one or two of say chocolate biscuits (cookies) extra, then think I've blown it now, to hell with it, and finish off the packet, then look for something else unhealthy to eat, usually potato crisps, three or four packets in a row.......... The hypnotherapy has stopped this behaviour with the suggestions planted under hypnosis, I don't really miss these things any more and therefore I don't get tempted. I have not eaten a chocolate biscuit or ice cream, in over two months. I still eat some plain lower cal biscuits, within my limits, but don't get tempted to splurge. People say I'm good to have been below my MFP calorie limit ever since I started, but the truth is I'm like Pavlov's dogs and conditioned that way, which I am extremely happy about. :laugh:

    So cheer up and come back fighting! :flowerforyou:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Just here, checking in. At work right now, but my remote desktop connection isn't working, and that's where all my needed work programs are... so hey, an unexpected break. And by at work, I mean sitting in my kitchen at the computer. I love working from home!
    Just went for a run on my lunch break. 1.5 miles in 21 minutes (oops, went a minute over my break), and the interesting thing was, I got back to my house, and then I just passed it and went another eighth of a mile down the road. Some times I just don't want to stop running, so I guess it's good I live on a dead end! lol

    Hope you all are doing well, did everyone survive the Easter candy inundation well? I did ok, only snitched a few pieces from my kids. And I did run on Sunday, a nice 1.8 miles around a small lake near my house that has a paved trail.

    Ok folks, keep up the good work, I'll check in again soon!
  • tiffsting
    tiffsting Posts: 23 Member
    Good job on the running Meg! :happy:
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    Good job on the running Meg! :happy:

    Thanks Tiff!
  • cacklingcat
    cacklingcat Posts: 150 Member
    So i fell off the food wagon this week, especially yesterday I when't a donut crazy :( . And this morning i had 1 donut that's not so bad I will try to do better to day lol.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    @Cacklingcat, don't look back, just take each new day as it comes. We can't beat ourselves up over these things, or we will not have any success. Been there, done that, don't like how it feels.
  • tnsumner
    tnsumner Posts: 283 Member
    Well I ate way too much Easter candy, but only gained half a pound. I've already lost it though, so I don't feel THAT bad. Instead of having ham, I had swordfish. I offered to make the dessert for Easter as well, so we didn't eat a cake with frosting. We had "healthy" sugar cookies with fat free whipped cream topped with blueberries, strawberries, and kiwi!
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    I am going to try that yogurt with maple syrup and cinnamon ... sound delicious. Yesterday was a good day for me also. I am really excited using MP and continuing to lose one pound at a time. All the posts are inspiring me to continue on my quest. Thank you all.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks ron2e for your kind words and support.
  • gonzamm
    gonzamm Posts: 58 Member
    @ron2e .... I have had my share of jumping ship and wrecking my days with empty calories. I am learning to take one step at a time and trying to make good choices everyday. When I do have a binge, I try to get back on that wagon as soon as I can, otherwise it starts spiraling under control. You had one day of binging ... forgive yourself and carry on.
  • ron2e
    ron2e Posts: 606
    @tnsumner - Good for you for climbing right back up on the wagon! And good thinking on the dessert.

    @cacklingcat - Nooooo, don't mention donuts, love donuts, want one....................

    @gonzamm - I don't think I had a binge, the post was about someone else :happy: I think I've only gone over my limit once in two months, and that by just a few calories, so far so good. I don't say it won't or can't happen though............................!

    Oh well, home tonight, give me some time to lose my usual water retention before weighing time on Sunday morning! Then off again on Monday for another week.:yawn:
  • jennypenny133
    jennypenny133 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone! This looks like a great group of people who are really involved in the program. I've been on MFP for almost 90 days and I've lost about 28 pounds so far. It's been surprisingly easy...I've tried numerous things before, including weight watchers, and have never been able to lose more than 15 pounds before going back to my old ways. This time around is also different because I have a 9 month old and I know it's times to be healthy, especially for her. I plan on being involved in this group and I'm also looking for friends, especially those who eat AT LEAST 1200 calories a day...those are the people who seem to stick around and have a lot of success. I look forward to chatting with all of you!
  • stephaniezoundi
    stephaniezoundi Posts: 1,148 Member
    Brooke; that's a great loss for the month, well done!

    cacklingcat: new day, start over. I have been run over by my wagon lately, so lets do this together!!

    Gonzam: what did you think of the yogurt? I love it!!

    Jennypenny: thanks!

    So after a lot of complaining about struggling and some honest words from mfp friends I came to the conclusion that on top of struggling, making excuses and complaining, I also wasn't making an effort. So yesterday I restarted and was good with my food and then today was G-Day!

    My gym membership has been reactiviated so once my SIL was up, I asked her to watch baby girl and I hit the gym. It felt great. First off I was greeted like a long lost friend by so many of the staff. Then it was workout time. I can feel where I have lost endurance and strength, especially in my core (guess having a baby will do that!). I'm home now and feel fantastic. My head is in a place that it hasn't been for a very long time. Turns out that working out was that little piece of me that was missing and making me feel like me again. My legs and arms are already aching but I love it!!

    Thirsty Thursday...drink up that water!!:drinker:
  • jennypenny133
    jennypenny133 Posts: 13 Member
    Stephanie, I definitely agree with the working out thing. I think that's another thing that makes this time around different for me. I've been doing Zumba 3-4 times a week and at least walking the other days. I also agree with what you're saying about your core. It's definitely taking me a while to build those stomach muscles.