A Success story from someone who eats 1200 calories



  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 928 Member
    congrats! I also eat 1200 NET and I am almost at GW. Its been 12 months, and I'm almost there! Once I get to GW I will get to eat around 1600, which should be a nice change.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    I didn't decrease my calories DOWN to 1200, I increased them UP to 1200.

    Its working for me, I am constantly full, never hungry, have to keep reminding myself to snack (Diabetic)

    Healthy foods are not calorie dense, I love salad, salad with chicken, salad with shrimp, salad with salmon.. but as far as calories go, its not much.

    Its not a bad way to lose, how can constantly eating, but being aware of what I am eating be wrong for me?
  • reenie82
    reenie82 Posts: 1 Member
    Well done to you! I've been on 1200 a day since 2nd June last year and have now lost 80 pounds. I really don't understand the1200-bashing...
  • CristinaL1983
    CristinaL1983 Posts: 1,119 Member

    The 1200 calories plan is okay, but I am not sure it works forever. There comes a day in a dieter's life when they have to decide that they'r done with diet and they have to mentain a weight. And thsi is not possible when you have been used to eating 1200 calories.

    In my experience and opinion...not true. I ate at 1200 calories, lost 80 lbs and maintained it for 4 years. It is possible. You need to follow a transition and then a maintenance plan. My maintenance calories were usually between 2000 and 2300...sometimes more if I was exercising a wicked lot.

    Haha, no joke, I just went and double checked where you were from because you said "a wicked lot."
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I didn't decrease my calories DOWN to 1200, I increased them UP to 1200.

    Its working for me, I am constantly full, never hungry, have to keep reminding myself to snack (Diabetic)

    Healthy foods are not calorie dense, I love salad, salad with chicken, salad with shrimp, salad with salmon.. but as far as calories go, its not much.

    Its not a bad way to lose, how can constantly eating, but being aware of what I am eating be wrong for me?

    I believe you and I have a difference of opinion in what comprises "healthy foods".
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    I didn't decrease my calories DOWN to 1200, I increased them UP to 1200.

    Its working for me, I am constantly full, never hungry, have to keep reminding myself to snack (Diabetic)

    Healthy foods are not calorie dense, I love salad, salad with chicken, salad with shrimp, salad with salmon.. but as far as calories go, its not much.

    Its not a bad way to lose, how can constantly eating, but being aware of what I am eating be wrong for me?

    I believe you and I have a difference of opinion in what comprises "healthy foods".

    Isnt a healthy diet a mixture of all foods, even carbs, sugars etc...not just salad and fish? What about potatoes, eggs, pasta....Thats what i was taught anyway-one of each food group on the plate
  • Heypapajinx
    Heypapajinx Posts: 12 Member
    I have lost 68 lbs since last May doing approx. 1200 calories a day. Some days more, some days a little less. Depends on the day. I am eating tons of veggies and lean proteins (chicken, fish, etc.) . I have a glass of wine. I eat a hamburger once in a while (homemade, not McDonald's (yet- it may happen, lol). I EAT. I had greek yogurt with almonds , blueberries, a banana, and a sprinkle of flax seed granola for breakfast. 400 calories, including my tassimo skinny latte, lol. I exercise every day (elliptical, walking, wii fit/active. Some days, if I'm hungry I eat more (100-200 cal). On holidays, special occasions, etc. I eat more, but I'm back at it the next day. It's working. I even drink some tequila once in a while, lol. I am eating a balanced, lower calorie diet, without following a 'diet'. I eat what I want, all while trying to limit my calorie intake so that it's less than I burn. I started at 218, and now I'm 151. I am still losing. I know it will slow down as I get smaller, and that's ok. I read here all the time, I and I try to take out the good info and use it to make my body better. If I was pumping iron all day, I would eat more than I do, but I'm not. I do some (light) weight training, at home, to tone, not build up. I feel good. AND I'm having a BLAST buying smaller clothes, lol. I am going on a cruise in 2 1/2 weeks and I just bought 4 new bathing suits. :D (2 piece!) YAY!

    Way to go to everyone who is eating healthy and getting fit using this website. I LOVE it! I was a meal skipper before and then would eat way too much. This site has gotten me to better manage my calories, and think before I pile on the cheese, etc., lol. 1200 calories is possible for some people, esp. short girls..(5'3" here). I was 120 in college and plan to get back there (or close). I'm well on my way, and already back into size 8 and even in 6's in some things. :D

    Keep up the great work!!!

    Thank you shayemimi. My sentiments exactly! It sounds like your path is very much like my own.
    "Can't we all just get along?!?!"
  • fitgal05
    fitgal05 Posts: 149
    Good job girl. I hear you, on the bashing because I've seen a few topics about people that eat 1200 a day. My co-worker and I are on this diet based on this app and it's working for us. I've lost just this year 20 pounds and about half was from counting calories and I'm on my last 15 pounds to go which is why I decided to count them. It's working. Also I workout and I don't eat back my calories but I run and use weights at home and I don't burn huge amounts of calories. So just saying for me it works and I know every single person is different. Some people workout for hours a day and probably do need more calories and some people are just naturally thin no matter how much they eat. Thanks for the inspiring post.
  • That is awesome, so inspiring. congratulations!
  • Estilo Panama,
    I would say definitely step down to 1800, or 1600. I have just started and am using the recipe saver for frequently used meals. I am 230 last doctors appt and I plan to do 1200 or as near as I can manage. I probably eat way over 2000 per day right now, who knows how much over since I never measured.
    Good luck to you. Lets succeed.
  • Bejede
    Bejede Posts: 191 Member
  • Congrats to everyone who has lost and is currently losing weight by eating 1200 calories. I'm 152lbs (started at 205) and I zig-zag my calories. One week, I'll set a limit at 1300, the next at 1550, and the next at 1200, and so on. I eat on average 1500 calories, however. I workout pretty hard. Always a minimum of 45minute cardio sessions where I burn between (500-700calories). That's always my breakfast and lunch together. By the time, I eat dinner, I'm usually in the negatives for my net calories or just above 100. Which allows me to eat a fulfilling (but healthy) dinner, and still have plenty calories to spare. My net calories are usually 1000 or less on avg. Although I've hit a slight plateau, I'm still losing weight (surely, but slowly. About .5-1lb a week) But I'm one step closer to the road to 140lb!
  • This is always an interesting topic.

    I think some of the hardcore 20-40 somethings who are into protein/paleo and lifting just can't imagine walking in someone else's shoes. Yes, most of us here want to be happy and healthy, but health and happiness are relative. For some, a 1200 calorie NET diet is fine and does work and can continue working.

    First, there is a big difference between netting and grossing 1200. I try to shoot for a net of 1200-1300 at least five days a week. I seem to do best with eating around 1500-1700 (seems a natural amount of food for me) and then exercising about five or six days a week.

    I've tried other ways, and for weight LOSS, that is what I need to do. I have kind of been off, for the most part, and eating between 1500-2200 calories a day most days---for the last few months and I have stayed virtually the same. (still exercising and other than the holidays, making OK food choices)

    I am 5'2 and 40. I do think body type, lifestyle and age do play a role in this.

    Do I think that there are some 1200 calorie people who are completely fooling themselves? Yes. Do I think that 1200 calorie diets are NEVer the way to go and everyone on them is ignorant? No.
  • jsiricos
    jsiricos Posts: 339 Member
    To a diabetic, a lot of what you consider ok, is not ok for me.
    Healthy for me is lite and fit greek yogurt, no caffeine, no red meat (personal choice, just cant face it)
    I LOVE salad in any shape or form, always have, I feel deprived if I dont have a plate of salad with something, every day

    Cheeses, low sugar, low carb snacks, whatever it takes to get my morning fasting sugar below 100 (I'm working on that)

    The ONLY unhealthy thing I have had recently, was .. omg Im so bad! - a slice of Chocolate cake....
  • mibssa1992
    mibssa1992 Posts: 1 Member
    I lost over 40 pounds eating 1200 calories a day.
    When you make healthy choices, sometimes it's hard to even get to 1200.. healthy food can be very low calorie and filling.
  • charliemarie923
    charliemarie923 Posts: 275 Member
    To a diabetic, a lot of what you consider ok, is not ok for me.
    Healthy for me is lite and fit greek yogurt, no caffeine, no red meat (personal choice, just cant face it)
    I LOVE salad in any shape or form, always have, I feel deprived if I dont have a plate of salad with something, every day

    Cheeses, low sugar, low carb snacks, whatever it takes to get my morning fasting sugar below 100 (I'm working on that)

    The ONLY unhealthy thing I have had recently, was .. omg Im so bad! - a slice of Chocolate cake....

    My grandad is diabetic but he eats rounded meals...he is also slim (never gained back the weight he lost from when he had oral cancer). If you love salad, that is saying somehting totally different. But whatever works for you, its not like i eat healthily so i cant judge, just repeating what i know.
  • Are you eating 1200 calories a day total or 1200 calories a day after exercise?
  • angela1649
    angela1649 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm doing 1200 right now. It's worked before, but I didn't stick with it (my biggest problem). Congrats on your hard work!
  • angela1649
    angela1649 Posts: 3 Member
  • dakitten2
    dakitten2 Posts: 888 Member
    And we wonder why people deactivate their accounts? Hopefully the OP is still around with a different name.
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