What is a strange fact about you?



  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    * I had encropisis as a child that was bought on by sexual abuse.
    * I suffered from agoraphobia for a decade in my mid 20's and 30's.
    * My brother brutally killed his wife.


    My great grandpa killed his wife too (my great grandma) in 1939, in front of their eldest daughter, before shooting himself. My grandma was an orphan at age 9.
  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    * I had encropisis as a child that was bought on by sexual abuse.
    * I suffered from agoraphobia for a decade in my mid 20's and 30's.
    * My brother brutally killed his wife.

    Okay this one is not so much fun! :( Sorry!!!

    That's okay. Everything that's happened to me has made me who I am today. A work in progress. ????
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    I am majorly directionally impaired. I get panicky in the car if there is a chance of getting lost. I won't drive except in an area I am familiar with. I have gotten lost in buildings. Sometimes when I approach a busy intersection, my heart races because it's almost like I can't think of what to do. Red lights/green lights are fine, but four way stops, I am known to just let everyone go because I can't deal.

    I have synesthesia too -- I have a calendar in my head. If someone says "June 9th", that has a place. The calendar is circular like a clock, but goes counterclockwise. Right now, in April, we are at the "8" position if you were to look at a clock. I've always had this calendar for as long as I can remember, way back into childhood.

    This was my best attempt at drawing it a few years ago. And yes, in the calendar in my head, December is all alone on top. I think it's because I liked the holidays so much as a kid that it put more weight on the significance of December. LOL:

  • CarmenSantiago
    CarmenSantiago Posts: 681 Member
    * I had encropisis as a child that was bought on by sexual abuse.
    * I suffered from agoraphobia for a decade in my mid 20's and 30's.
    * My brother brutally killed his wife.


    My great grandpa killed his wife too (my great grandma) in 1939, in front of their eldest daughter, before shooting himself. My grandma was an orphan at age 9.

    Thank you for the hugs. That's sad about the tragedy in your family. I cannot even fathom taking another persons life.
  • SarahBeth0625
    SarahBeth0625 Posts: 685 Member
    * I had encropisis as a child that was bought on by sexual abuse.
    * I suffered from agoraphobia for a decade in my mid 20's and 30's.
    * My brother brutally killed his wife.


    My great grandpa killed his wife too (my great grandma) in 1939, in front of their eldest daughter, before shooting himself. My grandma was an orphan at age 9.

    Thank you for the hugs. That's sad about the tragedy in your family. I cannot even fathom taking another persons life.

    Thank you. :) My mom broke the cycle of abuse by leaving my dad after 25 years.
  • I smell cups before I drink out of them.
  • workout_fish
    workout_fish Posts: 67 Member
    I am OBSESSED with the smell of Pine-sol. Seriously think it is the best smell in the WORLD. Period.
  • LetsTryThisAgain54
    LetsTryThisAgain54 Posts: 381 Member
    I see ghosts! Seriously!
  • kwagganin
    kwagganin Posts: 34
    I am terrified of werewolves and avoid going out alone at full moon. Yes I know they don't exist and that my fears are groundless but whenever I'm outside at full moon I can literally feel their breath on the back of my neck.

    This is so me. I used to walk around at night when I was a teenager. We lived in a very small mine community (250 households). There was no street lights. Used to walk on a dirt road in the middle of the bush alone. I was scared to death of aliens, geeper creeper and for some reason zombie wild dogs. O ja, and ghosts aswell.

    I think I still se ghosts at night in my house. Sometimes I can hear people talking.
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    im a true believer in the beauty in darkness. I believe some of us are born darker as a sort of balance for all the happy go lucky type
    I love tattoos and have like 13.
    I listen to all music from country to industrial to rap
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    I can't swim.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    How about a few:
    I love working in the yard, but I'm horrible with flowers.
    I eat one item at a time on my plate. I can't sample this then this and go back to the first one. One...item...at...a...time.
    I can still do an awesome cartwheel.
    I love to wrestle.
    I cannot drink from a glass when dining out. I HAVE to have a straw.
  • I poop ice cream and can't make that pleasant armpit fart action happen for the life of me.
  • BogQueen1
    BogQueen1 Posts: 320 Member
    I'm terrified to look in a mirror in the dark. I'm afraid I'll see something behind me, except it won't be there when I turn around. To the point I run past the mirror in the hall if I have to go to the bathroom at night.
  • swimmer_chick
    swimmer_chick Posts: 137 Member
    I have freakishly small hands and feet for someone who is 5ft 8 and I have a massive fear of raisins.. seriously!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Most of this stuff isn't really strange...

    Better said, the "strangest" thing about me is that I wash my hands constantly and keep track of everything relative to what it touched and if it's clean. Got a thing with germs... but I think it's pretty normal for someone who just takes cleanliness seriously... no I don't think I have OCD and if I do I don't care it's not that novel lol

    EDIT: I stand corrected, fear of raisins FTW! lol
  • swimmer_chick
    swimmer_chick Posts: 137 Member
    Most of this stuff isn't really strange...

    Better said, the "strangest" thing about me is that I wash my hands constantly and keep track of everything relative to what it touched and if it's clean. Got a thing with germs... but I think it's pretty normal for someone who just takes cleanliness seriously... no I don't think I have OCD and if I do I don't care it's not that novel lol

    EDIT: I stand corrected, fear of raisins FTW! lol

    I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or laugh at me & my strangeness haha! They're horrible!
  • FrnkLft
    FrnkLft Posts: 1,821 Member
    Most of this stuff isn't really strange...

    Better said, the "strangest" thing about me is that I wash my hands constantly and keep track of everything relative to what it touched and if it's clean. Got a thing with germs... but I think it's pretty normal for someone who just takes cleanliness seriously... no I don't think I have OCD and if I do I don't care it's not that novel lol

    EDIT: I stand corrected, fear of raisins FTW! lol

    I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or laugh at me & my strangeness haha! They're horrible!

    Well you win for being strange... lol I'm seriously just messing with you, but I'm totally interested in an explaination. They just freak you out or like you'd run from them?
  • LemonsAndCoffee
    LemonsAndCoffee Posts: 313 Member
    I am terrified of someone shooting a rubber band at me. If someone has one and pulls it back like they are going to shoot it in my direction, I start crying. It just really scares me.

    I wash my hands obsessively. I will wash my hands and then wash them again because the first soap didn't feel "clean" enough. Sometimes, this goes on a few times.

    I can't look into a mirror when the room is dark. I will close my eyes, look down, or have the mirror to my back until I can get a light on.
  • beckieboomoo
    beckieboomoo Posts: 590 Member
    I used to have a fear of baked beans xD